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Lord Tullus

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Posts posted by Lord Tullus

  1. Masterpiece...  Well FE 1 was in the masterpieces section of the Japanese Super Smash Bros Brawl   

    Jokes and references aside, If there were any games that would be close to a masterpiece in the series, I'd go with the more ambitious titles, simply because of how much they try to be ahead of the pack and put in ground work and ideas that help flesh out the series as a whole, like Gaiden, or Genealogy or Thracia.  FE 7 and FE 9 (Have not played Path of radiance, but I've seen a few LP's) are the closest to a character and story implementation that gives off a "masterpiece" vibe.  If Oot was a masterpiece, then the masterpiece of FE would have to have similar feats and accomplishments to what OoT did for the Zelda franchise, right?  In that sense, I'd say that Genealogy of the holy war is the only fire emblem game worthy of the "masterpiece" title.

     Every Fire Emblem game has its flaws, and even Genealogy is not free from criticism.    But Genealogy had a massive world - you felt like you were in the middle of a war.  The relationships grew to a higher degree than ever before, making the characters even more important to take care of.  Skills and the weapon triangle were introduced.  The story was, while flawed, quite mature and intricate.  The animations were stylish and serious.  The whole tone for the game along with the generation split and children made for a Fire Emblem experience that transcends any game the series has yet to top.  The other games are great, With the GBA games dealing with vast supports and characters; the Tellius games feeding in a graphical and stylistic overhaul that brought FE to the 3rd dimension over a massive epic; the 3ds games expanded the value of the franchise by making it more accessible to a wider audience, and improving sales - prolonging the series' lifespan.

    All in all, those games, despite their best efforts and vast improvements - will not likely add up to the intense world of Jugdral, which poses Genealogy of the Holy War as one of the most ambitious and intense titles in the Fire Emblem Series.  Perfect?  NO.  A "Masterpiece"?  In my opinion, it's the closest we've got.

  2. 6 minutes ago, luigi bros said:

    Or maybe impact their stats as a way of saying they were impacted personally. Essentially make it more than a mention in the epilogue that they died. Show their death hit people. 

    Gaiden did that with the endings of each character.  Sadly, any character that was not recruited was not only left out of the epilogue sequence, but were also counted dead.  Example: if You never recruited est and palla, Catria would return home alone, burdened and saddened by her sister's deaths.

  3. My thoughts are I hope he has some good character development.  (and what appears to be an accessory or eye-patch) As long as his character isn't shoehorned into "I'm so weak and frail I hope you can protect me and oh gosh I got stronger! Yay, but I'm still weak, pls Babee meeee"  Like fates did with mozu.  It got really tiring, really fast.  Character personality and unit performance coming together to make a cohesive portion of any FE army is something that should be attained as much as possible, with as many characters as possible, while still making them all feel unique, both gameplay and lore wise.  If this happens with cliff, and all the viligers, I'd be like a dream come true.  

    Maybe give cliff a better ending, too. "Cliff bid alm farewell to head out on a journey. He was never heard from again".  Please... that going away on a journy Shtick plaugues multiple characters throughout the franchise, and if one entry can go without it, I'd be a happy man. Or give the traveler some company. Like Ike and Ranulf at the end of RD.

  4. I've used every character in shadow dragon and brought them to end game at least once.  Since I tend to find it fun to reclass the sh*t characters and see what they're good at, I've brought Macellen, Roshea, Wrys, and Cord to endgame multiple times.  Turns out Cord is a good Sorcerer and General.  

    Side note: Catria and Palla shouldn't be here because they are great.  Sure, Ceada's Wingspear makes them worthless somehow, but there are more enemies in the game than knights and Horses.  I've brought a Catria to endgame like 20+ times, and she always caps at least 3 stats on average.

  5. Someone give me the list that has all the archetypes.  I don't know all of them. 

    In all seriousness, I'd prefer to be either the Jagen archetype or the Bearded/Old Turncoat General. (not sure about the latter option, but I think it's an archetype?  Hence asking for the list )

    But I'd prefer to be a Sniper with a base 12 defense. I can help do chip damage, and I still get to tank hits early on.  (INB4 No one uses the Sh*tty Sniper Pre-promote)

  6. 58 minutes ago, Aurabolt said:

    Echoes will be modernized with Awakening/Fates mechanics. I think we can assume there will be a Weapon Triangle. There may be a Magic Triangle as well on that note.

    Bows in Gaiden were 1-5. If you attack from more than 2 spaces away, there is no 2nd attack. am most interested in seeing if this is retained.

    You seem to talk like you have played the remake.  But I specifically Remember doubling at 4 range in the original gaiden.

  7. 1 hour ago, donkeykhang said:

    First vote for Caeda. Today's vote went to the greatest soldier of all time, Jagen.  o7

    I'm gonna vote for Jagen tomorrow, then.  I forgot how awesome he was.  Haven't played Shadow dragon or New Mystery in about 8 months.

    I got "trigger happy" and double posted.  Again.  I apologize, and I hope someone could take care of this...

  8. All I want with the towns is for them to be more lively.  Remember in the original game where you got Saber (the Merc) and he was in the tavern?  It was just him, the Bartender lady, a girl outside, and the dude at the docks.  Same with where catria and palla were at the end of part two.  Just an inn with 2 beds and Catria and palla.  I know that the NES had graphical and storage limitations, but I'd like to think they could have made it seem a little more lively.  I hope they put more into the game's environment so it seems like we're protecting an actual country full of people, rather than a sub-section with scattered villages with small populations.  Perhaps the liveliness was cut short because people were conscripted to arms or killed by monsters?  Who knows?  All I know is... I'm still Hyped.

  9. Even though the weapon triangle is important as heck, I'd like to see it removed entirely for this installment only.  However, considering that there may be an additional difficulty level, like how they did with shadow dragon, the weapon triangle may be important for a hard early game, since Thieves in the original used axes and villagers and alm used swords.  

    Also, will there be the simple, "No weapon in inventory = stat to stat battle"?  I have high hopes for this game, as Mr. Lowenthall (however you spell his name) said, "Everything that made Gaiden unique is here.  It's classic Fire Emblem gameplay, with a twist."  If they keep out the weapon triangle, it'd be like m night shyamalan was developing it to newer players. (What a twist!)

  10. My prediction: Dorcas will be in, because they are putting in a poison mechanic in. The poison will always be in effect untill a mission is completed or the poison is cured like in thracia, unless you play as dorcas. Dorcas is a worrior who will always be poisoned, and has a heavy attack combo that is just him throwing mutton.

  11. Ok, last Question. For the characters that can only be obtained through Map Survival, like Douglas from FE 6 or Etzel from FE 11, I suppose they just get killed, right? I mean Shadow dragon is easy enough as it is, so I won't need the recruit able characters to win, but I just want to be sure.

    I mean, you aren't "Recruiting" them, they just join.

  12. Ok, I only read like Half of the replies on the first page, so I'm not going to reference them, because I forgot almost all of them. Anyway, Welcome to the fandom, DarkWind! Fire Emblem is a Great series of games to get into. Like you, I really like awakening, although it does have it's flaws. In fact, All the games in the series have faults. But should that stop anyone from enjoying themselves, and interacting with a diverse and opinionated community? (The answer is obviously no)

    Regardless, have fun, and I'd recommend Checking out sacred stones if you haven't already. It's a great game for beginners to the series and has some of the best supporting characters I've ever seen in the series. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to gush about some mage that pops out of a chapter 4 village, then feel free to post your thoughts here on the [serenes Forest] Forums!

    EDIT: If you get the chance, PLEASE, Play the First Chapter of Fire Emblem 1 (the first FE game). I believe it is a chapter that every fire emblem player Must experience. The game is also remade in the Form of Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, but I still think that the original beats it in most aspects. You don't need to play it if you don't want to. Just a suggestion.

    MORE EDIT: I Just read the second page, and there was a ton of talk of final fantasy. I've played about half of FF 4 (The DS Remake), and I'm curious which one I should play next... I heard that 6 and 7 were great, and that the OP like 8 a lot. Maybe 9? Out of the ones I've mentioned, which should I go for? Sorry If I'm swaying from the original topic, but Final Fantasy talk was already in the thread, so...

  13. I usually buy games that allow for more than one save file, so It's quite rare for me to play a game that has one single file. But as for replaying games, I do from time to time. Sometimes I replay a game just before the endgame/final boss just to see if there's anything I missed or something I could do better. I'm not the best at games. Except 3d Zelda. I... I spent way too much time in my teens playing 3d Zelda.

  14. If darros is still alive, I reccomend reclassing him into a knight as his defense growth hits a whopping 60% (That's huge in this game)! There are two horsemen you get later that are amazing as generals and heroes, so try and fill them in on their strengths. Lastly, Anyone can make a great sniper in this game. Like, literally anyone. With forging, damage dealing with bows on flying units is a non-issue.

  15. Long Answer: All you really want a Berserker for in this game is to Killer Axe lance wielding enemies like Cavs/Pegs/Wyverns or be a Peak distraction, so Garret's otherwise mediocre weapon rank doesn't matter. Geese will never catch up to Garret in strength (even in 10 levels he doesn't compare), and he needs an unreasonably large amount of levels in order to actually double things Garret doesn't (Geese joins at level 10 with 9 speed and promotion only gives 1 speed :facepalm: ), which is unlikely to happen for a unit who probably isn't getting many kills per map. Like, Geese with 5 levels and promotion has 1 AS over Garret. Whooptedoo. Another 5 levels and he has 14 AS, which is enough to start consistently doubling unpromoted Wyverns and Cavs, but Garret still has like a 50% chance to kill them in one hit anyway (and FWIW, Geese doubling only improves his chances of getting that KO by like 20% since he can't ORKO most enemies without crits). Better yet is that Garret has great skill and luck bases, and a durability lead significant enough to get him into 5hko range against many enemy combinations.

    You. I like you. Garret is great! (Bartre will have to wait, it seems)

    Gonzy is better than geese, even on B route, in my opinion. Gonzales, while costing an imidiate hero crest, can become a berserker right away without any baybying, one chapter before Geese even shows up. And factoring in hard mode bonuses, which geese never gets, makes gonzales even more powerful.

  16. I don't know if anyone has rocked their brain enough to make a dumb topic like this, but here it is anyway.

    I've been fascinated with Ilia as a country for a while now, and have really liked the conditions the mercenaries had to go through. As a concept, it sounds moving: Writing letters to comrades who would keep some treasured belongings or living in bitter conditions that only make you fight harder. Or does it? I've almost completed a full semester of Microeconomics, and I'm still not able to wrap my head around Ilia as a country completely.

    Economically, it may not be able to function in the real world. So that got me thinking: "Would it?" Without boring the hell out of those of you who have not taken an economics course or just don't want to deal with complicated jargon, basically I've deduced that in exchange for mercenary work, a trade of common or privately owned resources (and some pay) could be imported from other countries to help prolong the society there. In addition to trade and taxing, Pegasi and the folk that live there could have adapted to the cold; even to endure the harsh blizzards with enough shelter or magical protection. I mean let's face it - after the ending winter, 1000 years allowed them plenty of time to adapt and with a little fire magic, I'm sure that they could survive... right?

    If there is anyone who would like to discuss this fake country and how real economics wouldn't work, feel free to add any feedback or knowledge! (Or if you think I'm over-thinking this, tell me that too if you want) We must, as a community, know: Can people economically survive, in a fake, frozen Russia with Flying unicorns?

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