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Everything posted by SalShich10N

  1. 1) Popular feature from awakening. Also they don't exactly make harder settings more manageable, they're barely any better than their parents 2) That'd require the characters to have IQ above the double digits. Look at Azura's dance sequence in Conquest to see that is clearly not the case 3) Middle finger to the gestation period. Developer thoughts that the lack of children, a popular feature form awakening would compromise the sales. Everything can be explained with money. They added the features that would maximized profit and cut short budget on areas such as hiring a good writer for the whole thing. They did hire a not-so-popular manga artist for the outline of the story, however I've also heard they didn't stick to the outline very much.
  2. I want to trade Deirdre+ mostly because I also pulled a "normal" SR Deirdre and I'd hate to have a collection with an incomplete portrait.I also don't really like how signatures get in the way of the art.
  3. You can't just ask me to stick to 5. I really like: Chapter 10 - Defending, cracking open the enemy and using the holy power of basic math in this chapter was what taught me to use Tonics. In my first playthough my +Str Corrin on a Felicia pair-up with a Mag tonic could one-hit kill every Oni with the Dragonstone, which I abused to clear path on the whole right side of the center before Camilla arrived. Chapter 12 and 13 were cool too - I love chapter 12 because I liked moving around the pots and the opportunity to wreck Ryoma's crew. Just watching Arthur get doubled by Saizo's Explosive Shurken with that shit-eating grin of his and come out alive, while also chipping him away with the hand axe was just too stimulating. I also loved chapter 13 for the ability to drag Takumi by his ponytail and throw him into the river. Chapter 15 - was a highlight, because you really need nothing beyond a competent lord, a dancer and your jeigan to succeed in battle. Reminded me of the challeges in Thracia, which was a pretty cool game. Chapter 17 in Lunatic is also a very fun experience, mostly because so much is going on in this map. you have your units promoting, a team on the north moving around, a team to the east trying to survive, and praying to god Saizo doesn't explodes so you can get your speedwing for Xander. Chapter 19 was amazing because there is no better fun in war than the genocide of an entire species. Deus Vult. Chapter 20 was amazing for me because I quickly understood that you shouldn't fight the winds, you should travel along with them. And once you start using the dragon vein points on your favor this map becomes very fun. The entire endgame, Chapters 22-Endgame was also a big highlight. Specially if you don't cower away from killing Ryoma and actually deal with those corridors of pain. Also getting to kill the two units you saved in chapter 17 for the extra irony. The Endgame is just a riot.
  4. 6000 yen? Holy crap gotta handle her with care, then. 6000 yen, just to put it into perspective that's enough to buy a whole new booster box without the Amiami discount. That's enough to pay someone's monthly bills. That's enough to feed a family of 4 for two weeks, or one month if they're careful spenders. That's as much as this beautiful, BEAUTIFUL Elphelt figure that just got on Amiami today http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-023220 that I probably won't get because my country's economy will probably crash when Donnald Trump wins because god has forsaken us. All a single slab of shiny cardboard. TCG world is amazing, isn't it?
  5. On my ideal Velouria I'd put -Trample -Beast Bane those two essentially give her coverage against everything that isn't on a Wyvern. -Luna, Sol or Breaking Sky whichever you want the most. Sol helps her tank if that's what you like more about her, Luna is stronger and easier to get but Breaking Sky procs more often. I'd go with Breaking Sky if you're going online for skills. She can get Luna by A+ rank with Sophie and Sol by simply reclassing into Hero. -Elbow Room it's +8 damage when stacked with trample. That's a lot. -Tomebreaker goodbye Res stat. Lancebreaker isn't that good. Not many enemies carry the Beast Lance and you can just position yourself out of those situations.
  6. Alright, I finally got my boxes. I caved in and bought two and it might or might not have been a good choice. Now, before I open them my expectations are: -Fem Corrin since like conquest my heart is black. -SR Ayra or SR Elise -All the gold R cards -At least one SR+, because since my heart is black I like da bling. My luck with pulls is usually pretty good, so without any further ado: The first box: Promo! goddamn it. I'm calling SR Anankos at this point. R! Both Felicia and Flora nice! Many Holy War ladies, though now that I notice it, most Holy War Rs are female. That's kinda sexist. SR and +: Nice! now I only need Elise SR and everything is right in the world... right? So for the first box I got I'd say I had pretty nice luck. I got Xander SR+, which is pretty nice. Now, for the next box! Promo! Well shit. I really hope the sleeves and promos are grouped together, because that means I got the same result in 3 50% checks. That'd mean I essentially missed an 88% hit attack. Then again, that would not be the craziest shit that has happened to me in Fire Emblem. Fuck Hoshidorrin. Eliwood is cool, but I'd rather a hector. Rares! Alright, I pretty much have every R except Effie and Fury now. That's kinda bad because GK Effie is usually a cornerstone in my Conquest teams. I also got Mahnya again instead of Fury, and Fury is cool and alive by the end of chapter 4 while Mahnya is not cool nor alive by the end of chapter 4. Then again, I did got every single other R in two boxes, which is neat. Finally the SR and + And I have mixed feeling about this pull. I technically got no new SR for Black cards, and Sigurd as a repeated SR. I did got Alvis to finish the portrait and I also got the motherfucking most expensive card in the set. I think it is as expensive as a whole new box (I think it was 4500 yen that one time it popped on Bigweb). So while I got almost nothing that I specially wanted, I do like what I got. Leo, Camilla and Xander SR. I got Camilla repeated, I got two different Deirdres. I think someone who plays the game would have loved to get two different Deirdre's. The worst part is that I live in mexico, so trading this to people in the USA would be awfully expensive to me, so I'll have to find out if I can solve it. I'd be pretty willing to give up that Deirdre SR+ and a Camilla SR or Xander SR+ for an Elise SR, Ayra SR, Effie R, Fury R and a FemCorrin promo and Cuan too maybe. (my OCD would trigger if I open my binder to an incomplete portrait of Deirdre and my love for money would prevent me to pay a lot for a Sigurd SR+). Now if you excuse me, for the rest of tonight I'm going to carefully examine and look at all those N and HN because several have very cool artwork.
  7. People also overate Growths a bit. For instance the difference in Str for, let's say Velouria, between having Selena as her mom and Azura as her mom is 10. Selena gives you a 60% Str Wolfskin and Azura gives you 70% Str. In theory Azura is far better because on top of that she gives 8% more Speed which is a more palpable stat. However in reality The difference of 10% in the long run is just 1 point between level 10 and 20 unpromoted, 2 points by level 20/10 and 3 points by level 20/20. Little more than a stat booster. However Azura is a Dancer, so her level will be low and she will most likely pass down few stats on inheritance, and has absolutely no skill naturally to give at best Voice of Peace if you manage to somehow get Azura to level 25. Selena on the other hand, if you're using her then she'll pass down more base stats, a more tangible advantage and has Strong Riposte. Which guarantees on the enemy turn 3 more damage, which is exactly the advantage Azura's growths promise over the course of 30 levels, immediately. Not only that, Strong Riposte has good synergy with the Beastrune for tanking and taking hits. Overall I feel the most important aspects is the parent's level, i.e. if you're actually using the parents, and the skills the parents can give. And I feel stuff like Elbow Room, Strong Riposte, Quick Draw, stuff that gives raw damage is much better than proc skills like Luna, Sol or Astra.
  8. Mods, yes, but take into consideration that: a) This is Conquest, not much place to grind b) Statues exist, so mods can be patched up. Even on Conquest a gold statue on Leo and/or a +Mag Corrin will raise Magic. c) You're not gonna see caps often unless they're low Jakob's mods might give him positive strength and negative mag, and hell his growths might be more leaning to strength, but you still have to face the problem that he starts off as a troubadour so his weapon rank with any weapon whatsoever will be E, his base strength will be pitiful by the time you get him due to auto leveling on a magical class. He has the same problem as Forrest where making him anything other than a Strategist is much more trouble than it's worth, and staffers are a diamond in a dozen (Felicia, Elise, Flora, Forrest, Izana). He might have potential in strength but he has nothing to nurture that and if you make him a Butler he's just gonna be a worse Jakob, who isn't stellar. His Personal skill is also pretty garbage. You might be thinking "weapon rank is nothing, I can just patch it up with an Arms scroll!". But you only get so many Arms Scrolls and they can be used better on other units.
  9. You do realize both screenshots in your signature display the same code, don't you? Anyways as far as who the parents are doesn't really affect much. The 2 biggest rules you want to keep consistent with matchmaking for good children are: -Both parents should use the same attacking stat (i.e. Str and Str, Mag and Mag) -Both parents should be active in the party if you want children with good stats For instance, in the one you suggest Mozu x Jakob would be a poor pairing because Dwyer is mostly magical and Mozu's speed and Strength would be lost on him. For an Archer Mozu I feel Silas compliments her well since he passes offensive stats on a guard stance and can carry her around with his high movement, aplus they both resonate well in attack stance due to positioning. As for the second rule, it can be broken if the child is someone who is REALLY good, like Velouria or Ophelia, so long as you stick to the first rule. Also the second rule I should encourage you that the parents work well in guard stance together, but if they don't you can shift around pairings using A supports with same-gendered units. Parents inherit stats to their children if they're higher level than their children when you recruit the children, more so than the stats themselves being very high, and having a high base stat is more important than having a high. As for Xander, it's a good idea to use Charlotte for him. She passes great Strength and Speed and even if you don't want to level her up just promote her to berserker and keep her tugged into Xander's back just to give him +8 in Str and +5 in Speed. Another good mother for Seigbert and wife for Xander is Selena since she passes a lot of speed to Xander in Guard Stance, and will pass good defensive stats to Seigbert. For Arthur if you're using him he really compliments well with Effie and Beruka, for his Berserker class patches up his speed, and their defensive bonuses on pairup resonate very well with his rocket-high HP. Both give you a great Percy, but if you don't use Arthur just give him whoever is a physical unit. As far as personal experience go: Kaze and Peri work well, since Peri gives more move and offense to Kaze as Great Knight and Kaze gives Peri 8 move as a Great Knight and the ability to go even faster. Midori will end up with high speed, strength and Elbow Room to get more damage. If you're not gonna use Keaton, whoI usually don't, and want to use Velouria, who I always have used, you can: Marry him to Camilla using online castle battles and keep Camilla and Velouria tucked together after you recruit Velouria instead. Another thing is just give Keaton whoever, just mind the skill you pass down even if you are not using the mother. For instance, Selena wants to pass down Strong Riposte, Beruka Str +2, Mozu Quick Draw, Peri Elbow Room, things like that with more tangible and direct impact. Azura passes quite a lot of speed to Velouria, but she will lack an offensive skill without Online Battles, which I am too lazy to use. If you're using Mozu as an Archer and you managed to get her Quick Draw, pass down that instead of aptitude. Quick Draw is much better than a 10% increase to growths. Just think of giving +4 Damage right away instead of 3 points in all stats over the course of about 30 levels. It's a valid practice to experiment, so go ahead and don't be afraid to make mistakes, Camilla will kill everything and Xander will wall everything anyways. Highlight children you should want to use are: Sophie, Siegbert, Velouria and Ophelia. I particularly like to A+ Sophie as a Hero an Velouria. This will make Sophie learn during the Hero class all the skills from the Fighter line, which are pretty neat.
  10. I have a bond unit with Quixotic as his personal skill. It was fun times.
  11. In my eyes losing crits and special skills is a very benign penalty, since one should not take them into consideration when planning battles all the time, specially since skills do not proc as often as Awakening. The -20 avoid is harsh on Swordmasters, but at the same time it's partially mitigated by the Swordmaster's own natural avoid bonus. -2 penalties from Silver and Lightning are not that bad if you don't tank hits with a Silver weapon and use them sparingly. Don't let penalties fron weapons discourage you from using varieties beyond irons and steels, try to work around the penalties.
  12. Well from personal experience that's a very good exchange, since it has quite a lot of base mt at 11, which is higher than the Brynhidlr, as strong as Ragnarok, Dragon Spirit and Rabbit Spirit. Enemies usually have low res, so with a weapon that strong and decent base Mag, about 20, you can very reliably kill stuff in one round from a safe distance The biggest problem it has it's the -20 avoid penalty. You're also free to use other weapons while running it too if you want the falshier skills, but Levin Sword behind Swordfaire and Malefic Aura is quite the potent force in theory. Do take it into consideration.
  13. for Velouria I always go Wolfmaßinger. Can't ever go wrong with that one. For Ophelia, I fail to understand two things. Why would you want to make her a physical unit when she has good magic? What makes you think the Levin Sword is by any means bad? Levin sword is really the only non-royal 1-2 range sword that can double. It hits magic, so if whoever uses gets to sniff a couple dozens of spirit dusts then they're set (you do get a couple dozens of spirit dusts in conquest, I am not sure about revelations). Skill issues with Ophelia are her own, as it's fault of her base growth and base stat. In order to increase base stats on children the parents need to be higher level than their children, not necessarily high stats. If you're dead set into making her Samurai, then Kagero and Camilla are your best bet, but you'll hardly get anything better than Hana. Camilla gives her lots of skill and speed and salvages her mag by a bit, but her Str will live much to be desired. Kagero makes her strength growth real and will probably increase her base by a lot, but her mag growth will be dead and her skill will still be low. If you do want to make her a magic unit, then Felicia might give her higher base skill, but don't expect more than 2 or 3 stats. The difference between her lowest skill magical mother, Elise, and her highest, Orochi, is just 8% (32.5% and 40% respectively). That's less than 1 point every 10 levels. Personally, I think it's best to stick with a magical mom, anyone really, and make up for hitrate with a Horse Spirit, Calamity Gate, or the combo of a Lightning tome and her skill "heartseeker".
  14. Is flipping bonds face up really that gamebreaking on the competitive metagame? Does that resonate as well with Nowi and Cost 2 Tiki as it sounds?
  15. Hey that's awesome! That means you took 4 Hoshidorrins and 3 SR Anankos out of the pool for the rest of us. You're so kind. Really I personally will gauge my initial Luck based on whether I get MaCorrin or FeMui.
  16. Hmmm It's hard to think of Cipher-only Artists, since I really don't know the jap artists scene that closely. But I must agree, HACCAN is definitely a Highlight I know he's not a Cipher exclusive, but if you allow me, Raita Kazama really eclipses the competence
  17. Hey, Charlotte is cool. I really like using her on Conquest, though I think she might be a bit bad in Cipher. Many people dismiss her just as a pair-up bot, but she can do her own stuff if you let her. Despite her gimmicks, she has some of the best support conversations, which is very surprising coming from Fates.
  18. You think it that was special? I thought it was more of a "this will be you if you so much consider flying Fury over the mountains." Not like the Tornado sages would've let you anyways. To me it looked more like a live example of how badly bows screw flyers over so the player is wary. Golly now that I recall FE4, I also remember just how much Awakening referenced FE4. Quan and Eythlin felt more special since they were playable units and you feel them. Plus there was a baby involved.
  19. In case you haven't played FE4, she really is not that important. She's like Phila in Awakening, except she dies the exact chapter she's introduced. Unlike Phila who dies in a cutscene, you do get to see her whole squad and herself die to Archers as NPCs. Quan and Eythlin suffer this same fate to wyvern riders as depicted on their artwork.
  20. Speaking of Tailto's butt, I am bothered by the fact she didn't got an R, but Mahnya somehow did.
  21. Actually, that Garon is a Cavalier, not a paladin. That means Garon promoted very late into his life.
  22. Yeah I hear you. About 100 dollars in a card game I won't even play is hardly the best investment. But it's far from the worst idea too.
  23. Payment done! Painfully so! Shipping should be tomorrow, and since japan lives literally in the future, thats tonight.
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