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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Just now, RedEyedDrake said:

    Tiki was a special case because she was a child. Gotoh himself says as much. Her being a child means that she lacks mental fortitude and thus would be easily influenced by any destructive urges that she might experience.

    Indeed, that makes a lot of sense.

    I'm also reminded of Nah's destructive impulses in Awakening.

    Really, the dragonstones are more of a tool to stave off the inevitable, not an answer for everything.

    We also have (spoilers for Fates)

    Anankos going mad even when he had a dragonstone--or the means to create one.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Thane said:

    That much I know, but didn't we see Mila and Duma as humanoids in the data files? Or even in one of the cutscenes with Rudolf? 

    This is just a guess, but I'm assuming Duma was like the Earth Dragons and too prideful to remain in human form for long. Or maybe having a dragonstone isn't enough for some Divine Dragons due to their sheer power.

    On a different note, I just realised Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelations might be referring to the Divine Dragon vs Earth Dragon war. I don't know what Duma did to be banished from Archanea, but it must have been serious.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Ah, right, you told me about that before. I've always associated 王 with men, but maybe that's because I'm a filthy gaijin and all that. Sorry about that, buddy. 

    Oh, I'm sure they are. Well if they keep delivering pretty dragon ladies, I guess I can't complain.

    Edit: I almost forgot, but how does Naga avoid getting crazy, then? If Mila and Duma's sanities are/were deteriorating, how can Naga remain sane? Because she's just that much more powerful than them?

    Hahaha, that's true. I dunno where SoC and Ice Dragon would be otherwise.

    That's a very good question with a very good answer.

    Although I guess it depends on your interpretation. You're led to believe the Naga died some time after the war with the Earth Dragons. A dead being can't go crazy, after all. Or it can't cause damage anyway...

    Or if you believe the Naga=Nagi theory, Naga slept in an Outrealm. This is also how Tiki staved off craziness until the Binding Shield protected her. No clue how she survived in Awakening though, but I guess she was old enough to control her powers by then?


    Oh yeah, dragonstones. Young Tiki was special because she was a child divine dragon--and Naga's daughter. So I suppose somebody like Fae had it easy : P

    10 minutes ago, GrimmLow said:
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    My goodness..it's All connected to Geneaology's lore. The dragons. The Divine Holy Blood. All of it continues to date back to Geneaology's lore. From the Naga brand. To the possibility that Loptyr's bloodline is continued in Grima's. Not to mention the brand of the divine dragons appear on Alm and Celica, like the 12 crusaders, Chrom and Lucina, and the Grimleal. So many connections.


    Personally I think this was all planned somewhat. Even Tellius has some subtle hints with the Branded. I mean, if you think about it, the Branded are really just pumped up versions of the humans with transfused dragon blood. Which makes sense if Tellius is near the start of the timeline.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Hmm, I just want to clear up a few things here.

    What did Mila say when she said she sealed herself off? Was it her plan to let herself be sucked up by Rudolf?

    If Naga was a king back then, then I guess Awakening's Naga is his successor, similar to how Tiki took over her role in Future Past? I've not played FE3/12, so I don't know if that's detailed there.

    Anyway, cool stuff, thanks for the translations. I do appreciate the worldbuilding and how they connect the Akaneia/Valentia games, but I've got to be honest, I wish they didn't all have to revolve around dragons.

    Already explained, but "King" is gender neutral in Japanese, so Naga can still be--and is most likely a woman.

    For the sake of Western continuity (and as much as it pains me), I've chosen to make all pronouns male.

    TBH, I think dragons are here to stay. They've always had a crucial role in the Fire Emblem games, although sometimes not very obvious. I guess Tellius is the sole exception, but it seems to predate dragonkin history.

  5. Thanks to new content in Echoes, we now have some more backstory about Mila and Duma.

    Firstly, this shouldn't be a huge surprise (not much of a spoiler), but the pair are confirmed to be dragons. Typically, in Fire Emblem, the ancient dragons were revered as gods (see Jugdral and Ylisse). So this makes sense.

    However, Echoes goes one further by canonising the pair as Divine Dragons. Not only that, but Naga--the Divine Dragon King--is indirectly involved.

    EDIT: For the sake of Shadow Dragon continuity, I've (reluctantly) chosen to refer to Naga as a dude. In Japanese, "King" is gender neutral so Naga can still be--and is most likely a woman (see Jugdral and Ylisse, and Nagi in Archanea if you believe the obvious theory).

    During the final chapter, Mila appears in front of Alm and Celica during their most trying struggle.



    I am Mila, one you call a God... My brother Duma and I created this here land.

    Indeed, that was my name once... However, the current me no longer has that kind of power.

    The Falchion you hold... It was created from the Dragon King Naga's fang, a god-slaying weapon with no equal. Naga knew from the start. The fate that would await us dragonkin who lived for as long as the earth itself... and that was the dragonkin's inevitable descent into madness. Our fate was one of destruction. Knowing this, Naga gave the Falchion to Duma. For the day we could no longer control our impulses and cause calamity to the lands, it would serve as mankind's way of destroying us... the shining hope for the fangless ones. Yet I... To protect my brother, I sealed away the Falchion and myself... I loved and respected my brother and like my brother, I fell in love with humanity. Somewhere, I don't know where... where did we end up going wrong?

    Alm, Anteze... o destined ones. Thank you for overcoming many struggles to reach here... Thanks to your efforts, I now understand the power that mankind possesses. Or perhaps I simply did not wish to admit that mankind could survive through their own power, without the help of us Gods. And perhaps Duma knew this as well... I shall grant the Falchion to you. I pray the Falchion releases Duma from the abyss of pain and despair...

    As far as I understand, Mila apparently sealed herself away so humans couldn't access the Falchion. However she didn't realise how far beyond salvage Duma was.

    In addition, the 10th and final memory sequence shows Mila and Duma forging the divine accord.



    Oh, Duma... why can you not understand? The world I want to create, where all living things can live in peace and prosperity? We can make Valentia a paradise on earth, free from all suffering.

    Such foolishness! What point is there to a world like that? Humans have always survived through their own power... verily, they must strive to test the limits of their power. A life without struggles is but a empty shell.

    That isn't true. During their lives, humans are constantly tested; there's no need for us to burden them further. I wish to rescue humans from their harsh struggles; I want to make their sorrows and pain disappear... Isn't that the responsibility of us who are called Gods?

    Mila... Your blind love will simply lead humanity onto the path of ruin. Humans are weak creatures. Because they are weak, it is our responsibility as Gods to make them stronger.

    ...Duma... My one and only brother... We once shared a dream, to create our vision of paradise on Valentia... If we cannot agree, then further discussion is useless.

    Hmph, what you say is true. We traveled to this distant land to seek our paradise... How long ago was that? Even I have forgotten... Mila, it appears we cannot live together. I shall govern over the northern realm, while you may govern over the southern realm. Individually, we shall seek our own ideals, and we shall never trespass into the other's realm; this will be our divine accord. Which of our choices will benefit humanity... time shall tell.

    Indeed, I accept. The fighting has been exhausting. Farewell, Duma, I shall walk my chosen path. I pray that no what matter which side they fall on, humans shall live blessed lives...

    Seems pretty civil to me, haha.

    Finally, in the amiibo dungeons, there are some stone tablets that feature passages from the Valentian Book of Revelations. There's actually a surprising revelation in there. Chapter 15 which features in the first trailer is not actually about Mila and Duma.


    The Book of Valentian Revelations

    Chapter 2
    Duma and Mila, two siblings who existed since ancient times; known as Divine Dragons in a far off land.

    Chapter 13
    Against the King of the Divine Dragons, Duma ceaselessly argued.

    Chapter 15
    The earth split, the seas parted, and the heavens themselves threatened to come tumbling down.
    The battle transcended any that history had yet know

    Chapter 19
    The merciful Dragon King gifted the exiled Duma with his own fang.

    Chapter 20
    The Falchion was the first blade to be crafted from the Dragon King's fang, and the king incarnate.

    Chapter 21
    Inheritors of the Divine Dragon blood--carriers of the Brand--held the right to invoke the true power of the Dragon King's fang, the embodiment of the king's strength.

    Chapter 22
    After Duma's banishment, Mila followed. At the end of an arduous journey, the two arrived upon these lands.

    Chapter 26
    In these lands, Duma seeked the power to dominate all things, while Mila seeked love and assurance; their ideals existed in parallel.

    Chapter 29
    As war threatened to engulf all things living, and tear the earth and heavens asunder, the thunderous echoes resounded with Mila's despair.

    Chapter 30
    Even after countless strife, Duma refused to turn the King's Fang on his sister.

    Chapter 37
    Duma and Mila granted two heroes with the blood of the Divine Dragon, giving them the rights to build their own nations.

    In any case, I think it's cool they're unifying the dragons=gods and birthmark=Brand concepts. Plus we learn where Falchion came from, even if does seem a little wishy washy. I guess Valentia's Falchion was the original?

  6. 34 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    The writers don't get to decide what is basic common sense and what isn't. I don't mind these weapons being mass produced, even. But them having the exact same names? And besides, you're the one who can provide the answer to this next question. Is there an actual explanation for these weapons' presence within the borders of Valentia in SoV? Because if there isn't then I see no reason to believe that their existence in SoV is anything beyond IS copypasting the aforementioned fanservice.

    C'mon, it's not like they're suddenly saying pigs can fly.

    Why can you accept the former and not the latter? Iron Swords are mass produced, but they have the same name. Same with Killing Edges, Wo Daos, Rapiers, Wing Spears, etc.

    I have not had time to comb everything, but I do know they changed the backstory for the Falchion.

  7. @RedEyedDrake

    First argument, I think you're being too subjective. It's definitely weird, but I wouldn't go as far to say it's "downright nonsensical". The creators of the games can decide whatever the heck they want to do; we can describe their decisions as strange, but we shouldn't say they're wrong because it doesn't fit with our canon.

    Like I said, there could be myriad explanations. The Three Regalia in Mystery of the Emblem were just strong weapons left behind by the Gods/Dragons. Who's to say they're actually unique? Or laziest explanation: Outrealm shenanigans.

    I mean, it's barely any different to the Deadlords in Awakening magically having Jugdral's holy weapons. Sure, timeline-wise, there's a lot more leeway, but still they were given them with little to no explanation of why. Part of the fun is making up theories as to why these strange occurrences happened, rather than sweeping them under the rug.

    Second argument is... a lot of text for what I concede is a response to a poorly worded answer from me. Marth's Falchion may very well be renamed "Falchion" in the English version. I wasn't arguing that it shouldn't be renamed in the localisation, but rather explaining why it's named that way in the Japanese version.

    In fact, in Fates, Ike's Ragnell and Marth's Falchion both had the Exalted/Divine prefix in the Japanese version, but those were removed in the English version.

    The point I was making is that the prefix is not a new invention, but merely a new way to represent how these weapons were originally referred to. Yes, in the old games, the item was "Falchion", but it was always meant to be "Divine Falchion".

    As for Chrom's Exalted Falchion, yes, it's the original state, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have a prefix. It's basically saying the Falchion and the True Falchion. Blame marketing for that one.

  8. 1 hour ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    Given that Marth's weapon is called the "Exalted Falchion" while Alm's is simply the "Falchion" I'm holding out hope that Alm's sword as well as the Valentian Mercurius, Gradivus and Parthia will get original names in the English version if only because of how stupid the idea of them having the exact same names as their Archanean counterparts is.

    Also, some of the minor villains are going to need a major reworking when it comes to their names. Oh, and actually spell the names of the various monsters correctly, as per the mythological references. And if Alm's sword does get renamed then I'd prefer to see the name of the phantom Marth's sword being changed to "Falchion". That is the sword's original state, dammit. Said state doesn't need some special moniker.

    The game specifies they're Archanea's Three Regalia. It's silly how they're in Valentia, but there's no use denying that they're the same.

    For all we know, maybe the Dragons made spares and put them in Valentia?

    Also, Exalted Falchion, while coined in Awakening's localisation, is the full name for Archanea's Falchion since the very first game. It's literally Divine Sword Falchion, often shortened to Divine Falchion.

    In Awakening, Falchion was sealed before becoming its true form, the Divine/Exalted Falchion.

  9. 58 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Not only that, but I think you might want to take a look at this also. I just searched around google about the leak. I did see them mentioned that they used your name and this site in their posts regarding about the Echoes leak.


    Also, I was just thinking about something that I don't want to get people scared, but what guys do you think that if Nintendo did found out about the Echoes data and a few pirated hackers leaking Echoes to show off the footage, do you guys think Nintendo might take down Serenes Forest from using the Echoes leaks or just the Echoes info if they found out where is the leak came from?

    I guess it made the news, yeah, but those aren't really big news sites. Or maybe Google is giving me different results than yours.

    Er, I mean anything could happen, but I don't think Nintendo cares unless we actually uploaded the ROM or something. In the worst case scenario, if SF got a legitimate C&D, yeah I would take down the content until release date.

  10. 1 hour ago, Cat Villager said:

    Something about unplayable story important characters

      Reveal hidden contents


    Good catch. They don't have playable data and aren't in the ending files, so I can only assume they're DLC or got cut.

    59 minutes ago, SuperIb said:

    @VincentASM Oh I had another question I forgot to ask you; I looked at the Learned Spells page and was wondering if all characters learn 6 spells and they just haven't been found/written yet or if the amount of spells learned varies from character to character. (ex. Saber as mage only learning 4 spells whereas Conrad gets 5 and Kliff gets 6)

    It's the full list. It was like that in Gaiden. Worse in fact XD

  11. 1 hour ago, Gustavos said:

    I'm doubtful that one individual out there was saying "Lol, canceling my pre-order, come to my stream of the game!".

    But I do think it's lame that the aspects of the game meant to be kept secret are no longer secret. Full voice acting, addition of supports, Chapter 6. It reminds me of Smash DLC characters, wouldn't Ryu, the first DLC guest character, have been much cooler if he wasn't leaked weeks before? I was already sold on Shadows of Valentia, but the parts of the game that I don't like being confirmed only makes me more upset. Since SoV didn't get it's fair shot at showing me how serviceable these Gaiden maps can be.

    Oh yeah, it sucks when big news sites post about leaks. Kinda ruins the fun. Or when people post spoilers without regard.

    Over here, I think we've done a decent job keeps thing under wrap, as much as possible anyway.

    To be fair, some of those things aren't really secrets per se. Well, supports maybe (although I blame that on poor PR) and Chapter 6, but that's the fault of the guidebooks XD

    Full voice acting we knew from Day 1.

  12. 1 minute ago, Utzu said:

    Maybe their support is all about them hating each other or something, though I don't know why they'd have a no rank support in the game any way. 

    It could also be that there's no way to get that support and they cut it from the game without cutting the files.

    It's just a standard in-built support. I should've known since Jesse already has Silque under his options >___<

    It's a bit bigger than normal as well (+10 Hit from Jesse and +7 Crt Ev from Silque). Do they have some secret history I don't know about?

    Silque was traveling from somewhere after all...

    1 minute ago, SuperIb said:

    True, maybe it's just that I feel that it's so rudimentary that it shouldn't even have to be bothered with that makes me feel like they wouldn't change it. I guess going based off Nintendo's track-record, they would though, huh? lol whatever. I'll pretend the characters are their real age lmao.

    @VincentASM Hey, did you learn anything more about the Villager's Fork? I think you said earlier that it's not actually under in the item files or something along those lines? I'm rather curious about it. (And am hoping it is indeed an obtainable item lol)

    I'll let you know if I find anything. There are still many places I haven't looked.

    I think it's supposed to have this icon: echoes-items_67.png

    When I said that, I meant it's not in the big database file where the game pulls items from. If it's not in there, it must be pretty dang special or the easiest solution: not available (yet). Even the 7-11 collab items are in there.

    There are other ways to pull items though. Like via DLC files...

  13. 3 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    Also, I'm assuming that the final boss of chapter 6 also counts as a "god"?

    Yes, you assume correctly.

    Renown details

    Internet, StreetPass and SpotPass communications are all present. Not 100% sure of details though.

    Internet is used for accessing DLC and uploading Renown.

    StreetPass seems to be like Awakening? You can set a profile. Players appear somewhere and you can fight them. Could be leftover data from Fates though.

    SpotPass is used for boring stuff, I think, like sharing gameplay info. Didn't really look into it much TBH.

  14. It's unfortunate, although useful for data-miners like you said, but in all likelihood only a small minority will be affected. Most likely these people wouldn't have bought the game anyway.

    Also, it's unfair to say a "Japanese idiot" is at fault. I do think the person who leaked the game wasn't very smart, but they didn't have to be Japanese to do it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Japanese fans are even more angry about the situation.

  15. Just now, familyplayer said:

    Holy crud. Boots exist now in this game? I know some rings previously temporarily increased move, but this is great.

    Well, they're there, but dunno if you can get them.

    I noticed the Villager's Fork used to reclass to Villager isn't in the item database. Uh, did they decide to remove it or is it gonna be DLC or something?

    There are a couple of other unused icons as well. One of them is a long pink ribbon. Another looks like a crystal ball... hang on, I think it's the Starsphere or Geosphere from Marth's games.

  16. 41 minutes ago, GrimmLow said:
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    I think they need the weapon. Regal Sword also works for Alm.

    1 hour ago, Mysterique Sign said:

    Does anyone know how Seazas' name is spelled in Japanese? Because I cannot find him in this folder of portraits

    In my imgur, he's Scizor. Pretty sure that's a closer spelling than Seazas, but I was in a hurry, so I dunno.

    Finally finished what I wanted to do today.




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