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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Got a question for y'all.

    Would you be interested in individual videos of all the interesting StreetPass areas or should I combine them into one big video?

    I kind of want to do them separately, but I feel like it's almost spamming. But if I make it one video, that's 20 or odd locations (that I'll visit for 1~2 minutes), which sounds fairly monstrous.

    Or maybe I could group them together, like all the Act 1 areas, etc.

    Anyway, I managed to visit Ram Woods and it's pretty cool. Like in the battlefield, you can see bits of Ram Village in the background. It's a total tease you can't visit it >___<

  2. 6 minutes ago, Cyas said:

    Do we know the exact formula for the Shadow Sword recoil chance? I couldn't find it anywhere so I ran a few trials and it seems to be somehwere along the lines of 25-Lck% (after Lck reduction) and (25-Lck)/2% for Dread Fighters but I'd appreciate a confirmation.

    Curiously, crits never backfired during my 600 attempts which leaves me wondering if crits with a Shadow Sword can even backfire. Of course it could just be chalked up to RNG as well.

    Not at the moment.

    From fairly extensive testing, it seems more like (21-Luck)% for me. Divided by 2 if you're a Dread Fighter.

    Yeah, critical hit can't backfire. I assume one or the other cancels the other out.

  3. 11 hours ago, r_n said:

    This is bit of an odd question, but did I miss a cutscene somewhere?

    The opening cutscene is made entirely of scenes from the game (aside from the very very opening shot of story time), but I can not remember any cutscene for Conrad's ride to Zofia castle (or whatever this is) https://youtu.be/GyvZF531--g?t=99


    semi-related, but was there a scene (CG or dialog) for if

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    Alm starts fighting necrodragons before celica climbs the tower? I didn't even go up to that area until Celica spoke with jedah and as such by passed fighting any zombies


    Nah, there are some cutscenes in the opening that don't appear in the game.

    Not just Conrad riding towards Zofia Castle, but there's at least Jedah's delightful expression and Celica praying at the Mila Idol.

    Nope, no CG. There is some brief dialogue about a landslide though.

  4. On 6/3/2017 at 4:40 PM, shiningpikablu252 said:


    Both instances of "Deliverance HQ" (cross between fan-translation "Liberation HQ" and the official localized name of the liberation group) should be "Deliverance Hideout" (the full official localized name).

    EDIT:  Also found two instances of what should be "Duma Tower" are listed as "Duma Temple"...

    Oops. I honestly keep forgetting what's what sometimes.

    The latter isn't an error, I think.

    The tower only goes up to Area 4 and then it's the Tower Top.

    Meanwhile, areas 1-4 of Duma Temple don't have any items. The labeling might be weird though.

    Area 1 is the entrance, Area 2 is where the Brave Sword chest is, Area 3 is where the scorching flame is and Area 4 is where the Gold Mark chest is. Area 5 is the dead end. Area 12 is the corridor between Area 1 and Area 2.

    On 6/5/2017 at 5:46 AM, Sock said:

    Echoes' black magic page: under "learned by" for Sagittae there's a Nomad. *snickers*

    Echoes' support bonus page: In Clive's table, the "required points" and "required act" for Mathilda are offset. The dash for A should be 60, the 60 for B should be 35, etc.

    Also on that support page, I'm seeing a contradiction. The first line says you gain support points by fighting within three squares but the table below that says you get points by fighting within TWO squares. It isn't refering to the bonuses--those are mentioned under the first table: "The higher the rank, the better the stat bonuses when the pair fight near each other." ...Though that should have "within 3 squares" mentioned. I'm rather tired, I might be misreading everything.

    Oh yeah, I kind of messed up the support bonus description. I tried to fix it, but I was kinda tired myself XD

  5. I think some people were curious earlier?

    Anyway, there's a 10% chance of finding rare enemies (Dracul, Garuda, Fafnir, Balor, Titan, Dagon, Guardian and Vestal) if you keep re-entering dungeons.

    Not completely sure how it works though since I jacked up the appearance rate to 100%, but failed to find enemies in the Secret Shrine, Sylvan Shrine and Fear Mountain Shrine, despite knowing for a fact that they exist (I found some on my Japanese save and the encounter rates are the same).

  6. 1 hour ago, Pikappa93 said:

    What are the actual chances of finding Astra, Luna and Sol in the Inner Sanctum by smashing pots? I've been trying for days and still nothing :(

    The chances are listed on this page.

    They only drop from large pots and, from experience, there can only be 0~2 large pots at one time.

    As such, I think Thabes may be more efficient for Astra/Sol/Luna farming since you're guaranteed 10+ pot/box drops per run. Inner Sanctum is mainly good if you want the other items/astral shards.

    My usual run consists of smashing all the pots in the three areas of B9, then smashing the boxes in B10 three times. You get 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15 drops. You can get slightly more if you repeat the areas in B9, but the number of drops decays quickly.

  7. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Ah I see. The White Wings introduction in Chapter 2. Interesting. That begs the question, why did the developers remove the reference in the remake (unless they didn't and the translators just neglected to include it, someone do tell if that is or isn't the case)? 

    Yeah, I agree with plans possibly changing.

    My take is that waaay back, during the time of Gaiden, it was literally anything goes, so they could write whatever they wanted without future repercussions.

    But 13 or so games later, now that the series is more established, they have to be very careful with references. If they had included the southern continent in Echoes, it would certainly get fans talking, but then there would be some who start wondering if it's an unresolved plot point or sequel bait.

    The other theory is that the southern continent is Lieberia from TearRing Saga, which is no longer part of the Fire Emblem canon. Lieberia does share some similarities to Valentia, such as dragons and monsters. Plus it had talk of dragons from a northern continent (Valentia or Archanea) and migrants from the eastern(?)  continent of Jugd (which is totally not Jugdral).

    Another hint is that Emblem Saga (the original version of TearRing Saga) was meant to occur around the same time period as Marth's adventures--and by extension, Alm and Celica's.

  8. Personally I think the game(s) just use fantasy geography, not real geography. So the north part of the continent is always colder, no matter the latitude.

    I can say it's not Archanea to the south, since even in Gaiden, they made a note of Archanea being to the far east.

    Logically Jugdral would make the most sense, but it could be absolutely anything.

    Man, if only they revealed an actual 100% accurate globe of the Fire Emblem world one day...

  9. 7 minutes ago, TheTrueKnight said:

    Mmh... I didn't find any Balor in the Secret Shrine. Are you sure it's this one?

    I typo'd my post. I meant to say they appear every now and then. You need to keep re-entering the dungeon until they spawn.

    Since there are 3 Balor groups, you have a decent chance of bumping into at least one of them. It might be a 1% chance though.

    Once you find the Balor, you will need to stay in the battle, because finding another is gonna be a pain.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I always like this kind of stuff. Anything of interest tucked away?

    Also, I don't know if it's been asked already (if so, sorry), but what happens if you kill the final boss with Nosferatu or Illusory Roy or Marth? I'm assuming the game suddenly jumps to Alm and has him deal the final blow anyhow (like in Awakening)? And special dialogue happens when Alm is about to deal the final blow right? In which case, does it trigger if Alm by some remote chance misses (or you're so stupid you forgot to Physic Alm beforehand and accidentally have him suicide on the final boss at the last moment)?

    Nothing special happens; Alm says his speech, but the other character lands the hit. BTW I think the dialogue only triggers if the KO has been determined.

    About unused content, I will probably post an article after the Cipher DLC comes out later this month. I just need to triple check what's in the game and not.

    Most of the stuff has already been discovered though, but I can share some unused arts/skills.

    Quite a few combat arts/skills seem to be unused. These include ones from existing games such as Lethality, Nihil, Aegis (although Pavise appears), Counter, Paragon, Charm and Pass. Plus multiple skills that halve damage from specific weapons like Weaken Sword and one that reflects magic (Speculum).

  11. 18 hours ago, Yawn said:

    Hi guys, first time posting here.

    I was just wondering what the chances were of possible future DLC. Particularly story based ones? It'd be great to see more of the cast get developed ala the Deliverance in the recent DLC. Does lack of data mined evidence work against such a thing happening? 

    I think evidence points to DLC being all finished rather than not.

    The most concrete evidence is the Season Pass saying it contains all DLC. Which means we're not getting more, unless it's misleading advertisement or a mistake.

    There is still some unused stuff in the game, but it could just be remnants of scrapped plans or abandoned DLC like Fates's unused stuff.

    3 minutes ago, Zelgius said:

    Thabes Labyrinth's spoiler:


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    Is Forneus that strange zombie you encounter standing in a room alone?


    That's an interesting idea, but is there anything really special about that zombie?

  12. 1 hour ago, TheTrueKnight said:

    Yo again!

    Currently trying to farm and get Sol (I have 1 Astra and 3 Luna...), I decided to farm Thabes Labyrinth. So I did multiples runs, staying for hundreds of turns in the last fight (until the Wheel stops working), but I don't see any of those "Balor" monsters. I read somewhere, on Gamefaqs I think, that Balor spawns in the last fight of Thabes Labyrinth but I never saw any!

    Do you know on which spot (monsters always spawn on the same spot, in this fight) is he? Or, if he's not in this fight, where I can find it?

    Thanks :ph34r:

    Balors don't appear in Thabes, at least not the final battle.

    Of the rare monsters, only Titans, Guardians, Vestals, Dagons and Garudas spawn from the sigils.

    Anyway, I don't recommend fighting Balors to find Sol. But if you must, try the Secret Shrine. They appear very now and then.

    Best way is probably to let the Balors divide endlessly.

  13. 21 minutes ago, TheTrueKnight said:

    I don't think she would have sold her soul since she wanted to be free, not like her sisters. It would make no sense!

    If true, it was probably an accident.

    Most likely she was trying to find a cure for Witches and may have--in desperation--tried to replicate the process and accidentally turned into a Witch.

    Like how in real life (or stories), doctors try to find cures for viral illnesses by purposely or accidentally contracting a virus.

  14. 51 minutes ago, joshcja said:

    The real question is how Sonya becomes a witch after Duma's death.

    Witches have no souls in Echo's but they apparently can still think and act to their own desires to an extent (Sonya's sisters last map dialogue, Ceilica's silly everything) so the reason to go witch is "power at any cost" or in Ceilica's case "Deeeerp".

    Experiments can often have unexpected results.

    Maybe she offered her soul to another dragon? There's bound to be plenty around, like Grima even.

    Or maybe she invented the Witch's Mark : P

  15. Story-wise, I assume the villains just gave up or were imprisoned by Alm and company. Anyway, there's not much they could do with Duma gone.

    I think after a soul is offered, it is "digested" by Duma so it's gone forever.

    Celica is a special case. I guess because she's Branded, part of her soul remained or was protected by Mila/the Falchion. So she wasn't completely gone.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:


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    Where the heck is the final Memory Prism in Thabes Labyrinth? I beat the construct but I didn't see it anywhere. Is there something else to getting it or did I just fail a spot check?


    It should be in the very middle of the arena. Maybe the lighting is making it hard to see?

    If it's not there, something must be really wrong.

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