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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 12 hours ago, Iridium said:

    Yo, is "Great Conqueror" literally Conqueror, or is it just being translated from Overlord?

    Similarly, is Elephant the same as the ballista known as Pachyderm?

    Might change a few things. 

    It's kinda hard to explain without going into linguistics ^^;;;

    Alm's altar is literally "Conqueror King" or "Conquest King" (覇王).

    "Elephant" is an interpretation; it (巨象) could also be a "colossus" (as in an elephant sized thing). Or even both (a giant elephant).

    EDIT: I should have put a disclaimer not to read too much into the translations. A lot of translations depend on the context and there's very little context here.

  2. 9 hours ago, s07195 said:

    Does Silque say anything about the crew that saved her but left her knocked out all alone in a dungeon? XD

    Hmm, I actually dunno what the conditions for the Celica conversation are. I assume you need to rescue her, but maybe you can leave her knocked out. I am doing a playthrough where I skip her (I feel so freaking bad) so maybe I can check.

    18 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    So, since the Japanese version is out, does Risa Taneda still voice Palla? Her career has been on hiatus since September last year, but I'm not sure if they already did all of the voice work prior to that.

    I'm gonna get the game in like a week or so, but the curiosity is killing me.

    It is indeed Risa Taneda.

    I have a feeling voices were recorded before that, yeah. Maybe she did them around the same time as Heroes?

  3. I've been meaning to review a Fire Emblem game since forever, but the opportunity never really came.

    Rather than twiddle my fingers, I thought I'd write up a review for the main site, which you can read here.

    (Note: There are some light/medium spoilers, but nothing major.)

    Since we're primarily a fan site, there wasn't much sense in me trying to score the game, so I did a breakdown of the game's key features.

    I'm sure most of the information is common knowledge, but there may be some gameplay elements that haven't been covered much.

    Also, enjoy the pretty pictures : )

  4. 43 minutes ago, r_n said:

    We already know the names, don't we?

    Altar of the Lance Knight (Cavalier Over-Class)
    Altar of the Shielded Giant (Baron Over-Class)
    Altar of the Black Crane (Pegasus Over-Class)
    Altar of the Shadowy Maiden (Female Mage Over-Class)
    Altar of the Virtuous Enchantress (Cleric Over-Class)
    Altar of the Fearsome Warlord (Mercenary Over-class)
    Altar of the War Elephant (Archer Over-class)
    Altar of the Scholarly Sage (Male Mage Over-Class)
    Altar of the Noble Queen (Celica's Over-Class)
    Altar of the Great Conqueror (Alm's Over-Class)

    Worst case they just shorten the name (ie: Scholar, Queen, Warlord, etc)

    The names in the DLC are just fancy titles, so the actual class names will probably be different. Maybe similar in essence.

    I imagine Celica and Alm could be Queen and Conqueror though. The rest could be literally anything.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Soledai said:

    Do pardon me if it's been mentioned and discovered, but I took a peek at the profile card and noticed that in addition to real locations, there are FE locations as well. Nothing big, just something I thought was neat. In before it was in Fates as well, then I'll say, well I didn't play Fates

    I am pretty sure they were in Awakening as well ; )

    It's cool how you can pick different characters for your card. Mine's Tatiana right now.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Pete-of-the-Forge said:

    War elephants you say? Now all I need is to have all this in the Genealogy remake so I can reclass Hannibal to one. Mountains will be crossed.

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    J.M.W. Turner inspired artstyle is ideal, though some of those maps are already pretty epic

    In all seriousness, these look pretty cool. I would've like some sort of legacy class like Dread Fighter in Awakening and Ballistician/Witch in Fates, but these look interesting (except for that Baron over-class. I would prefer a less-bulky non-mounted spear user like Sentinel). But still no axe user...

    It's kind of awkward since Echoes is a legacy game XD

    I guess it could have new classes instead? You know, I'm curious if they'll have the amiibo classes as (free?) DLC. They did that in Fates (as paid DLC).

  7. 37 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Alright thanks. And also, I forgot to ask about the Summoning the amiibo, is the summoning from any amiibos from Arts (that was shown in GameXplain's video that it was localized as Arts) counted as a Skill or is it a Spell since they do actually required by Mila's Turnwheel?

    It's a skill. You trigger it from the skills menu.

    Right now it's not in the skill list on the main site because it's not in the main skill database. I'm guessing the game pulls the skill from a different file.

  8. 5 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I have two questions:

    1. Does the game have that birthday mechanics for each characters like in Awakening and Fates or they did not include that since they got their ages revealed in the game? I don't think I saw their birthdays were shown in the data, just their ages?
    2. Which DLC map in Series 1 has the free to download and the other ones has the paired to download?

    No birthdays and, as mentioned, it looks like ages are a cut feature...

    No maps are free right now. Gift from the Goddess 1 is a free DLC that gives you 1x Boots. There are 4 more gifts like these yet to be released.

  9. 11 hours ago, nhaer042 said:

    Does anyone know if these over-classes get new weapons or skills?

    We only have names and icons at the moment. None of the actual DLC files are available.

    7 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:

    So the lost girl and the vagabond (Emma and Lando?)

    The Dark saint and the swordsman (Shade and Yuzu?)

    Pretty much. For reference, the female version of "Saint" is used, so it's almost definitely Shade.

  10. 1 hour ago, Thane said:

    Interesting. And we have no idea what the Goddess's Gift is? 

    Why would we want to be able to make our characters super strong though? Will there be challenge maps later, or is it just for chapter 6?

    Goddess's Gifts are free DLC, like Boots. Presumably there will be 4 more rare/exclusive items released like that. I have some ideas for what they could be, but I think I'll finish the game first just to have a better idea ^^

    Very good question. I actually assume it's mainly for aesthetics since all classes have the same caps. Or maybe there will be a Series 5+ with super hard maps like you said.

  11. 22 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

    Well, for a while, I've believed that Echoes could be a subseries, but now I'm not so sure.

    It might be the weirdest example, but in Fire Emblem Heroes, the world where the Valentian characters showed up is called the World of Echoes in Japan (World of Shadows over here). Given that, it sounds like they're tying the Echoes name to Gaiden specifically so I don't think we'll see another one.

    Doesn't mean there won't be more remakes, just that I don't think they'll carry the Echoes name.

    Here's a weirder example.

    Nintendo of Europe keeps referring to the game as "Fire Emblem Echoes" without the SoV subtitle in their eShop messages. So they're clearly intending for Echoes to be this game and this game only.

    Granted, they could simply use the subtitle for a theoretical 2nd Echoes game to distinguish between the two games. Or call it Echoes 2 etc.

    Either way, it's far too early to tell as I mentioned before, I think.

  12. 3 minutes ago, IGdood said:

    Is there an actual elephant class or is that just part of the name?

    Could just be the name, but I'm hopeful it's an actual elephant. You can try staring at the class icon.

    3 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

    Are you Jesus or what ? You bring all the good news.

    Over-Classes, aka 3th tier and 4 tier classes. As DLCs, one for each tree.  Not very nice of them.. :p
    Eh, I fear that we might not have all the DLCs outside of Japan, like Fates did.

    .... Then again, those Fates DLCs weren't the kind I give importance but you see what I mean.

    We're 99% going to get Series 1-3. It's mainly 4 that's up in the air, since it's based on a (currenty) Japanese-only product.

  13. 3 minutes ago, fubuki said:

    Is it possible that we're getting new characters from the DLC like what happened with Anna in Revelations? Or does the fact that no new character data was found means that there won't be a new recruitable cast?

    It's possible, but extremely unlikely.

    Anna's full character data was already in Fates, like how Gangrel~Priam were already in Awakening. But there's nothing like that in Echoes.

    That said, Intelligent Systems could simply add in new data. It's just a lot easier to have the data in-game already.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Cat Villager said:

    Oh God, it probably means there will be two types of DLC code for S9 box just like there are always two types of promo cards and sleeves.

    Forgot to mention, but "pending" can mean "missing", so there's no guarantee the unlisted DLC are coming. From the looks of things, I think they got the axe.

    So there will probably only be a bonus for the starter deck this time.

  15. 2 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I did just saw that there's DLC class that were added in VincentASM's (Aveyn Knight) thread. I'm glad that we are getting DLC classes along with items. But, I also wondered if we are getting DLC skills like in Awakening and Fates?

    Most skills come from equipment, so they would have to release new equipment.

    I think there are a handful of unused equipment/skills, but I need to finish the game to find out if they're in the game or not.

  16. 2 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I kinda did saw Micael did post Clair's, Clive's, Fernand's, and Lukas's face in the image, would they considered to be Einherjars since Fates did used any characters' portraits and it's get slapped into the cards or they might possibly be an another world version of Clair, Clive, Fernand, and Lukas that Alm and/or Celica could be traveling through Dragon Gate or Outrealm?

    It's just an icon. Like how Fates had Ryoma, Xander and co for some DLCs.

    It is probably the in-universe versions of the Deliverance fighting the war before Lukas reaches Ram Village.

  17. 7 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I see new classes that looked completely brand new in Michael's twitter post in the image. So it looks like Alm and Clecia looks like they are getting DLC classes and I do see a Lance Foot Class and a Mounted class that doesn't look like it's belong to Soldier, Knights, Barons, Cavalier, Paladin, nor Gold Knights.

    The order of the class icons is the same as in the translations. So just cross-reference to see what class it's supposed to be. If it's the 2nd one, it's the Soldier's ultimate class.

    4 minutes ago, Azz said:

    So maybe we might get Emma, Shade, Lando and that other girl (I can't remember her name). Though, I still don;t think the west will get the DLC unless we get Cipher, which seems unlikely.

    Seems like it. Emma is the Lost Girl, Lando is the Vagabond, Shade is the Dark Saint and Yuzu is the Swordswoman.

    Hmm, yeah, there's no context to have them in the West, sadly.

  18. Observations.

    The Series 2 DLC looks like Temple of Stars ~Inner Sanctum~, Golden Dream and Funeral of Fury. Sounds like upgraded versions of the Series 1 DLC.

    Series 3 DLC seems to be 10 maps with new classes (one for each class "family" and Alm/Celica) and 4 prologue missions related to the Deliverance. It seems like a 5th prologue was planned, but eventually scrapped.

    Cipher DLC looks like 2 maps(?) that net you the 4 Cipher mascots. It looks like there were going to be 4 maps with 1 character each, but they decided to reduce the number of maps.

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