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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. On 6/3/2017 at 6:25 AM, Harvey said:

    You know what bothers me?

    That how they skipped the criticism of the game and instead just noticed only good things about it and I'm like wondering where are the flaws that people keep bashing at the game?

    Anyways its a good interview and I'm happy that this game is what got me into FE. Too bad that Advance Wars isn't getting the same treatment.... :(

    Don't worry, they are well aware of the flaws. They are a business after all, so they will actively look for both positive and negative feedback.

    The issue is if they can actually fix them...

    Biggest example is Awakening's story, which got bashed by fans, leading to IS hiring an outside writer to help them with Fates's story. Unfortunately that didn't turn out very well...

    Echoes's story is a step in the right direction at least.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Zera said:

    Aw, darn it, it's just another anime-action-RPG. The title had me thinking it was somehow related to Panzer Dragoon II Zwei.

    "Just another" and "Falcom" cannot exist in the same topic. Just lettin' ya know.

    Anyway, I heard some really vague whispers a while back, but I still can't believe this is happening. I really hope people notice it since it's a great game and Falcom's last hurrah for the PC, before they jumped ship to the PSP etc.

  3. 1 minute ago, Arthur97 said:

    Wait, there's a story?

    Can you use the rest of your units to replace fallen ones? If you can then I seriously doubt I'd lose.

    Yeah, there's dialogue. Hmm, if you think about it, it's essentially a mini Fire Emblem campaign. Although in terms of actual story, I wouldn't expect too much.

  4. Unless I'm mistaken, that part was showcasing the Vortex "perma-death" mode, which is coming "very soon".

    I'm assuming Masked Lucina will be a foe you have to fight and you'll be able to acquire a (possibly 5-star) version of her somehow.

    The story behind the Vortex is all kinds of nonsense (a bunch of Outrealms got linked together), so anything can happen.

  5. I don't think this was mentioned in Famitsu, but I was skimming the various previews such as from 4Gamer and I noticed this little tidbit.


    ...deepen bonds by exchanging conversations via the "Bond Conversation" system borrowed from Fire Emblem tradition, confront powerful enemies by co-operating via "Pair Up", fight tactically against enemies by making use of various classes and the weapon triangle...

    It's just a list of features, so I dunno how Pair Up actually works in this game. But you can use your imagination : P

  6. 14 hours ago, r_n said:

    What exactly does a rumor mean in this case. Hints at things in the game? The game doesn't have that many secrets and like 2 side paths, I'm drawing a blank here

    I ended up just posting the finished page ^^

    Rumours/gossips net you a rare monster or a treasure chest.

    Treasure chest is actually pretty cool since you get to explore part of a battle map like a mini dungeon. Too bad I forgot to record it.

    10 minutes ago, Black_Knight said:

    Because you can only have a limited amount of games you can streetpass for at any given time, getting data for new games is getting to be more and more of a chore. (Just try and get streetpass data for Monster Hunter Generations in comparison to 3 or 4 Ultimate.)

    I'm going to make the assumption that Shadows of Valentia is like Awakening and Fates where you can self pass by plugging the same game cart onto multiple systems. This works because streetpassing is reliant on the 3DS itself, and not the game. So if you have an extra 3DS or a friend with a 3DS and not the game, try using those to get streetpass hits for Shadows of Valentia.

    Yar, I have four 3DSes, but one is Japanese and the other is my sister's and she's taken it with her. So I can only tag myself once or twice per day.

  7. 24 minutes ago, RJWalker said:

    You mean the Sage's Shield? That's the shield that is keeping Grima sealed away. It looks like a prototype Fire Emblem with only star orb in it.

    Close, I do mean the shield that weakens magic. You can see the developers' notes in the limited edition artbook.

    The Sage Shield does resemble a prototype Fire Emblem though.

  8. Aren't there Gold Marks in Wealth Before Health? I didn't buy it though, but the descriptions suggests they should be available from there.


    Outside of

    DLC, the only place to reliably farm Gold Marks is by cutting down the grass in the Sacred Springs found on floor B9 of the Thabes Labyrinth.

    There is a 1/6 chance of finding a Gold Mark and normally you will find 3 items on your first visit, then 2 on your second and finally 1 on your third. Therefore allowing you 6 chances per journey to the labyrinth.

  9. To add to that, the bit about trees growing from dragon corpses was planned back in Awakening or Fates. So they definitely put some thought about it.

    I'm not properly awake enough to remember any other connections, but I thought it was cool how the Hexlock Shield is apparently a "lite" version of the Binding Shield from Mystery of the Emblem or the Fire Emblem in Awakening.

    It's extremely hard to see, but the jewels on the Hexlock Shield are meant to be of similar origin to the gemstones on the Fire Emblem.

  10. 4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Sure. I won't charge you for it. :P


    I was just thinking how to word it without it sounding stale, but then I got distracted with updating the Echoes pages.

    Kinda weird how Darios and Yuana don't have profiles yet, despite being in Famitsu. Timed "exclusivity" or just holding back?

  11. 6 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    Have we even got a set translation? Some say most, some say all.

    "In general, fighters will be from Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates."

    The thing is, like all languages, you can read and interpret words in many ways, depending on the context. In this context, I am confident they meant "the majority of fighters will be..."

  12. 39 minutes ago, Folt said:

    Oh, that reminds me, I looked through some of the high quality scans and one of the screenshots is of both twins with a screenshot of the mother beside them, with the twins crying. So I guess those screenshots might show snippets of the scene where the twins and the mother are separated.

    Yeah, that's when they get separated. I think you can see Darios's cape as well; I guess he's trying to pull them back?

    12 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

    The idea of too many swords would unbalance the weapon triangle is hilarious.

    IS apparently doesn't have that problem in Fire Emblem Heroes, which is flooded with sword units (and red units in general)

    Different developers though, but I suppose IS is supervising to some extent. Anyway, it's kinda different here since the roster is far smaller and it's primary a single player game. Heroes is just anything goes.

    3 minutes ago, KongDude said:

    So it says most characters are from SD, Awakening and Fates. How many can we expect that aren't?

    My gut feeling is maybe 1 from some important franchises (at least Ike and one of the Blazing Blade trio), with the rest being DLC. This is a complete guess though.

  13. 14 minutes ago, saisymbolic said:

    What if the mother is being controlled by the true villian? What if she is the true villian?

    Also, it could be that she escaped, and it just wasn't mentioned. Or that she was seized along with the castle and is being kept hostage.

    It could be many reasons why she isn't mentioned, to be honest.

    Yar. In the first page, you can see Shion, Lian, Darios and Yuana all running, but Yuana is behind them. So I imagine she just stumbles and gets left behind at some point.

    3 minutes ago, Mysterique Sign said:

    That's interesting, the sister is the older one

    Can't have all the sisters be little ones XD

    9 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Because we can't have too many sword characters


    Hehe, I interpreted it as the main characters of Warriors must be sword wielders since they're more iconic. Bearing that in mind, it's tough to fit in all the other sword wielding heroes from across the series.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I wonder how soon into the game their mother will die.

    Could be at the very start, but that would really suck considering their dad died much earlier on.

    "Separated from" can be read as "separated forever" (aka she's dead), but it really depends on the context.

    I'm am a bit concerned that there's no mention of wanting to save their mother at the end of the story description...

  15. Just in case anyone was wary of the leaks.

    Any oddities or inconsistencies, please let me know.

    Note: I cut out some fluff while I'm waiting for a full translation of the staff interview.


    Two original protagonists

    Shion and Lian are twins from the Kingdom of Aitriss and the children of Queen Yuana.

    Shion (VA: Yūma Uchida)

    The royal prince of the Kingdom of Aitriss. Aspires to be a knight who fights on the front-lines rather than a king and thus encourages his twin sister Lian to inherit the throne.

    Lian (VA: Māya Uchida)

    Shion's older twin sister. Clever and understanding of her own faults, so she has no desire to inherit the throne. Instead, she encourages Shion to become king.

    Marth (VA: Hikaru Midorikawa)

    The protagonist of the very first game; prince of Altea. Regarded as a "champion of the masses" for his excellent ability to gather and lead people. Although he's kind and dreams of a peaceful world, his true strength shines during war.

    The War-torn Kingdom of Aitriss

    After Shion and Lian's father--the king--died of illness, the kingdom went without a ruler for a long period, but thanks to the aid of the neighbouring kingdom of Guston, its people were able to leave in harmony.

    However all this came to an abrupt end after monsters form another dimension appeared and took over the kingdom.

    The Two Protected by the Queen and the Foreign Prince

    The story begins right as the kingdom is suddenly attacked. Shion and Lian who have only known peace until now find themselves attacked by monsters and are separated from their mother Yuana. While visiting, Prince Darios from the Kingdom of Guston helps Shion and Lian escape the castle by request of their mother... From here, a battle to reclaim their homeland begins. But where will their path lead to?!

    Darios (VA: Takuya Satō)

    An original character; prince of the Kingdom of Guston. He taught Shion the way of the sword and Lian the academic arts; as such, he is revered like a big brother.

    Yuana (VA: Yuka Nagayoshi)

    The ruling queen of the Kingdom of Aitriss. Her husband--the king--passed away to the other world. Although she's troubled by Shion and Lian both unwilling to inherit the throne, she gently watches over them as they grow up.

    Chrom (VA: Tomokazu Sugita)

    Prince of the Halidom of Ylisse; he's serious and passionate. He puts his full faith into his friends and allies so that he may charge boldly into battle. Upholds the responsibilities of a royal, but cares not for frivolities and has trouble with formal settings. Sometimes even his vassals forget he's a prince, but in truth he doesn't mind and prefers it that way.

    Interview Tidbits

    Game will be full voiced and there's a large amount of dialogue.

    Most of the playable characters are from Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates. They decided against having all the protagonists from each game since most of them primarily wield swords. As such, it would make the weapon triangle system unbalanced.

    There is an ability to switch characters, although details are sparse. Players can look forward to controlling characters with various weapons and classes such as archers and mages. In fact, there are more characters compared to other Warriors collaboration titles (not counting sequels).

    Speaking of the weapon triangle, it works as expected. So swords will have an advantage against axes, for example. There will also be bonus damage such as Pegasus Knights being weak to Archers. Furthermore, horseback characters will generally stay on their horse.

    Support conversations are included as "Bond Conversations". Quite a lot of content, ranging from serious to silly. Creating bonds does not lead to marriage; rather, characters will become more like close friends.

    Game is still slated for an Autumn 2017 release (in Japan). Completion is 70%.

  16. 3 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Do you guys have a homepass setup?

    Sadly I don't have the English game and Belinda isn't exactly interested in these kind of endeavors.

    It's a bit too fiddly for me, I'm afraid.

    Yar, I'm not really expecting much. Thankfully I was at a convention this weekend so I managed to get 7 or so tags. Yay.

    I can StreetPass myself up to twice a day, but I'm kinda lazy and keep forgetting to turn my 3DSes on.

    Anyway, I don't actually need that much data (I already got some interesting ideas from data-mining), so any data will be helpful : )

  17. It's very easy to miss, but Echoes supports StreetPass somewhat. After passing a player, you may receive gifts or rumours.

    While I do have some ideas about how Echoes's StreetPass works mechanically, I sadly haven't had enough StreetPass hits to confirm my suspicions.

    What I'm looking for to begin with is the following:

    1. What interesting thing you got from a StreetPass tags (i.e. present, rumour, treasure, enemy)

    2. How many tags did you receive to get that interesting thing.

    My data:

    5th tag = present (Steel Bow), 10th tag = present (Cold Soup), 12th tag = rumour (greyed out)

  18. 12 hours ago, Dark Paladin X said:

    Thanks for the info, is it possible to get more Duma Mosses across from dungeons, or there are limited amount of them.  Because the quest that rewards the Ambrosia repeatedly seems to be a good item to get.

    You can get more, but the rate is very low.

    Thabes Labyrinth B9 Pot 0.26%
    Thabes Labyrinth B9 Box 0.63%
    Thabes Labyrinth B10 Box 0.06%

    13 hours ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Easiest way to get Astra, Luna and Sol?

    Inner Sanctum or the pots in Thabes Labyrinth B9 and the boxes in B10.

    Guardians have a fairly decent rate of dropping Luna.

  19. 1 hour ago, Dark Kain said:

    Blitzkrieg achievement related question: are all quests avaible for the entire game?
    If I am trying for a "perfect" save can i just focus on getting Blitzkrieg first and then focus on completing everything else during act 6 or do I need a checklist of quests that are going to expire?

    Hmm, how is that related to Blitzrieg by the way?

    Anyway, AFAIK only the Alessio quests expire. First one needs to be done before Act 4 starts and third one needs to be done before entering the Last Bastion. Second one doesn't really have a timer, but you need to beat the first quest to unlock it.

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