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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 18 minutes ago, LowestRes said:

    I have just beat Duma and was wondering about the postgame. I didn't really feel like playing anymore right now, unless it was like super good.

    It's OK. Chapter 6 is essentially one long dungeon and getting to it. If you like dungeon-crawling, it's cool. It's also quite hard once you get near the halfway part. However there's no story, except what you derive from the tablets.

    If you like Awakening and/or Fire Emblem lore, you should give it a try. Otherwise, feel free to skip it; it's not essential.

  2. Some additional things I noticed.

    Luna and Mila's Bow are unchanged.

    Thunderclap is what I called Distant Bolt. Foudroyrant is what I called Thunderclap. This will be confusing for me...

    Also, I cannot tell if it's a mistake or they changed it, but Thunderclap apparently halves terrain bonuses, but it doesn't in the Japanese version. I can imagine why they might change it, but from their recent track record (Zofian Army as Alm's Army, Silque the Sage etc.), it could be a mistake they've yet to change.

  3. 1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    With US prices, buying the Season Pass costs ~1 USD (77 pence for the UK?) more than buying Packs 2 - 5, but you lose out on the first Astral Temple by doing so, and iirc buying that temple alone will push the money you spend past the Season Pass' price.

    Thanks. But you don't need The Astral Temple, when you can buy the Inner Sanctum, right?

    You get the same drops in Inner Sanctum and better ones too.

    Only reason to have the former is to grind earlier, but I'm in no rush.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Posaydal said:

    Heroes is set in the end times of the FE world. Reality is crumbling, timelines and places are converging. Askr is the final kingdom, in a sea of white fog.

    The heroes summoned are undead. Unlike other FE games, they don't die even when you kill them. They grow more powerful absorbing Soul Points (SP) after defeating each other.

    Hehe, I actually quite like that.

    Man, the upcoming vortex story in Heroes is gonna be fun ^^

    I do think the Heroes are all Einherjar just like in Awakening though. They're just a lot more vocal this time.

    Anyway, I would like it if Heroes is canon just because of the sheer craziness. I guess we'll have to wait and see if other games (not just Warriors) reference it.

    About Fates being the first in the global timeline, I kind of have doubts due to dragons showing signs of degeneration already. In Elibe and Archanea, degeneration happened pretty late after all. The "no legends of man" could simply mean mankind did nothing interesting on the continent before that.

  5. Thanks a lot to everyone for entering the giveaway! In total, there were 126 valid entries (everyone except those who passed due to incompatibility/region etc.).

    The 3 winners are...

    *drum roll*



    @Fei Mao

    I will be sending your gift codes via PM very soon. If you can post your pulls in this topic, that would be great.

    *Fingers crossed for good stuff*

    Once again, a huge thanks to @Rezzy for providing the codes!

    Technical details

    The website random.org was used to first randomise the list of entries, then generate 3 random numbers between 1-126. The random numbers were 39, 115 and 114.

  6. 18 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

    One thing I find interesting is the overclasses are (apparently) not in the game's data. I guess this situation will be the same as Awakening where if you take a cart with overclass units to a 3DS without the proper DLC, they will appear as "Outrealm Units" or something.

    Hmm, the odd thing is that I don't see any fail safes. It's possible I'm not looking hard enough though.

  7. 1 hour ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Titania is definitely getting renamed.

    Can't conflict with thr axe weilding Lady Tiamat from the Greil Mercs after all.

    Also, I am sticking with my belief that Intelligent Systems loves to mess with the localisers.

    I suppose "Titania" is a common enough mythological name, but it can't be a coincidence if they keep doing this, right?

    We already had Effie aka Faye. Next thing we know, we'll have a Faye in Warriors or Switch.


  8. Even though we have quite a few new topics, I figured this should get its own topic.

    Today, the North American official website updated with the DLC plans, which includes a mystery 5th pack with 2 pieces of content. Sound familiar?

    Actually, the UK/European site has let the cat out of the bag by formally revealing the 5th pack to the be "Cipher Companions Pack". It will allow players to recruit new heroes from the Japanese card game.

    DLC Pack #5 – Cipher Companions Pack (Release date to be revealed at a later date, £4.49 / €4.99, two pieces of content): New heroes from Fire Emblem Cipher, the popular Japanese trading card game, will become available for recruitment in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. More information about this final DLC pack will be revealed in the future.

    Note that this isn't a confirmation that we're getting the card game. Indeed, NOE is quick to state that it's from the "Japanese trading card game". That said, this could be a good sign. Either way, with the addition of the DLC, it should be a LOT easier for fans to voice their desire for an English/Western release of Cipher.

    As for what the DLC actually includes, it's a mystery, but the data-mine points to the 4 Cipher mascots (Emma, Shade, Yuzu and Lando) being playable. I am 99% sure Emma and Shade are playable.

  9. OK, found a few things from Temple of the Stars 1.

    I didn't notice that the data for the Starsphere is already available. Grants 30% to all growths except Res, where it gives 5%.

    In Temple of the Stars 1, the highest drop rate for a Star Shard is 1.58%. I am assuming it's at least double that in 2, but I need to wait for the data.

    Either way, it looks tough getting a full set of 12 shards.

    BTW, looking at the drop data, it may be possible to get the Three Regalia in 2 if you're extremely lucky.

  10. 5 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

    Kinda sucks about the new memories and support convos (assuming they're the normal ones and not limited to the DLC map) being locked behind DLC. Anyone know if the memories are easy to find, and if both the memories and supports are accessible by Mila's Gear?

    I'm afraid there's no more information beyond what you can see from the translated page or original page.

    We'd have to wait for the DLC to drop. Or Nintendo to upload them to the servers for data-miners to grab.

  11. 25 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    So do the solo Star Shards function the same as in Mystery, just raising growth rates, or ? I'm just about to pick up the Goddess Gift 3 and I'm not sure what the Taurus's purpose would be.

    The Gold Marks are going towards another Gradivus though.

    Yeah, they boost growths like in the original Mystery of the Emblem (not the remake). Forgot to add them to the site.

  12. 9 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    So it looks like these classes, apart from Celica and Alm, won't be keeping the unit's unique color palettes. It makes sense, being dlc and all, but even reclassing a unit through the Villager Fork lets them keep the colors. 

    A bit disappointing, but the classes look so badass, I almost don't care.  

    I'm assuming the site doesn't go into detail on what the circumstances for the promotions will be? Is it a map that we get an item from? A free equipment item that we can use to class change? Is the dlc itself just a Mila Statue with a special purpose? Will we be able to use it more than once?

    No difficulty so it's not a battle map. Could be a special Mila Statue indeed.

    A few additions.

    This is really minor, but the class names are meant to be sound ridiculous. For those unaware, anything that isn't Japanese sounds cool if you're Japanese. Most likely some of them will be retooled for the English version.

    Overlord is definitely going to be Conqueror though, as if we needed more ways to connect Alm and Walhart.

    Starsphere requires collecting all 12 Star Shards and a Black Pearl. To my understanding anyway. Not too sure why the Black Pearl is needed, but I guess whoever is making the Starsphere isn't as skilled as Gotoh in Mystery of the Emblem.

    I do think series 5+ could happen. So far we only have 3 star maps and I doubt the Cipher ones will be 5-star. We'll see though.

    Almost forgot, I just updated the DLC page on the site.

  13. 7 hours ago, Konnor97 said:

    Someone on Gamefaqs posted max stats for Echoes characters, straight from the official guidebook. They are different than the ones on the site.



    I accidentally put the Skill values for Attack. Will fix that column in a bit.

    The rest of the numbers should be accurate.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Camisado said:

    Are the Duma's Lance/Shield and the Mila's Bow/Ring drops for the amiibo dungeons? Are those the only items you can get there, or are there any other drops?

    Don't have the amiibo to check and lazy to decode the data atm, but Duma's Lance is from the Fear Shrine IIRC.

    Oh actually, it's easy to figure out...

    Mila's Ordeal gives you Mila's Bow and Ring, yeah.

    Duma's Ordeal gives you a big silver bag and Duma's Helm.

    I also just noticed I got the icons for Duma's Helm mixed up with the Suspicious Mask... Oops.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

    What's curious is because we KNOW the brand of the defiler is a Jugdral style blood pact, just like the brand of the exalt, at some point a proper blood pact was made- but it definitely is intriguing. It's possible Forenus made a proper blood pact with his own creation.

    I think the latter is a distinct possibility, although he made have made it unknowingly.

    The voice in his head is a tell-tale sign of a blood pact.

    That said, the way he did it seems to be the other way round, in that he transferred his blood to Grima.

    Actually, it's possible Forneus was a dragon (probably not divine though) since it's implied Thabes was built by dragons.

  16. Wasn't sure when to post this since my topic about Mila and Duma kind of unexpectedly blew up XD

    Anyway, during the ending, there's a new scene where Celica mentions laying Mila and Duma's remains on top of the highest peak of Valentia. She also speculates that sacred trees can grow from the bodies of divine dragons.

    Fast forward to the final scene...



    Anyway, it was a totally expected throwback, but I was giddy when I saw it.

    Before you scream "retcon", that's partially true, but this concept actually existed during the development of Awakening. In the Making of Fire Emblem release late last year, the developers talked about Anankos's appearance and remarked about how the remains of dragons have lots of life energy--and that's how Mila's Tree came to be (hinting Mila was a dragon).

    Also, it somewhat hand waves the location of The Demon's Ingle in Awakening AKA Duma's Remains in the Japanese version. While it's a fair distance from the Mila Tree, it's still relatively nearby and the distance can be explained by the Schism that occurs 1000 years later. At least it ended up closer than where Duma was actually defeated.

  17. 21 hours ago, Wayward Alchemist said:

    How bad is it during the "Alm Only Final Destination" part of the last dungeon?

    I don't remember it being a concern. If you're worried, you can use the back door to reach a Mila Shrine real quick before entering. I think that's what I did. Plus you get so many provisions, I never ran out.

    Not data-mining per se, but I found a Luna while exploring the last two floors of the Labyrinth of Thabes. As I suspected, Thabes is the easiest place to get Astra, Luna and Sol. I forgot the exact rate, but despite being low, it's a lot, lot better than enemy drops.



    --And, yes, its skill Lunar Glow actually gives 500 hit rate. To achieve this, the game uses 16-bit values rather than 8-bit. If using 8-bit, 255 is the maximum value.

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