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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Oh, lets go with the no heart seal rule for now. You can stay in Corn's base class if you want. I pick for SB, SB picks for Carmine, Carmine for Insanity, and Insanity picks my team. No time to edit the op or give you a Corn, but enjoy Yukimura EDIT: Corn is Male Priestess Corn, -HP + Res
  2. yo Tsunami, if you didn't get the @ on discord, i'm gonna be visiting some friends out of town from Wednesday-Saturday next week, so it'd be cool if we could get our games done before then! also jedi when are the next batch of videos due to come out?
  3. ayyyyyy i would have had 0 units, I knew i CHEAPED OUT with my bids. I feel we should try it at the very least to see how things sort out in the end. Carmine's team while amazing has no chance of winning, but we can start to get a feel for the numbers a bit better for future drafts?
  4. Oh, i totally missed that part. Reading comprehension is hard. In old auction drafts, in the case of ties, I think people had a chance to bid more (or stay firm if they didnt want to go higher) with the person(s) they were tied with. It rarely ended up in another tie. Another way to do it is give it to the person with the lowest total turn value. Hopefully nobody did my strat of adding .1 to all my picks
  5. i'm in the mood for drafting right now, and i'm always in the mood for being a jerk, so I thought it'd be a perfect time to do this. We'll do hard mode because teams will probably be pretty bad. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players 2. Corrin, Gunter, Felicia/Jakob*, and Azura are free for all 3. The game will played on Hard Classic mode 4. Children units come with their fathers. (ex: Midori comes together with Kaze) 5. Drafters will choose a team for another participant. Make sure their team is as bad as possible! Exceptions: 1. Only the servant that joins you in chapter 2 is a free unit. The other is a draftable unit that joins in Chapter 15. The first servant may not reclass to a mounted class until the second one is obtained. 2. All units are free until Chapter 7. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, entering batte, meatshielding, providing auras, activating dragon veins, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues excluding 1 are optional and are free up to 20 turns. Paralogue 1 must be completed immediately after Chapter 7. You cannot visit a paralogue if you do not have a draftable unit to recruit (you can't visit Kana's, Dwyer's or Shigure's paralogue if you have not drafted them) 5. Challenge battles are banned, as are any invasion battles. 6. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. 7. The chapter 2 Servant may not use the Heart Seal, Partner Seal or Friendship Seal items. 8. Corrin's talent, boon and bane are selected by the person who is drafting your team. My Castle Rules: 1. You may build, upgrade, and use any of the following: Armoury, Rod Store, Lilith's Temple, and Hot Springs. Using any other building is prohibited. This means you cannot use the capture command with Orochi, since a Prison should not exist. 2. You may build and upgrade any puppet for the purpose of recruiting Yukimura. 3. You may not use weapons given to you by allies in my castle. 4. You may only spend one Dragon Vein point per chapter (and paralogue). The exception is when you first gain access to My Castle, you can visit other castles to gain an extra dragon vein point to build both an armory and rod store in case you want to heart seal someone immediately. Penalties: 1. Use of an undrafted unit is a 10 turn penalty. Teams SB (picked by Horace): Yukimura, Izana, Mozu, Hana, Rinkah, Ryoma + Shiro, Reina Carmine (picked by SB): Kaden + Selkie, Dwyer, Kana, Kagero, Sakura, Scarlet, Saizo + Asugi Finalinsanity (picked by Carmine): Setsuna, Shigure, Hayato + Rhajat, Hinata + Hisame, Oboro, Silas + Sophie, Subaki + Caeldori Horace: (picked by Finalinsanity): Felicia/Jakob (Chapter 15), Shura, Azama + Mitama, Orochi, Kaze + Midori, Takumi + Kiragi, Hinoka
  6. Well, i'll send in my picks per the rules in the OP for now, and I guess we'll see how it goes. A main reason I think everyone having the same team size is essential is that someone could bid 0 on every unit and have a ~30ish? turn lead while still getting a (bad) team that is the same size as everyone else. I didn't do this but the option is there.
  7. Ive considered joining, as what you propose does likely solve the isses with FE8 drafts, but I'm really not a fan of bidding tenth's of a turn for units. It just kinda sounds silly if your final turncount is 105.9 or something. I don't think forcing equal team size is necessary, but some means need to be taken into account to ensure that someone who overbids doesn't just get every unit. Maybe enforce a max team size of 10 or 11 and then they lose units they bid the least on or something.
  8. You actually don't have to get everyone to level 30. If you want to ignore some of the harder to level up characters entirely (like dew, dancers or ardan) you can. That being said... - Ardan can take the elite ring, pursuit ring and hero sword and solo the pirate squad up north after seizing Shagaal's castle in chapter 3. He'll likely hit promotion with that + the arena. - If you give Dew the Pursuit/Elite ring and the light sword, he can actually solo the cross knights fairly reliably thanks to his huge evade (on a forest + lachesis's charisma) if you make him attack from 2 range. Once he promotes he's pretty self sufficient. You can even use the money he gets here to give to Ardan to help him buy the rings for his deal. - Sylvia (and Leen) both have prayer so you can abuse that in the arena. That being said dancers are annoying to level up so it's easier to just ignore them. For an AAAA playthrough, it's recommended to pair Lex and Sylvia so Leen will get ambush+elite so she can clear every arena with the sleep sword, and having elite helps her actually hit level 30 (along with Corple having elite to ease his levelling). Anyone with staves should hit level 30 easily, since they can sit in castle and spam warp/return/recover. Recommended pairings for an AAAA rank run imo: Ayra/whoever (really doesn't matter as long as it isn't stupid like Claude Aideen/Midir Lachesis/Beowulf Sylvia/Lex Fury/whoever (fee and Sety have no problem getting levels) Tiltyu/Levin Briggid/Ardan (if you have trouble levelling up Patty - abuse ambush sleep sword) or Holyn. Gen 2 units are much easier to level up in general since inheritance exists and there are wayyyy more enemies (and children to eat for extra levels)
  9. i was just too lazy to put bantu's bases in the doc because he replaces himself. It just says ban-ban becase it's tiki's pet name for him. Weapon ranks are based off the units that they replaced, not the previous ones. Wrys had E staves (or no weapon ranks) so his replacement also has no weapon ranks. Conversly Wrys has a B in staves to reflect Samson's axe rank.
  10. I just used the male cavalier animations for female cavs, and female pegs for male pegs. Pirates still have the same growths that they did in regular FE11, and caps are unchanged. All characters have the same growths. The other questions were answered correctly in the above post.
  11. Not really. She just has better strength/durability but can't kill bosses.
  12. I initially gave Wolf some different growths that made him average out to his level 15 promoted averages, but I decided it'd be funnier to leave his growths. I should have nerfed his bases a bit like other prepremotes though. I don't intend on changing his growths or base level though, RR is meant to be broken. Catria is super strong though.
  13. Yeah, I forgot to make Julian level 15 instead of level 1. It's something i've got to fix (he should be level 15 since he replaced Boah)
  14. that sounds like an oversight, I probably enabled forging but didnt add a cost, because Excalibur in the vanilla game isn't forgeable and doesn't have a value. Perhaps i'll fix it a little later on, kinda busy this week. I might just leave it in because its funny
  15. Yeah, unfourtunately this is the case. Don't know how to change it. Nope, you can go over the class limits as long as you don't reclass units, so you can recruit everyone freely. You can go over the cap in the vanilla game too using the aum staff. Nope, i don't have the time or knowledge to do text editing for ds hacking unfourtunately.
  16. His other stats are all really bad and he has low HP as well. It'd probably be easy for him to snowball in normal mode though, Gotoh's growths are actually pretty decent. Your other early units aside from the manaketes, Palla and Catria are all pretty bad too so Gotoh's probably a good choice for exp.
  17. GET THE PATCH HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pk3lffdt5a84mz/FE11RR%20V0.9.ups?dl=0 TO SEE WHO REPLACED WHO GO HERE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1knAZoSRfWH6UnCF4Y3sVgI7IxQAwapXSUnJiNdq8CeU/edit?usp=sharing Join the fearless 12 defence mage Gotoh and his girlfriend Xane on his journey to save Archanea! or those who don't know what Reverse Recruitment is, it's exactly what it sounds like; unit recruitment order is reversed, so in this case, Gotoh is your lord. [spoiler=READ ME IF YOU DARE]To use the patch, use a UPS patcher (I recommend tsukuyomi) to apply this patch to an unedited FE11 ROM which i'm not going to help you get in a perfectly legal manner. Make sure it's the North American version of the game. WHAT THE DEAL IS: - To see who replaced who, along with base stats (absolute bases, they are added to class bases to get their bases in their starting class) check out this google doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1knAZoSRfWH6UnCF4Y3sVgI7IxQAwapXSUnJiNdq8CeU/edit?usp=sharing - Units are assumed to have promoted at level 12 when calculating averages. Why level 12? I felt like it. Also units that used to be prepremotes that are no longer prepremoted would be even worse than they already are. - Some ex-prepremoted units (Samson, Arran, Midia, Jeorge, Astram, Wolf) aren't truly rounded down to their averages. If I actually did that, they'd have some solid 0's in some stats (especially Wolf). I kept Wolf's growths the same so he gets all his unpromoted lifetime to gain loads of stats! - I've added Cavaliers to the unpromoted female class set, Pegasus Knight to unpromoted male class set b (and made Dracoknight class b as a result), and moved Berserker over to class A to balance out the number of classes. Berserkers also now have a base weapon rank of C like the other mono weapon classes SCREENS FOR FUN - I was too lazy to test the gaiden chapters, but they should work. The Prologue is fully functional. - Excalibur is the Rapier replacement, it's a Gotoh only weapon that is effective against Armours and Horses, like the Rapier. - The Brave Lance is the Excalibur replacement, Dolph can use it regardless of weapon rank. Like Excalibur, it's effective against fliers. It does NOT strike twice like the Brave Lance. Also uh, some enemies in H5 have brave lances, so if you're sadistic and want to play H5 with this patch, watch out! - The Brave Bow is the Aura replacement, Wolf can use it regardless of weapon rank. It's uh, really strong and negates all magic attacks, similar to a magestone. Did I need to add the last ability? No, but it's funny for tanking Gharnef in Chapter 15. Like the Brave Lance, it no longer strikes twice. Some enemies might have Brave Bows in H5 too, so WATCH OUT. - The Divinestone is largely the same, except it is now EXCLUSIVE TO GORDIN, and technically it's a bow, so he can only use it in the sniper class. I uh, forgot to remove it's 2 range so it's a 1-2 range divinestone! I should probably fix that eventually. - Frey (the Nagi replacement) can use the Falchion. I think he comes with the weaker one. Marth's Brave Sword is actually a brave sword! If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to post them! I'll probably run a draft so people can run through the game and all units get used so I know everything is working properly. Special thanks to Blazer and Mariode for the FE11 Nightmare Modules.
  18. One more question I have, something seems funky with the chapter 20 unit disposition editor, but nothing seems off when using blazers method of making the module itself, so maybe there's just something strange about that chapter in general? I can't figure it out myself.
  19. I figured out the problem; it was a compression issue, by using Batch LZ77 there are no issues, so it was a problem with Nintenlord's Compressor (which I assume both of us were using). It's here if you want it: https://filetrip.net/nds-downloads/utilities/download-batchlz77-1-3-f11736.html
  20. Since I think i'm more likely to get an answer here.... I'm having some issues using the Unit Disposition Editor (which i've definately used in the past for several chapters) but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right before I start trying other stuff. For reference, all edits using the "database" file (character editor, class editor, item editor etc) I've been able to do, but every time I try editing a units starting inventory, or starting class, I get a black screen. old screen from several years ago changing marth to gotoh (Marth with 20 magic to show changing the database file doesn't cause blackscreens) What i'm doing is... unpacking the rom et all, and getting "bmap001", and decompressing it. I'll make any edit. Here, the only thing i've changed is changing Jeigan's class to general: I save changes, compress the decompressed file, then replace the bmap001 file in the rom with the edited one, and repack the rom. Upon starting chapter 1 I get a black screen, Am I missing a step? Or are there multiple versions of FE11? I'm positive I have the NA version because of Caeda's name being Caeda and not Shiida. Also to note, when I unpack the ROM, and then repack it, the file sizes are different, even wihen I make no changes. Is this a problem? I'm using DSlazy for this, is there another program you recommend?
  21. phew im glad im not the only one that thinks tate is bad But yeah echoing others in saying Thany is numbah one. Zeiss would be way better with a good lance rank.
  22. Thanks! A few years back I had made about half the chapter modules but my computer died, so it's great that they've been made readily available. Does this include gaidan maps too? I'm gonna play around with these later.
  23. FE4 staves give an insane amount of exp if you actually care about training corple, and it really doesn't matter if you promote him or not because his combat isn't going to be good (barring Levin!Corple) and he doesn't gain movement, so he can continue using physic or whatever for no cost. and like gradivus said, even on H1, a good majority of FE12's cast is flat out bad. The bad combat units have an opportunity cost, since you're pumping exp into units that fight poorly, while Corple can easily take a spare staff and free up another staff user with actual offence like Tinny or Sety and do their job just as well with no investment. What's more, there's no deployment in FE4, everyone is fielded, so using Corple doens't mean not using Lana, while using someone like Roshea (or any second half unit more or less) means you're using him instead of someone better than him.
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