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Posts posted by VincentASM

  1. 28 minutes ago, Usana said:

    I have been enjoying this map. I make it a game to try and get the jars without ever getting into a battle. I haven't figured out how to steal the boss jar without getting into a fight, so I usually just snag the 6 rooms. It is surprisingly fun to dash in break jars and then lure away the guards so you steal the goods. It is actually kinda boring if you don't have to deal with room guards and nearby patrols chasing you.

    Ahaha, I did the same thing. Trying not to accumulate turns to get the Blitzkrieg award. I hope it actually works.

    Anyway, you should also fight the enemies if you can. They can drop shards from time to time.

    Just note that every 10th or so enemy drops an item and only 5 items max. If you've defeated more than 10 enemies, exit the dungeon and re-enter.

    I have a couple of shards from just smashing pots and running away for 1-2 hours, although it sucks when you get 3 duplicates...

  2. 1 hour ago, joesteve1914 said:

    I figured out how to in a hex editor (add ^ before each character). But there doesn't appear to be anyway to do that with the text inserter. Is there something I'm missing, or did you guys do all the narrow text manually in a hex editor?

    Sadly I don't have my notes.

    What's the byte value for ^? Is it 88? If so, just prefix using [0x88]. Eg. [0x88]L[0x88]a[0x88]d[0x88]y[0x88]b[0x88]l[0x88]a[0x88]d[0x88]e.

    I *think* there might even be a few [0x89] (or something) characters that are super narrow. But I don't think I made a full alphabet, so just use common sense.

    Been too busy to comment at large, but I'll just clarify a few things.

    1) Alm is "Saint-King" in Echoes. Not sure how to feel about that.

    2) Katarina's Tome in New Mystery is different to the Awakening one. Same idea, but Awakening added an extra symbol to all cameo weapons etc.

    3) Archanea is a shinseiokoku I believe. So it's off by one symbol, but a very important different all the same. I was suspicious of Ylisse and Archanea sharing similar names though.

    4) In terms of dialogue, I think "divine blade" is fine. The English version of Echoes mentioned a "D/divine Falchion", although I forgot the context. When it comes to the weapon name, it should be "Exalted Falchion", but Shadow Dragon/New Mystery didn't have space to prefix it, so you don't have to worry about that.


    Oh, Echoes refers to it as the seiken (holy sword) Falchion at one point. Can't remember if that was in the original. Anyway, it could be an adjective or a title. Hard to say really.

  3. 3 hours ago, joesteve1914 said:

    Okay, I'll look into it and make changes where necessary. 


    I just noticed that "Wrys' Staff" and "Katarina's Tome" are translated in the patch as "Polish" and "Hellfire", respectively. @VincentASM, do you remember if this was an intentional choice, or is it a translation error? 

    Intentional. If you can fit the original names feel free to use them. In not fussed either way.

    Oh, did I ever tell you how to use the narrow width font?

  4. 2 hours ago, Ronman5 said:

    One question I have.. that NA cant answer yet.. For female Mages/Clerics, with the villager fork if you reclass them to the other job do they keep both jobs learn spell sets, or only the job they just changed to 

    (I.e could Faye start as a Cleric, go to saint then reclass back into a mate and still have Nosferatu and stuff)

    Hmm, it's a tricky question.

    I tried something similar with Silque, but I don't really understand what happened.

    They don't have all of their old spells, but they have more spells than they have at Level 1. Hope that's somewhat helpful.

  5. 9 hours ago, Sias said:

    Do the Revenants at Novis graveyard respawn at some point after act 2?

    I never refought them before as I didn't see the need to grind or return to the priory, so I noticed just now (at the start of act 3) that there's a quest requiring you to kill 20 of them. It's probably no big deal even if i'm unable to complete it, but it would be nice nevertheless.

    You have to beat the game, I'm afraid, haha.

    8 hours ago, YouSquiddinMe said:

    So, I got Atlas and Celica's C support. Atlas says: 

    And that's cool and all but the thing is: I don't recall this? Am I missing something? Did I forget something that happened or did I straight up miss the event he's referring to?

    Hmm, that confused me a little. I thought he was exaggerating, like you're a life-saver kinda thing.

    Not the first mistake I've found though; no idea why Thunderclap claims to halve terrain bonuses. Unless it was a beta thing.

  6. @Emperor Hardin

    I keep seeing this point brought up, but what's the quote suggesting Awakening Naga is a different character? Kinda wondering if that was in the original or if they added it in the English version to handwave something.

    The only thing I remember is the Art of Awakening suggesting Naga is a spirit.

    Also, speaking of the Art of Awakening, I remember it hints that the Falchion's blade and the Fire Emblem can repair themselves. I'm lazy to dig up the page, but I always assumed that was the reason they drastically changed forms.

  7. 1 hour ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Found all of them right now! It didn't take too long, just half an hour to find the two missing ones. Maybe you already know, but I found the Aquarium shard as an enemy drop. Don't know what the actual chances are though.

    I'll have to do this all over again for Celica's route I'm afraid though...

    EDIT: Where can I forge a Starsphere? XD

    Oh right, of course, you get the shards from enemies too. I should probably buy the DLC to see how it works.

    You need the Inner Sanctum.

  8. 49 minutes ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Thank you! I wish we'd have unlimited Villager's Forks though.

    I'd say I spent roughly 1 hour and a half in the Astral Temple... and I also got two Black Pearls. Maybe I was lucky? XD I also found multiple shards of the same type (Taurus, Libra, etc.)

    Definitely give the forks to the girls if you can.

    For the dudes, you can always fall back on Saber, Jesse and Kamui, plus any villagers you made a Mercenary and/or Dean. Or Atlas at a push...

    Aha, I see. Curious if they changed the drop rates or they're not as rare as I thought. Bit lazy to do the Maths right now.

    I guess you can get ~42 items per run and the shards have 0.73% to 1.58% rate, so if you got 100s of items, there's a good chance you'll have a few at least.

  9. 1 hour ago, Pikappa93 said:

    Is it possible to max out units? I'm asking because I know I'll be struggling in Act 6.

    also, is it worth trying to abuse shards and promote at level 20? I've tried this with Lukas to give him some Speed through the Libra shard and now he's ridiculously fast, but it's a bit exhausting to do this for every single character. I've enteredthe Astral Temple over and over again and now I'm just missing Aquarius and Pisces shards (looking forward to Starsphere).

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I bought the Season Pass so I'll have access to all DLC eventually.

    Yeah, you can do it easily with the Dread Fighter loop or even just going to Level 20 and using a Villager's Fork to climb back up.

    For the latter, you may need to rig some level ups. Save at a Mila Idol and then enter a battle and level up; reset if the level up sucks.

    Holy heck, you have 10 Star Shards already? I thought the rate was pretty low. Or did you really spend aaaages in there? XD

  10. 7 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Skimmed over it, Rima the 4th is written as "Rima yonsei" instead of "shisei" in Romaji. Everything else looks fine.


    I should've checked that one since it was at least easy to check.

    I had to intelligently guess a lot of the more obscure items and skills. Because of that reason, I kinda gave up with the skills for now...

  11. 12 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is there any chance Clair will become a good unit eventually? So far I love her personality and design but as a unit she's really not impressing me. Even Kliff and Faye had a better start. 

    She is usable, that's all I can say. Her weak stats unfortunately stay weak. When she becomes a Falcon Knight and you give her a good forged weapon, her useful increases.

    Failing that, you can do what I did and use a Villager's Fork on her when she reached Level 20 Falcon Knight and endlessly soft-reset until her non Res stats reached 40 ^^;;;

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