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Everything posted by SalShich10N

  1. Ephraim. I like Ephraim himself I feel he's one of the better lords in the series. I also like a lot the music in his maps, the challenge, and the idea that while Eirika was achieving little of relevance on her maps Ephraim conquered Grado before even promoting. I didn't felt the Phantom ship was unfair or hard at all. You just got Duessel two maps ago, use him! He takes no speed penalty from Steel Axes and tanks very well. You can always unequip him to make him a decoy or a choke point.
  2. I am sure Swordmaster is better than Master of Arms. Anyways for your Kanna I see it more as a cavalier -> Great Knight or Paladin (A+ Siegbert). If you don't mind working with E ranks, then Wyvern Lord (A+ Percy) is also a great option. For Midori she's better as a Master Ninja, as it's the best class available to her. If you marry her to Kiragi she's much better as a Sniper, though. Shiro is best kept as a Spear Master. Rend Heaven from 5 levels of Basara, either Duelist Blow, Vantage or Astra from daddy and Str+2 or Deathly Blow from Camilla should suffice. Forrest is best kept as a Strategist. Rhajat as a Dark Falcon for the variety. You can also make her a witch, but I feel two or more witches is overkill. (stay the hell away from Onmyoji) Nina is best off as either a Sniper or a Bow Knight. if you manage to pass down Quick Draw from Setsuna keep her a Bow Knight for the 9 movement. Your Mitama is kinda screwed since her mother is a magical mom so her physical power is dead. Moreover Azama comes very late so you can't compensate with good rolls either. Keep her a staffer, Priestess is fine, Strategist is good for the 8 movement and support skills or make her a Falcon Knight (A+ with Caeldori) for the wings and rally speed. Other than that, I feel Corrin is better off as a Nohrian Noble spamming the Levin sword than a Hoshidan Noble. I like Elise as a strategist too much, but that's just me. Dark Falcon should work fine too, I guess. Believe it or not, Hayato as a magic user is better off as an Oni Chieftain than a Basara, dat defense.
  3. All I could think of when looking at this new Anankos card's effect and his gimmick was this card:
  4. Welp, I thought they were gonna be content with featuring ball Anankos in the Set 3 Corrin SRs. Anyways this confirms I cannot predict to save the life of me. Still they Might still give the other SR to Mikoto and leave Oboro out of the full art realm. Still the art is amazing on this one, very Fierce.
  5. Yeah we got the fusion accident #FE, finally I got Coyote and the wolfguard, and also the rest of Awakening's characters. Then binding blade came and somehow Sophia of all units ended up getting lots of attention, we got to reminisce the shitshow that was RD's story (at least I did) and more Mia SRs came ourway. Good times, really. And then we once again got thrown into the abyss that's yet more Fates. I mean the only other game with as much representation is Awakening and that one has the decency to only occupy one color.
  6. Yeah, besides I exaggerate. Ryoma got a promo and there was a Sakura in one sleeve on the last set. anyways. I guess they won't stop shoving royals overall down our throats until FE15 comes out. Come to think of it, Box of Set 4 was the only booster box that did not contain anything related to Fates.
  7. Those Markers... so even when it's a Hoshidan booster set a Nohrian royal always find a way to butt their heads in.
  8. Yay, more artbooks means more scanned art, right? Right?
  9. Well gee I cannot read your mind, boy. No one will understand you if you don't explain yourself. Elaborate.
  10. Ehh it depends, I feel Velouria is one of those children that always come out well no matter what. Effie gives her stupidly high strength and Def+2 Peri gives her great speed, strength and some res plus Elbow Room Selena boosts her defense a lot and gives her Strong Riposte Charlotte buffs up her HP by a lot and gives her either Gamble or extra HP Mozu passes down solid speed, defense and either Aptitude (if you're not using Mozu) or Quick Draw (if you're using Mozu) Camilla is also a staple as she passes Strength, Speed and Defense along with Str+2, Savage Blow or Rally Defense Azura is amazing too, she gives a lot of speed and strength, although she doesn't passes any good skills. In Revelations Hana is her best Hoshidan option, as she passes also a lot of speed, strength and Duelist Blow Overall the best mother for Velouria has to be the one with the highest level that isn't a magical mom. Also Rinkah is not gonna fly either.
  11. FE4 only has 12 maps total and your lord can solo 6 of them if so you desire. The game allows you save at the begging of every turn too and you can have multiple saves, and since you're going to be using an emulator just map the speed up to a key for the enemy turn. It looks like bad design because you haven't tried it and are looking at it from a very narrow perspective, but it all comes together neatly. There literally isn't a game more hype about stats and classes than FE4, don't miss out. Well if you're like me I just always take the Restore staff as part of the staple staves your designated full time staffer has in every game. It's not event that hard you can just look around if it's not a gaiden chapter. Capturing all the time IS the fun part of the game, specially, at least for me. I'm the kinda guy who hoards a lot of stuff that I end up selling afterwards. Supply might not be infinite but all those silly units you recruited that aren't using are good 5 slot pockets. Staffers do not target Leaf all that much, they usually target units with lowest res first, which means Brighton, Othin, Havan, people like that are the ones who get hit more often, but even then you can prepare for that... IF they hit, of course. I never really ran into any serious problems with status staves, really, a the point Berserk staves appeared I was excited because I actually got the chance to make those enemy dark mages duke it out among themselves. Seriously complaining about status staves in this game feels odd to me, like I had many MANY more difficulties with enemy status effects in FE7's Chapter 27 Hard mode and FE8's chapter 14 Ephraim than in the entirety of Thracia.
  12. Ahh I thought you meant that carry over between Chapters. you get plenty of those Restore staves and by the time status staves start becoming a thing several of your mages can also run restore staves. If I recall correctly they do restore at the end of a chapter and in escape maps someone can rescue Leaf and finish the map. You can also avoid them by using your own Silence and Sleep staves, You don't fight that many enemies with Berserk staves only in the last 3 chapters or so. remember everything the enemy uses against you is something you can use against them. I recall Berserkering one of the dreadlords or the minions around them on the Final chapter.
  13. But have you played them, though? Those are things you really cannot judge until you have tried them yourself. How can you say you don't care about characters if you haven't played it? I can relate to personal bias, though. I hate Gaiden with a passion. So much that I forgot that I even played the game all the way up to chapter 2. By far my most frustrating experience with this series is motherfucking Gaiden. Holy golden bananas screw Gaiden and it's constant 60% hit rates all across the board.
  14. Oh, it's a personal bias. Should have said so sooner. I now fail to see now what exactly you find wrong with Thracia, or jugdral but whatevs.
  15. Defend what exactly? Healing staves missing? Sure it's bullshit when it happens but it doesn't happen too often either. For the most of the game it never happened to me outside of a very specific unit whose low hit rate on stave served to limit her power.Fatigue is nuanced. It serves a vehicle for you to constantly try out new units and strategies. So you don't funnel all the exp to the same 5 units and steamroll through the game. You have plenty of units to make up for it. Hell several units with high HP like Brighton and Othin skip maps for often because it's not practical to bring them than because they're tired. There are items that can fully heal fatigue as well. Caps are at 20 PRECICELY so you don't get screwed over by fatigue. There are many units you don't even need to promote ever like Karin because they're fine without it, and there are units who can promote at level 10 or 15 so they enjoy all the advantages earlier. Scrolls exist so even the most garbage of waifus, that bitch Eda, can be a terrific unit if so you want it. Every goddamn Vulnerary in the game is an Elixir. You can steal a sword that puts enemies to sleep, Hit the game's Camus with it, capture him, strip the man off his prf weapon, his clothes and human dignity and then throw the dude in the river. No other Fire Emblem let's me do that. And what permanent Status Effect? Stone? You can heal that too and it's only on the endgame. Anyways, perhaps what you or others want is something simpler like supports or just putting Ryoma and Femui in the middle of everything and skip turns... But in my eyes within all the bullshit Thracia threw at me I also see the best Fire Emblem game I played.
  16. No, I mean we could access the files before the street release of Fates, but Revelations was available on Nintendo's severs since the launch of the game. On day 1 when the game actually went live pirates could download not only Revelations but also a good chunk of the DLC and the Cipher units. I know THIS for a fact, I was there after all. Thing is that back then apparently the eShop used the same key for all DLC, so they used the downloadable version which gives you one free route as DLC and they worked from there.
  17. Healing staves have a constant hit rate, capping at 100% at around 12 skill. Healing staves can also double by the way. You can have someone fast double heal and mend staves too. Safy quickly reaches the benchmarks. This is only a problem early on, but can be patched with ease. Fatigue is not so bad either. Leif himself is one of your powerhouses and he never tires out, the ammount of good units far exceeds the ammount of available slots of units you can bring. Indoor maps refresh mounted units fatigue and outdoor maps are good chances to refresh foot units fatigue. Fatigue is directly related to HP as well and thus combat soldiers take a lot to tire out. Gaiden chapters usually have low unit slots so they're useful for that too. There is one map that gives you several stamina drinks too. You also have several "replacements" for each role and loads of multitasking units. Since stats cap at 20 units seldom become obsolete. For instance I dropped a female Myrmidon midgame, Makua at level 15, because I got Mareeta who was bonkers. Near the end of the game I got an extra Master Seal, promoted her as is without ever touching her since and she made it as a unit all the way to the endgame. Don't get discouraged, Thracia is one of the fire emblems where the player has the most advantages.
  18. No, sadly, I do not have any pictures. I do recall during the times of the torrential downpour thingy that people datamined the game a lot and that was one of the things they used. Each game cartridge has pretty much the same contents and routes as DLC is just pointers and flags or something. Another thing picked up is that, despite the American version having a larger file size it has 1800 less audio files than the Japanese version. What I do know for certain is that back then when the game broke japanese release day in 2015 (thanks china) the rom of the special edition was dumped and it contained everything about the Invisible Kingdom/Revelations path. Portraits, text, sprites, everything.
  19. I lost, I think five times on my first time. I kinda cheated because I made Nyx a Dark Falcon because someone told me "If Nyx gets 1 point in speed and the skill Speed+2 she can double Hinata and one-round kill him, given she doesn't miss". I also got quite a bit of mag during the prologue despite my Corrin being +str so on a Felicia pair up at B rank I think, I could one hit kill the Onis with the Dragonstone so I rushed the center. Afterwards I jut found small improvements that made my life easier: I also had a level 6 Mozu turn into an Archer and man the turret in the center. Then, when Camilla arrived, I paired her with Selena so she could double and kill Oboro as she got the dracoshield I did mistakenly blew up a use of the Rescue staff getting the Dual Club. Thankfully I ended up not needing another use in Hard Mode. The hard part was when Takumi dried the water, but then I mostly focused on surviving rather than routing and I managed to do well. The trick to this map is thinning the amount of enemies early on, going aggro early on, (now I break the wall near the house in the bottom center so Effie can kill the Spearmasters) then being conservative when the water dries up. Lunatic isn't very different, just more enemies and the Pegasus have Pass, I think. In conquest the stats on enemies do not change. Skills do.
  20. Ehh it's not so bad. For every bullshit thing the game throws at you, you get bullshit strong stuff yourself. If I had to describe it, I'd say it's kind of like Conquest Lunatic with Visit/Battle bonuses all the way up to brave/venge weapons. You literally start the game with a Brave Lance, a Brave Axe, a Tomahawk and a Levin Sword that behaves like a Silver Sword if it hits from up close, all 50 uses. Early on you too get a 5 use Hammerene, which I had two leftover uses by the end of the game. Stat caps at 20 max and you get scrolls that boost units growths by up to 30% in some stats and they stack. One even boost MOVE growth and CON growth. Hell you can steal enemy weapons, including bosses. If you see anything you like it's yours. Except bullshit dark tomes, those turn into worse tomes if you try to steal them.
  21. I thought about Altenna too, since she fits the waifu quota, but she doesn't has much presence although she does has the Gae Bolg. Set 6 could get by with just 2 female SR. I totally see a FRobin SR too. My predictions are that Chrom, FRobin, Tharja and Tiki will be SRs. The rest are up in the depending on how much pandering they want. I want to believe Lucina won't get a 3rd SR, not even Marth has 3 SRs yet. Only Corrin does across two genders treated as separate entities.
  22. If you want to get technical all 3 routes ARE already in the game card. The downloads for other routes are just 17MB of files to tell the game to allow you to access them. Not even the Japanese got a Special Edition that can access all 3 routes without wi-fi, though, their special edition included a download code for revelations which also took a month to arrive. Saddly for them, pirates could get Revelations from day 1.
  23. For me what gets me in the fandom is people who take waifuism too literally. Like those that are dead serious into their waifu. I'd include roleplaying taken too seriously too but that is easy to dismiss. Special mention goes to Project Naga's arbitrary name changes in FE4, but that's more of a pet-peeve I guess. Also the fact that there is two Wikis. Which am I even supposed to use? As for the game themselves, Archers in Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. Like was it necessary for them to have 5 move? Everything else has so much more, and by the time everyone promotes you're moving at 10 spaces per turn. They're not even that strong to begin with but now they also can't even reach the action. Voice acting in Fates too, like at times I wonder if it's bad on purpose on some characters, like Camilla. Thankfully that's easy to fix thanks to my new best friend Arm9loader. FE10's voice acting is so bad it's a joke, so it's kinda fun. My room lines are fine, hell the facerubbing thing is fine itself. Was there any voice acting at all in FE9 outside of Black Knight vs Greil?
  24. N and HN: They have a frame all over the borders of the picture. Easier to notice around the top and corners in case part of the illustration obscures the rightmost part. The only exception I can think of is the #FE joint arts which were frame-less. R: They do not have a frame around the picture of the card. SR: They don't have a frame on the bottom of the card, instead it's a "full art" and only the icons are present. The difference between Rs and Ns is much easier to notice if you have a structure deck. The ST+ as the look of an R, but the standard ST version of those have the look of an N.
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