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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 37 minutes ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    If we compare both Echoes and Fates Japanese titles, stylistically, "Echoes" and "if" are written in English, whilst the secondary titles are written in Japanese. In Fates, this was to showcase that it had different, yet connected, versions, while there's no legitimate reason for Echoes to even be present on the title at all, as ファイアーエムブレム: もうひとりの英雄王 would've sufficed, or hell, even just ファイアーエムブレム: エコーズ. This is what leads me personally to believe that this would be the first in a set of Echoes games, likely remakes, at least in the most hopeful of conditions.

    The way I understand it and this is just conjecture on my part.

    They couldn't re-use "Gaiden" because it's too generic. It literally means "sidestory" so if they had called it "Fire Emblem Gaiden: Another Hero-King", people in Japan would think it's merely a new spin-off, not something connected to the original Fire Emblem Gaiden.

    Therefore, they substituted "Gaiden" for a similar and cooler-sounding name, "Echoes". But then they needed a way to make Japanese players understand the connection since "Echoes" means nothing to them. Hence the subtitle "Another Hero-King".

    In any case, I do agree it's clunky.

    Likewise, I agree we'll only find out in many years. Which is sadly an eternity on the Internet : P

  2. 8 minutes ago, Falcom said:

    I personally think the word, Echoes, might be the spawn of a sub series. Mainly because in Heroes, the story chapters are divided based on which game the character appear in (with the exception of chapter 5,8, and 9). Each chapter name starting with the the words, "World of", followed typically by a word from the official game title.

    SoC will probably get to it eventually, but it's called "World of Echoes" in the Japanese version. I am not sure why they changed it in the localisation. Plus it will be really awkward if they ever decide to do Shadow Dragon (although I doubt it since Mystery seems to be the main world).

    Oh, nvm, I see SoC just posted : P

  3. 2 hours ago, Thane said:

    Thanks bud, I'll try that when I have some time. They really didn't make that clear visually.

    Edit: Nope, still can't access the maps. They're just removed from the rest of Valentia. I wonder if it's because not all of my characters are tier 3 yet or something. Are you supposed to be able to go there immediately afterwards?

    As has been mentioned, you need to start the quest in Zofia Port. The message was to tell you to go there : P

    2 hours ago, sirmola said:

    Does renown actually do anything from a gameplay perspective?

    Not that I know of.

    There is a "rumours" mechanic that may use Renown, but I dunno if it's actually in-game. I've never seen it anyway.

  4. 37 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    My Valentia Complete is sitting in the apartment office I'll pick up in an hour. But days is you increase it for each blip on the map you move.

    So for Lightning Speed (lol, shippujinrai Galeforce) achievement... is it for beating the game in 500 days?

    Yeah, that's the theory. Or it could be 500 turns, but that's harder to keep track of.

    It also increases in dungeons I think. I kinda stopped counting when I realised the number didn't really matter.

    If you want to take 499 days to beat the game to test it, feel free : P

    EDIT: While looking for variable data to figure this out, I found this instead.

    PID_エマ PID_シェイド

    IDs for Ema and Shade from Cipher. Hmmmm. I guess the Cipher DLC is 200% for playable mascots then.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Iridium said:

    "Echoes: Shadows of Valentia" isn't a weirder subtitle than "New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~", incidentally. 

    Just gonna echo this. (Sorry.)

    Also, I mentioned this in another topic, but Nintendo of Europe often calls the game just "Fire Emblem Echoes" in advertisements. Doesn't really make sense unless "Echoes" is only for this remake.

    Additionally, this is just my opinion but if they wanted to future-proof a series of remakes, they would have gone for a far more obvious name like Fire Emblem Legacy or something. "Echoes" alludes to it somewhat, but it's way too vague for consumers.

    Now, I'm not saying there won't be remakes; I am 90% confident there will be more, providing Echoes sells well. Just that the word "Echoes" by itself is far from proof.

  6. I'm not good at describing personalities, but I can help distinguish Silque and Genny.

    Silque is the more polite, grown up Cleric. She went on pilgrimages from an early age so is used to traveling, but has a knack of (almost) getting kidnapped.

    Genny is the little sister Cleric who would rather stay at home, but doesn't like being left behind. She also likes older men, like waaaay older.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Ah ok. The wiki lists them as Wights, which is probably why I didn't recognize them. But still, they look genuinely creepy. I love it.

    Hmm, I think somebody should correct that.

    Titans are a completely different beast... Literally. They are undead giants.

    If anything, the Lich should be classified a Wight, but it's not entirely the same either.

  8. On 4/23/2017 at 4:42 PM, Armagon said:

    What do these Titans look like? I can't find them on the Wiki.

    20 hours ago, LoyalKing32 said:

    I wonder what they look like....

    Here's a Titan I found while cutting grass in the Lost Woods.



    21 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    That is true...

    Also @VincentASM, you can read Chinese?


    It's nice how Chinese and Japanese grammar structure is very similar, a lot more than Japanese-English. For obvious reasons.

  9. I updated the support mechanics.

    You earn 1 point for participating in the same mission, 1 point for each battle within 2 squares and 2 points for using White Magic. Points are capped at 20 points per mission.

    Trying to look into Renown some more. AFAIK, there is a 1.1 multiplier for playing on Classic and maybe one (1.25) for Hard. There are flat bonuses too, but these seem incredibly inconsistent. Summoned monsters don't count for Renown. Dunno about divided Mogalls.

  10. Cross-posting from the main site.

    Soon it will be three months since Fire Emblem Heroes launched and thankfully it seems to be showing no signs of slowing down. In order to keep up, I’m happy to announce that Ice Dragon will be joining the Serenes Forest team as an editor.

    You may already know that Ice Dragon often loves to showcase his knowledge and passion for Heroes. He was also active during the days of Blazing Blade, although he vanished for a time until Heroes reared its head.

    Anyway, having known of his capabilities for a long time, I am sure Ice Dragon will do a stellar job of maintaining the ever-growing Heroes section, alongside our other team members.

    Speaking of which… Kirie, our resident Cipher news editor, will henceforth become a fully-fledged website editor. As well as handling Heroes news from time to time, she’s also contributed a couple of pages to the Heroes section already.


    To finish off, we hope you continue to enjoy the website and see it grow. Hopefully very soon, we’ll have some more new faces on the team!

  11. 2 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

    Well, Sonia would be savvy in deppresion department... and she love bitter food. Huh, so does Palla and Catria. That make sense actually. Probably a reference to their shipping problems. I love the foreshadowing the preferences gives.
    That or they... they might have a fetish at this point.

    Alm. Doesn't. Like. Sweets. He. HATES. SWEETS. Worst Fire Emblem protagonist ever.
    Zeke too ? Wtf ? Seriously guys have some good taste.

    Strangely enough, everyone hate yucky foods, but everyone loves tasty foods. I feel like there is some discrimination in this game. :p

    Yucky food is fine. It's Duma's disgusting moss after all.

    Tasty food is totally rigged though. Only the 7-11 collaboration foods have that property... Man, I can't wait to see peoples' reactions to that.

  12. 8 hours ago, B.Leu said:

    Yeah, I also noticed she seemed more happy or vocal when with other people. Huh... it almost sounds like she has depression.
    Her other promoted portrait doesn't look better. Instead of staring vaguely at you/your chest, she stare more directly, right at you..

    I know Sonia comments about Celica's unhappy look.

    Character food preferences

    It's another of those times when I'm thinking "what am I writing?"

  13. 2 hours ago, Soledai said:

    Going in and out of the dungeons worked for me, I, having forgotten about rare monsters, ran into a Titan in the Dragon Shrine after I left to switch party members. Except I didn't see it because of the camera and it got the jump on me.

    I take it the spawn locations are random as well?

    Spawn locations are fixed as far as I know.

    Haha, I'm gonna have to try grinding in the Dragon Shrine now.

  14. This was brought to my attention by a reddit thread that I was 50% sure was a hoax. Turns out it's legit.


    I do not know the full mechanics, but if you hang around in a dungeon long enough strong enemies can appear on the field. I was using my Chapter 3 save to hunt for Garudas in the Thieves' Shrine. You can also encounter Dracul as early as Chapter 1 (which is the example in the reddit thread).

    Dunno if going in and out of the dungeon works; I refreshed the spawns by going in and out of the Mila Shrine.

    Here's the full list of rare enemies

    Note: I don't know if the trigger is the same for all of them. So it's possible some dungeons have shorter/longer triggers, for example.

  15. 7 hours ago, Emerson said:

    Can someone explain what exactly the Demon Ring skill, Reconstruct, does?

    So it switches growths 8 times, so like ATK and DEF might switch, then SKL and SPD, then ATK and SPD, etc. until it's been switched 8 times? Does it switch after every level up, or is it the exact same shuffling until you unequip the item?

    AFAIK it shuffles during every level up.

    Also, the same stat can be targeted, so ATK can shuffle with ATK.

    10 hours ago, B.Leu said:

    Y'know, I never paid any attention to it, but Celica's neutral portraits make her seems like she is about to end her life.
    That, or she had a vision of the future about what Internet did with her.

    I think she's got a lot on her mind. Unlike Alm, she knows about her heritage and her responsibilities. Also, that dream she had about Alm at the start probably wasn't very hopeful.

    2 hours ago, Cyas said:

    Is the data for the skill Lunar Glow correct? The Hit Bonus is listed as +500 which must either be a typo or an overkill design choice: https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-valentia/miscellaneous/skills/

    Mm-hmm, I had to triple check that, but I am pretty  sure it's +500. I don't have a Luna to check (although one could easily hack it in), so I dunno how it's physically displayed in-game.

    There have been +255 hit weapons before (the Onager in Path of Radiance, I think), but +500 does seem like overkill.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Leif said:

    Without referencing spoilers, how is the quality and strength of Echoes's narrative? If it's better than the disasters that were Awaking and Fates, I can rest easy. 

    It's a tough call. I want to say it's a lot more focused, whereas Fates was all over the place.

    I thought Awakening was par for the course, although really lacking in world-building. Echoes has a decent amount of world-building, since it's based on a Kaga era game.

    7 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Alright thanks and also, I'm trying to look at the Arts/Skills page to see the description, is the Encloser, Archbasllista, and Knightkneeler Arts Skill requires using Longbow, Saunion, and Romfire correct or is one of them required by a different weapon(s). I couldn't find that Foudroyant Arts Skill that I was looking for in the page that saids Range 2~3?

    Armorcrush is the Steel Lance/Romfire, yeah. Foudroyant is Distant Bolt; you can see Alm with the Lightning Sword using it.

    Hit and Run I changed to Evasive Blow. I felt like "Hit and Run" had a bad connection to the crime of the same name. I guess Nintendo of America thought it was OK to use.

  17. 2 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I got three question that I think a few players who played the game will might be really shocked to see this, but I did managed to look at the latest trailer for Echoes: Shadows of Valentia that was showing today.

    1. You can't promote Silque into Cleric to Sage in normal gameplay like in Awakening correct? (I just wondered if this is going to be that reclass thing we are going to be getting in the future with the Villager item or a Seperate Reclass Item simialr to like Second Seals in Awakening and Fates.)
    2. And also, I am trying to update the Name Chart for those Skills in the Arts that was shown in the trailer (I will ask #3 about what's the difference between Arts and previous FE skills), which skills does it belong for Armorcrush, Encloser (Archer), Archballista, Knightkneeler, and Foudroyant?
    3. What is the difference between Arts (I think I did heard @VincentASMmentioned it as Battle Skills during in the Game Data Leaking back then?) and the Skills that were from previous Fire Emblem games such as Judgral series, Tellius series, and the two previous 3DS titles? Does one of the skills in Echoes allows them to triggered a special attack and effect like in Judgral series, Tellius series, and the two previous 3DS titles.

    1. Already mentioned in the trailer topic, but it's 99% an error. Don't look too much into it.

    2. This may help:

    Thunderclap: Doubles attack power but reduces range to 1
    Crosswise Cut: Boosts Hit rate
    Encloser: Prevents enemy movement for 1 turn
    Archballista: Boosts attack range by 2
    Knightkneeler: Deals more damage to mounted enemies
    Foudroyant: Sets attack range to 2~3
    Hit and Run: Boosts Avoid
    Armorcrush: Deals more damage to armored enemies

    You also can tell by looking at the equipped weapons.

    3. It's just a fancy name for skills. The only difference is that Arts must be triggered via the Arts command and some consume HP to use. Unlike previous skills, Arts don't work on the enemy phase unless you choose a defensive Arts (but I haven't used one yet).

  18. 9 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Wait really, Sage classes' starting health is 32 HP? And also, is this really our actual first look at Silque as a Sage and the first Female Sage looks like in Echoes like this could possibly be DLC correct or does the other females have the Sage data in the game data? And also, does that Villager Reclass Item allows other Male Units and Female Units have the same promotional choices as the villagers from Ram Village, Atlas, and 3 Mercenary Units that finally turns into Dread Fighters changes back into Dread Fighter correct or is it really hard to tell?

    Yup, Sages have 32 base HP

    Combined with Silque using the male battle model, it is 99% a mistake. You can easily make anyone any class via a debug menu.

    Villager Fork only reclasses to Villager. Dread Fighters can still reclass to Villager like in Gaiden.

    3 minutes ago, Leif said:

    I'm super curious if spell lists were modified, though. Perhaps units have access to different spells in this game? Who knows. Mae using Excalibur could have been done to make the trailer more flashy, though Aura or Seraphim would have worked just fine.

    Nah, I am confident it's an error and they just wanted to show something flashy. I would lump it together with Sage Silque and the enemy Alm's Army as bizarre errors.

  19. Just now, Leif said:

    That has to be the best explanation. The question is, though, why did they change it so much for the trailer? 

    I guess they didn't want it to be a 100% copy pasta of the Japanese trailer, but whoever provided the additional footage either made some schoolboy errors or knowingly slipped them in for kicks.

    I have no explanations for the Alm's Army mistake though. Could be a pointer mishap or an editing error. I guess the build the video is from is still a WIP...

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