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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. EDIT: There was a strange error with the original topic so I had to redo it.

    From our good friend @SciresM





    Temple of Stars
    Temple of Stars ~Inner Sanctum~
    Villains and Treasures
    Golden Dream
    No Rest for the Dead
    Funeral of Fury
    Altar of the Lance Knight (Cavalier Over-Class)
    Altar of the Shielded Giant (Baron Over-Class)
    Altar of the Black Crane (Pegasus Over-Class)
    Altar of the Shadowy Maiden (Female Mage Over-Class)
    Altar of the Virtuous Enchantress (Cleric Over-Class)
    Altar of the Fearsome Warlord (Mercenary Over-class)
    Altar of the War Elephant (Archer Over-class)
    Altar of the Scholarly Sage (Male Mage Over-Class)
    Altar of the Noble Queen (Celica's Over-Class)
    Altar of the Great Conqueror (Alm's Over-Class)
    Battle of Zofia Port
    South Fort Rescue Mission
    Escaping the Underground Ruins
    Defence of Zofia Castle
    Pending: Prologue 5
    The Lost Girl and the Vagabond
    The Dark Saint and the Swordswoman
    Pending: Cipher Character 3
    Pending: Cipher Character 4
    Starter Deck Purchase Gift
    Pending: Cipher Collaboration 2
    Pending: Cipher Collaboration 3
    Goddess's Gift 1
    Goddess's Gift 2
    Goddess's Gift 3
    Goddess's Gift 4
    Goddess's Gift 5

  2. 1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

    A neural Nino is better than a -Atk, or -Speed one. So I'd say just use her, unless you want to wait for a better one and if you have Elieson's luck, that may never happen.

    Dark breath on Tiki makes no sense. Lightning breath on Tiki makes sense. And +Atk F Corrin is quite nice since her attack is pretty decent anyway. She'll get 31 attack at base. +Spd (or +Def maybe) is prefered, but if she's got Fury on then I say it really doesn't matter (Fury on any manakete is good lol)

    +Spd Male robin I have mixed feelings about. I just say screw it and use him. As long as he isn't -Atk, -Hp, or -Def then I'm happy no matter what the + is. (Mine is +HP -Res which means HP seal gives him 46 health for maximum longevity on swordbreaker)

    Thanks for the feedback ^^

    Yeah, it took waaaay too long to get this first Nino despite her being pretty common.

    Oh man, I totally forgot about Lightning Breath. Gonna feel weird sacrificing the future version of her to get it : P

  3. Looking for more investment opinions since feathers aren't that common.

    Is +Spd -Res good on Male Robin? I figure he's meant to be tanky, so dunno if he needs the Speed.

    What about +Atk -Res female Corrin? Likewise, is she better suited to be a tank than a hitter? (Or should I merge her Dark Breath onto Tiki? : P)

    Finally, I got a neutral Nino and a neutral-ish Kagero. Is there much point in using them or should I wait until I get better boon/bane? For reference, my only decent Green is a 4 star Cherche (who admittedly is a beast) and I already have a -Atk 5 star Kagero.

  4. 2 hours ago, Pikappa93 said:

    That's weird though, since it actually has stats for battling. I'm still hoping it has some kind of DLC use.

    Enemies can wield them. I think most enemies negate the curse effect as well, but I'm lazy to check.

    Random Drop data


    Not mistakes on my part, but Rusted Bow is duplicated in Fear Shrine 3 and there's a Silver Mark with a 89 rate in Fear Shrine 5, despite most rates being multiples of 5.

    I think somebody must have fallen asleep while coding the drops.

  5. It's 100% fine to have opinions as long as you're not hurting or offending anybody with them.

    For that same reason, I honestly think it's totally fine to have "unpopular" opinions. Many of them, even.

    I agree with @YouSquiddinMe, you are unnecessarily comparing your tastes to others. Even if you don't realise you're doing so.

    Think about it. Where do opinions come from in the first place? People. What makes things popular or not? People. Therefore popular/unpopular opinions are decided by people and you are comparing your opinions with these people.

    Anyway, there is no legitimate reason for you to feel bad for, say liking, Gen 4 and 5 Pokemon even though other people may not.

    OK, sure, there may be less merchandise, but that's just the way the world works. Companies will naturally make more merchandise for more popular things because more people buy them and thus they make more money. Everyone wants to make more money, not less money (and especially businesses).

    Basically, nobody will ever cater specifically to you unless you directly pay them (for example, for a custom piece of merchandise). Is it fair for you? No. But that's just the reality you have to live with. And compared to many realities out there, it's not even a harsh one TBH.


    I may sound harsh, but it just seems like you're sulking for not having the merchandise you want and/or not being a part of the popular crowds.

  6. 18 minutes ago, CompteSecours said:

    Ok but for exemple :

    My Gray is a lvl 9 Mercenary with 30HP/13ATK/15SPD. If i promote him now, he doesn't gain ATK nor SPD. So why should i promote him ? I can promote him lvl 20 and i won't " waste " 11lvl :(

    Unless max lvl in the game is 99 ?

    For a story playthrough, the "missing" levels probably won't make a lot of difference. If you like to grind, you can wait like in a traditional FE game.

    You can infinite reclass by repeatedly going through the Mercenary line; Dread Fighter loops back to Village. Once it's release, you can use the Villager's Fork to reclass back to Villager for everyone except Alm and Celica.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    I'm fine with mystical, that is cool. I just don't like the phasing around. I'm just not a fan of it. I am all for flashy animations, but the phasing around isn't my thing I guess.

    Fair enough. Not going to argue with tastes ^^

    Although I do think the phasing is just a natural evolution of the "blinking" Swordmaster/Assasin frames in the GBA series etc.

  8. 3 hours ago, bonewalker said:

    Not liking the spoiled rich girl vibes coming from Clair's english voice and lines.


    Also, why does Faye have a bow when shes the only villager in the game that CAN'T be an archer?

    Hehe, well she is meant to be proper nobility, at least in Echoes.

    Oh, I wondered why something seemed weird about Faye...

  9. 25 minutes ago, r_n said:

    I am really fascinated what the ten (TEN!!) maps for "making your units stronger" could possibly be about. Maybe it's just a dungeon and they're listing it as ~ten maps~ to help buff the count.

    I imagine they will include the following:

    The Villager's Fork for infinite reclass

    Stat-boosters ala Royal Royale.

    New skills.

    New classes, maybe? We can dream.

    They wouldn't needlessly pad out the DLC. This isn't Awakening XD

  10. 27 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    Wasnt big on the Dread Fighter design, it is a step down from Mercenary/Myrmidon for me. Not big on the weird movements for attacks on the Dread Fighter either, I hated the phasing around and weird teleporting stuff on the ninja from Fates. I hate to see it return on the Dread Fighters. Just give me some good swordsmanship, less is more. Otherwise everything else looked really good.

    To be fair, Dread Fighters were the original Ninjas : P

    They are meant to be flashy and mystical. If you want a traditional swordsman, you want a Swordmaster.

  11. 8 hours ago, Indifferent said:

    They were, but (Majin) "まじん" as it was written in the original Gaiden, is spelled in hiragana and there were no real context clues to work on, so the intended meaning of the name was uncertain. The class was simply translated to HiKnight in fan translations of the original. 

    It is confirmed to be 魔人 in the remake however which literally means "demon man" or alternatively, magician/sorcerer/conjurer. However those are quite unfitting so i'm curious to know what the name of the class will be in the English version.

    Majin isn't an uncommon Japanese phrase, so it could stay. I think it's "Warlock" in Echoes's internal code, but dunno how suitable that name is.

    As you said, Majin literally means a "demon man" (i.e. a man who's on the level of a demon). It sounds a lot cooler in Japanese than in English.

  12. 1 hour ago, Pete-of-the-Forge said:

    And I'm mildly disappointed that the DLC is just grinding. The most worthwhile DLC maps, in my opinion, were the ones with new classes. You never know though. Some of those rewards are vague. And there could always be a Season 2...

    I wonder if the story maps will focus on Alm and Celica as kids, or something else. Maybe how the Archanea characters got to Valentia?

    And they seem to be sticking with the "no Anna" thing, what with this DLC merchant dressing a lot like her (in merchant garb, with the big pack), and even has red hair to boot.

    Oops, I wasn't very clear, but sets are seasons. So Seasons 1-4 have already been announced.

    That Merchant appears in the gold-grinding map; he's not the Dragon's Gate guide.

    1 hour ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    Answering both as one, the thing is why use boots to get a Baron with 6 movement, when you can get a dread fighter with 8 movement or a Gold/Bow/Falco Knight with 9 movement?

    Basically its not going to help.

    What would've helped is making warp available to more characters or giving Barons a more useful skill. 

    5 Movement, right? But fair point : P

    37 minutes ago, Iridium said:

    i wonder if we'll even get all of it this time after what happened with fates

    None of these seem as big as the Scramble maps in Awakening/Fates, so hopefully. I would love to see the return of Scramble maps though, but those must have take a lot of time to develop.

  13. 1 minute ago, Emperor Hardin said:

    I think they'd mention it, most likely they'll just have the villager reclass item thats already been datamined.

    It'd be nice if they made Barons a good class rather then a meh class stuck with 4 movement.

    You assume too much. It's literally super brief bullet points right now : P

    Good point about the Villager's Fork though. Would be a perfect opportunity to release it.

    Hehe, you have a pair of Boots to fix that, kinda of.

  14. Website here

    New character profiles include Python, Zeke, Masked Knight, Judah and Mila. Will translate them in a bit.

    DLC details!

    Four sets in total. Sets 1 to 3 can be purchased in a bundle for 4,800 Yen. There will be a special Echoes-themed pre-paid 5,000 Yen eShop card that covers this amount.

    Set 1 launches with the game. Contains 3 maps (Item-grinding, Money-grinding and Exp-grinding). These *may* be the ones included in the special editions (this bit is speculation). Maps cost 400/300/300 Yen.

    Set 2 features 3 maps that make it easier to progress through mid/late-game.

    Set 3 features 10 maps that focus on making characters stronger and 4 story maps that occur before the beginning of the game.

    Sets 2 and 3 will launch before the end of 30th June.

    There will also be a Set 4 that features 2 types of crossover with the Fire Emblem Cipher card game.

    Finally, there is free DLC as well. First one gives a pair of Boots.

    (Will provide detailed translations later)

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