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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Unfortunately we've ran into a little trouble with the rebranding. It seems that leaving Serenes Forest means we stop receiving government funding from the Begnion Empire to pay for the servers (which are expensive). So for the mean time, we'll be relocating back to the lush green forests.

    However, if you want to visit Sakura's Forest, it's now available as an option in the theme selector.

  2. 3 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    Putting a little life into this dead topic, but I noticed something whilst sifting through this video just a few minutes ago. This might've already been mentioned here but (minor spoilers on playable cast ahead):

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    Alm's party has 13 units in it, but he hasn't accessed Luthier's village (and if he has, yet retreated so reinforcements from Desaix's castle are in front of it, Mathilda still hadn't been recruited, as reinforcements would've stopped when Desaix's defeated). With Faye, Alm's party should only be at 11, Luthier being 12th, and Mathilda being 13th. If neither had been recruited, which having Mathilda is impossible at this point anyways, who are the extra 1/2 units?

    Celica's party is a little less confusing, but still interesting to note. At the end of Chapter 2, Celica should be at 8 units (Celica, Boey. Mae, Genny, Saber, Valbar, Leon, Kamui), with Chapter 3 adding Palla/Catria, being 9 and 10, Atlas being 11, Jesse 12, Sonya/Deen 13, Est 14, and Nomah 15. As the video continues you can see that Jesse's dungeon is cleared, and Sonya/Deen is defeated. If one assumes Celica has cleared Greith's fortress, the unit number is exactly what it should be, I just thought it's interesting that Celica's squad had cleared it's main goal of Ch3, yet Alm had barely begun. However, this also brings up the questions, "Where does the Masked Knight fit into this? ", "If he does fit in by this point, and Est is recruited in the same location as Sonya/Deen, who is the 14th unit?" and even "Is the Masked Knight playable at all?".

    Just a couple things to think about. If anyone has a solution, please let me know.

    Yeah, I thought the numbers for Alm's party were a bit strange. I just assumed the player retreated back to Zofia Castle before recruiting Delthea to get a good screenshot.

    Dunno if the days are consistent though. 14 days have passed, which may not be enough time to go to the end of the map and back for both characters.

    Then again, Nintendo can totally break the rules if they want to. Debug tools and all.

  3. Hi all!

    After a lot of careful assessment and discussion with the staff, we've decided that "Serenes Forest" is a bit old hat and we'll be switching over to "Sakura's Forest" in the coming months.

    In the current era of the community, Fates is one of the biggest games and waifus one of the hottest topics, so the new names seems perfectly in line. Also, it's a clever pun since "sakura" means cherry blossom in Japanese, so it can mean "cherry blossom forest".

    Unfortunately, changing the entire website itself is a labourious task (good luck @Jyosua), so only the forums have been changed right now.

    If you encounter any problems with the new forum skin, please let me know. In particular, one element is still bright cyan, but I can't seem to find it. Bonus points for anyone who does!

  4. 16 minutes ago, Thany said:

    there were plans for a 4 star focus? perhaps this idea will be something in the future. im intrigued about the payment option.

    To be fair, there were mentions of Voting Gauntlets since Day 1 as well. Oh and skill inheritance ; )

    Here's the bit about 4 star focus for reference:



    "Pick Up" is the Japanese term for Focus.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Yes, I remember it was the case with Fates at E3 too, but that was long before release whereas Echoes should be complete by now. I hope you're right anyway!

    I assume the demo build is simply unoptimised or just really early. I would be more concerned if it happened in the eShop demo available to the public, etc.

    5 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

    Another one.

    Not really anything there except Leon's wondrous 19 hit rate on that brigand on a grave.

    Prepare for Gaiden hit rates.

    Pretty much, but to be fair, you shouldn't be attacking enemies on Graves unless you've got a spell : P

  6. 1 minute ago, Thany said:

    Arvis rules a kingdom as well doesnt he? i think Zephel just rules a part of a continent. but im not sure if thats what its looking for.

    At the start, he rules over a duchy. In Gen 2, he rules over the Grannvale Empire as mentioned.

    So he never rules over a kingdom per se, not is he ever king.

  7. 2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    Eh, that makes sense. I don't think there's another Emperor hanging around, too.

    I think FE tends to have at most one empire at a time. I guess empires are pretty big and there's not enough space on the continent for more : P

    Also, I just remembered, there's a oversight in the Radiant Dawn support conversations where Sanaki is actually referred to as a "King", haha. Man, I need to find that screenshot again...

  8. 55 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    Somewhat disappointingly easy for me, though I could imagine someone tripping over the wording easily.

    But why is Sanaki here? She's an Empress and a girl! I'd understand if it were a Queen, but an Empress who goes by Apostle?

    "King" is gender neutral in Japanese, as is the case with most nouns.

    In the Japanese version, Sanaki uses the same "Emperor" kanji for Vigarde and Arvis.

    Sadly, there's no accurate way to present this question to English fans. Except maybe "which of these characters rules over a kingdom?" Even still, it's not a very intuitive question.

  9. Hey, thanks for the feedback. I'm more on the content creation side so I think I'll poke @Jyosua. For now, I'll just give some comments on the matters.

    From my perspective, the "Read More" button is fine; it does what it says on the tin.

    You can actually read an article in full by clicking the headline. However, I do realise it might not be obvious.

    The other thing you mentioned I have been pondering from time to time, since I understand not everyone follows Cipher or even Heroes, etc. Ideally, I want the front page to be representative of the series as a whole. So that's why everything is there.

    Right now, you can filter news by clicking the categories. Eg. Fire Emblem Echoes for Echoes news. But it's not immediately obvious when there's news as you have to click the filter to check. Which is kind of missing the point of news IMO.

    I think a better idea would be to have actual filters to remove news per category (so you can blacklist Heroes news for example). But I don't know if Wordpress has that sort of feature.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Tamanoir said:

    That Golden Dagger gives a skill that is a Physical version of Nosferatu. That alone feels like it could have some uses.

    I'm staring at it and it almost seems too good. I suppose Nosferatu is ranged so you don't have to worry about counter-attacks most of the time, but it has a worrisome 60% rate.

    That said, you probably can't counter with skills (since you trigger them via a menu), so there's that.

  11. I like the idea. Also interested to see if they're locked to weapons or learned by the characters.

    I think the former though or that list is gonna get LONG!

    Also, just for clarification, all skills are triggered via a menu and some require HP (like magic). There's also the return of Shove!

  12. 32 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    I notice that the Demon Dragon option is second- do we suspect any reason in particular?

    I think it's because people don't expect the cute Tiki to be associated with demons.

    Yeah, it appears to be the newbie trap.

    "Earth Dragon" looks generic if you don't know anything about Archanea; it wouldn't look out of place next to Ice Dragon, for example.

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