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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 5 minutes ago, Busterman64 said:

    Oops, sorry man. It would be bad if I helped make it bigger then it actually is. I was too happy that all I thought of was spreading this news. Hope you don't mind too much...and again...Sorry... :(:

    I wouldn't worry about. Your intentions were good, which was the important thing.

    It's the responsibility of websites to check the facts, not you, the contributors.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    GameXplain has reported on it


    Though props to them for sourcing Kirokan (did i spell that right) and stating that the translations weren't complete.

    Derrick also mentions something interesting. Appearntly, when Ash went to that event, the Nintendo rep told him to please refer to the game by it's full title, as Echoes may appear again in the future.

    Edit: oh, i was beaten to it.

    My heart sank when I saw it, but I'll admit it's a pretty reasonable analysis. I just wish some sites hadn't jumped the gun early.

    Also, yeah, Nintendo is definitely future-proofing the sub-series. I don't think we were denying that from the start.

    With the addition of the interview, I am starting to feel like Nintendo of America is very confident there will be more Echoes. Meanwhile Japan and Europe are a bit more conservative. For them, it's an "if", hence they're OK with using "Echoes" by itself.

    43 minutes ago, Captain Karnage said:

    I feel that I'm partly responsable for this misinformation to begin spreading, If I had just understood what was being told to me this mess might not have happened

    I feel a bit guilty about this, my bad

    Nah, don't worry about it.

    If anybody here should be responsible, it's me. I've been around long enough to know better, but I got too excited and stupidly didn't tell Kirokan to keep the interview a secret. Speaking of which, it's not Kirokan's fault either; they couldn't have known what would happen.

    I hate to sound dramatic, but I'm seriously starting to feel really bad about the situation. I was hopeful it wouldn't spread very far, but clearly I was still naive.

    Dang it, it's on NeoGAF too.

  3. Hmmmmmm, yeah, I really should have seen this coming.

    I ended up commenting on the video with a removal request. But I edited it after seeing your response here.

    Anyway, I am super happy that sites are covering this news, but... they are all doing it far too early. Not that most of them know, which is probably my fault at the end of the day.

    Once the full interview is out, you can bet not even a third of those sites will post about it. Because it's not interesting for them.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Ryan7556 said:

    "Cantor" is certainly is the localized name for Shaman now. Celica refers to him as being "a Cantor".

    Yup, I figured after posting. Happy we finally got an official English name.

    Arcanist and Cantor are pretty cool choices.

    Shaman was the name used in the internal code, but it doesn't really have much to do with Shamans in later games.

  5. 1 minute ago, Armagon said:

    Ah. So in terms of just general game sells, Echoes is doing decently?

    Decent, yes. Trouble is, the market is extremely competitive and Nintendo may have high standards.

    Previously, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery sold about the same (actually more) in the first week in Japan and Nintendo was on the verge of putting the series on ice. It doesn't help Echoes probably had a bigger budget than those two games.

    That said, it's possible Echoes DLC and FE Heroes can bring the developers extra money.

  6. Hehe, we already have a topic for this, but I applaud the enthusiasm.

    I had hoped for better sales from Echoes, but I suppose it was tough given the circumstances (a remake of a black sheep and the 3DS getting really old now).

    Hopefully the digital sales and sales from subsequent weeks help to push the numbers up. Also, I think we may need to try our hardest to make Echoes a 1 million seller world-wide.

  7. 5 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    With 103 retweets, misinformation spread in progress.

    Absolutely disgusting.

    Hmm, yeah, it's not looking promising.

    I am already banging my head against the wall on reddit.

    If Kirokan sees this, it's not their fault at all. We were all excited to get some info straight from the developers. Although maybe we should've just waited patiently. Next time, we'll definitely have to do that...

  8. 7 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

    Wow. Nintendoeverything pre-emptively reported this thread and Kirokan's post out of context without waiting for the full interview.

    Literally everything I was annoyed at and caused me to make this thread.

    The irony.

    Absolutely disgusting.

    Yeah, I got no sympathy for that kind of reporting. Like I said elsewhere, I appreciate the share, but they could've waited a bit more before jumping the gun.

    Worst bit was when they had no idea which magazine it was from.

    Anyway, I hope it doesn't spread much. I don't think Kirokan would like it if that happened...

  9. 12 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

    Where's the link that showed that the numbers of the sales for the Japanese version of Echoes, I hope this source didn't come from VGChartz? Also, does the Japanese Nintendo eShop showed Echoes in the Best Selling category in their list yet correct?

    Yes, in the physical software charts, it is No. 1, above Monster Hunter XX.

    3 minutes ago, Nobody said:


    source is media create, which is a japanese sales tracker that releases sales numbers every week and is as reliable as a sales source can get.

    Famitsu's numbers will probably be out soon, but they tend to be pretty similar to media create's, so don't expect anything significantly different.

    Lowest selling was already mentioned, but best selling in Japan is Mystery of the Emblem at around 750,000 copies sold.

    Just a bit of trivia. According to the TRS lawsuit documents, Mystery sold around 776,000 copies. Which is easy to remember because of Thracia 776 : P

  10. 8 minutes ago, The Malign Knight said:

    Are you sure about that? The leaked informations could have still been around and It may have discouraged some Japanese players from buting the game. However, I could definitely be wrong.

    Still, this is definitely a shame since Echoes seems to be a good game. I hope that at least the game will consistently sell well during time and reach a decent total of copies sold.

    I personally don't think it would've had much of an impact. Echoes, being a remake, there isn't really much to spoil. Plus I don't *think* there was anything negative in the leaks.

    I just hope the game has decent sales and doesn't discourage the developers from pursuing more remakes. I think they made a huge gamble coming off the slightly disappointingly received Archanea remakes.

    The scenario I really want to avoid is that many people may believe we're getting more remakes for certain, so they take Echoes for granted, but then the developers stop making more remakes because of poor sales. I would literally cry if that happened : /

    Anyway, it's still early days, so I won't throw in the towel just yet!

  11. 4 minutes ago, Tonton said:

    This does have a digital version that is not counted for Media Create unlike the DS games, so it should be closer with it (maybe even above, but digital in Japan tends to be fairly low)

    Hopefully western sales are substantially better than Shadow Dragon's

    Oh yeah, we should wait for more numbers. I bought my copy digitally to save time on shipping, for instance. Might not make a lot of difference, but if it could at least equalise, I would feel a lot happier : P

  12. Hi, it's against the rules of Fire Emblem Heroes to modify the game and not something we encourage on the forums, so we can't help you.

    As mentioned, all the apps available are lies. I would highly suggest checking your device to make sure no data has been compromised.

  13. Hmm, I was worried this might happen. Didn't think it would sell below the DS remakes though.

    That said, I don't think the leaked version had much of an impact. In terms of the big picture, few people knew about it and even fewer people could play it.

    I can't tell which factor had the bigger impact, but the 3DS nearing its end of life and Echoes being a remake are the more likely suspects.

    Hopefully the game has bigger legs through word of mouth and also Western sales help to patch up the difference. Because despite some of its inherent flaws, Echoes is an amazing game that deserves more sales.

  14. 14 hours ago, Xeph said:

    Pretty confident that they are legit, trying to upload a picture but my phone isn't allowing me to. I'll upload it later. I'm sure we will get extra too, we always do. There's still like 40 sun/moon preorder posters just sitting in the back room. If there are extra I'll see what I can do for you. No promises.


    6 hours ago, King Marth 64 said:

    I can ask for a second copy of the Posters. I don't know if they'll allow to give more than one or give just one per costumer when I get the Limited Edition at GameStop on May 19th along with the amiibos?

    Thanks! No worries, I understand it's hard to predict the future ^^

    Hopefully we get something cool in the UK, but we missed out on stuff like the Fates keychains before.

    Also, BTW, do you know what those Sun and Moon posters are? It's too bad you're all the way across the ocean or I'd totally love to grab them all (or most of them) for a local Nintendo group. Instead, I may cheekily ask you for a spare poster if you manage to get an Echoes one.

  15. 11 minutes ago, r_n said:

    While on the subject of translations

    Swordswoman stood out to me. The only woman classes in Echoes that uses swords is the Villager and Celica's classes. 

    Anything in the wording that implies if she's just a villager or gets to have fun with the other sword classes? Half her cipher cards are swords

    You can read her title as "Young Swordmistress" (literally 剣豪少女, Swordmaster [Young] Girl).

    But it's just a title and may not be accurately reflected.

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