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Everything posted by VincentASM

  1. That was something I pointed out (cough) in my initial analysis ^^ It says "Teacher/Staff Bonus". If I had to guess, it seems to be Byleth's bonus. Perhaps it depends on Byleth's current class? Sword makes sense since he always uses swords in the trailers. Authority also seems logical. Axes though... hmm, that's interesting.
  2. After some thought, I do agree E+ is just an extra weapon rank and there's probably stuff like D+ too. That said, there isn't a direct correlation between having an E+ and a Strength. What's probably happening is that characters start with increased weapon ranks for those they have a strength in. In the Japanese trailer, Dorothea has E+ in Authority without a Strength:
  3. Double post because I did some more digging. Anyway, here's an edited image to make it easier to see the crest on the stone: Also, I had a proper look at the soundtrack CD and recreated all the missing crests from the mural: They're not perfect, but way better than what we had before ^^
  4. Great catch! It took me a while to see the crest even after you pointed it out. Speaking of crests, you can clearly see all the crests--even the worn out ones--on the edge of the soundtrack CD in the NA special edition. Because of the product placement, you can't actually see all the crests though, haha. Yeah, I know what you mean. TBH, our logic for putting people in houses is pretty flimsy, especially since students can logically interact with those from other classes. That said, if we're going by each class having 8 members, you can see all of Claude's members is his intro cutscene--and Ashe doesn't seem to among them. Instead, there seems to be a different blonde-haired girl and a girl with short braided hair (who we only see from the back). Meanwhile, if you put Ashe in Dimitri's class, you get exactly 8 as well.
  5. As far as I can tell, it corresponds to the user being able to physically wield E rank weapons. A standard E rank is just a potential and you can't equip weapons from that category yet. This is probably why D+ doesn't exist. If you have a weapon rank of D, it's obvious that you can wield weapons from that category.
  6. They aren't usually made public, to my knowledge. By definition, they're given to the press who can give to the public. If no press uploads them, nobody will see them. That's actually happened before, I think.
  7. Doh, I keep finding new things. Please stop me. It seems both of the teachers introduced appeared in the first trailer. Mustached man is here: Lady teacher is here: Obviously, you can spot many of the other students on the map. But I thought it was cool that teachers can fight too.
  8. I got it from Gamespress (I think it has no relation to Gamepress), which is an aggregate website for press materials. A kind individual gave me a log-in a long time ago. I also checked one of Nintendo's own press sites, but they didn't have the portraits strangely.
  9. @DefyingFates The portraits are from the press assets. I was actually looking for the full body art, although I guess it'd be too early for that. But I found the portraits instead.
  10. Surprisingly none that I noticed. Even the Japanese world map has been changed to the English one. Some of the spellings take some time to figure out though. Like Byleth is written as Bereto, but that's apparently how Byleth is spelled in Japanese. I'll take another look soon and let you know if I find any...
  11. Good catch with the blonde swordsman/woman. That part was so fast and blurry, even frame skipping didn't do much. I think you've probably got the right idea. Although I'm not sure how it would work logically. Can you really learn to fly just by fighting enemies as normal? Yeah, with Combat Arts coming back, I wasn't too surprised. That could also mean the technology of Fodlan is similar to Valentia's. Hmm, that could be possible. For reference, it's the same stat as Authority and Leadership in Radiant Dawn and Genealogy of the Holy War. Just like how Reason is the same as Anima. TBH, I dunno why they changed it to Reason (even though it's accurate), when they kept it as Anima in Heroes. Then again, they changed Heaven from the Tellius games to Astra in Heroes, so consistency isn't their strong suit...
  12. Near the top of this page We've already see the house leaders, but the portraits for Byleth (M) and Byleth (F) are new.
  13. Thanks! I hadn't thought of that, but they do look similar. Whoops! Thanks! I added that now. Hmm, it's hard to tell. In the Japanese trailer, it's just "Next Skill Level". So it might not mean anything special. Also, I'll add this in a bit, but the Knights of Serios mentioned in the trailer are literally the troops/battalions that support you.
  14. Nintendo Direct (February 2019) Key details: Game releases 26th July in North America, Europe and Japan. Koei Tecmo is co-developing the game. Character designer and artist is Chinatsu Kurahana. There will be special editions, which differ slightly depending on the region: North America / Europe / Japan Trailer below: My analysis In brief: The continent of Fodlan is home to three nations: the Adrestian Empire, Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance. You are the main character of the story and you can be male or female. You were original a mercenary, but became a teacher at the Garreg Mach Monastery after an incident. The monastery is the home base of the Church of Seiros and where the officer's academy is found. Around the time of the incident, you start seeing a green-haired girl, Sothis, in your mind. Students at the academy belong to three houses that correspond to the three nations. You lead one of the three houses. It seems the students you teach (and can use in battle) are unique to each house. At least early on and/or for some part of the game. You're in charge of planning lessons for your students. This lets you increase their skills (aptitudes). Aptitudes include the traditional Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow. Also includes Fighting (with fists), Reason (Anima), Faith (healing), etc. It seems characters have assets and flaws for certain aptitudes, although the difference is fairly small. Everyone (maybe not you) seems to start off as a Noble and can reclass to multiple classes via passing exams. Four characters can work together to perform powerful attacks known as Gambit Boosts during battles.
  15. Via the main site That took a lot longer than I planned. I started at 11 am and now it's 5:30 am. I tried to cover everything I could, but I am heavily sleep deprived so, yeah. In particular, I was too tired to proof read the second half. So if you spot something wonky or something I missed, please let me know ^^
  16. Pretty sure it means nothing. If you check the actual playlist, it says it was last updated October 2018. I think it's more likely they simply removed a video at some point in time.
  17. Absolutely Bridal Cordelia. Well, I thought she had a nice design, but I wasn't gunning for her during her debut banner. However I ended up getting pity-broken by her when trying for Bridal Lyn and Caeda. But I found out she was +Atk and I thought I'd try the Brave Bow build on her. So far, she's been my go-to unit for 90% of the game's content. Most of the time, I just run her with three dancers or I swap one of the dancers with Nino if the enemies have too much defence. Lately, the maps have been getting tougher, but I've tried to adapt by giving her a Brazen seal. Seems to be working well so far.
  18. I'd definitely like to see visible encounters in the next mainline game; I loved how they worked in Let's Go. Although, some maps were a bit too small and sometimes the wild Pokemon got really crowded. However that shouldn't be a problem if they're making a new game and don't have to reuse map layouts from the old GB days ^^
  19. No worries. So long as there's been some time since the last topic ^^ Hmmm, it's a very difficult choice for me. I've played a lot of RPGs and a lot of them have their good points and bad points, and I can't really think of one with more good than bad. I guess the last one that really hooked me was Ao no Kiseki (or Trails to Azure). The build up was pretty intense, but there were a few cop-outs and the endgame literally didn't matter, which I guess is interesting in itself XD
  20. Of course they should look happy, it's meant to be a huge celebration of all FEs after all : D But no Leif is a bit weird though. Since literally everyone else is there. I guess he does get his own art exhibition.
  21. Nice! I was half wondering if they'd release an all-stars series like this. With all these colours being represented, I hope they have "rainbow" in the name ^^
  22. I think the "expo" in the name might have set off unrealistic expectations. It's possible that they'll share new game/project announcements, but I think it's unlikely given the info we now know. Info from today's Cipher livestream. Summary:
  23. Aww, that's so nice; I'm glad Katarina managed to snag a SR. Her role is kinda cliched, but I felt they pulled it off nicely. Plus, she was technically FE's first waifu, although I suppose that award goes to Lyn, if she had romantic feelings for Mark. Also, I totally did not cry when editing her lines in the New Mystery translation...
  24. Hmm, mine's a toss up between Xenoblade Chronicles or the Trails games. I really enjoy exploring the open worlds in Xenoblade and the story is fairly entertaining as well. Especially in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, they've put a lot of effort into the cut-scenes. That said, even Xenoblade feels kinda short to be a proper marathon for me. In which case, the Trails games (Trails in the Sky etc.) are definitely marathons or slow-burners at the very least. The main story is already pretty dang long and there are so many sidequests to do. Anyway, I really enjoy the world-building and all the character dynamics. Plus all the games in the Trails series are connected, so after you've played a few games, you can get really invested in the world and characters.
  25. Hi, thanks for asking. It is something I am considering, especially with the English version coming out next year. Most likely, I will add a wiki for users to contribute to.
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