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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. not jedi but I can answer some questions 1: Nope, we all take turns picking characters like the example in the OP. So when Euklyd picked Sheik, nobody else is able to. 2. You pick 3 at the start of the tournament, and use the same three for the whole thing. 3. I dunno, Cloud is also missing.
  2. Most endgame maps are pretty lackluster, so it's something that should be expanded upon. Maps like the GBA final maps you literally walk up to final boss and kill them are pretty anticlimactic.
  3. CHAPTER 23 - 4/102 TURNS Beruka/Camilla ruin everything. Azama and Mitama's replicates destroyed the map. CHAPTER 24 - 1/103 TURNS BOOTS MITAMA MVP Hinoka paired into her and dumped her ahead, and then Orochi with corrin pair rescued Azama carrying Azura ahead to dance Mitama for her to carry Azama to the boss, where he G O L D S Q U A D'd Hans with the Dual Shuriken. Shura killed the 10000g dude, others did things. Not looking like Felicia/Takumi will happen, they're at A now. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN MASTER NINJA 16/04.97 30 15 10 21 30 23 13 11 C SWORD E SHURIKEN (D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/24.03 29 11 17 21 23 28 10 17 B SHURIKEN C STAFF KAZE MASTER NINJA 17/14.77 32 25 00 24 38 13 14 30 A SHURIKEN D SWORDS OROCHI ONMYOJI 20/08.50 29 03 38 26 17 17 13 28 B SCROLLS E STAVES HINOKA FALCOKNIGHT 16/12.04 37 21 11 25 29 24 19 29 B LANCE E STAFF ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/18.33 42 32 11 30 31 21 25 14 B SHURIKEN C BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/11.51 36 20 01 31 20 24 16 16 B BOW D LANCES JAKOB PALADIN ??/20.44 31 21 06 18 18 23 17 14 D LANCE E SWORD MIDORI MECHANIST 20/08.66 36 22 12 29 20 21 16 18 C BOW D SHURIKEN MITAMA FALCOKNIGHT 20/09.30 36 27 17 24 32 26 21 26 B STAFF C LANCE SHURA BOW KNIGHT ??/10.70 35 22 05 25 26 16 16 22 A BOW E SWORD CHAPTER 25 - 2/105 TURNS Could have rigged a Kaze Lethality on Iago for a 1 turn but thats pretty lame. Came up 1 tile short of getting the boots and 1 turning without it, super salty. I have ideas for future drafts though. Azama got entrapped up ahead then Mitama rescued him to kill Iago. Felicia and Takumi got as many support points as possible, plz I want Kiragi's paralogue for the exp before endgame. CHAPTER 26 - 1/106 TURNS Mitama Beast killer'd Xander. Being the true hero of the run, Felicia boned Takumi finally. Did Kiragi's paralogue, it had a buttload of exp. Got Life or Death on Kaze, and Bowfaire on Takumi. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN HOSHIDO NOBLE 16/10.07 36 22 16 17 26 30 16 08 C SWORD E SHURIKEN (D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/26.58 29 12 18 21 24 30 10 17 B SHURIKEN C STAFF KAZE MECHANIST 17/18.69 35 28 00 25 34 14 17 30 A SHURIKEN E BOWS (D SWORDS) OROCHI ONMYOJI 20/15.20 33 05 39 31 20 19 14 32 B SCROLLS E STAVES HINOKA FALCOKNIGHT 16/14.09 39 23 12 26 30 25 20 30 B LANCE E STAFF ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/19.53 50 32 11 30 31 21 28 15 B SHURIKEN C BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/16.45 40 23 01 35 22 26 19 16 B BOW D LANCES JAKOB PALADIN ??/20.44 31 21 06 18 18 23 17 14 D LANCE E SWORD MIDORI MECHANIST 20/09.61 36 22 13 30 20 22 17 18 B BOW D SHURIKEN MITAMA FALCOKNIGHT 20/15.01 39 32 19 27 37 32 24 29 B STAFF C LANCE SHURA BOW KNIGHT ??/12.24 36 24 05 26 27 18 18 24 A BOW E SWORD KIRAGI KINSHI KINGHT 20/18.52 38 21 08 29 30 28 18 16 B BOW E LANCE CHAPTER 27 - 1/107 TURNS Bought the last arms scroll and gave it to Azama so he could use the Silver Yumi. Reclassed Corrin to THWOMP #thwompssaveturns. Hinoka moved ahead and rescued Azama + Corrin ahead, and with the power of SPENDTHRIFT STING SHURIKEN he killed a thwomp blocking the path to Garon. Kaze killed a thwomp immediately in front of the party, and Orochi and Shura used their rallies (magic and skill) so that Mitama could have a 35% hitrate with the Hexing Rod after moving 10 spaces up, she was barely in range thanks to a Jakob pair and the boots, and she hex'd Garon. Kiragi carring Felicia rescued Takumi carrying Azura forward, and he moved ahead and swapped to Azura who danced Azama. He killed Garon exactly with the Silver Yumi. ENDGAME - 1/108 TURNS Had to hit a hexing Rod at 59, but I had two shots at it since Azura didn't need to dance anyone. Azama + Mitama + Kaze killed the final boss. UNITS REVIEWS: Corrin - As a unit that killed things, he was really bad past Chapter 9 or so. Thwomp pair actually saved three turns, which was really funny. Although if he had any other bane, he'd have an extra point of strength in pairup anyway. Mostly a pairup bot. 101 Battles, 60 Victories. Felicia - Actually was pretty good, not even kidding. Her offence was reasonable for a very long time (once she got the flame shuriken). Healing was invaluable. 61 Battles, 28 Victories Kaze - He was REALLY FUCKING BAD statwise earlygame, I think he ate two energy drops and still barely reached his anemic strength cap. Got Life or Death for saving a turn on the final boss, along with Shurikenfaire, it's a lot of damage. Still, he's HUGE in chapter 7, no unit can match his value there other than maybe Jakob, but he can only be one place at once. Still very good. 166 battles, 122 Victories Orochi - Was actually still pretty good, even did some frontline combat early in the game when nobody could kill Oni Chieftains. Otherwise helped a lot in rout maps but otherwise did very little. Rally magic came in handy lategame. 109 Battles, 88 Victories Hinoka - Was pretty disappointed, I think Subaki's undoubtably better now. Takes Corrin out of the way in her recruitment map, and doesn't exist in the previous two maps. She was basically a ferrybot for most of the game, except for the Wolfskin chapter, which was her claim to fame. Used Rescue a few times I guess. 101 battles, 71 Victories Azama - He's basically Saizo once he promotes, maybe even better since he gets more out of tonics and gets spendthrift which is better than life or death. If you can spare a heart seal, he's actually fantastic. MVP probably. 202 Battles, 150 Victories Takumi - His stats BLEW CHUNKS, most notably speed. Still, saved a few turns here and there with flight. 93 Battles 64 Victories Jakob - actually still found ways to be useful with a +mov pairup, and shelter dance saved a couple turns. Combatwise did next to nothing. 20 Battles, 9 Victories Midori - Useless excluding her paralogue exp. Orochi Kaze just isn't a good pairing. 19 Battles 7 Victories. Mitama - Had some really ridiculous genes with Hinoka and Azama, so had very very good stats. Helped in lategame routes with replicate and rescue, then thanks to an Arms scroll, had the staff rank for the Hexing Rod for endgame. 40 Battles, 30 Victories Shura - Mov +1 on him saved at least a turn! Not bad filler combat either, and Rally skill helped with staff hit. 7 Battles, 4 Victories Kiragi - Saved a turn or two in endgame by having an existant mount. Thanks bro. 2 Battles, 1 Victory.
  4. CHAPTER 19 - 5/92 TURNS Wasn't too bad actually. Orochi, Felicia and BoltNaginata Hinoka took out the right side easily and got the chest on turn 5. No problems there. on the right, Takumi got rid of the thwomp on turn 1 with help from Sting Shuriken Azama (he had to use a lance and couldn't eat a counter), and Kaze ran ahead with Corrin pair and killed the mechanist, allowing Jakob to dual strike kill the Maid. Azura danced Azama who just ran ahead a bit and he killed the Maid on the stairs. Next turn Azura paired into Jakob and danced Kaze or Azama ahead (I forget already) in the next room, and the other killed the close sniper with a weapon (half the enemies don't even have a weapon in that room, wut). Kaze and Azama cleared out the middle room on turn 3, killed the first pairup on turn 4 in the final room, and Jakob killed the swordmaster (he was undoublable and lived a hit and got danced to kill the berserker, Kaze Azama weakened the Dual Naginata guy, while Kaze weakened the other guy with the sting shuriken, enabling him to kill the thwomp and bolt dude on the EP with Azama steel shuriken dual strikes. Takumi killed the two physic guys in the sniper room while Corrin (who promoted for more movement, lol) got the other chest, UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN THWOMP 16/01.14 34 19 09 19 17 23 12 02 E LANCES (C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/18.12 24 10 14 18 20 24 10 16 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE MECHANIST 17/07.19 29 22 00 20 28 12 15 23 B SHURIKEN E BOW OROCHI ONMYOJI 20/04.53 28 03 34 24 17 15 13 26 B SCROLLS E STAVES HINOKA FALCOKNIGHT 16/07.25 32 20 10 23 26 21 17 25 B LANCE E STAFF ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/10.07 38 28 08 26 25 17 22 12 C SHURIKEN C BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/05.57 32 19 01 28 18 21 13 12 C BOW E LANCES JAKOB PALADIN ??/16.18 29 19 05 18 16 19 14 15 E LANCE E SWORD CHAPTER 20 - 3/95 TURNS Could have 2 turned with a rescue use, but I wanna see if the boots are worthwhile. Friendship sealed Corrin to Master Ninja, he's awful. However he did gain locktouch and get the spy's shuriken, maybe that will do something. Probably not. Kaze got the boots, and Jakob+Azama killed the boss, Jakob gave him the strength boost he needed. Got other misc. items from the faceless too, like money and Goddess Icon. Nobody really gained much exp except Corrin, who gained way more than anyone (except Felicia/Jakob). Did Midori's then Mitama's paralogues. Mitama has replicate. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN MASTER NINJA 16/04.79 30 15 10 21 30 23 13 11 C SWORD E SHURIKEN (D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/22.79 27 11 16 19 21 26 10 17 B SHURIKEN C STAFF KAZE MASTER NINJA 17/13.65 31 25 00 24 37 13 14 29 B SHURIKEN D SWORDS OROCHI ONMYOJI 20/07.48 28 03 37 26 17 16 13 27 B SCROLLS E STAVES HINOKA FALCOKNIGHT 16/11.47 36 21 11 24 28 23 18 28 B LANCE E STAFF ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/17.42 44 34 10 27 29 23 27 13 C BOW E LANCE (B SHURIKEN) TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/10.52 35 20 01 30 20 23 16 15 B BOW D LANCES JAKOB PALADIN ??/18.69 30 20 05 18 16 21 15 14 D LANCE E SWORD MIDORI MECHANIST 20/08.61 36 22 12 29 20 21 16 18 C BOW D SHURIKEN MITAMA FALCOKNIGHT 20/06.24 35 23 16 22 29 24 15 23 C STAFF E LANCE CHAPTER 21 - 1/96 TURNS Boots to Mitama. She double rescued Takumi carrying Kaze and he killed the boss. CHAPTER 22 - 2/98 TURNS Azama replicated on turn 1 and was danced north to kill everything, then kill Shura on turn 2. Mitama replicated and killed both of the turret guys on turn 2. Kaze with Takumi pair killed the right part of the map, Azama clone with Hinoka took the left, everyone else got the south enemies.
  5. uh, apparently my file is before chapter 19, but I didn't post my earlier clears, whoops. Thankfully two of them are easy to remember. CHAPTER 16 - 6?/83 TURNS Like 95% sure it was 6 turns because i remember being excited about there being no outlaw in the treasure room in the bottom right in hard mode. Orochi actually killed like everything in the two starting rooms with Horse Spirit and Corrin pairup, then promoted. Hinoka, Azama, Kaze and Azura charged forward here to nuke the enemies in the way and kill Iago. Felicia killed thwomps near the start. Forgot I had Jakob and forgot to deploy him. CHAPTER 17 - 3/86 TURNS No shove, so had to take an extra turn. Got more exp tho as a result, including the 10000g village. CHAPTER 18 - 1/87 TURNS Lol, Leo. Azama/Hinoka hit S, along with Kaze/Orochi. Gonna break and do kid paralogues maybe, I dunno. I'll update stats when I open my game again.
  6. Overall, I actually find either FE7 or FE12 the most frustrating to play. FE7 has this stretch of boring defence maps from Vaida's first map till endgame with a load of really terrible chapters that frustrates me because it's tedious to play, and FE12 (most notably every prologue map and gaiden map) maps in general I just don't find that enjoyable. Chapter 3 takes the cake though. Most difficult is Lunatic Reverse in FE12.
  7. Nah. Frey can use Rapiers but he joins in 24x so there's no point. I just didn't have the tools to change the shops. Unfourtunately Xane replaced Caeda and even when he copies someone, he can't use the wing spear which is a bummer.
  8. CHAPTER 13 - 5/72 TURNS Hinoka went and collected the south villages with Corrin. Everyone else went north, Orochi split off and took out Selena and the thwomp squad to the left with Felicia pairup she OHKO'd them all, while everyone else went right. Takumi killed the javelin thwomps by sitting in the river with the Fujin Yumi. Azama hilariously ORKO'd Hans, and Kaze Sting shuriken'd the general. CHAPTER 14 - 3/75 TURNS Reclassed Corrin to Knight. This allowed Kaze to survive an enemy phase with the defence boost that wouldn't have happened otherwise. #thwompssaveturns It also made them reach A support so Kaze wouldn't tank one next chapter. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN THWOMP 15.39 30 14 08 13 16 21 15 02 E LANCES (C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/12.64 22 07 11 15 19 21 09 15 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE MECHANIST 17/01.62 27 18 00 18 26 08 13 20 B SHURIKEN E BOW OROCHI DIVINER 16.82 25 03 22 20 11 10 09 18 C SCROLLS HINOKA SKY KNIGHT 16.60 26 14 05 17 20 16 12 19 B LANCE ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/02.81 32 22 07 18 20 12 20 11 D SHURIKEN C BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/02.49 30 16 01 26 16 20 11 11 C BOW E LANCES CHAPTER 15 - 2/77 TURNS YOU THOUGHT THWOMPS COULDN'T SAVE TURNS? ? ? ? Hinoka avoided getting OHKO'd by Keaton thanks to Thwomp Corrin. She flew to the boss area on turn 2 and routed them all with the beastkiller. Orochi and FlameShuriken!Felicia used Hinoka dual strikes to kill two initial wolfskin and Kaze killed the dudes on the dragon vein so Takumi carrying Azama could pop it and get danced, Takumi flew ahead and got dropped in range of only two wolfskin around the middle of the map, needed his movement to reach the last dude on he left. Kaze got danced and with Orochi dual strikes he killed the three in the bottom corner on turn 2. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN THWOMP 15.70 30 14 08 13 16 21 15 02 E LANCES (C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE\) FELICIA MAID ??/13.55 23 08 12 15 20 22 09 15 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE MECHANIST 17/02.45 27 19 00 18 25 09 13 21 B SHURIKEN E BOW OROCHI DIVINER 17.93 26 03 22 21 12 11 10 19 B SCROLLS HINOKA SKY KNIGHT 16/03.84 30 18 09 20 25 18 15 22 B LANCE E STAFF ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 16/03.08 33 23 07 19 20 13 21 11 D SHURIKEN C BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/03.20 30 17 01 26 17 20 12 12 C BOW E LANCES
  9. Bowser is the best superheavy imo, for what that's worth. Not any higher than the 20-25 range though.
  10. The thing is Cormag would have been worthless on Carmine's Eirika route centric team, since he costs several turns. Cormag is only useful if you go Ephraim route, which is probably a little longer in drafts.
  11. You might do it honestly, the next few maps are gonna be pretty rough, and 16 without warp is bad too. Moulder's a pretty lame warper though. Chapter 9 - 15/76 turns This map was awful thanks to Neimi's paper durability. Burned throught the rest of my Elixir and several vulneraries. I think this might be the first time I ever have to buy Vulneraries in FE8. Amelia trapped a dark mage in a corner and spammed a vulnerary to survive and got two levels before her tower session. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 31 12 18 20 15 11 02 A SWORDS EPHRAIM 15.13 33 14 15 16 14 11 07 A LANCES NEIMI 13/03.45 33 13 15 17 08 07 11 B BOW D SWORD AMELIA 01.00 24 08 08 12 13 05 05 D LANCES E SWORDS Chapter 10 - 6/82 turns Cormag get. Recruited him with Tana. Ephraim doubled the boss when he switched to the longbow and ORKO'd with Reginlief. Amelia might not be terrible. Gave Cormag a Secret book and Speedwing. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 31 12 18 20 15 11 02 A SWORDS EPHRAIM 17.25 35 15 15 18 16 12 08 A LANCES NEIMI 13/03.89 33 13 15 17 08 07 11 A BOW D SWORD AMELIA 04.64 26 09 09 14 15 06 05 C LANCES E SWORDS CORMAG 09.82 30 14 11 12 04 12 02 C LANCES Chapter 11 7/89 turns Not too bad. Cormag took a pure water and Elixir and flew around getting eyeballs after dumping Ephraim on the ship on turn 1, Amelia took on enemies slowly up top and Neimi killed the boss on the turn 6 EP. Dozla get! UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 31 12 18 20 15 11 02 A SWORDS EPHRAIM 18.47 36 15 15 18 16 12 08 A LANCES NEIMI 13/05.31 34 14 17 19 09 08 11 A BOW D SWORD AMELIA 11.57 28 12 10 16 20 08 06 B LANCES E SWORDS CORMAG 13/01.00 34 18 16 18 05 14 03 B LANCES DOZLA ??/01.00 43 16 11 09 04 11 06 B AXES Chapter 12 - 4/93 turns Cormag flew to the boss and gooned him. He even got the entombed next to him for a big exp boost. Everyone else self improved. Chapter 13 - 4/97 turns Cormag flew to Selena and killed her on turn 2, (along with half the map), Dozla waterwalked and helped. Amelia rescued Neimi and Tethys danced them ahead to deal with the enemies on the right. Ephraim got the dudes near the start. It's nice the hatchet gives double WExp, Dozla will reach Garm easily. He's got two great levels so far too. Gave Cormag an energy ring (he'll need it to ORKO Vigarde), the talisman, and goddess icon. Chapter 14 - 5/102 turns Cormag was danced ahead turn 1, clearing the way for Dozla to kill the armour on turn 2 to let Amelia open the door for Cormag to move farther ahead. Dozla had to dodge a 50% Berserk here. Cormag opened the second door on turn 3, and had to dodge a 66% Berserk and a 36% sleep, Dozla could get hit by the second Berserk without consequence. Neimi killed one of the Berserk druids turn 4, and Cormag killed the other, and Amelia dropped Ephraim in range to seize. Cormag had to dodge another sleep here. Cormag ORKO'd Vigarde and Eph seized after Neimi killed Rennac for the spear. Chapter 15 - 5/107 turns Cormag went north with an axereaver and killed Caellach, then helped rout the pegasi reinforcements. Everyone else went towards Valter, Dozla put in some work with the Halberd, Neimi Lancereaver, and Amelia Dragonspeared most of the wyverns, including Valter (she ORKO'd him). Innes got the swiftsoles and they were immediately used on Cormag post chapter. Chapter 16 - 6/113 turns It's a good thing the druids in the throne room prioritize eclipse over their other tomes. Cormag flew Eph to the throne, and Eph chipped Orson on turn 5 EP (breaking Reginlief) and Cormag finished with Silver. Dozla is a swing away from Garm. Chapter 17 - 2/115 Cormag flew to Lyon and gooned him. Chapter 18 - 6/121 turns THE S SWORDS NEIMI DREAM IS REAL. She'll reach it next chapter. Cormag flew up top with Neimi, followed a little bit later by Ephraim and Myrrh. Eirika and Innes took out the south portion, while Dozla and Tethys mozied over to the rightmost enemies after Amelia nuked the Gorgon around there with Vidofnir before heading up. Innes hit S bows. Chapter 19 - 2/123 turns Cormag flew to Riev and gooned him with the Brave Lance he found along the way. Neimi hit S Swords. Chapter 20 - 3/126 turns Cormag flew Eph to the boss and killed him. Chapter Final Part 1 - 2/128 turns Cormag ferried Myrrh ahead and she killed Lyon. Chapter Final Part 2 - 1/129 turns Almost didn't happen. Eirika and Ephraim were 1 speed off doubling the demon king but thankfully Cormag and Myrrh were there to do the heavy lifting. 129+13 turn handicap for a total of 142 turns total I guess! Now for unit analysis.. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20/04.23 37 14 22 24 18 15 07 S SWORDS She was good in her prologue chapters due to being extremely overlevelled really quickly. Seemed pretty average overall though, barring her awful res (-5). 131 B 88 W EPHRAIM 20/05.69 45 21 23 23 19 18 15 S LANCES Is Ephraim ever bad? pretty average over here too with a bit of extra def/res. 139 B 97 W NEIMI 13/12.20 37 17 19 24 14 09 12 A BOW S SWORD Neimi with extra speed! She actually did some good things by existing early like breaking the walls in chapter 3 and helping with the chapter 4 rout. Kind of a poor man's Franz on promotion, without the 1-2 range. She was still a mount that killed things sometimes. If she had +1 str/spd for Fort Rigwald I probably would have saved several turns there. Value heavily inflated because of lack of other earlygame units. 191 B 108 W AMELIA 13/08.87 35 15 15 23 24 11 08 S LANCES C SWORDS She's really not too bad in drafts, more or less Kyle/Forde without Chapter 9. Mine was pretty speed blessed but most of the speed was superfluous. Helped by having 8 movement to Neimi's 7 in some places, and had (bad) 1-2 range. Still was pretty useful for the midgame maps, especially 11-15, even killing Valter. 134 B 69 W. Note ~20 of those are from the tower. CORMAG 13/18.66 48 25 22 26 13 18 08 S LANCES I thought he'd be way above average but turns out Cormag is just ridiculous. Tana and Vanessa can't compare to his midgame on Ephraim route, he literally does it all, ORKO from 1-2 range with good bulk and adequete speed, along with something the latter two struggle with: bosskilling. It helped I didnt have to blow an energy ring on a warper to help him kill Vigarde. 156 B 123 W DOZLA ??/08.67 47 21 13 14 06 14 09 S AXES Mostly took up space and did very little asides from some water walking in Selena's map and being an extra body to kill eggs. He helped a bit in the desert I guess too, 78 B 50 W INNES ??/04.97 32 16 14 16 15 10 10 S BOWS The short bow gives ridiculous WExp, now I understand why it's so expensive. Innes's only value was getting the swiftsoles and killing eggs. 25 B 15 W MYRRH 17.77 35 31 27 17 09 35 21 DRAGON Stats are with dragonstone boosts. She did very little until it was time to kill the last two bosses of the game. Helped rout eggs I guess. 26 B 19 W
  12. Prologue - 2/2 turns eyah CHAPTER 1 - 5/7 TURNS Corrin clutched a strength proc that saved a turn (for -str corrin) CHAPTER 2 - 3/10 TURNS Went up Kaze's side and killed him t2, then weakened Rinkah and shielded Felicia from her on turn 3. No 2 range helped there. Gunter sadly got both bosskills. CHAPTER 3 - 5/15 TURNS Standard I think? Felicia got defence! CHAPTER 4 - 7/22 TURNS Kaze got a shit level and Corn got two good ones. Seems like a bad tradeoff. CHAPTER 5 - 5/27 TURNS standard stuff CHAPTER 6 - 1/28 TURNS Also normal stuff. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 09.34 23 11 07 12 13 15 10 03 D SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/03.42 20 06 10 10 11 13 06 11 D SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 06.76 19 09 00 12 14 04 05 12 D SHURIKEN CHAPTER 7 - 7/35 TURNS Kaze + Corrin busted through and killed everything, then Kaze split off to deal with the enemies near the chest while Felicia and Corrin handled the boss. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 10.29 24 12 08 12 14 16 10 03 D SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/05.39 21 06 10 12 12 15 06 12 D SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 09.45 21 09 00 15 17 04 05 13 C SHURIKEN OROCHI DIVINER 05.00 20 00 11 11 07 06 05 10 D SCROLLS CHAPTER MOZU - 6/41 TURNS Corrin, Felicia and Azura went to the boss, and Orochi and Kaze went south with vulneraries, Kaze with Orochi dual strikes orko'd faceless. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 11.92 25 12 09 12 15 17 11 03 D SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/06.65 21 06 10 13 13 16 04 12 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 10.37 21 10 00 15 18 04 05 13 C SHURIKEN OROCHI DIVINER 06.51 20 00 12 12 07 07 05 11 D SCROLLS CHAPTER 8 - 5/46 TURNS Kaze paired with Orochi and ran ahead, then swapped to her on turn 2, she actually doubled and ORKO'd the ones Kaze couldn't. Orochi's desert move let her and Kaze get propelled to near Fuga on turn 3 without using a turn on the dragon vein early on. Corrin dragon vein'd on turn 1 then moved and killed a Samurai on turn 1, recruiting Hinoka (and Ass sama) on turn 2. Felicia killed the Oni that chased after Ass sama, Hinoka went and dealt with the Samurai/Archer pair with Corrin, and Orochi+Kaze combined on the bosskill. CHAPTER 9 - 7/53 TURNS Heart Sealed Ass Sama to Weedlord. He paired with Hinoka and she went to take out the cavs on the right, Kaze and Orochi went left, and Corrin hung around the start to recruit Takumi's retainers since he had nothing else to do and its free money. Then used the unorthadox strat of using Ass Sama to take out all the knights (but one) and the outlaws since he oneshotted the outlaws and orko'd the knights. Kaze took the Hinoka express up towards Zola and killed him, while Ass sama and Hinoka chased down the Outlaws after the chests. Orochi, Felicia and Corrin handled the reinforcements. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 13.27 26 12 11 12 16 19 12 03 C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/08.17 22 06 10 14 15 18 08 13 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 12.75 22 10 00 15 22 04 06 14 C SHURIKEN OROCHI DIVINER 10.60 23 00 16 15 08 09 07 13 D SCROLLS HINOKA SKY KNIGHT 11.22 25 10 05 14 18 14 11 17 C LANCE ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 10.17 28 17 06 10 11 10 16 09 E BOW CHAPTER 10 - 6/59 TURNS Got Takumi, gave Ass Sama Speedwings. Hinoka flew ahead on the north part of the map and swapped to Kaze, who killed the ninjas and one of the spear guys, and then he swapped back and Hinoka dumped him in the Rescue chest area on turn 3, and they got the chest (eventually) and killed Kotaro and the enemies around there. Everyone else just routed the map. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 13.88 26 12 11 12 16 19 12 03 C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/08.17 22 06 10 14 15 18 08 13 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 14.29 23 11 00 16 22 06 06 14 B SHURIKEN OROCHI DIVINER 11.86 23 00 17 16 08 09 08 13 C SCROLLS HINOKA SKY KNIGHT 11.95 25 10 05 14 18 14 11 17 C LANCE ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 11.92 29 17 06 10 13 10 17 09 D BOW TAKUMI ARCHER 11.88 26 13 00 19 11 13 10 06 C BOW Ass Sama crushes Takumi statwise, I like it. CHAPTER 11 - 6/65 TURNS The snake spirit dude showed up on turn 5? The fuck? I thought he didn't show up till like turn 10. He almost ruined everything. Takumi killed three of the initial promoted enemies on the first three turns, and Hinoka+Ass sama boosted ahead with Azura's help on turn 1 to take out the bottom left corner. Corrin hung around the start to kill the reinforcements to the south, while Kaze+Orochi went north (Kaze eventually went to help near the boss area, leaving the reinforcements to Orochi, who OHKO'd the wyverns). Hinoka + Ass sama baited the enemies near the boss so Takumi could kill him safely on the EP on turn 5, then kill the Snake Spirit guy on turn 6. CHAPTER 12 - 2/67 TURNS Promoted Takumi at level 15. He ferried Corrin to the goal. Ass Sama + Orochi killed the south enemies rather painlessly, Hinoka ferried Kaze to the dracoshield. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NOHR PRINCE 14.87 27 12 11 12 17 20 12 03 C SWORD D DRAGONSTONE FELICIA MAID ??/10.13 22 06 10 15 17 20 08 14 C SHURIKEN D STAFF KAZE NINJA 15.09 23 13 00 17 23 07 07 15 B SHURIKEN OROCHI DIVINER 13.85 23 03 19 17 09 10 08 15 C SCROLLS HINOKA SKY KNIGHT 13.69 26 12 05 15 18 14 12 17 C LANCE ASS SAMA WEEDLORD 14.70 30 20 06 11 15 11 19 09 D BOW TAKUMI KINSHI KNIGHT 15/01.00 29 15 01 25 16 20 11 12 C BOW E LANCES
  13. actually thinking back I think we should have taken a Garcia penalty or something in Chapter 4 to save a few turns.
  14. if you thought it wasn't your pick IT IS also my next picks because i'm gonna be afk for a while [spoiler=sb don't look u cheater] Ryoma and Reina, if one is picked by SB throw in Subaki
  15. I don't think she's bad but br is very enemy phase heavy and she's a very player phase focussed unit since she has no durability or 1-2 range
  16. you can change it if you want since it wasnt clear. Also it's your pick.
  17. lets ban mounted corrins we're supposed to have a bad time
  18. Prologue - 2/2 turns Standard clear. Chapter 1 - 5/7 turns Eirika chugged vulneraries on the way to the bossguy. Chapter 2 - 6/13 turns Eirika went south and killed the bossdude. Vanessa ferried NPC garcia over to kill the reinforcements. Chapter 3 - 7/20 turns Eirika + Neimi killed the walls perfectly with the Steel Sword + Iron bow. Gave Seth a Javelin so he could prevent the hand axe guy from attacking Neimi at 1 range while still avoiding combat. She got two decent levels. Eirika needed 8 strength by level 8 to kill the boss without a crit (which was still 4 shots at 14% if she didn't reach 8 strength). Chapter 4 - 8/28 turns Deployed Seth to protect Neimi (by blocking enemies from attacking her, and forcing them to attack Eirika, again not entering combat) and deployed Vanessa to scoop Artur up and hide. Eirika went right then down, Neimi hit the one passive zombie and eventually followed suit. Eirika waited for a turn and killed three of the zombie reinforcements after weakening the boss, and Neimi finished the passive one over two turns while Eirika got the dudes by Lute's village. Neimi's got more exp than I expected her to. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 12.18 24 10 13 17 10 07 02 B SWORDS NEIMI 06.03 20 08 08 10 05 03 05 C BOW Chapter 5 - 6/34 TURNS Neimi managed to snag the secret book and fight in the arena on the last turn. Couldn't go right up next to the armourslayer villaged because the archers clogged shit up. Recruited Joshua for the Killing edge, Eirika almost ORKO'd him with an iron sword. Chapter 5x 7/41 turns Standard clear. Got a chest key for potential use in Chapter 8. Chapter 6 - 5/46 turns Neimi started in the northmost spot, and killed the Javelin soldier and lured the archer on turn 1, so that Eirika would be unempeded after killing everything in her way on turn 2. She ran to Novala and killed him with a Steel Sword, and Neimi picked up a couple stragglers. Chapter 7 - 7/53 turns Eirika walked across the water and Neimi did her best not to die. I don't think promoting Neimi is actually going to save any turns because there's no way she can survive while carrying Eirika to the throne so I'm just gonna leave her unpromoted for another map. Chapter 8 - 8/61 turns Eirika walked to Tirado and killed him. Promoting Neimi would have saved one turn but she got three levels here which will probably save more in the long run, and it allowed me to get the angelic robe. Ephraim self improved in his corner and cleared a path for Kyle/Forde to escape unscathed with the chest key, so Neimi could use it to open the angelic robe, which she used right away. She promoted in the base of chapter 9. Eirika needed to dodge one of Tirado's attacks at 54 hit, and couldn't get great shielded/miss one of her 79's. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL EIRIKA 20.00 31 12 18 20 15 11 02 A SWORDS EPHRAIM 12.16 30 12 13 15 12 11 06 B LANCES NEIMI 13/01.00 32 13 13 15 07 07 10 B BOW D SWORD
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