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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. I think it's an interesting discussion, but as pointed out, the two situations are vastly, vastly different. Although the topic is the same. For IS to screw up as badly as Blizzard, they would've had to announce Fire Emblem Heroes without a new mainline Fire Emblem and there had to have been a major gap since the most recent FE. Seeing as Fates came out not too long ago, the situation with Heroes wasn't nearly as grave. From our perspective, the flood of alts in Heroes seems like a slap in the face, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a drop in the pond compared to Blizzard's situation. Besides, the huge difference in the like/dislike ratios kinda suggests that ^^ Regardless, I personally would like IS to have more transparency when it comes to reveals. They sort of do it sometimes, like when they announced the Thracia, Radiant Dawn and Binding Blade banners way in advance. Or when they admitted that Grand Conquests still needs fine-tuning. Other than that, I'm fairly content with the way they've been handling things. I do think they need more FEH Channels though. Maybe they could do mini ones to fill in the gaps. But I suppose those cost money (to direct/produce and to pay the English and Japanese voice actress).
  2. Yubelo as a Hero... Ahahaha. There was some nice stuff shown. I think my favourite was the Sophia art; she looks so serene.
  3. Oh man, I had a lot of childhood memories with Pokemon. I'll start with the slightly tragic memory that I'm sure a couple of others have experienced. When I visited a cousin's house, I brought my copy of Blue with a bunch of high level, trained Pokemon. Of course, the first thing they do is start a new file and save over it. I was distraught, but hey I guess it means I can enjoy the game all over again. Plus since I know the game so well, I can make better choices ^^;;; On a more positive note, before Gold and Silver came out in English, I managed to get a Japanese copy during a car boot sale or something. It turned out to be a bootleg, but it worked and that was the most important thing. It was so amazing playing the game before everyone else and I loved all the improvements so much, like the game being in colour, day and night cycle, Special Attack and Defense split, etc. That said, since the game was in Japanese, I didn't understand everything. Still, I did beat the game and make my way to Kanto. Which was mind-blowing for me as a kid. Honestly, I don't think any other postgame has matched it since. Anyway, I was doing so well, until I got stuck at Snorlax. I had literally no idea how to proceed, until one day I was bored and listened to the radio... then I heard the Poke Flute song. Wait... could it be... I'll leave it at that : )
  4. The only one I remember is 5.75% on Flora's banner (and thankfully I did get Flora). I have a feeling I might have gone higher during the very first Halloween banner (where I ended up getting pity-broken).
  5. Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated since Echoes (and also Awakening and Fates) use 3D models for the maps. Therefore, I'm not sure if they actually exist. There are two ways you could achieve that though, but both have their fair share of problems. 1. You could take multiple screenshots of the map from a fixed distance. All the while, you'd need to move the player and enemy units out of the way. I think this might be possible in Echoes only, since it actually has a proper birds-eye-view camera (whereas Awakening and Fates only have a slanted camera, if that makes sense). I am guessing Fire Emblem Wars of Dragons uses this technique--and it would probably be the easiest, if slightly tedious, way to get the maps. 2. This would require some technical skill, but you could theoretically dump the map files from the game using a hacked 3DS/2DS or acquire them from somebody who has already dumped the files. Then you could load the files in a program that can read 3DS model files like Ohana3DS and view the map that way. Trouble is, I don't think any program has 100% compatibility and I've noticed the textures aren't always read in the correct order, so the maps don't look right. Also, smaller objects like barrels and crates may need to be loaded separately. So this probably wouldn't even work, ahaha. Sorry that I can't help, but hopefully that explains your difficulty in locating the maps.
  6. I wasn't sure how to tackle Infernal at first. But I figured I would try and brute force it with young Tiki. First turn, I threw Tiki with Quick Riposte and Distant Def seal towards the left side. She KO'd the Mage, damaged the Archer and baited Aversa. Next turn I had Tiki finish the Archer, then I threw Bride Cordelia at the newly spawned Cavalier and Aversa, before finishing her turn in range of the Axe Flier. With ally support (I think?) and Drive Def, she survived with HP to spare. The rest of the turns was dancing Cordelia all across the map with two dancers. Tiki also helped a bit with Draw Back. Not looking forward to Abyssal in the future DX
  7. It has to be Sophia from Binding Blade. Girl joins so late and in the worst chapter ever. But I really like her design, so I can't help but use her. It's not too bad in Normal Mode since the enemies are quite lax. But I have painful memories of trying to level her in Hard Mode, by making her snipe enemies from behind the walls in Chapter 16 ^^;;;
  8. Personally I am not sure if they'll go for straight crossovers, but it wouldn't be that hard to explain them with the plot. The idea of Outrealms already exist in this game as Otherworlds, so the crossover characters can easily come from there. I mean, we'll already seeing characters from Cygames's other IPs sneaking in as Wyrmprints and even a full character in Lily today. So Nintendo crossovers probably aren't impossible. I suppose it depends on if the two developers are interested in pursuing it. Speaking of Lily, I got her as my first 5* and from my first tenfold summon. It makes up for not getting Flora in FE Heroes, almost.
  9. Nice. I just hit 6,000 as well. I'm still enjoying the game. The Shadowwyrm took me by surprise, but I am liking the challenge ^^ Also, the music in this game is on point. For those who don't like J-Pop, you can turn off vocals as well.
  10. *Plays Together we Ride in the background* From the main site:
  11. It's just rumours as far I'm aware. I don't believe there's any official information from Nintendo or other reputable sources. Now I wouldn't be surprised if a N64 Classic is happening, but it's probably impossible to know when--or if--it's coming. As for Nintendo's output this year, they focused a lot on Switch's first year with stuff like Super Mario Odyssey and polishing up Breath of the Wild. So I imagine they need more time to develop their next batch of titles.
  12. If you are playing on emulator or flashcart, you can find some cheat codes to add a Durandal back in your inventory. But if you're playing on the original cartridge, you will need to try again. TBH the game isn't that long and you might be able to just continue and try for the true ending on your second run. Way back, I think I played to my 7th or so play-through before I got the true ending. I was a slow player and couldn't read all the Japanese, so I missed a lot of legendary weapons, haha.
  13. Glad you enjoyed the game! I do think Thracia is one of those games thay you need to go in blind to really appreciate the game design (as in they really wanted to kill you), but you were brave enough to even try it ^^ For better or worse, I feel like Thracia is probably the most complex game, besides maybe Radiant Dawn. If you are interested to see how that path follows, I would suggest trying TearRing Saga if you haven't done so. That game isn't half as balanced or hard as Thracia, but you can tell they had fun trying all sorts of things.
  14. Thanks! What I did is change my Nintendo Account region to the US. It might have caused some side effects but TBH I am not really using my Nintendo Account for much these days. I did this for Pocket Camp when it launched in Australia first. Later I switched my region back to UK when it released globally a month later. Not sure when Dragalia will get a global release though.
  15. OK, I am enjoying the game a lot more now. I appreciate that there are lots of ways to make your characters stronger. Also, the Adventurer's Stories are really cute. I kinda wish FE Heroes did that, outside of Forging Bonds. Of course, I know all about most FE characters, but not everyone does (and some characters barely had any backstory originally, especially during the NES-SNES era). If anyone wants to add me, my friend code is 7121 5754 445. Please @ me here or PM me so I know who you are (since space is really limited).
  16. My memory sucks, but I am pretty sure I had lots of dreams of making incredible breakthroughs regarding the Fire Emblem world map. Like figuring out where all the continents are located on the globe, new continents, etc. I guess I'm just a huge nerd XD One day, I really want to ask the developers about that...
  17. I have been playing since launch and I don't think I've missed a log in even when I've been super, duper busy. I still enjoy the game because it's a chance for me to play with my favourite characters and engage with the community ^^
  18. I haven't pulled beyond the tutorial freebie. I guess that could be part of the problem, haha. I got 4* Eleanora as my free summon. Fortunately I got past the bit I was stuck. I did a little grinding and developed my managed circles. Then my damage stopped being terrible. The bosses still deal massive damage though, so I guess I need to be more careful. The lizardmen with their barriers are my bane.
  19. It is co-developed by the developer of Granblue : P Game is pretty cute so far. I am stuck on Chapter 2 though o__o
  20. Rajaion is the older one. Almedha calls him big brother in one of the final base conversations. I am just guessing, but Rajaion is probably designed to be a handsome dragon prince, so that's why he looks fairly young.
  21. In the long run, you should avoid having FE in the name. But if it's something small and you're not planning to sell it, I don't think it's a big deal. To be honest, although SRPG Studio is heavily based on FE, none of its assets are from FE. So unlike FE hacks, you can afford to benefit by not marketing your game as a FE fan game. Whereas hacks have already "lost" in the IP and copyright battle, so it doesn't really matter if the creators borrow the FE name. I hope that makes sense.
  22. Sure, why not? Let's give this a try... 1. Nayuta no Kiseki - For My Precious Friend Let's just say I really like a lot of the music that Falcom puts out. Especially from Ys and the Trails of series. But my all-time favourite piece from them is the true final battle theme from Nayuta no Kiseki. Without spoiling too much, you need to battle to save an important friend and I feel like this theme really captures the epicness as well as the melancholiness. 2. Xenoblade Chronicles - Gaur Plains I love exploring in games and Xenoblade Chronicles was my first experience with a somewhat open-world game. Stepping foot on Gaur Plains was mind-blowing for me and this music just made everything perfect. It really made me enjoy exploring the plains over and over. The night version of this theme is something else as well! 3. Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Disturbance in Agustria Personally, I really like a lot of Fire Emblem music, from the older games all the way up to the newer ones. If I had to pick one, I'd go for the map theme from Chapter 2. There's something really serene and eerie about this piece that makes me keep coming back to it. I'm not really sure it fitted the mood of the chapter, but it was lovely to listen to, ahaha. 4. Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon - Ultra Necrozma Likewise, there's a lot of pretty cool Pokemon music over the years. It was quite hard to choose, but I think I'll go with this. The battle with Ultra Necrozma was something to behold and its battle theme is pretty much the dictionary definition of epic. There's a lot going on in the music, but it never gets too overwhelming and I appreciate that. 5. Azure Striker Gunvolt - Cyanotype Last but not least, I'm a sucker for sad songs in games and this is probably the saddest one for me. Again, without spoiling too much, there's a character who really admires the main character, but something happens at the very end that changes their relationship forever. This song with its slow, gentle pace never fails to give me the feels... Wait, only 5 songs? I feel like I could go on forever XD
  23. Thanks! It appears I, er, missed a whole week of cards. I was away on a work trip and completely forgot about those ^^;;
  24. Yup, sorry for the lateness, but here's the recap of the livestream. If I made any mistakes, just let me know! I just got back from work and I'm kinda exhausted ^^;;;
  25. Yeah, I still rely on them. They are easy to use and easy to get. I have been meaning to add some Tactic skills but very often my team compositions, for Arena etc, don't allow for them. Other times it's because they are super rare like Atk and Spd. EDIT: I forgot Legault has Attack, but I only have one of him.
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