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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Thanks to @Rezzy I have three Google Play cards worth $15 to give away, which is enough to cover a full 5 Hero summon.

    To enter, simply post in this topic using this exact phrase: "I want Orbs!"

    Deadline for this giveaway is Thursday 3rd May at 9:00 UTC.

    Afterwards, I will select three random entries using a random number generator.


    1) Only one entry per person.

    2) Only accounts made prior to this giveaway are eligible.

    3) Winners must do a full 5 Hero summon and post the results of their summons within 7 days of receiving their prize. You can pick any banner, but you can't back out of summoning once you start.


    1) Winners will receive one code for a Google Play card with $15 (US Dollars) credit via PM.

    2) Because the prize is Google Play credit, an Android device is required to use the prize. Apologies for any inconvenience!

    3) From my understanding, Google Play cards are not region-free, but you should be able to change your region via your account settings. (But note that your wallet must have zero or low funds.)

    Any questions, feel free to ask! Also, you are allowed to comment, but please try not to flood this topic too much ^^

  2. 1 hour ago, r_n said:

    So as for that fatique system, this seems so weird? It ONLY affects HP, it only really affects dungeon crawling and it seems easily remedied? I guess the alternative (Thracia) is too far in the other direction, but including it in the game in this manner just seems pointless. And also in the game with the smallest cast in the series

    It's utterly pointless except in the final dungeons and post-game dungeon. Even then, it's only ever a concern in the latter, since there are no Fatigue springs or Mila Shrines there to cure Fatigue so you need to be carrying plenty of Provisions.

  3. 15 hours ago, Tsak said:

    is that yellow lighting around them because you're inspecting them or is that just like how rare enemies are?

    Yup, as mentioned, they actually glow yellow. It looks a lot more sinister in motion; the yellow kind of fades in and out.

    I would love to take a video if I could, but that will have to wait until the English release (since my capture 3DS is PAL).

  4. 10 hours ago, MrPerson0 said:

    If you use the Fork on any male, will they be able to go through the Dread Fighter -> Villager cycle? If so, using it on Mycen.

    Also, do we know if future DLC will have infinite Villager's Forks available upon completion?

    I should think so. Although one extra cycle is pretty game-breaking already.

    No idea, I'm afraid. Fates only had one Paragon for instance, so it could go either way. I am really hoping there are more though, but at the same time it makes it feel more special if there's just one.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Harvey said:

    Well you never hear Sakurai-san having any thoughts on how Kirby is being handled without him despite him still somewhat working with Nintendo.

    Besides, many FE fans started with his era. It would be nice for atleast some of his thoughts to be known to say the least. 


    This is merely speculation, but don't forget what happened after Kaga left Nintendo.

    He got hit with a huge lawsuit and there was a lot of drama. After that, he did develop two games and a fan game, but the first game (TearRing Saga) probably made little profit due to the lawsuit and his second game (Berwick Saga) had his name omitted from the credits to avoid drama.

    From then on, he never talked about FE again. Not even on his blog, where nobody can control what he's saying. This either means he can't talk about the series or more likely he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. For him, I imagine FE is his past that he doesn't want anything to do with anymore and Saga is his present and future.

    I also get the feeling Kaga's departure from Nintendo wasn't a super happy one. For one, Thracia 776 didn't live up to sales expectations and I get the strange feeling he may have been too eccentric for the other developers, leading to strained relationships. This part is a wild guess though, so definitely don't take my word for it.

  6. Nobody I really dislike; the cast is most solid and/or inoffensive. Even Faye started to grow on me before long XD

    Characters I like using...

    Alm: He's a pretty sweet guy with great combat utility. Once he levels up the Regal Sword, he wrecks stuff with Twin Lions. Seriously, there wasn't much he couldn't ORKO.

    Celica: Not gonna hide it, I like my mage girls and if it's a mage girl protagonist, then... It also helps Celica is one of the more dynamic heroines in the series. It felt so good slapping The Zofia on her.

    Delthea: Her personality isn't the best, but she can totally wreck stuff with a bit of leveling. Unlike Est, she has the benefit of being a mage to target low Resistance. Plus she has Aura from the get go and doesn't take long to learn Angel.

    Tatiana: I always liked the Saint design in Gaiden and the Echoes version is pretty neat as well. Combat-wise, she's merely average, although her low Luck got her KO'd by critical hits more times than I expected. High Attack with easy access to Warp and Fortify means she's stuck on my team.

    Best combat units right now are Faye and Gray. I gave Faye a Villager's Fork when she was a Falcon Knight and her stats as a Saint are now insane. Gray I looped back to Villager and has game-breaking stats too.

  7. I'm really indecisive, so I haven't used many feathers.

    I did upgrade 3* Olivia to 4* since it was cheap and it helps her keep up as a dancer.

    Also 3* female Corrin to 4* due to hype, but she's been sitting on my bench forever.

    Recently I caved and upgraded Sakura to 5*. Totally useless, but no regrets.

    I think I still have 60K left, which I'll probably use to upgrade 4*s, if I ever get good boon/banes...

  8. 10 minutes ago, Cat Villager said:

    I don't think it's good to compare Malicia to Faye because Malicia seems to be a comedic character with her delusions and obsession being played for laughs. Kind of like Roger.

    I can't disagree with the Malicia interpretation, but I really don't get the feeling Faye was being portrayed as a serious character.

    I mean, I'm sure the developers wanted fans to think deeply and come up with their own interpretations, but I feel like she's no more serious than the other side characters in Echoes. Some of which are pretty silly as well.

    I actually laughed pretty hard during the Prologue when Faye was like "Oh, Alm and Celica are going to get married, huh?" and looking all depressed. Maybe it's just me though.

    On the other hand, I did like Alm and Faye's A conversation. The girl clearly can't move on, but she's smart and knows to make the most of her time with Alm before he leaves. I actually do think that's a bit of growth, if not the amount some people were hoping for. Likewise with her A conversation with Silque.

  9. Honestly, I don't have any issues with Faye and to a lesser extent Conrad. They're just side characters added to make the game more interesting for those who played the original.

    As far as I'm concerned, Faye is literally just Malicia 2.0 and nobody really bat an eyelid about her. I'm assuming people just had certain expectations of Faye and were shocked to see what her character is really like. Likewise, I found Conrad to be a lot different to what I imagined, but in a good way.

    Back to the Malicia comparison, she's basically a selfish child who does nothing but fawn over Marth and then latches onto Kris when he tries to intervene. Her ending is pretty much the same boat as well, but she was more of a "bad girl" than Faye.

    Although unlike Mystery, you get to see a lot more Faye, so her character really shows.

  10. 16 hours ago, Twilightmage said:

    If the characters from awakening are in fates wouldn't that mean tiki/nowi/nah are in the same world?

    The Outrealms is fiddly; it's essentially a multiverse. So if you treat that multiverse as one world, then what you say is true.

    Either way, I guess the main point is that even if a Wyrmslayer (or anything, be it an item or character) doesn't exist in X world, it could come from Y world via an Outrealm Gate.

  11. I only played Normal so far, but I promoted everyone not Alm and Delthea ASAP. Alm is pretty obvious, since he promotes late and doesn't get a buff by that time. Likewise with Delthea.

    Everyone else got carried by their bases + promotion bases. Some weren't as useful as others, but Normal is pretty straightforward, so it wasn't a huge issue. Will be interesting to see how they fare on Hard.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jacien said:

    Any info about localization changes or censorship yet?  I hear that this game doesn't really have anything to be censored, which I hope is true.  And since the launch between JP and EN versions is so short, it won't be like Fates where tumblrinas overreact over to a wrong translation which affects the localization.

    I'm also curious if they'll have the age limit of alcohol usage for Provisions at 20 years for units.  I see the ESRB says "Alcohol Reference", dunno what the difference is between "Reference" and "Usage".  But it could mean the drinks are still alcohol based, and it doesn't count as "Use of Alcohol" in the ESRB because you don't actually see it (through menus only?)?

    Just wondering~~

    I fear this will cause unwanted drama, but nobody can consume alcohol in all versions of the game. I think somebody made a last-minute change.

    Also, I don't think there will be much censorship, but you never know.

    There's attempted rape of Silque before you recruit her, which looks unchanged in the English version. That said, I suppose it's only implied. The "main event" could be tickling her awake, I guess.

  13. 1 minute ago, King Marth 64 said:

    No, I do meant Arts Skills since I do remembered that Reclassing from Awakening and Fates did keep all characters using the same Skills that they learned from their non-default class line when they reclassing into an another class.

    Clerics and Saints don't get any Combat Arts, unless you mean the class-specific ones like HP Recovery per turn. Class-specific skills don't carry over; you can already see this with Dread Fighters going to Villager and losing the Res bonus and halving Magic skills.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Is that still in there? I thought that was just a glitch with Gaiden, and figured it wouldnt make it into the remake. That definitely changes that then. No reason to waste it on them.


    EDIT: Glad to see color palletes are kept. I hope this extends to all classes, not just a few of them.

    No idea if it was a glitch or intended feature, but yeah, it's in. My Saber is Level 10+ and I got the message to Class Change.

    There are some other weird things that made the jump too. Really curious to see if Luna still works with Clerics...

  15. 1 minute ago, Tolvir said:

    i am really unsure with mine. Maybe Lukas since Forsythe will be taking the role of armored knight for me. Reclassing him into a different class later might be more benificial for me. Either that or one of the 30 Mercenaries Celica's group gets so they can have another mounted character or armored knight.

    Mercenaries don't need a Villager's Fork though. Just get them to Level 10 Dread Fighter.

  16. 29 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Did you tried and see if you can turn Faye as a Mage to see if she still has those Cleric/Saints Arts Skills with her? I kinda wondered if the Arts Skills will be kept for any kind of classes that uses the same weapons when it gets reclassed back to Villager and use the previous Art Skills that one of the characters that we used in their base class line for deciding to promote to a different class line?

    You mean magic spells? Combat Arts/Skills are separate from magic.

    Anyway, I don't have two Villager Forks to make her a Cleric and Mage. But I did try it on Silque.

    If she becomes a Mage, she gains Fire and Thunder immediately.

    If she becomes a Cleric, she gains Nosferatu, Recover and Warp.

    Before becoming a Villager, she was a Level ??/9 Saint (with Angel, Nosferatu, Recover, Warp, Dear and Illusion).

    25 minutes ago, Knight Adam said:

    Does this mean that the item is free until July or will it be gone forever after that? Or is the DLC available on that day?

    Oops, silly me, I was working on something else and put "July" instead of "April". Is starts today and will be available forever (or at least until the eShop closes etc.).

  17. From 27th April, you can download the "Gift from the Goddess 2" for free via the DLC menu. (Only for the Japanese version right now, obviously.)

    This grants you an elusive Villager's Fork, an item that cannot be obtained in the base game. When held by a character not Alm or Celica, that character can Class Change to a Villager at any Mila Shrine. This can be done at any stage of their career, except if they are already a Villager.

    So far, this is the only Villager's Fork available and we don't know if there will be more in the future, although hopefully there will be!

    Anyway, who's getting your Villager's Fork?

    I quickly gave mine to Faye since I regret not making her a Cleric. Flipping heck, she's killin' it as a Villager and gaining levels in no time. I think I might leave her as a Villager for a while...

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