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Aggro Incarnate

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Everything posted by Aggro Incarnate

  1. It's interesting how many of the criticisms lie in the execution of My Castle for its execution. That's one thing I let aslide when I formed my views about the game.
  2. There are already Tomahawks in the game, although I don't think we've had confirmation of tomahawks still being called tomahawks in the NA localisation. (They do share the same Kanji in the JP version though) And it is likely that the Treehouse localisation policy for translating weapon names involve not using the same name for weapons of enough varying functionality; Iron/Steel/Silver Throwing Clubs (1~2 range enemy-only versions of corresponding standard Iron/Steel/Silver Clubs) are now Iron/Steel/Silver Maces, and this makes sense considering that there is already a 'Throwing Club' per se (1~2 range weapons, not unlocked to enemies, do not correspond to any standard weaponry, but is rather the Hoshidan equivalent of Hand Axe) in this game. I guess hence they came up with 'Star Axe', which I don't believe is really a thing either; I may as well be wrong here, but in case I'm not, oh well that's that. As of now the updated name chart (http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/name-chart/classes) contains most of the updated names; out of the ones left blank so far, the class names for Basara and Strategist have been confirmed to be identical to the SF fan translated ones, and Managarmr is now Wolfssegner. The ones we don't know yet are Blacksmith(Kaji), Herb Merchant, and Great Merchant. There has been some speculation of Herb Merchant being Apothecary now due to the option for having the Avatar's secondary base class as Herb Merchant being listed as such in the Character Creation menu, and that the relevant section has correct localisation names for some of the localised names of classes (Outlaw, Diviner, Sky Knight, etc.), but considering how the option that gives Wyvern Rider is listed as 'Dragon' and Dark Mage as 'Mage', it seems that's not enough evidence to confirm that Apothecary is the localised name for Herb Merchant.
  3. Some more localisation changes shown from stream of Birthright Chapter 11. To the Sea - Hoshidan Waters is now Sea of Hoshido - Hoshido's Mist Blade is indeed Sunrise Katana - Throwing Naginatas are now Nageyaris (Iron, Steel, Silver) - Throwing Axes are now Star Axes (Iron, Steel, Silver) - Needle Shuriken is indeed Sting Shuriken
  4. Come to think of it I find how VAs are done (not being told anything about the premise behind the dialogue apart from suggestive voice direction) as Rena explained here a bit curious though. Is this the case for dubs in games and animated films and shows, possibly just voice-acting in general; or something rather quite specific to either the demographic (North America), the industry (gaming), the context of dubbing-for-localisation, or the producers / distributors (IS / Nintendo) specifically? (Although not knowing the premise for animated shows where the dialogue drives the entire narrative wouldn't make sense, now that I think of it...) I would have imagined that knowing more about the specifics of what it is that they voice-act would allow voice-actors to get a better sense of how they convey the dialogue; for instance the full backstory of the characters, their personalities, physique, context of dialogue, and character relations. It would seem that what makes a good dub becomes at the end of the day becomes an issue of hit-or-miss of the voice-directors and how they communicate with the voice-actors, which I find interesting, but a bit perplexing as well... My initial guess would be that for the kind of voice-acting in video games that involve a similar amount of 'information release' as Fire Emblem Fates (mostly focusing on voicing battle quotes, short verbal reactions, cutscenes lasting a few minutes at most), the interests of keeping certain information about their product confidential prior to release somehow outweigh that of potentially improving the voice-acting by providing more subtext to the VAs and allowing more freedom and contributions from their part. But is keeping info so tightly controlled to the extent where it goes beyond a simple confidentiality policy (Don't reveal certain type of specific information about our product) and to the point of voice-actors knowing so little (Not knowing what their characters are, or even the name of the game) really of benefit to Nintendo as a distributor for the game though?
  5. Rena Strober, Azura's VA for the North American localisation, shares her experience voice-acting for Fire Emblem Fates, thoughts about the initial reactions, and excitement for the release of the game with Super Geeked Up. There's some interesting info on how the voice-acting process is like for video games in general as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-lybyJ-yVg
  6. Gamexplain's most recent Amiibo battle with Marth footage shows that Managarm® is now Wolfssegner
  7. Thanks, I updated my personal list back in page 1. Yes, this has been previously confirmed.
  8. In fact the Principality of Fuuma has been completely translated to Mokushu. I love how Kotaro has been voice-acted, by the way, and how he is now referred to as the Daimyo of Mokushu. (Guess that means I'll be changing my profile soon)
  9. Kudos for everything, such dedication! Do you round to the nearest integer, the greatest integer less than or equal to, or the least integer greater than or equal to the growth rate multiplied by the increment from level 10?
  10. Katanas: close call between Hagakure, Daikon Radish and the Yato-Omega, but I'll go with Daikon Radish. Seeing Ryoma and Hinata wielding them with their two hands in Paradise Scramble is always so amusing. Clubs: Great Club hands down. Give it to Gazzack after gaining a few levels in Revelations and he starts critting like mad (honestly better than any royal) Naginatas: close call between Gaurd Naginata and Pine Tree, I'll go with Guard Naginata because of how incongruous it looks as a Hoshidan weapon, and of course due to its great defense/resistance boosts. Scrolls: Malevolent Text (Old Book). I like seeing the enemies getting attacked by pieces of old paper. Yumis: Fuujin Yumi, dat green light, so OP. Close call between it and the Expert Yumi though for being a 3-range weapon. Shurikens: Flame Shuriken (Explosive Shuriken), fits Saizo's aesthetics and personality very well, a godsend for Felicia if you're keeping her as a maid. Rods: Hexing Rod (Misfortune and Sin) cuz enemies with them always give me the chills. Swords: Siegfried. It's an OP glowing sword, what else do you expect? No wonder Xander named his kid after his sword. Axes: Bolt Axe: give it to Camilla. Lances: Blessed Lance, for the design and being Azura's (head)can(n)on lance. Tomes: Ginnungagap. The animation for it looks so cool. Bows: Shining Bow. A non-debuffing 1-2 range bow is always a plus, even if it's magical instead of physical. Daggers: Hard Bread: surprisingly useful due to its HP restoring properties. Staves: Freeze, cuz i find it to be the most useful offensive staff. (Saves your *** in Lunatic mode for sure)
  11. The mp3 file for the music is called MAP E3 CALM. A youtube link is available here
  12. I must say, I really like how Rena Strober's voice comes across in the video, especially in Conquest. Of course, the cadence of the lyrics in the English version leaves much to be desired, but that's a issue with how the lyrics have been translated and constructed to fit with the melodies of the song to begin with (more specifically the number of syllables and the highs and lows of the accents in each line), and given the material that she had, I think she did a phenomenal job.
  13. I wonder if they thought Shurikens or Daggers were pistols since their battle animations look like something really small is moving quite quickly
  14. In case anyone hasn't noticed, Mountain Priest is now Great Master (Evident from the enemies in Conquest Ch. 20)
  15. These aren't your everyday My Castle streetpass battles. There are only three of them throughout the entire game (within one savefile), each with increasing difficulty, and you unlock each at a specific point along the story. (In Lunatic Mode, My Castle Defense 3 is arguably more difficult than any of the story chapters...)
  16. Priestess -> Shrine Maiden, War Priestess -> Priestess
  17. Yeah noticed that later, will edit original post
  18. What I've been able to make out from my (crap) trilingual abilities / Google translating Basara seems to be a performance of eccentric behaviour and flamboyant clothing, often as a satire towards the class system in the Late Kamakura Shogunate - Nanboku-Cho Period, although etymology of this term seems to be somewhat varied and somewhat unclear (Vajra as Sanskrit for Diamond, non-traditional genre of music in the Heian Period, etc.). Seems like the term has since been denigrated to mean eccentrism or over-the-top behaviour that goes against common sense, or the people that display it.
  19. Are Dual weapons the Hoshidan equivalent of Brave Weapons? (i.e. Warrior Weapons?)
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