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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Just in case, her profile was added to the official site. Her full name is Dorothea Arnold. Manuela was added too. She's listed under the church/academy and has no full name like the non-students.
  2. Sorry if already posted, but here's Rhea's official English profile: https://m.facebook.com/FireEmblemUK/photos/a.1825979667689898/2340253346262525/?type=3&__tn__=-R Can't copy the text since I'm on mobile.
  3. Do you mean the five symbols? It's been a long time, so I don't remember all the appearances, but it appears on the floor of the Hoshidan plaza. It's meant to symbolise the five dragons that Hoshido revere--and the five legendary weapons.
  4. I think looking at his surname might be a good clue too. From what I can tell, Molinaro seems to be a French/Italian surname. Apparently in French, Doudou is an actual name, derived from Édouard. I'm not 100% sure though.
  5. Related to that, I imagine the fact that the Adrestian Empire occupies half of the continent is gonna be pretty important as well. Maybe the Church is secretly (or not secretly) helping them. Unrelated, I don't think I saw this, but the website has the full names for the three most recent characters. Two of them are pretty easy to guess though. Hubert von Bestla Doudou Molinaro Lorentz Hermann Gloucester Sadly, Jeralt and Rhea don't have their full names listed. I'm guessing it's reserved for students.
  6. That's the flag for the Knights of Seiros BTW. Also, I think I saw griffins in the tapestry for Echoes--and they weren't in the actual game.
  7. True, although I figured your opponents would be one or more of the three nations and/or the church. That reminds me, I don't think it was conclusive who the church were fighting in the first trailer. Their apparent leader had the same emblem as Byleth, right?
  8. Oh, nice. I did some digging around through the code, but I don't think there's anything hidden. The only thing that I noticed is there's a currently unused 7th "Unknown" affiliation in the characters page. I guess anyone who doesn't fit the current affiliations will go there. That does make me wonder if there are no other important powers in the game, besides the ones we know.
  9. A bit late, but here's Jeralt's English profile from the Fire Emblem UK Facebook page: (Link if above doesn't work) Maybe we'll get Rhea/Rea/whatever's name sooner than we think ^^
  10. Close, but no coconut. Famitsu and I think other Japanese gaming magazines are a bit weird, in that the name of the issue is actually from the future. In this case, the 16th May 2019 issue was released on 25th April (you can scroll down to see the release date) and is where this topic came from ^^ The issue you want is the 30th May 2019 issue. The current issue, 23rd May 2019, doesn't have anything Three Houses related (AFAIK).
  11. Unless Nintendo has an absolutely packed E3 full of brand new games, I think it would make a lot of sense to show Three Houses in some form. After all, it is considered a major release and they'd definitely want to hype it up before release--and E3 is one of the best places to do so.
  12. Thanks for the translations! It's nice we've started moving to the "minor" characters now. I do wonder who's next... another Black Eagle or someone from a different house?
  13. Congrats! I probably should have made it clear but a healer is strongly recommended for the fight. You really don't need that much DPS and it lets you worry less about the balls flying around ^^ I know what you mean by healers needing to dodge, but everyone needs to dodge anyway xD
  14. Oh, I was talking about the purple doughnut. I am pretty sure I just face tank the balls. If there are 6, you can eat one or two each per party member. A healer is ideal of course.
  15. @omegaxis1 Can't quote ya for some reason, but I think her attacks aren't too bad. They are all fairly slow and well telegraphed, and lots of them are red so you can i-frame them. Unlike Alfonse who attacks pretty quick and has lots of purple attacks. If you have a healer, especially Hildegarde, you can just get hit by the balls with or without a shield. I dunno about after overdrive, but the normal balls barely do any damage. I think if you're good, you can even absorb two (or more?) balls in one go, if they're close enough. Getting hit by the balls shouldn't cost a run, unless you've been hit by one of her other attacks (but many of those are fatal anyway). The rest of the attacks, I think you just need to be patient and prepare for them. The big red lasers just need a roll each. The only really deadly attack is the big purple doughnut, because it has large range and goes off pretty quickly. I think the only times I've died are because of that (like when I use a long skill and get caught in it or I don't roll away in time). But once Veronica enters overdrive, only the real one uses that attack--and you can try to avoid her at all costs.
  16. The clones have lots of health, but it should be plenty doable with four team members. I was in one fight where two party members died around overdrive, but we still beat the battle with one attacker (Annelie) and healer (Hildegarde), the latter of which was basically useless. One thing you can try is "shoving" the two clones until they're near each other, then your attacks and skills will hit both of them. I don't actually know how you do this--I'm guessing attacking them will move them slightly. AFAIK, the clones don't move by themselves, so once they're in position, you're sorted. Also, you will obviously want Light-attuned Adventurers to deal more damage. Unbinding 5-star dragons isn't needed, but could be useful for future content (like High Zodiark).
  17. @Kirokan Thanks! I had a quick look and nothing screams to me, except the dragon vein page kinda. Most of the stuff there, I already knew, but I did learn a little. BTW, here are some images from the game related to dragon veins. Actually, I dunno what the last three are used for. In the artbook page, the two dragons near the centre are the light and dark dragons. Also, in the Hoshidan plaza, the four dragons surrounding the Dawn Dragon's pedestal belong to the dark, earth, light and wind dragons. I think these five dragons correspond to the symbols found here or other places: Meanwhile, in the Nohrian plaza, there are supposed to be four dragons surrounding the Dusk Dragon's pedestal. These are water, light, fire and dark. In both countries, they have 2 pairs of opposing dragons (light and dark are the same in each).
  18. No worries. Hopefully those pointers can help someone else instead ^^ Yeah, I know what you mean. But it's still early so people are learning and I think people are getting better though. I already got a successful clear with random players not long ago. If you have Discord, you can try checking out the Dragalia Lost channel. Of course, there's no guarantee your partners still won't die, but at least you can communicate after the battle.
  19. Yeah, it's tough, but I managed to nail the fight after several tries. The key is to not be greedy and don't attack or use skills unless you are 100% safe. He seems really tanky at first, but unless you are off-element and really weak, you shouldn't time out the fight. So try not to rush and definitely do try to dodge! I think the safest times to attack are when he uses the red circle--you can i-frame that with a skill--and when he's using one of his sword laser attacks and you stand behind him. If you're good, you can dance around the boxes too, but I generally run the heck away when melee XD That said, you should learn to dodge his OHKO Death Blow and Pinion Flare attacks. Sometimes he moves to the corner and you can't go around him. Just be patient, stay out of the big cone, then roll into it after the first beam. After a while, you can probably learn when he's about to do it. Obviously, the first time is after the first overdrive. Besides that, just keep practicising ^^ Also, if you do die early, you can try watching the surviving players play. Assuming there are any XD
  20. Unless I missed something, Famitsu is often referred to as Weekly Famitsu, so it should be a weekly magazine, right? But in any case, they said there would be more info in future issues, but they didn't say which ones. So there's no guarantee the next issue will have news, I think.
  21. Oh crap, I'm starting to feel the stress of an actual teacher... But in all seriousness, I am tempted to try and see what happens. Of course, you can normally rewind time to fix things, but I want to imagine what it's like without game-breaking powers XD
  22. Thanks, that's reassuring to know. I usually mess up the easy stuff especially when I'm tired XD
  23. Haha, nice catch. Too bad we don't know of any additional students yet. I wonder what happens if you let your students die early...
  24. Oh, I should probably have checked this before posting on the main site, but can someone please double check my interpretation? 王や領主など民を導く血筋。 古の英雄である十傑の子孫が多い。 Those with the guiding bloodline of kings and lords. There are many descendants of the ancient heroes, the 10 Greats. (This class can use some magic.)
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