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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 10 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    Okay, I watched this and noticed something:
    Mila's Turnwhell reset the RNs. Derrick did the exact same actions in the exact same order after re-winding and landed a hit that was a miss before.

    Yup, it does, but only combat RNG (not level up RNG).

    Otherwise it would be pointless to rewind within an enemy phase (which you can do).

  2. 7 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    Just be sure to check that she isn't simply called that instead of "commander" in the Japanese version of FEH.

    Epithets (the titles) in Heroes are rarely if ever names of classes. Don't forget Cipher has epithets too.

    Anyway, her epithet in Japanese Heroes is "Taskforce Leader". Meanwhile her Cipher epithet is "Order Fighter" (lit. "Weiss Brave Fighter").

    Checked Alfonse and Sharena and they are Lord and Princess respectively. Mmm-hmm.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

    I mean... 500,000,000 isn't that small of a gap, and the earlier bonuses encouraged burning flags, so it won't be easy to catch up. I think it's easier to catch up earlier on due to the smaller gap. For example, it's much easier to catch up with, say, a 50,000 point gap than a 500,000,000 gap... Not to discourage anyone. :unsure:

    On the other hand, it's merely a 10% gap. Either way, Linde easily closed the gap.

    I am hoping people aren't burning flags that quickly and realising the multiplier by itself is enough to catch up.

    So far, it's 5.063 mil versus 5.204 mil.

  4. 1 hour ago, athena_57 said:

    Falling behind even further, I imagine we'll hit the multiplier soon, not sure whether that will be enough

    image1 (1).PNG

    With that small-ish gap, I'm pretty sure the multiplier will always be enough (it's THAT big).

    Anyway, I dunno about the timing of this post, but Linde got the 3x multiplier and is now on the same footing again.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Iridium said:

    Ayyy, might get this one then.

    I really do wonder why the best-looking pack is also the cheapest, though.

    I wager it's free advertisement for Cipher. In Japan at least.

    In the West, I guess they wanted to avoid backlash for skipping it. Or they're just generous : P

    EDIT: I took screens, but missed Lando's. I am hopeful Kirie snagged all four though ^^

  6. 8 hours ago, PokéStarz said:

    Was the list of generic units that are summoned by non-FE amiibo included in the datamine?


    Pegasus Knight
    White Dragon
    Gold Knight
    Bow Knight
    Falcon Knight
    Dread Fighter

  7. Was surprised at Priestess for Yuzu, but it makes sense being the only female sword class in Echoes (that's not Villager).

    Shade being a Saint wasn't too surprising due to the data-mined DLC names.

    Kind of curious if she'll have any unique spells to compliment the trio's exclusive Combat Arts. There are a few spells that look unused, which could be hers. Oh wait, they suddenly make a lot of sense now.

    If so, she may get Restore, Barrier and Invoke (Strong Revenant).

  8. 11 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    Surely I don't need to explain the problem here.

    And once again, Marth's lack of reaction would be completely nonsensical. If anything, it would still make more sense for Xane's wording to remain ambiguous.

    The developers already decided Naga was female from the start. It was NOA who wasn't sure which side to pick.

    Why would Marth need to react or be confused? It is exactly the same as hearing stories of Artemis, Cartas and Anri.

  9. We can always get more Echoes characters later, so I fairly pleased with the current selection.

    BTW, I was basing my predictions from the Echoes eShop card.

    Pretty sure the characters featured are the ones Nintendo and IS want to market. Kind of wondering if the 3rd banner will have 6 characters like Blazing Shadows to fit in the remaining characters on the card or If they'll do 4, 4 again.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    How many times do I have to correct your oversimplification of the situation?

    Both of the following must also be true for this to work:

    1. Tharja's team must be no more than 3× larger than Linde's team.
    2. Tharja's team must remain in the lead for (most of) the remainder of the voting gauntlet to prevent her supporters from receiving the 3× bonus.

    Assuming Tharja's team is noticeably larger than Linde's and as long as Tharja's team waits for the 3× bonus to spend flags, they don't have a shot of losing even if Linde's team saves flags for the end. Flags are a limited resource and the larger team has more flags regardless of when they are used.

    I forgot the very first score, but I *think* Tharja was winning 2:1 so I assume she has double the fans. No idea about how the scores have been fluctuating since I was gone for most of the day. Linde is doing OK though.

  11. You know, I don't think Naga is mentioned in the text at all. It's Mystery where the mystery is revealed. Ba-dum.

    The only other place--and where the confusion first came from--is the description of the Falchion IIRC. It says a gift from the Divine Dragon King or along those lines.

    Anyway, yes, I am super happy that NOA decided to make Archanea's Naga canonically female. To think it would be in Echoes of all places XD

  12. I'm kind of conflicted to be honest.

    I like Conrad as a character. His dorkiness threw me for a loop since most masked characters in FE are always dead serious and enigmatic. Also, compared to Faye, he's a lot more likable and inoffensive.

    From a story perspective, I feel like he was a tad underused and an unnecessary retcon of Celica's lineage. Then again, I suppose it's no worse than say Michalis being brought from the dead in New Mystery and the addition of Kris.

  13. On 5/9/2017 at 3:01 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I flipped through about 20 pages not finding the answer but I didn't see it asked. How do RNs work with hitting in this game?

    Sorry, that will require somebody with debugging knowledge, like @SciresM

    Haha, I love the tiny things they snuck in from Gaiden.

    Dark God still shares the movement group as Fighter/Hero.

    Also, the unused "Naga" and "Serpent" texts are still in this game. Not sure about the unused Gaia spell though.

  14. Did you manage to get all 3? I did get a Luna from Thabes, but I got lazy to gather the other two.

    Inner Sanctum might be quicker, depending on what the dungeon layout is like. Plus the drops there are better than Thabes overall.

    Also, there's a small "glitch" you can exploit if you're really persistent, but I wouldn't recommend it.

    Normally when you re-enter a room, the drops decay by 1/3, so if there are 3 items in the pots, it goes down to 2, 1 and finally 0.

    However, any time you battle an enemy, the current number of drops will reset to the value when you re-entered the room and spread among all objects in the room again, including broken objects.

    For example, if there are 2 items when you re-enter the room and you pick up 2 items. If you fight an enemy and there are objects left, you can actually get up to 2 more if you're lucky (but only if those 2 items were assigned to the objects not yet broken).

    This can also backfire. Same example: 2 items when you re-enter the room. If you pick up 1 item and fight an enemy, you can get up to 1-2 more OR you get 0 more, if those 2 items where assigned to broken objects.

    Anyway, you can use this info to gamble for more than N items in the rooms with pots. It works best when there are few items and many objects. Eg. if there is 1 item, you get lucky and find it in the first 3 pots. You can then fight an enemy and hope for an extra in the remaining pots.

    That said, it might be quicker just to run through the dungeon multiple times. Definitely don't miss the penultimate room with the boxes, like you said. That's an easy 3/2/1 = 6 items.

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