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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. CHAPTER 26 - 11/87 TURNS i hate this chapter. Bought some tomes for Serra and some killer weapons. Bartre and Oswin will probably promote. I think I missed an Orions Bolt or sold it by accident, Wil has to be a shitty archer for a while longer. And I do mean shitty. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 18.65 35 19 12 10 09 18 02 A AXE REBECCA 18/03.40 35 16 14 18 16 08 12 A BOW LOWEN 15/10.36 46 15 11 17 20 19 11 C SWORD A LANCE C AXE BARTRE 18.30 44 19 09 12 07 10 03 B AXE OSWIN 19.55 36 17 13 08 05 19 06 A LANCE SERRA 12/07.72 30 14 11 16 14 06 17 A STAFF C LIGHT LYN 16.80 29 11 16 17 13 04 04 A SWORD WIL 18.41 32 09 06 11 12 08 05 B BOW FIORA 19/06.60 45 23 23 21 14 12 20 S LANCE E SWORD CHAPTER 27 - 5/92 TURNS Lowen and Rebecca (lol) rescuedropped Ninian ahead so she could dance Fiora on turn 4 to get Hector in range of the throne the next turn. Got the Bolting tome. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 19.76 36 20 12 10 09 19 02 A AXE REBECCA 18/04.24 35 17 14 19 16 08 13 A BOW LOWEN 15/11.41 47 15 11 17 20 20 11 C SWORD A LANCE C AXE BARTRE 19.79 45 20 10 12 07 10 04 B AXE OSWIN 20/01.00 41 20 16 12 05 21 10 A LANCE E AXE SERRA 12/09.40 31 16 12 17 15 07 19 A STAFF B LIGHT LYN 17.81 30 12 16 17 14 04 05 A SWORD WIL 18.94 32 09 06 11 12 08 05 B BOW FIORA 19/09.36 47 23 25 23 15 14 21 S LANCE E SWORD CHAPTER 28 - 15/107 TURNS zzzz Left Ursula alive till the last turn to get more exp. Wil's not promoting until the Nils seal in Victory or Death, lol. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 19.91 36 20 12 10 09 19 02 A AXE REBECCA 18/05.11 36 17 14 20 17 08 13 A BOW LOWEN 15/12.64 48 15 11 17 21 20 12 C SWORD A LANCE B AXE BARTRE 20/02.94 49 21 13 12 08 14 07 A AXE E BOW OSWIN 20/03.62 43 22 17 13 06 22 10 A LANCE E AXE SERRA 12/14.24 34 19 13 20 18 07 23 S STAFF A LIGHT LYN 18.64 31 12 16 18 14 04 06 A SWORD WIL 19.49 32 10 07 12 12 08 05 B BOW FIORA 19/11.64 49 23 25 24 16 14 21 S LANCE E SWORD CHAPTER 28X - 20 free turns Oswin and Serra still haven't hit C Support :< UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 20.00 37 20 12 10 09 19 03 A AXE REBECCA 18/06.74 37 18 15 20 18 08 14 A BOW LOWEN 15/15.13 50 15 11 19 22 20 14 C SWORD A LANCE B AXE BARTRE 20/11.97 58 24 17 15 11 16 09 S AXE E BOW OSWIN 20/07.02 47 23 19 14 07 25 11 S LANCE D AXE SERRA 12/15.86 34 20 13 20 19 08 24 S STAFF A LIGHT LYN 20/05.88 40 16 22 20 19 08 12 A SWORD C BOW WIL 19.59 32 10 07 12 12 08 05 B BOW FIORA 19/14.70 52 23 25 26 18 14 22 S LANCE D SWORD
  2. Slightly better than Noish, very good if you promote him by chapter 3, very mediocre otherwise. Magic Ring + Magic sword is great on him as emphasized earlier. Pretty decent damage output in the first two maps too. I'll give him a 7/10.
  3. I'm not gonna count his potential as a father as part of his rating. Noish is alright. Getting Critical and poor skill is kind of puzzling, he can take the skill ring to help out if he wants since it's not too high in demand. If you don't pass the pursuit ring to Leaf (which he really doesn't need anyway) he's the perfect candidate for the pursuit ring, as his offence is incredible with it. His speed, while bad, is good enough to double almost all the slow gen 1 enemies, and his durability and strength is great. On top of that her has perfect availability and is mounted. 6.5/10. He's nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be.
  4. i mean nobody plays him for a reason he's terrible. Maybe not bottom 3 terrible, but bottom 6-7 for sure
  5. CHAPTER 18 - 3/51 TURNS Promoted Lowen, then didn't actually need to in the end, whoops. Oh well. Gave him a secret book to help with his awful skill. He killed the boss, could have on turn 2 if another unit could have killed a shaman in the way, in retrospect should have got Bartre to level 10 and promoted him for this map, oops. Everyone got exp I guess. HECTOR 15.00 32 17 10 10 08 17 01 B AXE REBECCA 09.55 21 08 08 10 08 04 04 C BOW LOWEN 15/02.40 38 10 10 14 14 17 08 C SWORD B LANCE E AXE BARTRE 07.05 34 11 07 05 04 04 00 C AXE OSWIN 14.11 32 16 10 07 03 16 04 B LANCE SERRA 05.88 19 05 06 10 09 02 06 B STAFF LYN 08.91 21 07 13 13 08 03 01 B SWORD WIL 07.27 24 07 05 07 07 06 02 D BOW CHAPTER 19 - 5/56 TURNS Lowen's awful stats made this take a turn longer. His extra point of con made it so he couldn't rescue Oswin for the 4 turn clear either. Fuck Lowen. Got the Torch staff and Fiora. HECTOR 15.76 32 17 10 10 08 17 01 B AXE REBECCA 10.53 22 09 08 11 08 04 06 C BOW LOWEN 15/04.22 40 11 10 14 15 17 09 C SWORD B LANCE E AXE BARTRE 08.39 35 12 07 05 05 04 00 C AXE OSWIN 15.20 33 16 11 07 04 16 04 A LANCE SERRA 06.35 20 05 07 11 09 02 07 B STAFF LYN 10.27 23 09 14 14 09 03 02 B SWORD WIL 07.89 24 07 05 07 07 06 02 D BOW FIORA 08.14 22 09 12 14 07 06 08 C LANCE CHAPTER 19X - 4/60 TURNS Fiora pure watered and flew across the mountains to receive and exp goldmine. She Javelin'd Aion on the turn before Kishuna showed up to get some chip on him so Lowen could kill him with the silver lance. Bartre got the goddess icon. HECTOR 15.99 32 17 10 10 08 17 01 B AXE REBECCA 11.46 23 10 09 12 09 04 06 C BOW LOWEN 15/05.53 41 12 11 14 16 17 10 C SWORD A LANCE E AXE BARTRE 08.39 35 12 07 05 05 04 00 C AXE OSWIN 15.43 33 16 11 07 04 16 04 A LANCE SERRA 06.71 20 05 07 11 09 02 07 B STAFF LYN 10.69 23 09 14 14 09 03 02 B SWORD WIL 08.83 25 07 05 08 07 06 03 D BOW FIORA 11.69 23 10 12 17 07 07 10 C LANCE CHAPTER 20 - 4/64 TURNS Hammer!Lowen left Darin with 3 HP after a PP hit and a EP hit, so Fiora could get the bosskill which is cool. Lyn got another chest key, Oswin got the Brave Bow. Lowen actually got a good level too! HECTOR 16.29 33 17 10 10 09 18 01 B AXE REBECCA 11.95 23 10 09 12 09 04 06 C BOW LOWEN 15/07.07 43 13 11 16 17 19 10 C SWORD A LANCE D AXE BARTRE 08.40 35 12 07 05 05 04 00 C AXE OSWIN 16.08 34 16 11 08 04 16 05 A LANCE SERRA 07.24 21 06 07 11 10 02 08 B STAFF LYN 11.73 24 10 14 15 09 03 03 B SWORD WIL 09.53 26 07 05 08 08 06 03 C BOW FIORA 13.03 25 12 14 18 07 07 12 B LANCE CHAPTER 21 - 2/66 TURNS Lowen rescued Hector ahead then got danced and dropped Hector south along the wall to aggro the boss. Lowen got the Elysian whip on turn 2, Hector chipped the boss again allowing Fiora to finish the job after being danced. Other got villages and did shopping. HECTOR 17.03 34 18 11 10 09 18 01 A AXE REBECCA 12.04 24 11 09 12 09 04 06 C BOW LOWEN 15/07.26 43 13 11 16 17 19 10 C SWORD A LANCE D AXE BARTRE 08.40 35 12 07 05 05 04 00 C AXE OSWIN 16.08 34 16 11 08 04 16 05 A LANCE SERRA 07.54 21 06 07 11 10 02 08 B STAFF LYN 11.73 24 10 14 15 09 03 03 B SWORD WIL 09.53 26 07 05 08 08 06 03 C BOW FIORA 14.57 25 13 15 18 07 08 13 B LANCE CHAPTER 22 - 3/69 TURNS Lowen went for the boss, Fiora flew down the middle, and that was it really. Recruited Heath for the Axereaver. CHAPTER 23 - 3/72 TURNS Dudes went up the right side (mainly Bartre and the archers) to get lots of exp. Deployed Florina and Heath to get the Body Ring and Filla's might. Fiora used Isadora's robe and flew and weakend the first boss for Pent to kill, then she killed the second one on her own. Bartre and Wil were so underlevelled I got Genesis! Also gave Fiora both Goddess icons I had lying around to boost her avoid a bit. She's really good, unlike Lowen. CHAPTER 23X - 20 FREE TURNS Had Hector and Oswin tank mages for the last few turns to Serra could staff spam. Got all the chests and loads of exp for Rebecca, she needs it to kill Lloyd next map. HECTOR 17.23 34 18 11 10 09 18 01 A AXE REBECCA 18/01.00 33 16 14 17 14 08 12 A BOW LOWEN 15/09.66 45 14 11 16 19 19 11 C SWORD A LANCE D AXE BARTRE 10.75 37 14 08 07 05 05 01 C AXE OSWIN 16.90 34 16 11 08 04 16 05 A LANCE SERRA 11.41 23 09 08 11 12 02 11 A STAFF LYN 12.83 25 10 14 16 10 03 03 A SWORD WIL 14.83 30 09 06 09 10 07 04 C BOW FIORA 19.36 36 18 20 20 13 09 15 B LANCE I also just noticed my game had Ninian's starting level set to 7, I had previously tested to see if you could unlock 19xx by just setting Ninian's base level to 7, and I guess it was this rom. Her stats are exactly the same as her level 1 bases though so it should affect nothing. CHAPTER 24 - 1/73 TURNS Rebecca brave bow'd Lloyd. CHAPTER 25 - 3/76 TURNS Promoted Serra and Fiora. Serra went south with Ninian and Rebecca, and got loads of levels thanks to bishop exp bonus. Bartre, Hector, Lyn, Lowen and Wil went to seize Pascal's castle and Fiora flew it solo to the mage castle. Wil had to chip a fort Cavalier so Bartre could kill it with the ballista which was kinda depressing. Lyn + Hector combined for the kill on Pascal. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 17.75 34 18 11 10 09 18 01 A AXE REBECCA 18/02.63 34 16 14 17 15 08 12 A BOW LOWEN 15/10.24 46 15 11 17 20 19 11 C SWORD A LANCE C AXE BARTRE 12.92 39 14 08 08 05 06 01 B AXE OSWIN 17.64 35 16 12 08 04 17 05 A LANCE SERRA 12/04.02 27 12 10 15 13 06 15 A STAFF C LIGHT LYN 15.64 28 11 15 17 12 04 03 A SWORD WIL 15.58 31 09 06 09 11 07 04 B BOW FIORA 19/04.23 44 21 22 20 13 11 19 A LANCE E SWORD Wil is terrible.
  6. Sigurd's low res isn't a crippling flaw, or one that should detract from his performance. He starts as your best unit, and continues to be your best unit for his entire existance. The only time his res comes into play is in chapter 4, but he can take the light sword and face very low hitrates from the Wind Mages, and even then his massive hp pool makes him an unlikely target anyway. He's a 10/10 unit without a doubt.
  7. you could just transfer the .sav file to a clean rom, double healing exp is a pretty big deal if she promotes 3 chapters earlier or something
  8. really don't think it's as bad as people have made it out to be (low tier heroes always think their characters are better than they actually are). Mario is fine being top two, there's no other character with two top players who place very well aside from Sheik (and neither Void/Mr.R have actually won anything, while Anti and Ally both have won majors). I think Marth is too low though. He's been on the rise for a long time and with Leo starting to travel now it can only get better from here. Robin might be a bit high as a byproduct of him living in the same region as the best Robin in the world.
  9. I would have done videos but videos for all the awful defence maps are the worst. I dont mind if you choose to exclude those to save time CHAPTER 15 - 7/32 TURNS ZZ Marcus killed the thief for the silver axe. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 08.37 26 12 07 08 06 12 01 B AXE MARCUS ??/03.06 32 15 15 12 09 11 09 A SWORD A LANCE B AXE REBECCA 05.88 18 07 05 08 06 03 02 D BOW LOWEN 11.90 31 08 06 11 10 13 05 D SWORD C LANCE BARTRE 05.24 32 11 07 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 12.43 30 14 10 06 03 16 03 B LANCE SERRA 03.75 18 04 05 09 08 02 06 C STAFF CHAPTER 16 - 5/37 TURNS Bartre and Lowen rescuedropped Marcus onto the mountain on turn 1 to save a turn. Got the villages and bought lots of handaxes and javelins. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 09.20 27 13 07 08 07 13 01 B AXE REBECCA 06.30 19 07 06 09 07 03 03 D BOW LOWEN 12.99 32 08 07 11 11 14 06 D SWORD C LANCE BARTRE 05.33 32 11 07 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 12.78 30 14 10 06 03 16 03 B LANCE SERRA 04.23 19 05 05 10 08 02 06 C STAFF LYN 05.47 19 06 10 12 06 02 00 C SWORD WIL 04.89 21 06 05 06 07 05 01 D BOW CHAPTER 17 - 8/45 TURNS Lowen carried Hector to victory, and dumped him in he throne room on turn 6, allowing him to engage the boss on turn 7 and seize on turn 8. Would have liked Lowen to get the bosskill but he needed to double back and help goon the thwomp so Matthew could get the knight's crest. Chest keyed the unlock staff and Hero crest. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 13.36 30 16 09 10 08 15 01 B AXE REBECCA 07.67 19 07 07 09 07 04 03 C BOW LOWEN 14.49 34 09 07 12 12 14 07 D SWORD C LANCE BARTRE 05.92 32 11 07 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 13.02 31 15 10 06 03 16 03 B LANCE SERRA 05.18 19 05 06 10 09 02 06 B STAFF LYN 07.06 20 07 12 12 07 03 01 C SWORD WIL 05.99 22 06 05 06 07 05 01 D BOW CHAPTER 17X - 3/48 TURNS Nothing exciting. Lowen is so tanky I didn't even need to promote him for survival this map. HECTOR 15.00 32 17 10 10 08 17 01 B AXE REBECCA 08.85 20 07 07 10 08 04 04 C BOW LOWEN 15/01.00 37 10 10 14 13 16 08 C SWORD B LANCE E AXE BARTRE 06.66 33 11 07 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 13.88 31 15 10 06 03 16 03 B LANCE SERRA 05.55 19 05 06 10 09 02 06 B STAFF LYN 08.01 21 07 13 13 08 03 01 C SWORD WIL 06.11 23 06 05 07 07 06 02 D BOW
  10. so when are people actually playing, its been 10 days
  11. CHAPTER 11 - 6/6 TURNS Standard. CHAPTER 12- 4/10 TURNS Didn't have the ridiculous stat benchmarks to 2HKO Zagan or double him with Hector, and wasn't feeling due for a 5% crit. I got uh, more SUPPORT POINTS for SerraxOswin and RebeccaxLowen, will totally save ALL THE TURNS. Marcus got the Secret book. CHAPTER 13 - 4/14 TURNS The three turn of the previous chapter must alter the starting positions of this map, Marcus and Hector can 4 turn this alone (with someone detouring for the village that is). Marcus carried Hector to victory and Bartre and Rebecca went south to get exp, Lowen killed a couple pegasus knights and got the village with Oswin. Serra healed when able. Got the Killing Edge. CHAPTER 13X - 7/21 TURNS Used the meatshielding rule to have a nomad shoot Matthew over and over again so Serra could heal him every turn. Bartre went south and dealt with the fort enemies with a vulnerary, everyone else went north, with Marcus hauling around Merlinus just in case someone attacked him so he wouldn't be a nasty exp hog. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 06.99 24 10 05 07 05 10 01 C AXE MARCUS ??/02.17 32 15 15 11 08 11 08 A SWORD A LANCE B AXE REBECCA 03.82 18 06 05 07 05 03 02 D BOW LOWEN 06.78 27 08 06 09 05 10 03 D SWORD D LANCE BARTRE 04.65 31 10 06 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 11.22 29 14 10 06 03 15 03 B LANCE SERRA 02.57 18 03 05 08 07 02 06 D STAFF CHAPTER 14 - 4/25 TURNS Marcus blitz'd up the middle, and left as many things alive for Lowen as possible (including Erik, since he didn't double since he didnt proc speed last map). Bartre and Hector went south, Oswin killed the loldiers and Rebecca got the iron blade. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 07.68 25 11 06 08 05 11 01 C AXE MARCUS ??/02.75 32 15 15 11 08 11 08 A SWORD A LANCE B AXE REBECCA 04.56 18 06 05 08 05 03 02 D BOW LOWEN 08.58 29 08 06 09 07 12 04 D SWORD D LANCE BARTRE 04.86 31 10 06 04 04 04 00 D AXE OSWIN 11.76 29 14 10 06 03 15 03 B LANCE SERRA 02.90 18 03 05 08 07 02 06 D STAFF
  12. lmfao i love the nino bid also NO I GOT LYN SO MUCH REGRET Also the jokes on you all, I have one extra unit, Karla so good! I'll start this later tonight.
  13. i'm fine with either option. Everyone having Renault isn't gamebreaking, and Irysa filling a slot would get things rolling, but ulitmately doesn't really serve a purpose if he's not gonna play.
  14. wallace/geitz and harken karel never exist in drafts anyway so it's not a huge loss, but Renault can sometimes do some emergency staffing in the final chapter to help save a turn, i'd say someone like Louise instead, but even she does have potential to help out with something like the Cog Rout or something. Or toss out the above two and one team gets a bonus unit because those two aside I think every unit has potential to help out in some way, and someone have 8 units + Nino or Louise or something isn't going to be much better than an 8 man team, plus they'd still be paying for the unit in question.
  15. ill migrate over here too. I'll uh, send my bids a bit later watching hockey right now.
  16. The best use of Alec is giving him the magic ring (on promotion) and having him go to town with the light sword. Nobody really needs the magic ring in gen 1 anyway, and it lets him actually kill things. He has 24-25 attack (he might proc magic once) hitting resistance (from two range) and doubles almost all gen 1 enemies with average speed. and it's enough attack to one round enemies like the cross knights in chapter 3, and if he does get his magic proc he can even ORKO the hero bow arch knights in chapter 5 from 2 range, all while doing more damage to other enemies like armours than he'd ever do with other weapons (hero sword aside, but let's face it, Alec isn't getting it when better units for it exist). It's really very effective, and building kills on the light sword is also really nice since it's an incredibly strong weapon with 50 kill on it for Celice in gen 2. It is reliant on Alec promoting in the chapter 3 base before the map, which can be kinda tough, but very manageable if you plan it out. No other unit can really replicate this either (aside from Azel, but he's a lot less durable and a lot harder to train) and when he promotes he's immediately one of your best units. I used to think Alec was pretty bad since his offence with physical weapons isn't that great and Paladin weapon ranks are lame, but gen 1 enemies are juuuust weak enough for him to pull this off.
  17. I think that works a lot better. Along with people likely not bidding as high in a future draft, things would work out a lot nicer.
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