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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. Grima's implementation is a pretty cool throwback IMO.

    It's not in your face, since the name "Grima" is never mentioned. Closest thing is it's a Fell Dragon.

    You're meant to figure it out and go WTF.

    Also, lore-wise, it makes sense, since we had no idea where Grima came from originally. Now we just need to figure out how Grima took over the Dragon's Table...

    It was implied that Alm and co didn't defeat Grima, but merely disturbed its slumber. In fact, it would be pretty amusing if Alm opened the seal for Grima to invade Archanea...

  2. Slightly disappointing, but expected.

    To be fair, the maps should be less of a hassle with modern FE's sped up gameplay.

    Also, about Chapter 6. It looks like...

    First half is all boats, second half is all dungeon. Granted, they could be well made boats and dungeons.

  3. 2 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

    Huh, so the Triangle Attack takes HP too? Interesting. I'm still a little confused as to how exactly some of these skills work, but that may only become apparent once the game is out. I wonder if some of these show up as separate commands on the main menu or activate automatically.

    If it costs HP, you have to trigger it via a menu I think.

    Not sure about the defensive skills though.

    Passives are passive.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Konnor97 said:

    What's SP? How many kills/attacks taken to learn the skill?

    It's related to that, yeah.

    I dunno how the numbers correspond to in-game though.


    Some additional info.

    The ultimate skills (Dragon Conquest and True Ragnarok) are unlocked via Alm and Celica's proof weapons (Regal Sword/Falchion and The Zofia).

    Godslayer is unique to Falchion (Alm and Marth's), Nosferatu and Binding Blade.

    Gonna fill in the rest after dinner.

  5. 26 minutes ago, unique said:

    isn't that title a bit of a spoiler

    anyway, when we heard there was a chapter 6 I was hopeful but I kept my expectations low at about the level of "some dumb tie in to awakening"

    thus, i'm not too disappointed, though I feel like there are so many better things they could've done with an extra chapter of gaiden

    It was the best choice I had out of the super spoilery ones XD

    Didn't want to mention Chapter 6 and "cameo"/"bonus dungeon" could be anything.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Stardragoncg said:

    do they show lima the IV

    He doesn't have a portrait AFAIK. He and Liplica have a filler Rinea portrait.

    He's probably the dude from the trailer though.

    3 minutes ago, Carnation said:

    I'm sorry if this came up earlier, but I'm skimming through this thread... Do we know the composer for SoV yet? I'm listening to the leaked soundtrack and it's fantastic, I'd like to know who's work it is.

    I have the list of staff, but sadly not what they do. Somebody will need to play to the credits, I think.

  7. OK, this thread is moving a bit quicker than I'd like.

    Can you please move comments and discussions to their own topics? Feel free to make new topics if necessary. Don't be shy XD

    Right now, there's like 1 topic with active posts in this subforum in the last 8 hours.

    If you have questions (or questions to my answers), discoveries, corrections etc, they're still welcome.

  8. I think this needs its own thread. Also, feel free to make new threads for important things ^^

    Anyway, the contents of Chapter 6 have been determined.

    Just gonna copy and paste from the data-mine topic.

    Chapter 6 involves you visiting the western half of Archanea, specifically the Feroxi Port and the Thabes Underground Labyrinth. This was hinted at on the official site, where Archanea was briefly visible on the world map. You actually visit that part. Access is via the Archanean Sea Route, 6 locations in all.

    Inside the Thabes Underground Labyrinth are 10 floors. Along the way are multiple stone tablets that provide some surprising information. At the very bottom is the super boss "Construct", who's actually...


    A proto Grima. It's even a Fell Dragon with a similar portrait to Awakening Grima. Possibly even the same battle music (I've yet to play it).

    Construct + Young Grima

    Battle theme

    Apparently Grima was created in Thabes by an insane alchemist called Forneus. He/she experimented with life and death and created the Risen Soldiers and Grima. From appearances, Grima is a Dracozombie infused with divine dragon blood. It is not outright said, but heavily implied.

    Postgame Dungeon text

  9. Chapter 6 stuff is fine IMO.

    It operates in a vacuum, while Archanea is recovering from war.

    Awakening spoilers

    There was no backstory for Grima at all in Awakening, which Echoes tries to fix. I think it suffices.

    I'm happy Grima is unrelated to the Earth Dragons and it was growing in Thabes all this time.

    Also, its connection to Dracozombies and Divine Dragons is perfect. The Plegians even worshipped it as a Divine Dragon, not that you found out in the game itself...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Is there any way to view cutscenes?

    I saw thumbnails, so I'm assuming yeah. Movies, right?

    3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Regal Sword? You mean Ike's early PoR weapon? It's making a return? That's kinda cool, actually.

    ...Well, unless it actually functions and looks entirely different, only sharing the name.

    They share a similar name. Alm's came first though XD

    3 minutes ago, Azz said:

    Take your time Vincent. Don;t work yourself into the ground, cause if you do how we gonna get all these leaks?

    I am a nice person.

    No worries, I want to see it as well : P

    It's just the game is a mess when it comes to storing skills. Everything and its mother is a skill. Best skill I've seen is "banned from class roll". Couldn't that have been a flag?!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

    I'm really impressed at the in game animations, they look so buttery smooth

    I can't wait to see what FE 16 looks like

    Joke: Echoes is 16, Fates is 15 and Awakening is 14.

    3 minutes ago, King of all Swordmasters said:

    so what about class growth do we have any info on those

    Needs further testing. There are small numbers that look like class growths.

    Just now, Corrobin said:

    Respectively? (Sol lance, Luna bow, Astra sword)

    And do they still negate enemy terrain bonuses, have 20 Might and boast an extremely high 50% critical hit rate, respectively?

    Yes to first.

    They have a lot of effects. Can't say if they're the same or not. You need to check the item and skill data. Almost done with the latter.

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