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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 25 minutes ago, phoenixmiko said:

    I have some questions.

    Are there any paralogues or xenologues?

    Is there anywhere or a chance to buy and sell food, potions, weapons and spells in the game?

    How many blocks does the physical version of Shadows of Valentia take up?

    What do the graphics look like on a bigger screen - is there any aliasing, pixelation, jagginess or softness to the visuals when compared to how they look on a normal 3DS or a New 3DS?

    There are DLC maps and memory scenes.

    You can trade items for silver and gold coins. You need to find items yourself.

    Not sure about the blocks question. You don't store the physical version on the SD card unless you mean the Extra Data.

    Graphics are like any 3DS game. Depends on what screen you're using. But generally nothing is upscaled just sized up so no aliasing.

  2. Yar, there are presumably lots of debug tools to mess around with that we normal gamers don't get access to. So stuff like debug maps and debug menus, etc.

    The latter is particularly helpful for testing parameters. One useful setting is infinite movement, which you can use to test movement, clear maps really easily and other things. (If you ever used the infinite movement cheat codes before, I imagine it's like that)

    For RNG, you can use the debug menu to adjust hit rates, critical rates and skill activation rates. I am guessing they have a debugger on hand to check the RNG formulae in real-time as well.

    Actual bug reports are usually done via spreadsheets I think. Even staff members who aren't bug testers often submit bugs this way.

  3. 3 hours ago, Allergic_to_Farming said:

    For those who have already played the game; is beating the game without giving offerings at Mila Shrines doable?


    I've heard the shrines appear at the end of dungeons, when i presume you would probably be done with grinding and just avoid enemies while running to the entrance, so it seems like the answer would be yes... but I am not sure.

    You don't need to offer, but you should have an excess of provisions anyway.

    5 hours ago, Konnor97 said:

    I asked a similar question on Gamefaqs, and someone tested it. Dread Fighters no longer negate the curse effect from the Darkness Sword. So I guess Null Curse is a cut skill?

    Hmm, I guess it should be "Resist Curse" instead. So it merely reduces the chance of backfire.

    A 0-3 Luck Dread Fighter has a less than 5% of backfire, while a 21 Luck non-Dread Fighter has a roughly 15% chance. Dunno what the actual formulae is at the moment.

  4. echoes-face-collage.jpg

    Hi all! With the Japanese version of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia available for a while now and the English version coming very soon, we'd like to know how our members feel about the cast.

    Of course, we realise not everybody fully understands every character. That's why we'll probably hold another poll when the game is available in all regions. For now, you can base your opinions off their profiles, translated dialogue or just their appearances.

    This poll will end some time before 19th May 2017, when the game launches in the West.

    Also, feel free to post about your thoughts or anything!


    1) You can vote for as many or as few characters as possible. Of course, if you spread your votes too much, it may not be very beneficial.

    2) Please don't create accounts to spam votes. (Nevermind it's against the rules to have multiple accounts.) Likewise, no proxy votes please. This poll is just for fun and shouldn't be taken too seriously.


    1) If I missed any characters, you can vote by using this syntax: [Other: Character's name]

    2) The missing space at the end is supposed to be Shizas.

  5. I am actually unsure if the controversy had any real impact on the absence of the Bond DLC in the West. It's not just that, the DLC in Japan just seemed to end abruptly around the same time, with plenty of skills left to hand out and no real ultimate challenge map. (Although Echoes doesn't have one yet either.)

    My gut feeling is that DLC development in all territories just ended due to a combination of poor DLC sales (since everybody who wanted DLC probably spent their money on the extra campaigns instead) and to prioritise development of Echoes/Warriors/Heroes/Switch. That said, the latter doesn't really affect localisation much.

    Oh well, I guess we'll just never know--and I doubt Nintendo would ever confess the reason.

  6. Unfortunately Fates is a predominantly single-player game, so I think there's no reason to support it with new DLC now that Echoes is on the way.

    As you said, the Bond DLC features a LOT of dialogue and it wouldn't be profitable for Nintendo to translate and release them now.

    Which is a darn shame, but you have to face reality sometimes.

  7. To clarify, most equipment skills must be learned. At first they will appear as ????? in the character's status screen.

    After using the equipment long enough, the skill(s) will be gradually unlocked. After a skill is unlocked, you can use that skill only if the equipment has that skill. If you remove said equipment, it will be greyed out until you re-equip that equipment.

    If equipment share skills, you will automatically have some of the skills unlocked. Eg. if you learned Swap from the Leather Shield, when you equip Saunion, you don't need to learn Swap again.

    (There are also passive skills like Transmute on the Lightning Sword and Shining Bow that don't need to be learned, but again they do not carry over to other weapons.)

    Hope that makes sense.

  8. Weapon skills can only be used if the character has the corresponding weapon equipped. Eg. Solar Impact can only be used when Sol is equipped.

    Some weapons share skills though, like the Regal Sword and Falchion both unlocking Alm's ultimate skill.

    Also if you change weapons, learned skills that can't be used remain in the character's status screen but are greyed out.

  9. I do agree there needs to be more, but the game is still young. We are getting Update 1.3 soon, maybe tomorrow. Also there's the pseudo permadeath mode coming soon, which you can burn stamina on and train loads of heroes.

    Right now, I must admit I am finding it hard to think of things to do. There are times when I have 99 stamina, but just can't think of anything I can do. I could train more units, but right now it's not that useful except for doing the Lunatic flier, cavalry and armor quests, but those ones are soul-sucking.

    Skill inheritance is fun, but you need orbs and feathers and if you're a F2P player, you can't do anything once you run out and/or you're tactically conserving resources. I really want, say, even just a Nino to play with, but I need to wait for the mage girl banner, because it's in my best interests (I need Linde and Julia too).

    On the plus side, I get time to relax with Echoes and Breath of the Wild, haha.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Chapter 5 story spoilers.

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    I was traveling while playing through this part and couldn't look up any of the words I didn't understand, so I missed some vital information. My question is this: is it ever explained just how, in their motivational speeches about not needing gods, Alm and friends will combat things like the droughts and the zombie apocalypse that happen because of Mila's absence?


    You don't see any action taken in the game, but Alm and co do talk about plowing the lands to make them more fertile etc. I think Clive or somebody jokes about Alm being a farmer king.

    You could say Valm during the time of Awakening is proof everybody is doing OK. I guess the Mila Tree may have helped to bring life to the continent and I honestly have no idea where Terrors came from originally. Maybe a distortion of magic due to Duma's activities?

  11. Because I'm a sucker for these kind of things.

    So you might know the world map features a bunch of glyphs that can be translated.

    While I haven't been paying 100% attention, I did spot some glyphs in the various warp circles found in dungeons. Now that I have an inkling of spare time, I thought I'd see what the text said...

    Duma Warp Circle (found in the Fear Shrine, I think)


    The outer ring says "o ischyro esa dose mou dynami", which I believe is Greek for "the strong, please give me strength". The inner text is mostly too small to read, but there's definitely "theos" (god) and "exousia" (power).

    Very fitting for Duma, the god who believes in power.

    Mila Warp Circle (found after obtaining the Falchion)


    Starting from the outer ring, we have "βοηθησει ειμαστε ο", "δουλος του κυριου" and "Pearl River μας".

    The last one kind of threw me for a loop, but it actually looks like that in-game if you stare...


    Anyway, the text apparently means "help us", "servant of the god" and "our Pearl River".

    Meanwhile the inner text has "ζωη" (life), "θανατος" (death) and "αναπαραγωγη" (reproduction).

    Again, fitting for the Goddess who brings life. No idea about "pearl river" though!

    Exalt Warp Circle (found in the Labyrinth of Thabes)


    Unfortunately, this one is pretty boring. It has the same outer text as Duma's circle. Unless Naga believed in Duma's ideals, I think it's just copied and pasted. No idea what the swirly text in the middle says.

    Anyway, if you know of any more places, do let me know. I *think* the glyphs when casting magic are nonsense, but I will double check later.

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