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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. Mine is probably the Pokemon TCG Southern Islands collection folder. Back then, I was a huge Gold and Silver fan and really admired the Japanese Southern Islands collection, but I knew I'd never be able to get it. Then around December one day, I was visiting a big shopping centre and I found the English version in a game store. Needless to say, I begged my parents to buy it for me. I still have it now ^^
  2. I gotta say a massive thanks to @Tangerine. It's hard to believe she was a part of the SF team for what seems like eternity. During her time, she helped to steer our crew in a healthy direction, as well as contributing greatly to the community with Scribbles and whatnot. Also, good luck everyone with your newfound powers~
  3. It's immediately after Oculus and Ocular Beam, so I wonder if it was gonna be used by Duma or something. Anyway, here are some not-so-interesting pics: You can use it, but it doesn't have a spell animation so it defaults to Fire. Also, under normal circumstances, it can't even be cast since it has 0 range, but you can use a Mage Ring to extend the range. I tried to give it to Duma, but nothing special happened.
  4. I actually totally forgot about Apocalypse. I added it when the game was being data-mined, so I didn't know what was used or not used. I should probably look into it some more, before I forget again...
  5. I went on a culling spree and I'm now down from ~310 to ~210. Feels good. I think the only mistake I made was not keeping some spare Level 1s for Voting Gauntlets, but since you can retry those forever, it's not a huge loss.
  6. I'm unsure about popularity, but he's fairly iconic for being the bow Navarre of the 1st generation. His skill set in the original game was pretty devastating too, allowing him to trigger tons of attacks with his deadly Killer Bow.
  7. After it was revealed that DANGEN Entertainment were handling the English translation of Vestaria, I reached out to their staff to talk about various matters related to the localisation and acquistion of the game. You can find our interview on the main site ^^ I tried my best to ask as many relevant questions as I could, but if you have any feedback, do let me know! Sharing would also be hugely appreciated : )
  8. I'm torn because they're all great choices (which should be obvious since most of us voted for them). Initially I was leaning towards Veronica for the underdog pick, but I'm starting to wonder if she's actually got a lot more followers than I expected... I guess I could swap to Celica maybe?
  9. It should be in the English language option; although I never checked the other languages. But it only affected the dialogue--the world map was literally unchanged, which made it extra jarring.
  10. @Jotari I'm patiently waiting for Sara from Thracia 776 to be added. Hopefully she has crazy glass cannon stats like in her original game ^^
  11. Finally did Abyssal with my brute-force team. I kept missing crucial thresholds but then I realised I can still use ally supports. After that, it became manageable. Team is Nino +10 supported with Axe Azura (B) and Bridal Cordelia supported with Olivia (S). I was going to get Nino and Azura to S, but I was lazy and it turns out I didn't even need it since the enemy AI changed their priorities.
  12. I somehow pulled off Abyssal with double dancers and blade tomes. I read that somebody did it with all fliers, but I stuck with Infantry and it just about worked (with a lot of investment). Dunno if it's useful, but here's a choppy video. My attackers are Spring Lucina (can probably be replaced with Linde or Tailtiu) and Nino +10. Both have Desperation and Atk seals. Only Nino needed the extra Atk I think just to brute force things. Dancers are Axe Azura and normal Azura with all hones and fortifies between them. I don't think either of them attacked but Axe Azura does bait the healer near the end. Oh yeah, I did use one to chip the healer at the end.
  13. I managed to beat Infernal, but Abyssal looks crazy. I dunno where to even start XD Anyway, for Infernal, I brute-forced it with Bridal Cordelia (Brave Bow, Life and Death, Atk +3 seal), Nino +10 (Drive Atk, Distant Def 3 seal), Olivia and Axe Azura. Olivia and Cordelia are S supported. Unfortunately, I can't record a video and I'm not sure how useful it would be. I started by two-rounding the Lance Armor with Nino (boosted by Azura) and leaving her in the range of the Green Mage. I then took a pot shot at the Sword Fighter with Cordelia, before pulling her away with Olivia. Turn 2, I dealt with the reinforcements to the south plus the incoming forces from above. Most importantly, I KO'd the Bow Cavalier with Cordelia to get rid of her special, then I made her KO the reinforcement Archer, taking near-fatal damage in the process. From there, both Nino and Cordelia had critical HP for Olivia and Azura to take advantage of Wings of Mercy. My exact steps were a blur after that. All I remember is that it took a lot of trial and error before I could safely outrun Marth and his men.
  14. I know what you mean, haha. But wasn't there a battle preparations song from... The Sacred Stones (I think?) in a previous Smash. Remixes can be magic XD
  15. I think my first shiny was a Girafarig in Gold. I remember being shocked because I thought only Gyarados could be shiny and at the time, I didn't have the internet. My favourite is probably a toss up between Milotic and Sylveon. Shiny Milotic looks so elegant with the gold and Sylveon looks great with the inverted blues and pinks. Nowadays, I can get shinies pretty easily so I don't bother counting. Most of them are from event distributions, but there are dozens I RNG'd or TSV bred to get. So not sure if those count, haha. There are a few I caught naturally in the wild, but there are so many ways to boost shiny rates now, like SOS chaining or via Ultra Wormholes so I am a bit surprised if nobody has encountered one in recent games ^^
  16. I do think pantless Marth could work quite well. For those unaware, there's a Cipher promo card featuring Marth in his old getup.
  17. Congrats! It's great to hear you enjoyed the game : ) Oh yeah, that's unavoidable, haha. But at least there's a new game (Three Houses) coming out next year. If you have a Switch. Otherwise, I'm sure you could find something to play or replay if you looked hard enough ^^ My backlog is getting big and I still want to buy games.
  18. Ah, you don't use Batch LZ77 on the ISO. You need WiiScrubber or a similar program. Batch LZ77 is for decompressing the individual files after you've extracted the ISO.
  19. You're assuming too much. Kaga didn't mind if fans translated the game. It's just that nobody talented enough approached him. That is, until Dangen Entertainment came. So the ideal scenario you're describing probably doesn't exist. If it wasn't for Dangen Entertainment, we might not even have a translation at all--or we'd have to wait many more years for one.
  20. I somewhat understand the sentiment, but I'd much rather the limited edition be fairly widely available. I'm not gonna lie, I was close to tears when I almost couldn't buy the limited edition of Fates. I don't want myself--or anyone--to have to go through something like that again ^^ As others have said, if you want to own something truly rare and special, there are many other things you could look into. Like most of the merchandise available from the Japanese Cipher events.
  21. Forgot to mention, but I'm trying to interview Dangen Entertainment regarding the game's translation and how they acquired the rights. If anyone has any questions they'd like to ask, feel free to post here or PM me, etc.
  22. Do you not have a Print Screen button on your keyboard? ^^ Anyway, that sounds amusing. You didn't have any cheat codes on, did you?
  23. Yep, it's still happening! The publisher is Dangen Entertainment. Apparently the demo isn't actually live right now, but should be available in a day or so.
  24. I think if the Elibe games were remade, the Dragon's Gate would probably function like the Fates one. So it would allow access to multiple realms and time periods. But when looking at the current Blazing Blade, there isn't really a lot of evidence for it connecting to Fates. Rather, I think it's more likely that the other realm was Archanea due to the similar dragon species.
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