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Everything posted by Emerson

  1. Oh my lord can we talk about how many of those Fates fucked up though? Like jesus they decided to play so many of them for comedy instead and that just does NOT work at all.
  2. Oh I've been compiling as much of it as I can find for a couple years now. I'm currently sitting at 240 works, but I do choose to not include some more ecchi works as well as any nsfw due to like okay i really dont want people looking at my flashdrive and finding a bunch of sexualized art of an anime girl okay
  3. That's totally fair, I've just been personally growing very tired of seeing the majority of fanart I see being very risque, and I have a certain someone who I won't name to thank for instilling in me the hatred for her being specifically called a slut because of her outfit. I've just gotten very, very tired of it and I'd love something better in canon that we actually get outside of Japan. Spring Ophie I would only like if she gets to paint pretty eggs because it'd be extremely in character. Anyways looping this back around to CYL, I've actually voted solely for Ophelia since Year 2 (Y1 was a variety but did begin with Ophelia) so this is definitely a change for me. I honestly wanna throw some votes at Kieran and Leila. Astrid too... many can we go back to how CYL1 was with like, 14 voting slots? RESPECT FOR YASHIRO AND NAVARRE also Asbel seriously where are they
  4. I'm so afraid they'll Tharja her.... please don't throw her into revealing outfits despite it being against everything else on the banner, Intsys. Please. Marianne's definitely a big candidate for the next 3H banner, that's for sure. And I hope Noire comes soon too, hopefully with Laurent...
  5. Oh I adore the two of them. Praying the latter gets in and the former gets an alt at some point. I'd really love it if she got one that's an actually nice outfit... Respect from me for Noire and Soren.
  6. Gharnef may be absolutely boring as a character (although there is potential with his relation to Miloah but they really don't do anything with that ever), but at least his VA is just so, so extremely cheesy villain, which makes him very amusing to listen to. I could never hate that cheese. That said, for me, with characters like Gharnef that're just kinda plot devices I don't really dislike them, they're just... existent. They exist for a purpose and they fill it.
  7. See I love Cordelia for the actual core of her character, but all the Chrom shit just drags her down so hard. I don't personally hate her at all but I do totally get where people come from. Honestly it just helps that her Avatar support is genuinely one of her best. Severa though I don't really like in Awakening save for Future Past, but greatly enjoy her in Fates, so... she's an odd case.
  8. Azama. Everything about him just annoys me and makes me boil with anger Doesn't help that my first impression of him was literally his worst support but it's not like anything makes up for it
  9. The 3 extra are from an alt I'd only just remembered I had on day 4, and the Annas were for a friend. Not that I wouldn't normally vote for her, but I do have other priorities. Feel free to replace the 2 Annas in the first ballot with Marianne and Macha since thats more accurate to being my personal votes.
  10. her canon is definitely orochi but your opinion is noted and validated elise!ophie is definitely the strongest though respect also nice an excuse to post mine also an excuse to remind myself to update the FEH topic for her like ive been meaning to
  11. no ophelia's from fates she's a gen 2 mage owain's kid
  12. how could you how dare im offended
  13. anyways ophelia good i wish we got an eng release of the festival of bonds dlc because her convos are really good
  14. they hated jesus because He told them the truth
  15. ive been doing it for like 2 years now
  16. nooooooooooooo i dont wanna be related to sheldon cooper
  17. fuck i didnt even think about that would you be my mother in law then nice ..... fuck would ike be my uncle in law then nevermind this is the worst timeline
  18. Manaketes have pretty good benefits from being in their base class due to having 1-2 range is very good stat boosts from the Dragonstone+, but the Taguel class is locked to 1 range, 6 movement, and a mediocre weapon. It's usually recommended to take Panne out of Taguel and into the Wyvern Rider line, and Yarne into something his Father passes down (or Wyvern). That said, Taguel is definitely usable if you really need it's Cavalry effectiveness, although Cavalry enemies usually are either frail enough to not need effectiveness, or too bulky for a Taguel to one-round even with effectiveness due to a lack of WTA and mediocre overall Strength. So, in short, Manaketes can and usually should go back to their Manakete class, and Taguels should usually stay away from it. And yeah Wyrmsbane and Beastbane only work while in Manakete or Taguel respectively. Neither skill is too widely useful once you get to more complex skill combinations and should mostly be equipped as needed, if they're even in Manakete/Taguel.
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