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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Eh, I don't really feel like stepping in, but I was suddenly reminded that this isn't the first time Divine Dragons have been corrupted. In Binding Blade, they made Idoun who was originally a Divine Dragon into a Demon/Mage Dragon.

    Which I still don't really understand, but nevermind.

    Anyway, I do think Duma is more of a Necrodragon than anything at this stage. Don't forget, Shadow Dragons are a true form. However Duma in this state is in very bad shape and rotting at the seams.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Hero of the Fire Emblems said:

    The first exalt's wife is said to have used a Wing Spear by Donnel and have been a Pegasus Knight. That's what makes it pretty possible he's Marth, or at the very least raises some questions about why the first exalt's wife matches Caeda's description to an exact letter. The first exalt's wife pretty much flies in the face of Celica once we compare them- Celica doesn't use a Wing Spear effective against knights, and isn't a Pegasus Knight

    Exalt is a localization of "Holy King". Seliph is also known as a Holy King of Jugdral and would probably be localized as Exalted King or something similar as well; Elibe, Magvel, and Tellius lack Holy Kings but so does Archanea- prior to the First Exalt. It's more than possible Marth became known as a Holy King as well as a Hero King down the line- as someone pointed out, he's literally the King of the Holy Kingdom- and fought Grima at some point years after FE12. And additionally he might be the first Archanean to bear the title of Holy King: thus, first Holy King aka First Exalt.

    Theres nothing really to prove or disprove that firmly though because they're so fucking vague about the whole ordeal.

    I wasn't really that serious. The timelines don't even match as I said.

    The Pegasus Knight who totally isn't Caeda is tricky, but I don't believe it's actually Caeda. Could just be a "reincarnation". Besides, we've had a few reincarnations in the past; even Walhart could be one with a stretch.

    Again, the most important thing is that the timelines don't match up. While there could've been miscommunication involved, I don't think they could've screwed up the timelines that badly.

    5 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    ...What are you talking about? Where did I ever bring up the First Exalt? I was referring to how Marth knew about Alm and Celica's fight against Grima, how things have actually changed in Thabes since he and the Archanean League visited it in chapter 23 of FE11 and what effects Grima's corpse being around might have on the journey through Marmorthod.

    Sorry, I quoted the wrong person/post. Meant to quote @Hero of the Fire Emblems

    Anyway, with regards to what you posted, yeah it's kinda ironic everyone just skipped by the labyrinth in Mystery. I assume it's because Alm and co thought Grima was safely defeated, not that it was sleeping and recovering power.

  3. 12 hours ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    ...You know, I just realized something. And yes, this isn't completely on topic but it isn't completely off topic either.

    Anyway, the Whitewings were there to help Alm and Celica battle Grima. And it would only make sense that they would tell Minerva everything that happened to them over the course of their absence. And Minerva would have then at least notified Marth & co. about the situation as they were nearing Marmorthod. In other words, it is quite likely that Marth actually knew about Grima's corpse being underneath Thabes. Really puts a new perspective on chapter 11 of FE12, doesn't it?

    Hmm, it's an interesting thought, but unlikely for many reasons. Nevermind the apparent 1000 year discrepancy between Marth's era and the First Exalt's era.

    Namely, Echoes Grima is a lot, lot weaker (and smaller) than in Awakening. Something like that couldn't possibly cause the almost apocalypse that was the Schism. Most likely Echoes Grima is the halfway point building up to the Schism Grima.

    Also, if anybody could've been the First Exalt, Alm would be a much better fit since his title is literally Exalt in the Japanese version (in the English version, he's Exalted King, which is different but the same idea). He also has a Falchion...

  4. 4 hours ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Wait Amiibos they can summon non playable classes?  

    Do certain non FE Units summon specific units? Like is the zelda Amiibo more likely to summon Saints?

    No idea, I'm afraid as I don't have any amiibo to use.

    There is something about even and odd numbers, so maybe the game pulls from list A during even-numbered summons and B during odd-numbered summons? Would need somebody to test though or maybe I can wait till the weekend to borrow some amiibo.

  5. 1 hour ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    That's just it. Whether it is an error or not is to be decided by whether NoJ actually bother to specify this when it comes to Naga (the one that used to rule the Divine Dragons) at some point in the future or not. And from what I can tell they did NOT specify anything in the Japanese version of SoV. Therefore, NoA using "she" is simply them saying "screw it" and going the path of least resistance. And it's not like NoJ will ever actually bother to correct them directly, meaning that we are stuck with NoA continuing to make assumptions until NoJ actually bother to be specific, as I said before. If they ever bother to be specific at all.

    I'm fine with us copying names and terminology and what not but I'm going to stand by my claim that we shouldn't blindly copy what is obviously them just being lazy. Now, if you have some sort of evidence that actually disproves this being laziness and/or evidence that shows that NoJ either did specify Naga's original gender in the Japanese version of SoV or actually did bother to communicate with NoA on this point (whether to give their approval or to correct NoA, either one works) then please do correct me. But if no such evidence exists then all signs do indeed point to this simply being a case of NoA taking the easy way out.

    We've known since Genealogy that Naga is female. The Naga who appeared during the Miracle of Darna was a woman and Kaga explicitly stated this Naga is the same Naga who ruled over the Divine Dragons of Archanea.

    Shadow Dragon and New Mystery featured Nagi who was basically Naga with memory loss or trying to hide her identity. Her internal name is Naga and everything in the story points to her being Naga. Awakening's Naga looking 90% identical to Nagi is the icing on the cake.

    That is why the initial release of the New Mystery translation patch had female pronouns for Naga.

    This is also probably the exact reason Echoes has female pronouns for Naga.

    Finally, while it's entirely possible that NOA didn't consult IS, I find it extremely hard to believe. We aren't talking about fans like us, but actual people from Nintendo with access to the source code and supplementary materials who are working on an official translation that is being shipped across the globe. Surely they must have asked IS a few questions here and there when they weren't sure.

    That said, they have been known to make mistakes in the past. I will give you that. But none of this matters when it has already been established that Naga is female...

  6. 38 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I thought the person who posted the reddit thread that who played the demo from Dutch Comic Con said her name was Rinean with an Extra N?)

    If you read carefully, they said they weren't sure.

    Anyway, thanks for doing this! Although I will try hard to resist watching them since I want to play the English version naturally ^^

  7. 2 minutes ago, dragonlordsd said:

    On an unrelated note, Trails in the Sky 3 is out? When did this happen?

    When doesn't matter. You need to get it now.

    1 minute ago, unique said:

    alright so

    cymbeline and naga were found in the data for this

    cymbeline is wielded by sanaki, the young empress of begnion

    naga is used by julia, the young empress of jugdral

    thus, the obvious conclusion is that julia and sanaki will get married and rule over begnion together 

    this is the only real possibility

    I feel like I'm ruining the fun, but I think it's more that the wedding items were added into existing files : P

  8. Vortex is the perma-death mode BTW. Some crazy stuff happens and multiple outrealms get linked together. Fun times.

    I'm really curious to know who's in. The safest route is to do another Fates and Awakening pair. Or maybe replace Awakening with Echoes since it's the newest game when the banner rolls.

  9. On 5/13/2017 at 5:06 AM, RedEyedDrake said:

    Did it, though? The way the Valentian Revelations quotes are worded makes me question whether anyone, even Alm and Celica, canonically see them. Is there any evidence in the main game to imply that the Valentians actually know anything about their deities' personal histories?

    And even if they do know said histories...once again, Japanese. Is it ever unambiguous there? And if it isn't ever unambiguous then is there any reason to believe that Duma and/or Mila ever bothered to tell anyone?

    Okay, I'm starting to feel like something is getting lost in translation.

    Yes, this is a "translation" patch, but it's essentially an unofficial localisation.

    When we translate things from Japanese, we need to adapt them for an English audience.

    There is absolutely zero sense in keeping gender neutral pronouns for the sake of it. It is not just Naga, everybody in the game is referred to with neutral pronouns 90% of the time. But we are fine with using "he" and "she", etc.

    I understand Naga is a bit trickier since there's less context to work with. Usually, you select a gender based on context. Except, we actually have loads of context thanks to Genealogy and Awakening and the remakes showing us Naga is female.

    Even NOA, who we should be mimicking as much as possible unless they made a clear error, has opted to clearly define Naga as female.

    The other thing to understand is that Naga's gender is not a closely guarded secret as you might believe. It's merely due to the nuances of language.

    Therefore, if nobody is surprised by Naga in the Japanese version but you can't convey gender in Japanese, it is 100% fine for nobody to be surprised by Naga in the English version with gender conveyed.

    I apologise if I am sounding preachy or overbearing etc. but I just wanted this to be clear.

    Anyway, er, I quite like the sound of Ladyblade : P

  10. 11 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

    Go Tharja! I never really cared for you in general, but destroying Julia will make me happier again. Afterwards, please destroy Robin as well, so I can get rid of those useless flags, Leo isn't even trying.

    On a more serious note, though; I definitely do not like the rubberbanding at all and I think the gauntlet needs yet another change, sigh... Artificially and superficially making gaps smaller is not making this any more exciting than the previous ones. The only new factor is luck in the endgame, if the losing side is getting the unfair advantage to surpass the moment it is needed (since it wouldn't be able to otherwise). Let's see what the next gauntlet will be. Maybe Rural warriors: Lyn vs folks like Mozu and Donnel, lol

    Unfortunately, it's the lesser of evils. There is pretty much no way to salvage the Voting Gauntlet, unless you want titans like Lucina and Camilla to continue dominating the battlefields unimpeded.

    Rubberbanding is kind of cheap, but at least it provides some threat to the super-popular characters and the score bonus is amazing and encourages people to join underdog teams, rather than immediately hopping on the popularity bandwagon.

  11. In general, you want to promote ASAP for the promotion bonuses and to stop the experience gain being awful. The game on Normal is straightforward enough that this works.

    You *can* keep going to Level 20, but it's extremely overkill and painful.

    There are exceptions to the rule such as Alm and Celica. Since they take so long to promote, by the time they can promote you won't get any (or minimal) promotion bonuses so you may as well stick around for Level 20.

    Delthea is in a similar boat. She joins really low level, but with crazy stats and she's a Mage, so she doesn't really promotion bonuses.

    Post-game, you can afford to wait until Level 20 to get the maximum stat growth. Of course, this sucks if you've been using your favourite characters in the story. But Mercenaries can loop forever and you get two Villager Forks to reset two characters to Villagers.

    Using the latter method, I managed to max out Faye and Clair (who can't use the Mercenary loop, being females).

  12. 9 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

    Best thing to do for Julia is try to maintain equilibrium and then get the multiplier in the last hour or so.

    It might be good to spend a few flags now, but not too many so we don't over take Thajra just yet.

    Yeah, I think that's wise. I did that for Linde and it worked out OK. Too bad we didn't get that last hour multiplier to even have a chance XD

    Just getting a bit edgy since it's the second round and because my score is a LOT better after spamming more flags.

  13. I applaud the effort but you should spend it elsewhere.

    There are many easy ways to explain it as an error during testing. One, it's a placeholder. Two a typo. Or three a pointer mishap (probably this).

    This is all very possible since Alm's Army is probably the very first allegiance in the game file.

    The developers won't bother to explain something so small and obviously an error.

  14. 1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Interesting theory.

    But I would question if the Falchion really was already under a blood pact before Anri. As I looked over the Designer's Notes, I also saw this:

    The fact the Falchion is mentioned apart, I'm not fully sure if it means that Gotoh did it as well as the magic tomes, or is comparing what Gotoh did to Aura and Excalibur to what was done to the Falchion. After all, if the Falchion already had the blood thing, why would Gotoh place a redundant restriction? Gotoh was the one who guided Anri, perhaps he's the one who binded the sword to him, if it was him who did to the sword what he did to the tomes.

    Either way, another thing that comes to mind, is that it's not stated Naga back then locked stuff to bloodlines, Heim's aside. In fact, SoV has evidence of the contrary. She did no such thing to the Valentian Falchion, because it was meant to be used on Duma and Mila if needed. So limiting the amount of people that could use it would be counterproductive. In the end it was Duma who locked it to the Rigelian Royalty bloodline. Considering the Archanean Falchion was made for a similar purpose, I would doubt its case would be different. Would Naga really choose a "champion", in that case?

    In fact, I am also not sure if there is evidence pointing to humans participating in the dragon war, other than being victims to the degenerated dragons. Come to think of it, do we even know when exactly the Archanean Falchion was created? The Shield was made for the seal, which... actually, wouldn't that already invalidate the mural of that guy (Naga or otherwise) wielding the shield during the war? Could the sword be in the same case?

    Ah, thanks for jogging my memory. In that case, a blood pact isn't necessary. Although Gotoh's seal does seem to follow the rules of a blood pact, with Elice unable to wield it suggesting her blood isn't strong enough. Or maybe the seal is just picky...

    Actually, according to the Valentian Revelations, Mila and Duma performed a blood pact with the Rigelian and Zofian rulers.

    Chapter 37

    Duma and Mila granted two heroes with the blood of the Divine Dragon, giving them the rights to build their own nations.

    I'm confident this extends to the Falchion, or Alm wouldn't be the only person using it. (You could argue a case for Celica, but I assume it's like Lyn being unable to wield the Durandal due to gameplay reasons.)

    While it seems counterproductive, the dragons and Gotoh wanted to keep Falchion's power away from evil too. For example, from the likes of Gharnef and Medeus.

    It's not stated when the Falchion was forged, but it was probably between the degeneration of dragons and before Naga died. Which encompasses 500 years, so not a lot to go on.

    1 hour ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Oh, I love this kind of topics, it was so much fun reading this all! Very interesting read.

    I always thought about this not being a coincidence, also because Ylissians seem to have at least some kind of knowledge of Tellius lore, suggesting the continent is in the same world (maybe Tellius was some of the continents we couldn't see in full in the Awakening wolrdmap? I always found that so annoying btw). The Taguel could also be Laguz descendants, I remember Panne claiming that rabbits weren't the only ones. I was wondering, is it possible that the Tellius games came before every other title in the timeline? Thing like Ashunera being the only non dragon-related goddess while dragon Laguz being a thing (possibly evolving into Jugdrali/Archanean dragons over time?) got me thinking: was this the origin of the entire FE world?

    I do believe Tellius predates most games in the series primarily for being the one game to touch on the origin story of the world. Even Fates seems to appear afterwards since it features a Black Dragon King's remains as Fort Dragonfall.

    That said, from my perspective, there's a massive gap between Tellius and every game that really needs explaining. Fates kind of tried a little, but it's still really difficult to determine the number of years between the Tellius arc and everything else.

    Also, I am not sure if Tellius exists in the same world, but it's possible what with the many continents surrounding Ylisse and Valm (at least three). One thing that seems to disprove this is Ike apparently hailing from "another world" during the chapter you recruit Priam.

    Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Ike found an Outrealm Gate at the end of Radiant Dawn and that's why he was "never seen again". By the way, there's an Outrealm Gate south of Archanea/Ylisse, so maybe that's when he stumbled upon the Earth Dragon war...

    58 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    When was that mentioned?

    Hopefully not anytime soon, what with IS' track record.

    In Cordelia and Donnel's supports, maybe another.

    When you hear it, really really sounds like Caeda.

    Actually, reading it again, it doesn't really sound like she's royalty. I suppose they don't even need to be partners, especially if Cordelia's looking up to her. Maybe it's time to go back to the drawing board...

    44 minutes ago, RJWalker said:

    But Gotoh didn't seek out Anri specifically. It's mentioned in the script that Gotoh spoke to the humans of the resistance (which Anri wasn't a part of at that time) of a divine blade that could defeat. Anri's whole deal is that he was some nobody whose strength and will proved him worthy, not his bloodline.

    Indeed, that sounds familiar. In that case, I guess there's nothing supporting Anri having a heroic bloodline by merit of the Falchion. Still, I would not be surprised if his strength and will came from a distant ancestor.

  15. Footnotes

    The fact Marth isn't directly descended from Anri could be further evidence that a blood pact was forged earlier in the past. That said, it appears blood pacts are magical things that work retroactively. Galle didn't have any descendants who survived and it was his brother Mara who continued the Loptyr bloodline, despite Galle being the pact-maker.

    Another possible reason for an Alm descendant to seal away Grima could be related to the Labyrinth of Thabes in Echoes, although one could argue it's non-canon. 1000 years prior to the Schism, Grima was waiting and getting stronger underneath Thabes, when suddenly Alm and his friends accidentally released the seal on Grima's domain.

    Apparently the seal cannot be broken, but Alm and Celica manage it easily, possibly suggesting only one with divine dragon blood can release the seal. Oops. This could also be a subtle nod to the Fane of Raman, where a divine dragon seal was placed, yet Adrah managed to loot the Binding Blade anyway... In any case, a descendant fixing an ancestor's mistake would be extremely fitting.

  16. I'm guessing a few people know that I love digging through the Fire Emblem lore to unearth secrets or get to the bottom of things.

    After the two surprising revelations in Echoes--about the origins and Mila and Duma, as well as the creation of the Fell Dragon Grima, I was inspired to review some theories I once had, this being one of them.

    Awakening is renowned for tying together many of the Fire Emblem worlds, often shakily via the Outrealms. However there are some mysteries inherent in the Awakening world that never really get expounded one.

    Firstly, we're told on numerous occasions that it was Ylisse's First Exalt who sealed away Grima when it first appeared 1000 years ago. Prior to Awakening, the First Exalt and Grima had never appeared. We also learn from Tiki and others that Marth the Hero-King existed 2000 years prior, so the battle between the First Exalt and Grima occurred around 1000 years after Marth saved the world.

    Unfortunately, never do we learn a thing about this First Exalt, except he was accompanied by a Pegasus Knight with a wing-shaped spear, which alludes to Marth and Caeda. But it can't be that exact pair since the times don't match and Marth is never called the First Exalt and vice versa, so they are almost definitely different people.

    Secondly, we also learn from Tiki that Chrom has another ancestor beyond Marth, from approximately 1000 years prior to Marth's era. The "obvious" conclusion is that Tiki is talking about Anri, Marth's legendary ancestor who first defeated Medeus. Except he did it 100 years before Marth was born. 1000 years and 100 years is a huge difference and I don't think it was a mistake.

    The only other thing we know is that this unknown ancestor resembles Chrom, more so than Marth. Like Chrom, he was more direct and believed in his ideals. Sadly, that's not a lot to go on and many of Fire Emblem's protagonists fit that description, although some more than others.

    The second mystery is probably the easier one to break down. Approximately 1000 years before Marth's time, just before Tiki was born, there was a huge war between the Divine Dragons and Earth Dragons recorded in Archanean scripture as the Guardian God Naga's war. To our knowledge, based on Kaga's words, this war aligned with the Miracle of Darna at Jugdral.

    Doing the Maths, the in-game events of Genealogy and Thracia take places around 1000 years before Marth's adventures begin. So it's possible in theory for, say, Sigurd and Seliph to be Marth's ancestor. However, while the circumstances certainly align, I don't think this is the right direction.

    Rather, I believe there's another mystery that needs to be acknowledged first and one hidden in plain sight since the beginning of Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem. The question being, why was Anri chosen to wield the Falchion? This blade forged from Naga's fang does not seem to choose its wielder by nature, but by bloodline if Cornelius and Marth are to go by.

    According to Kaga, the Falchion, Starlight and Jugdral's 13 divine weapons (including Loptyr) all possess Dragon Gems (such as the Starsphere, Lightsphere etc.). Normally one must form a blood pact with a dragon to use a dragon gem, unless the power of the pact has weakened. Although we don't know if the pact on the Falchion has weakened, the fact it can only be used by certain people suggests the pact is still in effect.

    So the question evolves into when did Anri form a blood pact with a dragon? When he traveled to the Ice Dragons' Shrine to obtain the Falchion, Naga was already dead or asleep. While it's possible Anri formed a pact with a weakened Naga, akin to the Rite of Awakening performed by Chrom and Lucina, I think there may be a simpler explanation.

    But first, another mystery, because you can never have enough, although this one may be stretching it. In the opening of Mystery of the Emblem, we see imagery of the Guardian God Naga who saved mankind with the Falchion and Binding Shield. This Naga is depicted as a man, but Genealogy and Awakening (and Nagi in the remakes) reveals that Naga is and has always been a woman. (Localisation handwaves aside.)

    Nevermind the issue of gender, it's possible historians simply romanticised Naga into being a heroic male. Why on earth is Naga, the ruler of the Divine Dragons with the ability to wield a dragonstone to control her draconic urges, fighting with what is essentially a broken tooth? What I think the tapestry is depicting is not Naga, but rather Naga's chosen warrior. One she formed a blood pact with just like she formed a blood pact with Saint Heim over in Jugdral.

    After the war, this chosen warrior probably disappeared into the shadows, but his bloodline continued. 1000 years later, when Medeus decided to go rogue, perhaps Gotoh tried to seek the warrior's descendant and that's when he found Anri trying to protect Artemis. By this time, the pact had probably weakened a little so Anri and his descendants didn't have a Brand, but the weapon was still tied to their bloodline.

    As for who this chosen warrior was, as well as the identity of Chrom's ancestor from 3000 years ago, I have a sneaking suspicion it could be the strongest hero of them all--Ike. Now this might seem out of nowhere, but the developers admitted that Chrom borrowed many elements from past heroes, namely the heritage of Marth and the appearance/personality of Ike. But what if Chrom borrowed more than just that?

    For one, Chrom and his female descendants are able to wield Aether, which was previously unique to Ike. Although thanks to Outrealm shenanigans in Fates, anyone and their mother can learn Aether, but doesn't it seem awfully suspicious for Chrom to be the only other person--at that time--to also known Ike's special skill? Of course, we already have an Ike descendant in Awakening in the form of Priam. However, oddly, Priam doesn't know Aether, merely Sol and Luna.

    Perhaps Priam came from a branch family that by chance inherited Ragnell over Aether. A similar scenario has happened before; Marth isn't actually directly descended from Anri, but Anri's brother. The only spanner in the works is that Marth himself doesn't know Aether. Although in the games where he has skills, he prefers to triple wield Astra, Sol and Luna. Combined with his title "Lodestar", he at least has some vague connection to Aether aka "The Heavens" in the Japanese version.

    The other issue is that when Chrom and Ike meet, they don't acknowledge each other as distant relatives. Still, this can be easily handwaved by Ike's heroic deeds in Archanea being blurred by history. Plus Ike was never the type to receive fame for anything he did. Finally, it has been 3000 years and Ike wouldn't know a thing about Chrom anyway.

    That's the first theory; what about the first Exalt? Well, before that, here's another stretch of the imagination. One issue with Awakening combining Archanea and Valentia into Ylisse and Valm is the complete absence of Valentia's Falchion or even the whereabouts of Alm and Celica's descendants. Walhart is said to be the second coming of Alm, but Reinhardt was also the second coming of Tordo and he's not a descendant.

    Even way back, it always bothered me how Alm shared the same title as the First Exalt: "Holy King", which for Chrom, Emmeryn and (of course) the First Exalt was translated to "Exalt". For Alm, however, it was translated to "Exalted King", but the idea is still there. Therefore, what if the First Exalt was not a descendant of Marth, but actually a descendant of Alm? This would explain where Valentia's royalty went and possibly even their Falchion.

    Now you may be wondering, wasn't the First Exalt a descendant of Marth? Did Marth's and Alm's descendants meet and marry some time before Grima appeared? Possibly, but I don't think so. Thing is, I am pretty sure it's never stated that the First Exalt is a descendant of Marth. Rather, Chrom is said to be both a descendant of Marth and the First Exalt. Which means the First Exalt doesn't have to be descended from Marth.

    To complete the dots, I theorise that the pegasus knight companion to the First Exalt is in fact the descendant of Marth (and Caeda). So that is the point when Archanea and Valentia's royal families combine. Finally, to finish the puzzle, I'm going to make a wild guess and say there was a Marth descendant at the time who wielded Falchion, but perhaps he/she was slain by Grima and the Falchion lost or damaged.

    That's why the First Exalt needed to perform the Rite of Awakening, to unlock the true power of the Falchion--possibly Valentia's Falchion--since the regular Falchion was too weak to combat Grima. That is of course when the Mark of Naga (the Brand) started appearing in the Ylissean royal family. Sadly, there's no evidence to suggest which Falchion Chrom's Falchion is due to the nature of the Falchion--how both the blade and hilt can change throughout history.

    Anyway, that was a lot of explaining for what is merely a theory. It's because these mysteries continue to evade us that I really, really hope Nintendo releases a history book for Fire Emblem one day. Even if my theories are wrong, I would love to find out why they're wrong and what the truth is.

  17. 5 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Wait, those two characters are from a non-Fire Emblem title that really appeared in the game data? That's kinda extremely random that they appeared in the game data for Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

    Yar, I was surprised to see them.

    My 2nd paragraph has an explanation. I don't work in game development, but I imagine it's not uncommon practice. Sometimes the developers need to test a lot of ideas and they need to do it fast or they waste valuable development time.

    So rather than ask Hidari to draw some characters really quick to test the village system, they probably asked him if they could borrow some old artwork.

  18. I was just gonna throw this into the data-mine topic, but I figured some more people might get some laughs.

    On occasions, developers borrow assets from elsewhere when prototyping ideas. If the assets never appear in the final game, there's no harm done and it saves time creating assets that may not be used in the final product.

    But every now and then, the developers end up leaving test files in the game and I *think* this is the first time the Fire Emblem team has left test files using foreign assets.

    (The other time was leaving a Pokemon music track in the leaked debug files for the GBA games, but we never did determine if they were there from the beginning or added by someone else.)


    In this case, we have a prototype base meant to appear during the village exploration scenes.

    Except the characters here are apparently from an old MMORPG called CroXino. See here and here.

    Hidari, the game's artist, contributed artwork to this MMO, so I'm assuming the artwork is his and that's why they were used for the test.

    Anyway, here I was about to get excited about possible cut characters in Echoes or something ^^;;;

  19. 1 hour ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    I don't see anyone else being concerned over double checking this sort of thing so why wouldn't I try to reach said "something"?

    Fair enough, but it's really minor in the grand scheme of things.

    It's fine to be curious and I am happy to provide answers if I can.

    I just don't want to get to the point where I need to explain every minor translation. Or I'd be here all day XD

  20. 18 minutes ago, Azz said:

    Can you bring less than 10 units into a dungeon? For example, I want to grind a character, but some other units might get in the way, so can I just bring said character and Alm/Celica or do I have to bring 10?

    As far as I know, you must bring 10 (if you have 10). But you can use the escape command (bottom-most one IIRC) to make unnecessary units escape the map.

    I do that all the time for grinding ^^

  21. 21 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

    Alright, sure. But what is she referred to as instead of "commander" in dialogue between her and Alfonse and/or Sharena?

    I get the vague impression you're reaching for something that doesn't exist.

    Anyway, they call her "Captain Anna" as in "Taskforce Captain/Leader". They wouldn't call her "Agent"; that's a bit silly even if Japan loves using nonsensical English names.

    The other thing to note is that the Cipher card seems to depict an early/un-promoted version of Anna before she's Commander. So it's possibly she's a Commander in her promoted card (whether it's her epithet or class).

    Would be really amusing if her promoted class was Sergeant, since it's only a few symbols away from Agent.

    Likewise, I wonder what Alfonse and Sharena's promoted classes will be. Great Lord is obvious for Alfonse, but we don't see many promoted Princesses in FE.

  22. I don't know the story, but it's possible Gaiden was finished in 1991 and they merely decided to ship it out in 1992.

    For instance, I am pretty confident Echoes was finished by late 2016 (according to some in-game files).

    The difference is that Gaiden may have been delayed without notice to the development team, while Echoes was always planned to release in 2017, hence the 2017 in the title screen.

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