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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. missed a few days, but i'm too lazy to think about how to rate dew, since he's an utterly shit unit, but money passing is very nice (yet not required for the most part) Jamka - He's like Ayra with bows like people have said pretty much. His offence is actually better thanks to his decent speed combined with Charge and Continue. I forget what I gave Ayra but i'll give Jamka 3 which is probably slightly higher than what I gave Ayra. Aideen - She heals and stuff. Warps in chapter 2/3 then anyone else can do it too. 4/10 Deirdre - awful. At least she can give Sigurd all her money from selling Aura and the Silence staff so Celice can start loaded with Rings in gen 2. Technically can do Aideen's staffing, but why? 1.5/10.
  2. heart seal him to paladin and he decimates the entire early-midgme
  3. just saw this now I'm fairly busy over the christmas season, basically only going to have downtime from the 20th-23rd until Jan 2nd, so I probably couldn't host/play any games till then,
  4. Honestly, she's not that great. Before promotion she struggles to kill stuff without Astra and her avoid isn't great thanks to her awful luck stat and most of gen 1 enemies having lances. Post promotion her offence is very good, but it's still footlocked and 1 range locked. 2.5/10.
  5. 100% agree with that, Laslow as a combat unit is weak and slow with mediocre durability. Keaton is better combatwise and they're roughly equal as a pairup bot, I don't think they're far apart overall. Laslow has his rally but tbh I never find myself actually using it.
  6. for what it's worth leo doesn't need food bonuses to double, people must be not giving him speed pairups or something weird tbh.
  7. Leo with any +speed pairup doens't have any issues doubling. He might miss faster enemies like Heroes early on without a tonic, but tonics are very cheap.
  8. Charlotte is wayyyyy too high imo. Her pairup bonuses are great for units that struggle to kill things, but most of the top tier combat units have amazing strength already, aside from Niles and maybe Silas. Benny joins at the same time, can contribute as a real unit for a few maps (insta-promoted Benny is basically Gunter statistically, and he's useful in the Ninja Cave), and is one of if not the best pair up for Camilla while he exists, (She really loves the defence, since her durability can get a little spotty lategame, and extra strength is just nice to have). Also a minor deal but his personal skill is pretty nice to have for annoying maps like the ninja cave and fox map where your hitrates are a little shoddy, but sadly doesn't work when he's in someone's pocket. Charlotte meanwhile can't function as a real unit without a LOT of investment for any length of time, and even the final product is pretty underwhelming since her durability is absolute garbage. Most units also have better options for pairups, I really prefer a +move pair on Xander (he really doesn't need the strength, and any +speed/move pairup like Laslow, Kaze or Selena are fine for him). Her contributions are even less than what Benny can potentially do imo, and Benny isn't that great (although I think he's too low as well, he's Gunter without Gunter's personal or Rally defence, being the 7th shelter user or w/e really isn't terribly useful, and Benny does sort of function as a unit if you stop off and get the thwomp level 5 skill in a kid paralogue or something). Effie is probably a little high for what she does too, she requires the early master seal (not whole lot of competition admittably) to function, but when she's at her strongest, dudes like Jakob and Camilla are immortal demigods and someone below her like Leo is more valuable during a harder part of the game. EDIT: Corrin is ridiculous, should be above Azura imo.
  9. Midir is pretty great. Charge is very nice on bow users and Midir's speed is pretty great, especially for gen 1. Once he takes the killer bow (no reason not to give it to him, Jamka does fine with Steel), he's an offensive powerhouse, even with somewhat underwhelming stats, thanks to having Pursuit, Charge and Critical, along with the Killer bow's absolutely ridiculous stats. For some reason, the AI prioritizes him (and Ethlin and Holyn) over other units, but this shouldn't matter too much since he shouldn't be getting attacked much on the enemy phase anyway, but you can use this to your advantage and have him counter a 2 range enemy that would otherwise attack someone who can't counter. Also FE4's AI sucks and sometimes Javelin dudes and mages will just attack from 2 range when they can attack from 1 anyway. All in all, he's pretty great, bowknights are great with FE4 canto, but he has little to no enemy phase. I'll give him a 7/10.
  10. uhhh I'll rate Ethlin too. I think people rated people too highly, she provides nice support bonuses to your two best units, and keeps them topped up on health, but other than that? She's a liability for most of her existence combat wise, and has awful durability. I'll give her 7.5/10. It's not that Ethlin is super good, it's most gen 1 units are pretty bad, which is why (imo) she got an inflated rating, Just because she's a top 5 unit in the gen doesn't mean she deserves a rating similar to Sigurd, there's such a huge gap in their performance, and it should be reflected in their rating. Fin is amazing tho. With the speedring (he's the best recipient of it by far) he can double and ORKO all the enemies in chapter 1, something only Sigurd (and lolAzel) can do, and he can have a really good enemy phase if you abuse prayer. In chapter 2 he gets the hero lance which enables him to be the only unit capable of ORKO'ing armours unless Sigurd is REALLY strength blessed, and even then, he misses some of them. Fin is one of if not your best combat unit for chapter 1/2, which is a pretty big deal. I'll give him a 9/10 with bias included, he loses 1 movement on Cuan and is pretty lackluster in the prologue comparitively.
  11. Cuan is fantastic. He's tied with Sigurd for the most mobility on the team for a long time, and he's very bulky and hits very hard, anything that he proc's continue on will die unless it's a boss. Lack of pursuit isn't much of an issue when he does equal or more damage in one hit than most of your team does in two hits. Has a handy support with Ethlin that augments his offence even farther. He starts and finishes as Sigurd's runningmate during his entire availability, he's your second best unit until at least the end of chapter 2 unless you somehow manage to promote Lex before chapter 2. I'll give him a 9.5 (with .5 bias), since he really is that good. It's pretty funny that he gets his holy weapon and then none of the enemies will attack him because his defence is too high.
  12. Azel is bad when he's unpromoted, and he's bad in the arena. Once he promotes he's decent but by no means fantastic, and he's not promoting until chapter 4 at the earliest. I'll give him a 3/10. He just takes too long to get promoted for little payoff
  13. fe4 drafting definately isn't the same since the glory days when there were 10ish people who actually drafted and played it. I'm not even sure if we'd get 4 players nowadays, lol.
  14. IMO the best way to get Lachesis exp in chapter 2 is just letting her head back to the home castle and spam return on someone like Deirdre or Azel, this gets her more exp than she would fighting anyway. If you can, don't let Fin do the arena until later in the map, and let him kill the elite ring guy up at the northwest castle, then send him home and let him clear the arena, then he can sit around next to Lachesis for the rest of the map. This should put him in a good spot to promote at the start of chapter 3 (after the arena) or at the very least at the end of it.
  15. If you're pairing Jamka/Midir with Briggid, let them kill Jacoban in chapter 3 and have them hang onto the thunder sword, thieves with magic swords let them get money easily and they're C rank to boot (for some reason....)
  16. i'm also playing on cart, but I have to steal it from a friend this weekend, so I won't start til next week, then i'll be pretty busy during the christmas season, so I dunno how much i'll get done.
  17. I imagine it would work in a draft of any game. Bidding in FE4 would be a lot more weighted towards the mothers though (since you get three units) and there's the issue of getting a kid and a sub of the same kid (like getting Lester and Dimna), although if one got Lester I guess the bid for Dimna could be discarded.
  18. I'm just gonna assume he gets the brave axe. There's no reason not to get it if you're not LTC'ing. He's fantastic in chapter 2, the hardest map in the first gen, and continues to be very good in chapter 3, all while being roughly on par in the first two chapters with the other unpromoted mounts. He falls off quite hard in chapter 4, he struggles with the enemy types there and has serious hit issues there, and is below average in chapter 5. Elite makes exp a non factor for him. I'll give him a 7.5/10, slightly better than Alec and Noish, but not substantially so.
  19. fury gets you more kills on the brave lance than noish will (especially in chapter 4/5) which gets it closer to 50. Along with the fact that Fury will always have it at the end of Chapter 5 for inheritance purposes, you're either tossing a lot of money at Noish early on that could be going towards Lachesis's promotion or he's taking the hero lance for chapter 3, doing as much as Fury would do with it anyway then relinquishing it in chapter 4 and 5 regardless. Fury's good with magic swords too, sure but it's not hard to goon someone with the hero lance then swap to the magic sword on the EP. Noish does fine with a steel lance or even the slim lance post promotion anyway.
  20. CHAPTER 29 - 4/111 TURNS Could kill all the enemies in three turns but couldn't get warp :< Boots to BARTRE. I swear I know what I'm doing. Serra rescued Ninian ahead on turn 1 and Lowen carrying Fiora dumped her ahead so she could engage Linus on turn 3. Lowen then went and got the boots, while fighting most of the middle of the map. Serra went north with Lyn and level capped, while Hector stayed at the start with Oswin to recruit Vaida. Wil, uh wasn't deployed and Rebecca killed a Myrm or two. CHAPTER 30 - 3/114 TURNS Bartre ate the body ring from the desert so he could carry Hector. Serra warped him ahead 6 spaces on turn 1 then warped them again on turn 2, allowing Bartre to counter the boss on turn 2 then finish him on turn 3 (even though he OHKO'd with a killer crit anyway.....). Held onto the speedwing since he was one speed off doubling the boss with it anyway. CHAPTER 31 - 11/125 TURNS zzz enemies targetted Oswin a lot instead of Hector despite Oswin having like 7 more defence and HP???? ran out of chest keys but the thieves let me kill them for all the treasure anyway. Hammerned Warp. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL HECTOR 20/05.95 44 22 16 13 11 23 09 A AXE D SWORD REBECCA 18/11.98 40 20 18 23 20 08 15 S BOW LOWEN 15/18.01 53 16 13 20 23 21 14 C SWORD A LANCE B AXE BARTRE 20/19.66 60 28 22 17 15 19 11 S AXE D BOW OSWIN 20/14.31 54 25 20 18 10 29 13 S LANCE C AXE SERRA 12/20.00 35 22 13 25 23 09 27 S STAFF A LIGHT LYN 20/09.92 42 16 24 22 21 08 12 A SWORD C BOW WIL 20.00 33 10 08 13 12 08 05 B BOW FIORA 19/20.00 56 23 25 26 19 15 26 S LANCE D SWORD CHAPTER 31X - 5/130 TURNS Karla Hype tried to get Hector some levels including speed in the arena but it wasn't in the dice. CHAPTER 32 - 3/133 TURNS Used 4 warps. Bartre rescued Hector on turn 1, got warped ahead by Serra twice with the help of Nils. Serra warped Fiora ahead in range of Renault's village on turn 2, then got danced to warp Bartre and Hector ahead. They tag teamed Limstella. CHAPTER 32X - 1/134 TURNS Renault Hammerned Warp and Rescue, and Serra Warped Bartre in for the bosskill. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 2/136 TURNS Fiora opened Brendan's door, then was danced to open Kenneth's. Lowen opened Darin's Door, and Bartre moved in to deal with him. Serra warped Lyn up to Lloyd and she opened the door, and Renault rescued her away. Rebecca killed Uhai with the Brave Bow, then tossed it so she'd kill the two snipers on the EP with the Longbow. Oswin dealt with Jerme and Ursula, Ursula was forced to attack him at 1 range since Jerme attacked from range, and he killer critted her. Hector killed a generic warrior and chipped Brendan. Fiora killed Kenneth and the Gespenst guy, Bartre killed Darin and his thwomp, and Lloyd killed Linus. On turn 2, Oswin killed Jerme with the help of Rebecca, and Bartre and Hector tag teamed Brendan, Lyn and Lowen killed Lloyd, somehow, and Fiora killed the Bolting sage. Nils Fillas'd Athos and Serra warped him to ORKO Nergal with Luna. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/137 + 35.47 = 172.47 turns Filla's might'd Athos, and he killed the dragon on the EP after being Recovered by Serra. UNIT PERFORMANCE: Hector - He was really slow. So slow that he failed to double Limstella. Yeah. Fourtunately, he was still Hector, and did well early on. Serra - Warper/10. Early promotion hurt her magic a bit, but I don't think I lost any turns by having her as a warper, even with a ghetto Hector Ferry. Oswin - Saved a turn in chapter 16 by being able to rescue Hector. Otherwise did nothing because I had so many early units, and Marcus is free. Can we make him not free in HNM drafts? He devalues all the early units so much, I think I only saved one turn by having all the units I did early, which is ridiculous (not counting Carmine's 5% crit on Zagan). He might have been more useful if I didnt have so many early units. Lowen - His SUPER LAME STRENGTH cost me a turn on Uhai. Thankfully, his SUPER LAME STRENGTH was still good enough for most of the game. Probably could have saved a turn in Cog of Destiny if he could kill Linus instead of Fiora, since she'd be able to get warp, but c'est la vie. Still saved a turn or 2 by being super overlevelled compared to other mounts in Chapter 17. Rebecca - Bid higher on her because I wanted a Brave Bow user to save a turn on Lloyd's Four Fanged offence. Turns out I got both Snipers and there was only one promo item for them. Good offence helped in final. Bartre - I had to sandbag him super hard early so i'd get Kenneth's map. I don't think early promoting him would have saved any turns though. Lategame he turned out to be pretty valuable, since with the boots he was an 8 move Hector ferry, which turned out to be more than adequate. Karla - She fought in the arena 4 times. Perfect winrate! Didn't make the final chapter :( Lyn - I bid a bit higher on her since she's a free deploy in endgame. I think she helped save a turn since my team was challenged movement wise, and combatwise. Wil - Wil sucks, but my Wil was on another level. He managed to be -5 strength and -6 skill by 20/1. That takes talent. Level 20/1 Wil, screw you Wil. Fiora - Did flying things. Ended up being really strength blessed, which probably let me get Genesis since I didn't have to promote her in the desert. Only bad thing about her is her extra point of con doesn't let her rescue Hector.
  21. ardan uh fights a few things in the prologue, then doesn't really have an opportunity to do anything else. He would be able to fight okay in chapter 2 (towards the sleep staff castle) but he has to go get the pursuit ring which takes him out of the chapter. He's really bad though, I don't believe in giving units credit for items they get, so he gets a 0.5/10 for helping Alec/Noish get exp in the prologue.
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