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Everything posted by SalShich10N

  1. I think Bow Knight has the same defense as a Paladin, if not one point lower. Reclassing to Ninja will only reduce his defense by 3.
  2. Why do you own so many Anankos? Did you got trigger happy that it was so cheap back then? I mean jesus, that must be a good portion of all of that card's total printings.
  3. Oh yeah, you can also A+ him with Kaze and reclass him to Master Ninja. He keeps his sword and he has less defense.
  4. It doesn't work if you hardware-reset the game to get Seliph his extra leadership stars among other things. From what was explained to me once, the glitch and many other things are dependent on whether you reset the game or not because of the way the game stores information in Ram and reads it. The reason it works it's because the game gives the jealousy values of the 1st gen units to the 2nd gen units, which favor Deirdre gaining love points for Sigurd.
  5. How did he even got so much defense? I have done runs in where I paired him with Charlotte, have him get +2 from meals and Rally Defense him and he still managed to draw a lot of fire to him. (namely I dumped him on the middle of second floor of the wall in chapter 23).
  6. Hey, wait a second with a the Anankos cards. If Anankos White is deployed as a leveled up he can summon a swarm of densely packed Anankos. Anankos Black can be leveled up from either Gunther or Garon Garon has a cost 1 card, therefore he can be a lord Is there going to be a deck based around having Anankos as a deck's lord in the future?
  7. Very well: At no point you're not warned about enemy attacks. The first turn has flying enemies ambush you from top and bottom and their range has them so they won't be able to reach the units in the center of the boat. You are forewarned that during this map flying enemies will be coming the edges of the screen and outside the ships. Dialogue implies that the boat is packed and a mere use of a Torch staff will reveal a good amount of skeltals in the boat. You can also choke them and funnel them by choking them not on their ship's side of the plank, but your side of the plank, making an advance much more safe although it might complicate things with L'rachel. Lastly reinforcements do not move the turn they arrive so even if you can't see, the camera will pan to the spots they will be coming from. You can also early promote Artur at 13-15 and make thing even easier on yourself. It's not poorly designed, it's designed to screw with players that do not know how to play carefully, defensively and instead ram their units in the middle of the enemy's army and genuinely expect to survive the turn.
  8. What I mean to say is that if you use Duessel, and Seth even if moderately, the ship isn't hard at all. If you actively skip on using units because they're "too strong" or they're "boring to use" then that's entirely on you. Call them "boring" or "brainless" but you have the perfect tools to make your life easier. Hell, you even get Dozla who's somewhat bulky himself with tons of HP. Reinforcements are constantly coming from every orifice since the beginning of the map, it's one of those chapters where you don't lower your guard until the map is over. This map is just as hard as you allow it to be.
  9. So? By Murphy's Law I can probably die IRL tomorrow from a short circuit burning my house down, making my whole career up until today pointless and all these arguments on a forum over statiatics in videogames an equal complete waste of effort. That doesn't mean I need to stop studying and it certainly will not stop from arguing silliness on SF. Such behavior would be obsessive. You see, in psychiatry that is known as an "Aggressive Obsession". A person with such obsessions are yhose who are constantly preocupied and wary of possible physical or verbal agressions from strangers, accidents, calamities, natural disasters, death, etc. The focus here is not wether theeae events happen or not, but rather an often crippling preoccupation over the sligtest possibility of it happening. Now obsessions are not diagnostic on their own of OCD at all. One needs to also show compulsions, which are repetitive conducts or rituals which the person absolutely needs in order to carry on with their daily lives. Ones such are constant verification of known facts, like closing a door when you leave home, or the constant need to wash your hands despite having done so previously within minutes, the necessity to check a homework or an assignment repeatedly to verify it's perfection or just mere doubts over facts that doesn't let them focus until they're solved. Now, having obsessions and compulsions alone are not diagnostic of OCD either. One needs to have a considerable loss of functionality over it. A person needs to waste over an hour of his life on such antics for it to finally be classified as OCD. And even then, if it is caused by drugs, dementia or other mental ailmets like Anxiety, Psycosis or any other disease the diagnosis of OCD is dropped. In conclusion, I am way behind on my studies, I have an exam tomorrow, I shouldn't be here procrastinating and I certainly will not do it trying to convince you a second time why worrying over enemies with a critical chance below 15 isn't even worth it. Specially if they don't even double.
  10. I meant classes mostly, her class is and stat spread are literally perfect. I don't recall ever having issues with her getting crit, or getting crit at all in Awakening for that matter, and she was right there in the frontlines for me because she's a great bait for the AI. The worst I got was missing, but I fed her skill books and pair-up bonuses patches up hitrate until a reliable 80%~. Last time I played the game was a No-pair up run even, so I am certain the worst she has is hitrate, which isn't exactly fixed by her other classes options. To be fair, every mage SHOULD be carrying at least Elwind or Arcwind (thanks to Merric) because Wyverns. You must have really bad luck with critical hits.
  11. Hmm, I never even considered reclassing her. Why fixing perfect? I said Ricken because his base speed is so low even if he had Dark Mage I don't think he'd wind up being better than Henry, who isn't exactly someone to look up to. Anyways, Tharja wouldn't be all that bad if the Shockstick wasn't range 1 or if a magical bow existed.
  12. I was fortunate enough to get an Anna early on my first playthrough with a Second Seal. My reclasses were in order Donnel -> Mercenary Vaike -> Brigand Panne -> Wyvern Lord Avatar - > Mercenary All of them were amazing. Panne in particular was ridiculous. I think reclassing overall makes anyone great... except Ricken.
  13. This so much. Conquest made sort of a statement that the challenge itself is the map, not the individual bosses and this Endgame embodies it perfectly and painfully. I agree that you should be able to save before it, it just makes 27 tedious.
  14. One thing about A+: it's individual for each character. As in, you can have Beruka A+ Oboro to get Lancefaire on Beruka and still have Oboro A+ someone else.
  15. Also level ups were a set seed of RNGs given at the beginning of the game too, like in Lunatic modes of Fates. You couldn't ever wash away those +1 HP, +1 Luck level ups.... my poor Lester.
  16. I recall seeing boots in a secret shop, think to myself "there is no way you can buy more than one pair" and end the map with a 9 move Roy.
  17. Wait, you can make Noah and Treck work in FE6?
  18. I always thought it was a way to not kill Briggid off because she was popular or something, but still include her in 5 as a new character. The whole thing smells to me as two writers arguing overnight reaching a middle-road solution that didn't pleased either of them. I did like the convo afterwards. Speaking of Briggid: Adean was mentioned to be alive during Gen 2 of FE4, wasn't she? Whatever happened to her?
  19. Too low strength and defense. As in if you jump her from Falcon to Great Knight she gains 5 Str and 5 Def while losing 4 speed, which is less than the bonus from Darting Blow, which in turn makes her speed overkill as a Falcon. Her combat will just become mediocre since she's essentially Sophie without a strong class to back her up. If you keep her a Falcon the best she will be doing is rallying sped which while not a bad role it is also not a flashy job. Kinshi has even less Strength, Defense and Speed (Kinshi to Great Knight gains 6 def and 6 strength while only losing 2 speed). Bows are cool, but not when the base strength is lower than the unpromoted archer class. Caeldori coming from Selena has poor offense, but amazing defense so she more than ever needs not only the power of Great Knight and Elbow Room, but also Strong Riposte to boost her damage while she's defending. All while harnessing the natural C rank in lances.
  20. Something I really like to do with Sophie in my Conquest runs is I make her a Hero and I A+ her with Velour so she gets Fighter. That way as she levels up for Sol she'll naturally get Gamble and HP+5 which are pretty cool skills for the cost of a single Heart Seal and some supports. This is great because Sophie will wind up with tons of skills for little efforts. I like to make Caeldori either a Great Knight (A+ Sophie) and feed her an Arms Scroll, a Paladin or a Great Lord, Lucina's class. This is because Falcon and Kinshi really hold her back. Plus Elbow Room really boosts her damage considerably If a class promotes from two different classes, say Kinshi that comes from Archer and Sky Knight, if a character in that class gains the other class from A+ or S they will begin to get skills without needing to reclass. If Kinshi Reina marries an Archer talented Corrin Reina as a kinshi will start to learn archer skills. Likewise if Arthur as a hero marries Selena he will start to learn the Mercenary skills. You can use this to get cool skills from unpromoted classes without needing to buy them online.
  21. The map does zoom out to show that flying reinforcements are coming so they're not exactly out of nowhere. Early in the map you begin close to the enemy starting points too so you have an idea of where they're coming. The map is hard, but I wouldn't call it badly designed. Specially when the actual enemies in question are actually very weak it's just the fliers with high speed and steel weapons. I may be remembering things wrong but is there a map in Sacred Stones outside of 14E that isn't a braindead power rush? Even on Selena's map it's safer to dance and fly Vanessa, Tana or Cormag (Or my personal favorite: walk Pirate Ross over yhe water) over to Selena than to take her Bolting assault.
  22. What's wrong with Dark Falcon? It has 8 movement, tons of speed, can traverse any terrain and fly above pesky Revelations gimmicks, hit from weird angles. In my eyes if Witch didn't had Warp Dark Falcon would be better. Tomefaire comes until level 15, basically when you get it naturally you're going to be in front of the final boss and never get to enjoy it's effects, because chapter 27 is easy to skip. Besides Nyx!Rhajat or any Rhajat for that matter will have so much mag they'll never really need Tomefaire. Her problem is hitrate so if you're buying something for her online make it Certain Blow. Have her mother pass down Malefic Aura and it's almost half the effects of Tomefaire. If you really want to get more mileage out of mages Forge her a Lightning tome. +1 is sufficient and it's going to kill almost everything before even a counter attack.
  23. When I did that trade to USA from Mexico it costed me 120 pesos (Like 6 usd now, thanks Trump) to ship internationally... with tracking. Why is international shipping so expensive over there?
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