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Everything posted by SalShich10N

  1. My predictions of SR for part 4 are Celice, Julia, Julius (possibly all 3 in a big macro duking it out), Lakche and Sety. Last one is being toss-ups between Aless, Leif or Shanan. Hopefully Lakche and Leif won't get the SR since the game hypes up the wielders of the 3 holy swords (hence why those aren't inheritable). They could also make Sety just an R and fit Lakche in because every female sword master gets preference, clearly. as for awakening: Chrom, Robin(m), Lucina (2), Cordelia (2), Tharja, Gaius, Severa, Owain.
  2. I wish. In most supports the confession is so sudden it feels downright shoehorned. Anyways I completely agree with you, but I take it to another direction. I feel the current system limits a lot what kind of characters we have and what roles, restricting them to cookie-cutter stereotypes. As you said we no longer have units in a wide variety of ages, instead most units have to be relatively young and be in a marriageable age (or at least have Treehouse attempt to convince us they are). They cannot dislike the player character either, so we no longer have people like Shinon who outright dislikes Ike or Innes who is bitter against Ephraim, but still follows him because it's his job. I mean if it's in your party your avatar has to be able to make a child with it. And also gameplay has to revolve around this, which restricts the characters the player can use because deploying too many men or women won't allow you to use the very powerful Attack and Guard Stance properly. Overall, I feel it's growing stale if it wasn't already in Fates. Saddly most new players of the series treat this game as a dating sim and shit like Phoenix Mode only enables it. Worst part is that, even if they don't even beat the game, their sold copy has equal voice and value to the developers as those who enjoy the game to it's fullest, so chances are it's not going away any time soon. Kind of like the new Paper Mario game where the knee-jerk reaction to buying the game initially gave the devs the impression people liked it which caused Color Splash to exist. It's just depressing to think of the future of the series, really... at least Conquest sold well, I guess?
  3. I'd be pissed if that Risen art wasn't so badass. I just hope the inevitable super Risen from that DLC pack is not a damn SR. Speaking of SR, you guys think Cordelia will get a 3rd SR? Will Tharja come and snatch away an SR now that she's free from the clutches of #FE? Chrom lacks two important things that Lucina has and will always ensure she'll keep taking the spotlight away from him: Boobs and a slot in Smash Bros. Jokes aside, if "King Chrom" artwork released waaay back then is accurate (it might not be, since Hans wasn't a card) he might be the lord in this set. It seems that the 2nd gen of Awakening isn't the one taking the spotlight, but rather the paralogue characters and the ones who didn't got a chance before. Expect Miriel, Kellam, Gangrel, Aversa, Walhart, Ricken, Tiki, you know things like that. They might leave the children alone because technically every child unit already has a card but goddamn it Noire deserves at least an R.
  4. Probably because, thanks to the current marriage system, the workload just for the pairable characters is tremendous. Hell in Awakening's artbook one third of the book is just supports transcripts and the letter is small. Just picture it, it's so damn much text to write that in translations many supports got their text reduced in about half and one was outright replaced with just ellipses. To reduce the workload, chances are they restricted the same-gender supports to about 2-3 per unit (which hurts Azura because she doesn't support with Camilla because of this) and those units that are not part of the "1st gen" were left with minimal supports. It might also reflect that some units like Scarlet, Shura and Reina might have been added in later in development. Chances they did, in fact, wanted to add more, but time was an issue and that's what the Scramble DLC in Awakening and the Bonds DLC exist. Marriage and children need to go.
  5. I know, how dare they draw such a pretty waifu and then claim it's a boy. Ahh well, thankfully Luscious helped me cope with Bridget later in life.
  6. I mentioned Lowen being bad because Marcus, Sain and Kent all outclass him. I gave Rebecca a maybe because I like having a bow user to instagib the fliers and I've had pretty good RNG with her so I was biased I'll admit that. As for Lucius it's much better to level up a Monk than to level up a priest and both are made of as much paper as the other, Serra isn't even faster. Priscilla is just a 7 move staffer and for staffing that is pretty much all that matters to put her above Serra who sports only 5 move. Vaida is too slow for the time you get her, Wallace is hardly better than Oswin and much harder to recruit. FE1 exists on a very different realm since it's the first game so the design was still up in the air and I'm pretty sure back then the devs gave you garbage units to use as meat shields, very few units even promoted. In the remakes Barst is pretty cool. Hey, Arden can defend the castle and he's not really all that slow since he uses a sword. I won't lie, I COMPLETELY forgot about Laguz and Sothe in FE9, my bad. No you arent. That Ice map and the boat is the entire reason why I haven't done a Lunatic run of Revelations yet.
  7. I go with CAT-ree-uh Better question: Caeda How do YOU guys pronounce this? I know it's supposed to be "Sea-dah" like in "Ceasar", however I cannot stop myself from mentally and verbally pronouncing it "Kah-EH-dah".
  8. Fire Emblem overall is not too hot in the unit balance department. Really out of all the units you get between chapter 1-4 only Eliwood, Hector, Oswin, Marcus and maybe Rebecca are worth leveling up. The rest get replaced or outclassed rather easily and even Oswin himself might get dropped because he only has 4-5 movement tops. That is Lowen, Dorcas, Bartre, Guy, Erk and Serra who are all terrible units. I mean, I love Serra and all, but she's in no way better than Priscilla, Pent or Lucious after promoting for staves. Hell Mattew gets replaced by Legault, who then gets replaced by Jaffar in succession. Afterwards Isadora, Wallace, Geitz without HM bonuses, Louise, Karel, Vaida and Karla are all pretty damn bad. Heath, Rath and Farina would be better if they didn't arrived so damn late. The teams pretty much everyone uses in FE7 are very cookie cutter. I think the only game with really good unit balance in the series is FE9, and then that's because PoR is even easier and BEXp patches anything up.
  9. I feel both remakes tried too hard to capture thee essence of the original games themselves and leaving them untouched, with FE12 adding new maps in the form of the newer gaiden and prologue chapters. Also map design on a few maps hinges on it, for instance in chapter 8 Soulful Bridge which copies Sable Order, the distance to the south is necessary to give you time to escape from Astram's ass-ramming your party and to give the player a sense of pressure even if they're miles away. I mostly agree with the Altea Castle chapter, though, as the very gimmicks of the map is the same as in Shadow Dragon. I think that their desire to appeal to nostalgia googles was greater than their desire to improve the maps.
  10. FE7 is way too easy, though, so you don't need much to break it even on Hector Hard Mode. Marcus is 3-4 pings in speed, or rather a speedwing, from doubling pretty much any common mook in the game. All he really needs is 15 speed and the game doesn't stops throwing unpromoted enemies at you all the way until the chapter before the endgame. He also has complete Weapon Triangle control plus B rank in axes at base so he's the only good axe user until Hector gets gong and has very good options to level up early on with bosses. He's kind of a proto-Seth, but better than Titania. Raven can be promoted early for hand axes which can break the game. Pent and Hawkeye are great prepromoted units, although they come late. You can also over-level units in Lyn's mode and give them stat boosters, like getting Serra to level 18 (I did that), break Sain/Kent's weapons on bosses for experience, or give Flora an Energy Ring and an Angel's Robe.
  11. Cipher tends to flatter characters a bit. For instance this is Bantu. Yes, that Bantu.
  12. Awesome, her N and R+ looks great! Her R looks like that Moth Girl that has been popular recently.
  13. Yes, the quote he has is "I am Wrys, a Hero. I will have time to heal your wounded, after I am done burying the enemies". Wrys is PISSED at that Vulnerary.
  14. As someone from Mexico, country which has quite the background with religion and state mixing together is that it is the last thing that should happen ever. Because then every governmental action, good or bad, will have a moral justification. What can be taught and not taught, what can be said and not said, what can be worn and when. A religion-driven state will only control its people in as an insidious way to control them, not in the path of religion textbook, but to the benefit of the people with political power. It half-happened to the US before with the when capitalism was instituted, it was said that it followed god's path when it actually was all the contrary. I don't think the US will be able to mix religion with its state, it has too many people with different points of views and a good number of anti-theistic people with power. For a mixture to happen priests or bishops would need to start getting public charges.
  15. It depends a lot in time, place, people and situation. Take Islam for starters. In its origins it served a lot to help the people survive and accustom themselves to the harsh climates of the desert and the hostile environment of the mediterranean. It was an environment constantly at war and barbarism was frequent, which is reflected in the warlike nature of the early scripts and strict rites they follow as it was means to establish order and stability. In modern times, however, these ancient portions of the scripts can be taken literal and used to indoctrinate their followers and justify commit atrocities in the name of a so called holy war that in reality is little more than a political turmoil and revenge. However for these people religion is also the primary source of their identity. In all of the middle east, the Arabian countries, they identify themselves not with the nation they're born, but with the religion they all follow and creates a sense of belonging and unity that goes unparalleled and has allowed them to achieve greatness of their own. One cannot say Islam is evil even if it's warlike for it brings unity to its believers and one cannot say it is entirely a peaceful religion either since its law stands against modern human rights. In the end, what matters the most is the individual, and what they each make of it. Judging not based on someone's thoughts, but rather their actions. It depends on who you ask and what do one means by this. If you ask Christians, yes god created Lucifer, but he rebelled and was sent into hell. If you ask Jewish, yes he created both a light bringing angel called Lucifer that rebelled and was sent to hell, but he also created a Satan made to test human's beliefs in god through torment. In the original Job's story god commanded this Satan to torture Job to prove the point that faith was stronger than adversity. If you want to go further back to ancient Hebrews then there is also a Mastema, who is an angel that punish sinners himself. This reflects the biggest philosphical difference between Judaism and Christianity: Judaism teaches that one must fear god and give glory to him, for if we not he will punish us. Christianity on the other hand believes that god is merciful, he loves us, will forgive our sins if we repent and we should pray to thank him for the good in our lives. One punishes, the other forgives. The reason why all these changes occur is because as time progressed religious leaders and kings (namely Constantine) needed a more perfect and "pure" god that represents good and a devil "Lucifer" that represent evil and punishment, rather than making them esoteric entities. You know, easy for the masses to digest. The bible as we know, perhaps all religious books, have been altered to match the ideals of various leaders and ideologies tangential to the actual religion, so the core concept is what you should always focus on religions, not the hard details.
  16. Awakening's Lunatic without DLC or Lunatic+ in it's entirety. I thought it was a scam that they released a bullshit hard Conquest Chapter 25 in Lunatic if you try to rout. You only really need to get the Silence Staff (as in absolutely need it) and roid Corrin to kill Ryoma, but I realized the Silence Staff was on the wrong side of the room a little too late and had too many good level ups to just reset. I'd say chapter 26 and Endgame, but you can cheese those two with odd strategies (Draw Staff on Hans + Silence and Rescue-Dance-Shelter shenanigans respectively). I did beat the Endgame without passing it, though, but I was using my Visit/Battle rewards and some Online skills. I'm gonna say FE5 is the most unforgiving at times. Just to name my personal worst: Chapter 4: I wasn't using a guide until this piece of love forced me to. It has so much shit you need to do because if you don't you miss out on chapter 4x which includes a lot of necessary stuff, including your only mage for the good first chunk of the game. You have to prepare mentally that the next 40 minutes of your life will be dedicated to having a single thief open like 16 treasure chests, watching NPCs get captured, having to constantly fight in WT disadvantage with the development team telling to your face dodgetanking is a valid strategy and to get good. All without a staffer. And then as if to shit on your face, once you finally finish with the center you need to escape crossing like 12 enemy Armors among which one is recruitable. The only unpromoted Armored Knight that you can use in the entire game at that. Chapter 11: So your entire army gets Kampfed in america a small room in the middle the map and the only way to advance is through a set of 3 doors that you need to unlock with a thief. The kicker, is that when the doors close to trap you 2 ballista spawn to assault you. This happens at the end of your turn, so you will have to take that turn of ballista damage. Then you have to make your way through the doors. Your thieves are not resilient people, and one of them in particular, Lara can easily get one shot by them. Whoever opens the first door will be in range of both of the shots. This game really expects poor Lara (14 HP, 0 defense) to dodge those shots meanwhile Kaga shows up in your screen at tells you "don't worry bro, it's just 20% 3-4 times, she'll be alright.". I had to restart 2 times because Lara got one shot the very turn those things came out. Chapter 18: Recruiting Xavier. I know it's optional, but god damn it it was either recruiting him or calling myself a casual for the rest of my life. I cannot have the latter. Chapter 24x: This is the real final boss of the game. Bullshit hidden tiles that warp whoever steps in them in gang rape rooms to be flooded and die unless you rescue staff them.
  17. I know this is one severe case of late post, maybe even necroing, but I have to ask: Did this patch also messed up nerfed Wolf and Sedgar's insane growths as a result?
  18. I did wild changes to he parents level on purpose, mostly to accentuate the fact that what determines increased bases in children was level rather than high amounts in stats themselves. The reason why I began to test this is because in my Lunatic Conquest run Sophie had at base 19 Strength and 19 Speed when I recruited her before chapter 19, and was level 2 after Child Seal. I was wondering why the wild change because Mozu was rather average (considering Aptitude) and Silas was below his averages in a few stats and just average in the others. Then I noticed that both Silas and Mozu were level 4, so I began to suspect that might have been the case. Another thing I tested a while ago was how much growth difference affected children long run, and by far it's one of the least important. The difference between, say Selena and Elise in defense only amounts to 2 points by level 20/10 and that's using the child seal for growth based level ups. The bases that get passed down are far more important. Also, in case that you ever wondered and didn't know, Aptitude doesn't affect auto-level ups before you use the child seal, only afterwards. For all of these, I forced the parents all to have 1 in ever stat to make sure no base stats were passed down (I realized Silas was passing 1 HP to Sophie because his revelations base HP is bonkers This is why some Sophie have 31 HP and others 30). Growths themselves ended up changing very little by themselves, unless you mixed magical and physical parents, and it's nothing the RNG can't bless you or screw you over with. Most mothers in the game actually have very crap defense growths overall. Only Rinkah and Selena pass down considerable increases in growth.
  19. I want to one day try and do this with him, even if only with hacks. Wrys as an axe-based Hero somehow. I think only FE12 allows me to do that...
  20. heh, if you compare the map to Awakening's, Altea is now on Plegian territory, which is owned by descendants of Dohlr. This must make Anri roll in his grave. I must wonder, though, how in hell does Altea has so many good relations with Talys at all, they're literally on opposite sides of the map.
  21. I wasn't doing that math, I literally tested it myself with the aid of save editors.
  22. Bases, young lad, bases. Children's bases are increased by how high a stat is on the parent and by having the parent be higher level than the child at the moment of recruitment. By choosing +mag and marrying a magic mother/father you can increase Kana's base magic by 2 or 3 which can matter quite a bit from the get go.
  23. Kana is very mediocre. I've heard of people going +Mag and marrying some magic-based unit like Ophelia or Leo and having a tanky Kana with the Dragonstone+ and Levin Sword.
  24. I think it might be Hanz. He already has art drawn for him. DraGaron has potential too, and just as spoilerific as dead takumi. Yeah, it happened all the time in Yuguioh. Back when I played I remember when the Madolche deck in the japanese card game had just arrived and their cards were relatively cheap for their power and functionality in japan. Most of them were common, few were rare and only the big ones on the Extra Rares were Super Rare, not even Ultra. Cue in when they got in the the english TCG many got boosted from common to Rare, from rare to Super or Ultra Rare (particularly the ones you needed 3 on the deck) causing the deck to be very expensive. It is painful, but that's the cold underworld of the TCGs.
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