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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. I cleared Abyssal using a +5 +Atk -Res S-supported DC Sigurd running Aether+Heavy Blade, Reinhardt, L!Ike and PA!Azura.
    A competent mixed EP tank certainly makes this map more manageable so I'm glad that I gave Sigurd DC. Reinhardt was used to kill things that Sigurd couldn't or that he wasn't in range of. L!Ike was quite helpful at the beginning to take care of the Infantry Sword and the Green Mage Cav. PA!Azura survived 2 rounds of combat with L!Tiki to the point where Reinhardt could kill her but she needed Atk&Res Tactic, TA and the def tile.

  2. A decently strong Alm can oneshot Mogalls with the Falchion so he can lead the charge against Jedah. The Bow Knights can be baited by your Bow Knights and you can probably take them out with Killer Bows and Magic. Attack Jedah with Dread Fighters/Bow Knights and anybody who doubles and has a good crit chance can try to ORKO him. In my case Alm with Double Lion and Celica in range had roughly a 70% chance to kill him in one round. The Witch on the right hand side can be baited out and killed with Bows. You can warp a Dread Fighter to kill the Witch on the left hand side and you can chip Gharn with Mage ring!Celica/Delthea using Ragnarok (you can't attack more than once when facing Medusa; unless you dodge the attack) and then finish off by warping in Alm and using Double Lion. Then it's just a matter of weakening Duma with people who can survive his attacks.

    Tatiana's Fortify is very useful to counteract Upheaval so I hope you've been training her. Invoke takes a lot of pressure off of your team but it also takes up a lot of space. A unit with really high Def and the Silver Shield can hold off the 2 Dread Fighters and the Gold Knight at the beginning or you just take 2 turns to kill them and then go to the middle.

  3. 22 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Not at the moment.

    From fairly extensive testing, it seems more like (21-Luck)% for me. Divided by 2 if you're a Dread Fighter.

    Yeah, critical hit can't backfire. I assume one or the other cancels the other out.

    Ah, I see. That would be more in line with past recoil formulas as well.

    I'll take a wild guess and say that the game checks if the attacks recoils before it checks if the attack crits. If crits were able to cancel out recoil and not the other way around, Skl would decrease the backfire chance but recoils in past games and especially in Gaiden were always purely luck based.

  4. Do we know the exact formula for the Shadow Sword recoil chance? I couldn't find it anywhere so I ran a few trials and it seems to be somehwere along the lines of 25-Lck% (after Lck reduction) and (25-Lck)/2% for Dread Fighters but I'd appreciate a confirmation.

    Curiously, crits never backfired during my 600 attempts which leaves me wondering if crits with a Shadow Sword can even backfire. Of course it could just be chalked up to RNG as well.

  5. IIRC, Rhomphaia can only be attained by forging the Ridersbane and losing the passive Cavalry effectiveness is a bad trade-off.

    The list should definitely include forged Ridersbane for Alms side. Perhaps also forged Rapier, though that's not a necessity. Grimoire+Speed ring aren't too bad either if you run out of Mage Rings.

  6. The earlier you use a stat booster, the longer it is in effect. Hence why I hand them out early unless the best recipient happens to join later.

    FE games usually give you more weapon durability on legendaries than actually needed so I tend to use them quite deliberately as well. E.g.: In my last playthrough, I used Siegmund whenever something wouldn't be a ORKO (or XRKO in the case of Endgame Lyon and Fomortiis) otherwise and still had 17 uses left at the end. A little planning also helps and makes it possible to determine how often and when you can use a weapon without it breaking too early.

  7. 1 hour ago, Raybrand said:

    looking at some gameplay can each character only hold one item/weapon? i.e. each character doesn't have an inventory just the weapon or item they have equipped. If that is so does that mean that each character thats not a magic user has access to one art in fights?

    Yes, one item for each character.

    Weapons have varying amounts of Arts. E.g.: The Darkness and Blessed Sword have none (though, they do have passives) but the Regal Sword has 3.

  8. 1 hour ago, nocturnal YL said:

     I don't "know" because I haven't completed the game, but while this game doesn't feel too difficult in terms of technical skill, it's more luck-based than the other FE I've seen. Whether the enemy witches warp is triggered randomly, and when they do and happen to warp to your low-spd, low-res members (like Valbar), be prepared to do the 3DS's version of the three-finger salute: L+R+START. (Or use Mila's Turnwheel.)

    From what I've heard from other players, witches only attack units at the edges of your formations. Keep low Res units in the middle of your formation and you'll be fine. Mila's Turnwheel also goes a long way in mitigating RNG mishaps.

  9. 15 hours ago, wigglepuppy said:

    First of all, I should have explained better: I don't mean 4th tier classes seeing as they only apply to 2 class trees, I'm mainly talking about 3rd tier. As for the rest of your points, I agree.

    I see, though it would have been better to simply implement 3rd tiers and ignore 4th tiers. That way, classes would have been more balanced. It feels weird that certain class trees have more promotions than others.


    But if max stats are tied to characters, and overclassing isn't a necessity, isn't that all the more reason to have them in the first place?

    On the contrary: "max stats are tied to character" Thus, overclasses are, as far as we know right now, worthless from a gameplay perspective. Not to mention the fact that the game is too easy to warrant them in the first place.

    "overclassing isn't a necessity" already states that they are superfluous.


    If they have no significant impact on the gameplay, the reason for them being there could be drawn down to aesthetics. So why wouldn't you want a class that gives you the satisfaction for grinding a character to the necessary level, and a pretty cool sprite +animations? Thoughts?

    Yes, I agree, the main and only point of these classes right now is aesthetics. However, people are different. Some value gameplay more and some value aesthetics instead. I'm in the former group. Consequently, the classes don't appeal to me. This may change if we get Apotheosis and more information regarding the classes.

  10. In my opinion, the concept is alienating for multiple reasons:

    1. We already have 3rd tiers. Isn't that enough? 4th tier seems excessive and needless.
    2. As far as I know, max stats are tied to characters. A Dread Fighter could be just as strong as a Yaksha, unless the Overclasses break caps or have extremely powerful skills.
    3. The game, as it is right now, is too easy to necessitate Overclasses.
    4. It's quite expensive.
  11. 36 minutes ago, VincentASM said:



    --And, yes, its skill Lunar Glow actually gives 500 hit rate. To achieve this, the game uses 16-bit values rather than 8-bit. If using 8-bit, 255 is the maximum value.

    Interesting, thanks for checking. Lunar Glow seems like FE13's Hawkeye with added power and crit. Is the 16-bit part used for other things as well? It seems weird to me that one would only use it for one skill when 8-bit's 255 Hit would have been sufficient. That, and the fact that the bow exists in the first place, but I suppose Valencia can break Awakening continuity since it also has Gradivus, Parthia and Mercurius.

  12. EXP seemed more worthwile to me too since the majority of the cast will gain 2-3 stats on average per level-up and it also brings you closer to the next promotion. Though, I assumed that the OP would grind eventually and it wasn't the question in the first place.


    Pegasi don't care about magic already, as do demonslayers.

    I haven't played the game so I may be wrong on this one but DFs and Falcon Knights seem like good recipients for Res boosts. FK Res base is 12 and DF base Res is 6+5. Consider that Res hardly grows naturally and that enemies in Chapter 4 Normal mode already have 24 Attack (including the spell).

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