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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 8 minutes ago, JDtheBA said:

    The only turn wheel key I need is from the girl who likes cute things. No matter what item I give her, I never get the cog. Is it specific or does my luck suck?

    Save before giving her a item and soft-reset if she gives you a dud.

    If you don't want to soft-reset after each item, you can soft-reset after every 3 or so, etc.

    As far as I know, it is literally completely random, no matter what item you give her. Even if you give her a "rare" item. Best you spam Sweet Cookies or something.

  2. I was wondering if anyone would bring this up. I noticed the island a while back, but unfortunately couldn't figure out much about it. So I just chalked it up to the map designers being inconsistent.

    My gut feeling is that the little island is meant to be the Outrealm Gate island that's drifted a little. But it could be anything really.

    Also, the Alterspire island is actually not part of the regular Archanea map. Instead, it occupies its own small quadrant. Where that quadrant is supposed to be is anyone's guess...

  3. 23 minutes ago, Mox said:

    Thank you for getting back to me.  I see, that (3D elements) definitely makes it harder.  Just whilst I have the opportunity, I would like to thank you and the other data miners for your hard work providing top tier content and for your effort.  If you would like to, you can lock this topic up and I'll just keep an eye on the mining thread. :)  

    It's our pleasure ^^

    Besides, we're partially doing this for our own amusement as well.

    Anyway, here ya go.

  4. Just now, Thane said:

    A sibling duo? In Fire Emblem? This is revolutionary!

    I see the "identical outfits, but women show thighs" tradition is alive and well, too. 
    To be a little less snarky, it says 10 and 13 to the bottom right of the new female character, so maybe it'll be released at least in Japan on the 13:th of October? This also looks a lot less flashy, which I see as a good thing, because I was expecting something very close to Heroes in terms of designs. Of course, speaking of designs, in that small image it almost looks like the protagonists are Owain and Ophelia with short hair.

    Nah, those are page numbers.

    You're not the first to make that mistake : P

  5. 3 hours ago, Mox said:

    Hello everyone, 

    I was just wondering if anyone had copies of the clean CG still frames used for the 2D cutscenes (i.e. Celica on the boat, Zeke and Alm at the village, etc).  I couldn't find them under the links provided for the huge data mining thread.  Any help, data miners????

    I will work on them soon. Due to the 3D effect, they are all in pieces that you need to piece together.

    The other way is to capture them from the game, but I've been busy lately to continue my run.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Dark Paladin X said:

    Does anyone know where I can find a Duma Moss, and where can I farm those Dragon Scale thing for the Dracoshield quest?

    Also, in my playthrough, I made Tobin an Archer, Faye a Cleric, Gray a Cavalier, Kliff and Atlas a Mercenary.  Do you think there were better options for these villager characters?

    Duma Moss can be found next to the Mila Idol in most Rigelian dungeons.

    You get exactly 4 Dragon Scales in-game and potentially more from the Astral Temple/Inner Sanctum.

    1. Mila's Chamber in the Temple of Mila
    2. Dropped by Dolth
    3. Randomly from "It's Oil Right" sub-quest at the Sluice Gate.
    4. Dropped by the boss of Archanea Seaway 4

  7. Thanks a bunch! That was a thoroughly interesting read, although I kind of guessed that already from skimming the original interview in my magazine.

    Loved hearing about the two staff factions in more detail.

    Also got a chuckle from HACCAN's enthusiasm and the awkwardness of the Tharja censorship in North America. Hopefully more people will realise IS weren't at fault there, but it's probably far too late for that : P

  8. Just now, Rex Glacies said:

    That actually makes sense, especially given my theory that the Dragons Gate in Valor led the dragons to Arcania (er, Marth's world, I don't remember what it is called) at the end of the Scouring.

    Yar, that was my first thought as well. There's no way of nothing, but everything just seems way too convenient.

    For instance, the dragons in Elibe are all very similar to ones that existed in Archanea (Fire, Divine, Ice and Mage Dragons). Plus the shrine where Ninian and Nils were guarding could totally be the Ice Dragon Shrine or the Fane of Raman from Archanea.

    While it's true Elibe is heavily inspired by Archanea, I don't believe that's the only reason for the similarities we've seen. Rather, I like to think newer games subtly try to explain things that were ambiguous in previous games.

  9. 2 hours ago, S.C. Amigo said:

    Is the Vestal class actually in the game? I haven't seen it, and the one character we thought it was for is titled a Witch when you fight her.

    It is. It's a "rare enemy".

    1 hour ago, Dolce said:

    Probably answered before, but what is at the end of Thabes Labyrinth? Also, for those who've gotten there, is the Dragon on the 9th floor a required fight? In my most recent run-though of the place, that's what I lost to and you can imagine I was really upset to have gotten so close to the end of the dungeon only to lose on the second to last floor.

    A boss, the final memory prism and the Demon Ring.

    No, it's just guarding the springs.

    40 minutes ago, alatartheblue42 said:

    I'm sure someone has asked this before, but there's too much content on this forum/thread for me to want to hunt it down so I'll just ask anyway.

    Is there any reason to not promote villagers asap? Like they have better growth rates as villagers or something? Since otherwise the boost in stats to get to class bases seems to suggest you should promote them immediately.

    During the story asap.

    You can delay during post game and after you DL the free Villager's Forks.

  10. 1 minute ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Nintendo must want Monster summoning to stick with Amiibos then, so I'm guessing she summons a playable class.

    You know the Archer overclass is the only one I've seen that alters the appearance of the basic bow weapon.

    I haven't checked, but can't Solomon (the Sage Overclass) summon monsters using Lemegeton?

    TBH, I don't actually know how the game decides who summons what when using Lemegeton. Maybe there's a trick to it...

    Anyway, yeah, keeping with the trend, Shade will probably summon a human class. *wink*

  11. 3 minutes ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Thats pretty cool, I'm guessing its too reference the Nohrians use of faceless? Is it said which version of the summon corpse spell, Shade gets?

    It's just a guess based on placeholder data. I am pretty sure she gets Invoke though, just like other Clerics/Saints.

    But considering the position of the data, she might not summon Revenants after all...

  12. Man, at this point, I feel like we should've had a new thread 10 pages ago or something : P

    Anyway, to be honest, I don't really know what to think considering the Falchion and Book of Naga. I mean, I would like to think they're both similar in power. Yet the Book of Naga in Genealogy, gameplay-wise is literally bonkers.

    Story-wise, they have been making a big deal of Falchion being pretty dang strong too and the embodiment of Naga's will and/or power (in Awakening and Echoes). Could be a retcon though.

    Also, I should clarify a few bits.

    "Fell Dragon Magic" I feel is really misleading. In the Japanese version, it was Fell God magic. I guess they wanted to emphasise Duma being a dragon and perhaps connecting him to Grima? Either way, "Fell Dragon" is not actually a unique title and can be attributed to any vile or corrupt dragon, it seems. In fact, I think Medeus may have been called one...

    As mentioned, "Exalted" and "Exalt" are separate terms although they sound the same in English. One represents a Divine Blade and the other represents a Holy King. In Awakening's English version, they linked the two so it was more iconic. Also, the "First Exalt" literally just means the first Exalt of Ylisse; aka the founder. So don't read into it too much ^^

  13. 1 hour ago, Fastesthe1 said:

    So I heard that the merchants that allow you to trade items between Alm's party and Celica's party had limited uses in Gaiden.  Is it still true here?

    Also is your Renown and badges connected to a single game file or your whole game?

    EDIT: Oh, and one more:

      Hide contents

    After Alm's and Celica's parties become one, are you able to choose between the two on who leads the party?  Or does one of them (I'm guessing Alm) takes all the leadership?


    Yeah, you get 1 each in Act 3 and then 3 each in Act 4.

    Renown is on a game to game basis (at least when I tried), while Medals are shared by all save files.

    You can choose.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Yeah I did the all of that, I thought Duma's Lance was the key for that, not the hair though. Good to know.

    Thanks I was wondering what was needed for that quest. How many times does the merchant show up? He showed up once on celica's and once on Alm's already.

    There's 1 in the Mountain Village and Forest Village, then 3 each in Act 4.

    After that, it doesn't really matter...

  15. 2 minutes ago, Motendra said:

    The last fight in Act 1 for Zofia castle has both Slayde and Desaix as bosses, but you can only takr out one of them, while the other retreats. If Desaix retreats is it possible to ever get a nother chance at obtainingthe Dracoshield?

    He doesn't have it during the 2nd time, but you can get 2 Dracoshields "easily" by playing the game.

    One is from a sub-quest that requires 4 Dragon Scales and you can find exactly 4 if you search around.

    Another is from...

    the postgame dungeon in a chest.

  16. 33 minutes ago, Lord_Grima said:

    I'm currently in Act 3, and I decided to Celica's route first and wait to work with Alm. As I was finishing Celica's side, enemy reinforcements appeared on Alm's side. They are stronger than what I want to fight atm, and are in my way, so is there any way to remove them or do they leave after time?

    Oops! Hmm, if they're in the way, I don't think they will move. Can you go backwards at all? I can't imagine where you might be, except the Forest Village maybe?

    Anyway, you could try brute-forcing it. Just take advantage of terrain etc and survive till Turn 3, then do as much damage as you can and pick Retreat before the turn ends. You can go enter the map again against fewer foes, which should make it easier.

    2 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    I got the Gossamer Hair from the Fear Shrine, but have no clue what it is for. Anyone know what I can do with it? I thought it was a stat booster at first.

    It's required for a quest in Zofia Harbor. You can send it over via a merchant or wait till finishing the game.

  17. 2 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Just a question relating to a term in general in an ending.

    I saw "Saint King" in English.

    Now, they can't have forgotten their localization of "Seiou" have they?

    Yar, consistency isn't really their forte it seems.

    It was Exalted King in the Awakening DLC, but I suppose that could be non-canon.

    I mean, they're definitely not shy about renaming stuff that already had decent English names like Dracozombie to Necrodragon.

    Also, while the Lightning Sword technically is a different weapon, I'm really surprised they didn't fuse it with the Levin Sword. The two even look the same, pretty much.

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