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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. i knew my 9 wendys would be useful someday. I don't have a blue tome user for the paralogue quest though.
  2. fee is pretty great, can go magical or physical pretty easily, has dibs on a great weapon to start (hero lance). Other than that she's just another combat unit, flying sometime helps, most of the time is a detriment, 6.5/10 sety is the best gen2 staff user with claude, and is still pretty good with any other dad. 7/10 hawk is basically what sety is with any magic dad, 6.5/10 Femina really isn't very good, awful statistically except for speed. 4.5/10.
  3. i actually think the avatar works better as at least a plot important character, as long as they're not a character that's supposed to represent the player. Kris was exactly this and well, nobody likes Kris. If Fates plot worked out to be a little less of a mess I think Corrin would have been implemented well. I don't think it was ever by design for them to represent the player, I think they were just supposed to just be another main character in the story with their own character and personality, like any other lord in the older games. That being said, i'm pretty indifferent on the avatar system as a whole. I kind of don't like how strong the avatar characters start off though, Lords were almost never your best character almost immediately in any other game (FE4 asides), but it works there), but Corrin, Robin and Kris all become your best or top 1-3 units almost instantly which is kind of a drag, especially since they have the best longterm potential too.
  4. Levin (Cuan) shows up as a Duke Knight instead of Sage, and Lachesis (Ethlin) shows up as a Female Paladin instead of whatever class she was when she left (princess/master knight).
  5. plz help me test this so I can fix bugs and stuff guys Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Tiltyu, Dew, Altenna, Sylvia, Hannibal and Aless are free for all to use. 3. When any mothers are drafted, their children come with them. Example: Drafting Ayra gives you Ayra, Leen and Sharlow Rules: 1. Undrafted units may only: Recruit characters, participate in Talk conversations and special events that do not require the participants to be lovers. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, giving Charisma bonuses, using the Give command, or participating in Lover/Sibling criticals. 3. Other and Neutral units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Arena use is allowed and encouraged. Penalties: 1. Non-holy weapon users (Briggid, Ayra etc.) have a 3 turn penalty per unit per castle. 2. Holy weapon users (Levin, Jovalva etc.) and Dancers have a 7 turn penalty per unit per castle. Example: Using Briggid (if undrafted) en route to Jungby results in a 3 turn penalty. Once Tiltyu seizes Jungby, you take another 3 turn penalty if you use Noish while en route to Evans. 3. Using the Give command is a special 12 turn penalty. 4. Seizing the final castle in chapter 6 before seizing Harold's castle is a SEQUENCE BREAKING 50 turn penalty, jerks. Exceptions: 1. Generation 1 units may lose a bout in the Arena and then die to an enemy while unequipped to prevent them getting married. The enemy must have no other friendly units in his attack range and must finish the character in a single round. 2. Noish, Alec and Sigurd are free to use in Chapter 3. 3. Deirdre may lower the bridge in Chapter 4 if undrafted. He may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. 4. Arthur, Holyn and Femina are free to use in Chapter 7. 5. Johalva is free to use in Chapter 7 until Yied is seized. Teams: Horace
  6. ONE MORE THING I forgot was due to some units getting Holy weapons that would be stupid overpowered (Narga, anyone?) their bonuses have been changed a little bit. Mistoltin now has Julius slaying powers since Aless replaced Julia, along with better stats, so just, uh don't fight Eltshan, okay? I think only Narga and Swanchika got changes to make it so they weren't autowin/so Johalva actually gets attacked sometimes.
  7. Yeah, it's all listed in the google doc above. I edited things to be a little more clear. Oh one more change I forgot, I swapped Corple and Sharlow because Sharlow is fat shota sigurd and is way cooler than corpse. Corple is now his sub with identical stats to what Sharlow would have had as a sub.
  8. I think I did everything PATCH: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ta709r51lbns8d1/reverserecruitmentwithgaebolgleafandfloatingceliceandsigurd.ips?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hi74ila3g504jqe/ReverseRecruitmentv0.8.ips?dl=0 Join Tiltyu on her journey to bring peace to Jugdral! If you don't know, "RR" is short for Reverse Recruitment, meaning well, the order in which you recruit your party is backwards! FE4 is a little different though, since it's essentially split in half, and gen 2 gets especially messy. Gen 1 is pretty straightforward, Tiltyu replaced Sigurd, Claude replaces Noish, Briggid replaces Alec, and so on. The way gen 2 works is all the fixed non-child characters (Oifaye, Julia, Johalva, Johan, Shanan, Aless, Hannibal) are swapped, then the kids are also swapped, meaning you can get some rather interesting kid/parent combos. Another thing to make things more interesting, Holy Blood is also swapped. Noish and Claude swapped, so Claude lost his holy blood (all growths are still identical) and Noish gains Major.... Baldo and the Tyrfing! Totally fair and balanced, amirite? Weapons from events have been (mostly) swapped around to make sense. If you get a weird item that you don't think makes sense @me in this topic. Ayra getting warp is me not being able to find a better spot for it to go, so don't tell me about that one. Some other minor changes were made to classes too, some for inheritance purposes, some for uh, not breaking the game purposes. Amid is now a Prince, to ensure that Leaf (he's Leaf's sub now because Leaf and Arthur switched spots) shows up in his proper class. MASTER KNIGHT AMID HYPE Altenna currently promotes to Master Knight as well, so she's able to actually use her Holy Weapon (Thor Hammer). I'd like to make a class that uses swords/thunder magic for her, but uh, hacking is hard. She still starts off as a wyvern. Celice promotes to mage knight, since he inherits Holsety. Hawk is a Wind Mage, essentially replacing Amid. Still promotes to sage like normal. If you want unit bases (and other info) it's all here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1do4FBWsTpFO756jZc3hKJK7R_L8jzLfpIGuHndZLg-M/edit?usp=sharing Oh yeah, I can't guaruntee this will work with the new Project Naga patch, nor do I feel like figuring out how to make it compatible, I'm an elitist hipster that uses the old patch (which works fine with this patch). Oh yeah again, I added the inheritable sword skills patch for fun, meaning that any class can inherit (and use) Astra/Luna/Sol. Have fun with Luna on mounts! ONE MORE THING I forgot was due to some units getting Holy weapons that would be stupid overpowered (Narga, anyone?) their bonuses have been changed a little bit. Mistoltin now has Julius slaying powers since Aless replaced Julia, along with better stats, so just, uh don't fight Eltshan, okay? I think only Narga and Swanchika got changes to make it so they weren't autowin/so Johalva actually gets attacked sometimes. Things that aren't done: - Altenna's new class - Sub portraits being swapped for gen 2 - Gen 2 shop is mostly untouched, hopefully it's fine? - Levin and Lachesis show up in the desert in chapter 5 in Cuan and Ethlin's inital classes. Don't know how to change, but it's not a huge deal breaker. Levin might kill Trabant with Holsety anyway, so maybe its a good thing. FIXED If you encounter stuff that doesn't make sense or the game breaks or you feel like being a jerk @me in this topic and i'll see what I can do to fix it.
  9. Yeah he's pretty brutal. Ideally i'd run some other unit that can actually kill him but uh, yeah. I'll probably replace Florina with Barst since he's the best thing I have for him, sadly, and Narshen and Subaki don't take damage in an advatageous state anyway. I could also just use Jeorge but he's level 40 unlike my other units in the mid 20's. EDIT: actually Ogma's working out better since his stats are a bit better.
  10. I KNEW TRAINING NARCIAN WAS WORTH IT I'm running a 4 flier team that's been hilariously effective so far, Caeda has fortify fliers which makes Narcian and Subaki hilariously bulky (especially with their Sapphire Lance and Emerald Axe) and Rally speed to fix up their speed a little, and Florina's just there for healing support. Caeda's 10 levels higher than the others, but it doesn't really matter thanks to their weapons since they take no damage with WTA anyway. It's also helping me complete the lunatic quests too, totally intentional.
  11. I get loads of Donnel's and Wendy's. It's actually the worst. I also haven't got a 5* since the second day after release, which is equally as bad.
  12. Delmud is basically Oifaye+ unless you do a shit pairing. Charisma is useful, as is his horse and above average combat. I think I gave Oifaye 7 or something so i'll give Delmud 7.5. Nanna is basically Ethlin with Charisma, her combat is probably better but she's still not the greatest fighter. Sadly being a mounted healer isn't that big of a deal in gen 2 (compared to gen 1 anyway) so her value is diminished. Charisma's still really useful though, so she'll get a 6. Tristan is servicable if given some resources, (the pursuit ring isn't very contested in subs runs, Femina can make do with the hero lance and has worse stats anyway, and Amid is a lower priority for it) and failing that he can take a spare hero sword. He breaks the subs mold and comes with an actual useful skill (critical) and his bases are actually very good, to compensate for his gen1ish growths (except for his massive HP). Bad in his join map though due to basically not having a weapon for the important part of the map. Basically an average unit, so he'll get the average score of 5/10. Janne is Nanna with less sword rank (doesn't matter) and no skills, (matters a lot more). Thanks to having no skills, her combat suffers a bit since she can't gain money as easily in the arena, but she doesn't really need very much in the first place since she doesn't have to buy a whole lot, and she can scoop up money by Lenster in her join map anyway. I'll give her a 5/10 as well, since her and Nanna function basically the same.
  13. I could be wrong, but I think the modules only work with the North American version of the game. Try that. Also, you need to decompile the game before you open it in nightmare, are you doing that?
  14. Celice's holy blood is kinda special, since he's technically supposed to also inherit Minor Lopt from Deirdre, so it's handled a little differently. You can find it there in a hex editor and change it there.
  15. Lana is pretty great. Unlike her mom, she starts with ALL THE STAVES and uses them alright until units that use them better come along and steal them. Not overwhelmingly useful past chapter 8 though. 7/10. Lester has great offence if he gets the brave bow that's pretty great while most of your party has average offence. Otherwise, he's just kind of another combat unit. 5.5/10 Mana is really bad. She's basically Aideen in gen 1 that doesn't get warp for free, and Warp doesn't exist for a long time if you're getting Mana. She has no money to buy staves if they exist. 1.5/10 Dimna is a loser. Somehow manages to not double despite having pursuit. Not having any good bows in the first few maps really hurts him compared to Lester, 2/10.
  16. I haven't played Radiant Dawn, but just looking at the average stats your units have much higher HP on Average compared to Fates characters, very few of your characters push past 40/45 HP in fates at max level, while Radiant dawn's healing items are more needed with higher HP bases/averages. Vulneraries also heal 10HP in every game they're in except Thracia and Radiant Dawn, so they're actually outliers there, not the norm. Radiant Dawn procs look extremely overkill and have very little to differentiate from one another. They get stale when everything just gives you an obscene power boost. Fates proc skills aren't as strong, but at least they have different effects. Can you imagine Fates with FE4 skills and weapons? It just wouldn't work. Skills (and other stuff like healing items) have to make sense for the game.
  17. Minor nitpick about Tristain, he's absolutely terrible in chapter 6 because he comes with an iron sword and does awful damage to everything. He's only decent when he actually gets a real weapon. The swordtwins (and probably the lame subs) are better than him here. Celice absolutely wants the lightsword+magic ring for the handaxe dudes later in the map. If you didn't hit 50 kills on it in gen 1, it's like 10 more free kills for it to push it over the top and the handaxe guys are kind of annoying otherwise. They're also higher levelled than the initial enemies so its more important for Celice to hit level 20 by killing them while he can afford to let some of the earlier dudes slip away for other units.
  18. Lakche - She's Ayra that joins immediately, with a little better durability (usually), extra skills are overkill. Can't do a whole lot other than picking off the occasional wyvern later on though because of gen 2, is moderately useful in chapter 7 at least. 3/10. Skasahar - Like Lakche but slightly worse on promotion. Thankfully that means next to nothing since by the time they promote they're not doing a lot anyway. Also 3/10 Radney - I don't care about all her strength conversations, she still has no skills so she still doesn't kill things. 2/10 Roddelbad - He's bad. Has ambush for some reason. 1/10.
  19. I'm not suggesting giving the brave sword to Ayra or anything (unless she's killing the orgahill pirates or something), giving the brave sword to units that get kills with it isn't a bad thing. Later in the generation Noish and Beowulf have similar stats to Sigurd (Noish will need the pursuit ring, but if he's a dad [very likely] he's going to have it anyway) and they have no problems killing stuff. It's objectively better later on in the game to have critical on the light sword and hero sword than just the hero sword, especially considering how much better the light sword becomes once it gains critical. Unless you're playing LTC (in which Sigurd absolutely has the Hero Sword in chapter 4/5) having to wait a turn killing a castle boss if you don't get a critblick with the Silver Sword really isn't a huge deal.
  20. Sigurd doesn't need the brave sword until the end of chapter 5, his offence is more than fine with just silver. It's kinda like this, say Sigurd is a 10/10 unit with or without the brave sword (he is), and Noish is a 4 without it, but a 7 with it. It's always more useful to have a 10 and a 7 than a 10 and a 4. Sigurd doesn't need the hero sword to kill any boss in gen 1 (except maybe Langbart, I forget) unlike Celice who needs it to kill the tougher gen 2 bosses, so it's not a huge loss for him. Plus Sigurd can build kills on another weapon like the light/thunder sword or something while Noish/Beowulf/whoever get kills on the hero sword that they wouldn't get with another weapon.
  21. there's no reason to keep the old terrain and hitrates, i'm almost sure they're going to change it. It makes the game a slog to play and is just bad design.
  22. just something i saw on a quick glance, Ardan can pass down bows to Lester if he promotes.
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