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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. It's more obvious if you cut the crest in half yourself. The reason I brought this up is because there's another crest in Awakening that's half of a crest. Or rather, the second crest is the original crest doubled. So there's precedence for them messing with crests like this.
  2. I think it would make sense for the crests to randomly trigger, since we're currently lacking skills with random activation rates. Personal, class and professor skills all seem to be passives, although we've only seen a handful of each. Meanwhile Combat Arts are triggered via a menu. Maybe crests replace the Mastery-type skills like Astra, Luna and Sol. Especially if Byleth's crest has a Sol-like effect. Also, I find it amusing how the non-minor crests have "Emblem" (in English) above their icon in the printed version of Famitsu. I wonder why the localisation called them crests instead of emblems. Did they think it was too much of a name-drop? EDIT: Also, I missed it the first time, but the icon for Byleth's crest in the UI is half of what the crest actually looks like. That seems kind of cool, but out of place since the crest in battle is full. Maybe his/her crest is at half its power? Or maybe he/she only carries half of the real crest?
  3. I think Hilda sounds hilarious. Although she doesn't really seem like Serra to me, beyond the looks. Or even Charlotte. From what I can tell (from her short bio and few lines of dialogue), she's like a proper lady that tries to innocently manipulate others. For example, by pretending to be weak to avoid being on the front-lines. So I guess she has the faking part of Charlotte at least. But I don't see her being obnoxious and in your face like Serra (who wasn't even a proper noblewoman, despite her secret past).
  4. Maybe try force-refreshing or clearing your cache? They use a json file to store all the page info, so you might need to make your browser reload the json file. ヒルダ=ヴァレンティン=ゴネリル
  5. Ahaha. I'm guessing it's a joke, but just in case, those are just file numbers. It'd be nice to know their ages, but they rarely reveal those. Maybe there could be a system like Echoes where ages are important and stored in the game code...
  6. I can understand being put off by the setting, but I think the other concerns are unfounded at the moment. Who says you can't delve in backstories in a school setting? Plenty other RPGs set in schools have deep backstories, like Trails of Cold Steel. I don't see how "most classic classes were removed". We have all the staples so far like Myrmidon, Mage, Fighter, Cavalier and Archer. They've just decided to diversify the class system. Stuff like Pegasus Knights and Armour Knights are missing, but from the professor levels, we can infer they exist. Also, we don't know if support conversations are gone. In fact, we can see support ranks for Dorothea and Bernadetta. These are currently locked to C and B, implying A and above are tied to story progression. Meaning there are probably conversations attached (as locking ranks for any other reason seems unnecessary). I think this game is trying to experiment a lot, which I like more than playing things safe. Many of the series's greats messed around with the formula a lot.
  7. Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I dunno how I got that wrong. Although I did have a lot of info to plow through XD EDIT Oh yeah, Hilda's profile is on the official site too. Her full name is Hilda Valentin Goneril. Also, her image file lists her as character 28. Dorothea is 14 and Felix is 17. Everyone else has hashed file names.
  8. There is no guarantee but it's likely we'll get more. There are plenty more characters to cover that we know names of, never mind ones we haven't seen. Also, they've yet to explain magic, combat arts or show any advanced classes.
  9. Thanks, I like that. I didn't want to spend longer than necessary thinking of a decent name XD
  10. Close. It took me a while to notice, but Byleth and Felix have standard (major?) crests. I did find it weird how the House Leaders have minor crests though.
  11. Sorry it took so long; I ended up spending 5 or so hours on this. But if you want everything in one place, here ya go.
  12. Ah, that's a bummer but you got the most important stuff. If I had known, I could've helped you get some great badges at least. One good thing is you can use co-op to get carried. Only a tiny number of stages aren't carriable (high dragons and facility solo stages).
  13. On top of that, there's 16 damage dealt to the enemy and 25% of 16 is 4. So it could be that Byleth's crest has a Sol-like effect.
  14. Nice one. I heard horror stories of peoples' souls being destroyed getting to 10 million. I managed it and it wasn't as bad as I expected. It helped that I actually enjoyed the Alberian Front. My only complaint was the Shadow Knight was a huge damage sponge (that you need to kill to maintain a high score) and killed the pace somewhat. Speaking of, the Shadow Knight was an amazing throwback to the Black Knight from Path of Radiance ^^
  15. Oh yeah, here's my analysis of the limited info we have. It's no surprise that Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude seem to have crests that correspond to the capitals. Also, not sure if I mentioned it, but it seems characters can have 9 skills. 1 personal (cannot be changed, probably) 3 class (I'm guessing) 5 professor (weapons etc.) Professor skills from the previous Famitsu:
  16. A bit of a late discovery, but I was checking the source code of the Three Houses Japanese website and I found that "iron17" seems to be the game's codename. For reference, Echoes is "iron16", Fates is "iron15" and Awakening is "iron14". New Mystery is FE12 though. Also, they didn't bother to hash Dorothea's filename. It's HACP_ANVY_char14_01_R_ad-0, which is consistent with promotional artwork filenames.
  17. Yup, that feels so good. Verica doesn't need skill prep to charge her skills and Valentine's Hildegarde can energise earlier by spamming Shield before and after the opening blast. Fjorm is also really good at fighting High Brunhilda, but to be honest, DPS isn't the big issue there. Rather, the sole healer (Thaniel) is so underwhelming. I hope the day comes when we get a better water healer ^^;;
  18. There's already a similar theory for this, but I am starting to wonder if Byleth is from a fourth nation that was absorbed by the Adrestian Empire or something. Also, thinking back to that theory, Byleth was supposed to represent the wind in the Japanese title (wind, flower, snow and moon). If so, his/her crest should be the one that symbolises wind. I'm not entirely convinced about that, but I guess the crest does have wings.
  19. Congrats! I haven't done High Midgardsormr for a while since I started doing High Brunhilda, but Marth sounds pretty ridiculous on paper. His skill that fully charges your party's skills upon taking heavy damage is really good for your healer near the start.
  20. Good catch. Lorenz's surname is Gloucester, which is on the map. I think it shows the actual crest. Obviously the preview image is too small to make out the designs. But it seems like Byleth has the crest you'd expect.
  21. To be fair, Dedue isn't really a name change. One common translation for the kana was "de deux" found in "pas de deux". That wasn't a name but I still found it interesting. I'm still of the belief that the developers and localisers have been coordinating the names. If so, Dedue was probably chosen as the English name first and they fit the kana around it. From some people's perspectives, it can seem like a change because his name doesn't "look" like his Japanese one. But that's not the point. You should be looking to see if the name still "sounds" like the original. Not a post directed at you in particular, but anyone that doesn't know.
  22. @Cysx It seems the mustached teacher is Hanneman. Could be Hahnemann as well but the spelling is slightly different.
  23. I think this was overlooked but crests seem to have a gameplay element. The preview shows that Byleth, the House Leaders, Felix, Lorenz and Hilda have crests. It seems nobles have them mainly but Hubert doesn't for some reason. It's hard to tell, but the crests seem to be the ones from the Goddess's mural plus the evil looking one that's connected to Byleth.
  24. I think IS have used surnames as forenames in the past. I can't think of any examples, but Lorenz might be one. What I do know is that Dedue already has a surname: Molinaro.
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