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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. The mercenaries in recent games have been pretty underwhelming, Gregor and Laslow are on the lower end of the spectrum in their respective games and Selena is mediocre. Ryoma is basically an entirely different class because of Rajinto too, swordmasters never really have good 1-2 range, but Rajinto is totally broken. In the older games, most merceneries joined fairly early on with high base stats, and were generally better than swordmasters because they had more durability/strength while still having enough speed to double, and then on promotion they gained 1-2 range with hand axes. Also related Beowulf and Delmud aren't mercenaries (the class anyway), Holyn's the closest thing to one in FE4.
  2. Sigurd's supporting cast is much weaker, so he has to put in a lot of work, and has some bad/mediocre moments like the desert map, and isn't your best unit lategame (he's still very good, but he's likely not getting warped for bosskills). FE4 gen 1's best units are gone in chapter 4, and Cuan/Ethlin/Fin aren't on the level of Vanessa/Eph!Cormag and Eir!Saleh.
  3. Laslow doesn't have the speed to double most enemy types, and Selena has the speed to double the faster enemy types, and Laslow's strength lead isn't significant, Selena's a lot better (as a bow knight and overall as a unit)
  4. another tierlist with mario S tier and Doc bottom 5 The difference between Mario and Doc is bigger than Marth/Lucina but it's not that significant. Agree with above on Bowser though, I think he's the best superheavy, he has less polarize MU's then DK and UPb out of shield is really big. Don't agree with DDD whatsoever (way too high) and Bayonetta seems too high too, she hasn't placed well since the nerfs.
  5. Subaki with Onmyoji!Orochi has +5 magic from pairup and class alone, and probably a better lance rank too, which is a pretty big difference. too lazy to look up his magic growth but it's probably better than Jacob's. I just think he'd be more effective as a physical unit, and some other unit like HInoka can probably use the Bolt Naginata better anyway. Reddit thinks a lot of things are better than they are anyway.
  6. Jakob has 15% magic growth and 2 base magic as a Paladin, Bolt Naginata isn't really happening. GK gives Sakura marginally better stats with pairup and the skills from classes are pretty interchangeable, but Paladin has one more movement.
  7. Malig Knight Gunter. you need a unit that's as good as revelation is
  8. I'll join in Shin joins so I can prove i'm SUPERIOR again I'm pretty awful at actually making teams and I don't know 75% of gen 5/6 but it'll be fiiiiiine My availability is kinda spotty in early august but I have a few days here and there so I shouldn't hold things up too much, Why is something like Phione banned and Kyogre is legal? Is it just an availability issue, because balancewise it makes no sense.
  9. CHAPTER 17 - 3/92 TURNS This wasn't actually toooo bad, although I kinda screwed myself over by giving Selena the boots before I knew we could do Kana/Dwyer paralogues when Percy was level 14 unpromoted instead of level 3 promoted. Oh well. Leo used the dragon vein and Percy+Effie went along the south side, then he moved north with the hand axe (nothing in the chapter attacked him because he had too much defence) and then moved in and killed Kotaro with a killer axe crit at 50 hit 30 crit, which only took about 5 resets, which wasnt bad since the rest of the chapter had no risk. Peri carried Corrin up to the 5000g chest, which is sorely needed. CHAPTER 18 - 3/95 TURNS Didn't have any heart seals left so Percy would always get rekt by the bow knight before he could finish the General on turn 2 player phase (or Azura would die to any other enemy) but the 3 turns saved earlier was worth it, got to save a rescue use anyway I guess. Leo + Corrin went north, Leo killed the Enfeeble Maid on turn 1 and Peri + Arthur shelter danced Percy + BERSERKER EFFIE ahead to take out the spear goon, Selena grabbed Peri and she killed a general on the EP with the armourslayer, while Percy killed a few thwomps and the paladin on the enemy phase. Leo moved north and used an Elixir, (I didn't have money for Mjolnir and the Armourslayer anyway, so Zola would have been a sketchy bosskill with Corrin) and countered a bunch of dudes on the enemy phase and finished Zola on turn 3. The thwomp pile boss was taken out by first unpaired Hammer!Percy + Armourslayer Peri, then Arthur + Percy chipped the second guy enough for FLAME SHURIKEN FELICIA to finish with Percy's help. MONEY, AT LAST, I don't have much to spend it on yet, thankfully. Some of the foxes won't attack Percy even if they do like, 5 damage to him, wtf?
  10. I was just wondering because i'll do it myself if we're allowed, don't want to do chapter 17 with a lame percy.
  11. are we allowed to visit kana/dwyer paralogues if we don't have them drafted?
  13. CHAPTER 16 - 3/89 TURNS Kept Azura as a Falconknight. She carried Leo up north, and he almost everything there on turn 1 and gained two levels. Corrin + Selena cleared the upper part of the right side, Percy (sorry bro, odd man out) went up the middle. Percy eventually talked to the bottom left dude on turn 3 once the path was clear. Felicia actually ORKO'd the mercenaries here with Jakob pairup, which ruled. Effie+Peri gooned the Enfeeble jer on turn 1 and then Effie tanked Freeze for the rest of the map. Peri ran over and got the upper right dude on turn 3 once the path was clear (except for some merc good she could handle), and Selena flew Corrin over to the final dude on turn 3, and she killing edge'd Shura, netting me DA BOOTS. Did Kana's and Dwyer's Paralogues, grinded Leo's and Azura's support rank to A so I can get Shigure. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN MASTER NINJA 17/05.00 36 17 04 20 25 11 22 17 C SHURIKEN C SWORD (D DRAGONSTONE) JAKOB BUTLER ??/19.35 31 13 09 25 18 22 11 17 B SHURIKEN C STAFF ARTHUR PALADIN 18/02.93 33 22 01 18 15 08 17 16 C LANCE D SWORD (D AXE) EFFIE GREAT KNIGHT 14/05.09 32 23 00 11 12 14 20 09 B LANCE E SWORD E AXE SELENA FALCONKNIGHT 18/05.07 34 16 07 17 28 15 16 21 D LANCE D STAFF (C SWORD) PERCY WYVERN LORD 20/03.53 31 25 01 20 19 20 28 07 C AXE E LANCE PERI CAVALIER 20/01.37 31 24 04 14 22 14 14 18 C LANCE D SWORD LEO DARK KNIGHT ??/06.66 37 16 22 18 19 18 21 23 B TOME D SWORD FELICIA MAID ??/17.28 24 07 15 16 21 22 09 17 C SHURIKEN C STAFF
  14. just a heads up, i'll be out of town from Thursday-Sunday, if the finals happen to happen around then, it'd be cool if they could be done after,
  15. There's absolutely no doubt that a console FE would sell far worse than a handheld, especially considering the Wii U's awful sales figures (the NX isn't likely to be much better). There's very little inscentive for Nintendo/IS to actually make a console FE game regardless, what's the point, just some prettier cutscenes/battle animations? A big draw of FE is that it's easy to pick up and play (in my opinion) and consoles just aren't very friendly in that regard. Accessability is also a huge deal, Nintendo handhelds have consistantly demolished their console sales. FE is getting bigger, but it's not Smash bros or Zelda. It's not big enough to be a console seller for enough people to warrant the cost of a game that would just sell better on a handheld anyway. A console FE might sell better than the Tellius series now (not a huge accomplishment) but there's literally no point when they could make a similar game for cheaper that would sell wayyyy better. FE3 sold well sure, but that was an age before handhelds, the market was vastly different back then. There's a reason why FE11 sold significantly better than FE10 despite getting poor reviews.
  16. you're ready to get 3-0'D in DA FINALS, I applaud your efforts
  17. promoted Julia has a very real shot at just killing julius in one round of combat, he can proc charge and kill himself and she can proc continue (both ignore nihil) Is meteor wrath actually a thing? Thats pretty hilarious if it is.
  18. fe6 chapter 8 way too long, chests way past the throne (why) and long stretches of no enemies
  19. Yeah, I meant Player + Enemy phase. I doubt there's a way to reach in two turns... without Galeforce
  20. CHAPTER 12 - 4/75 TURNS Oh man this really pushed the team to the limit. Lots of tonics all around. Corrin/Severa got danced on turn 1 and broke the pot to the ninja cluster, Percy sheltered Azura and Peri took her and swapped back to Azura so she could dance Arthur/Effie, Arthur dropped Effie as far north as possible. Effie survived Kagero with 2hp and none of the other ninja's around damaged her, so they all suicided on Arthur (with dual strikes from Effie). This part was annoying since Effie had 75 hit on them all and usually missed once or Arthur tanked a 2% crit or something. Jakob+Dual Club Percy finished a Samurai that attacked Azura, and Percy flew north and killed Kagero with the handaxe. Azura danced Percy after passing her Peri, and Corrin chipped Saizo allowing Percy to finish, after swapping Peri with Selena. Effie and Arthur moved ahead and used concoctions, Effie had to equip a bronze sword so the Samurai's would attack her. Corrin broke the pots on turn 3, Jakob healed Azura and was danced ahead just out of range of the Silence staff. Percy, Effie and Arthur all killed the bow dudes in the middle (out of range of the freezestaff guy). Percy tanked the defence seal and Arthur killed the other one that attacked him on the enemy phase, Corrin engaged the lance fighters from the right side. Azura danced Jakob ahead to heal Arthur, Percy swapped to Selena and she killed the Javelin jerk near Ryoma, and Arthur took Percy from her so he could OHKO the ninja two spaces below Ryoma with the Steel Lance, and Effie Javelin'd Ryoma (at 90 hit, Arthur support gives so much hit), and Arthur needed to land one of two dual strikes at 60 hit to kill him through wane festal healing. Ryoma had 5% crit on Effie, but only did 5 damage so her chance of death there was pretty low. Peri would have got to finish a Lance fighter but Corrin missed once at 90 something hit which sucked. Selena survived all the swarm of remaining enemies with 1hp on the turn 4 EP, she's the best. CHAPTER 13 - 6/81 TURNS Reinforcements ruined everything. I got all the swag at least. FLAME SHURIKEN JAKOB went towards Orochi, he had to use the Flame Shuriken because he levelled up and got tomebreaker and otherwise he wouldn't be attacked without the avoid boost. Selena killed Orochi on turn 2 and Corrin helped mop up other dudes. Unfourtunately didnt get the Kodachi last chapter. Turn 3 Jakob dropped Selena in range of Reina and finished her on turn 4 with Corrin's help, and Jakob lured a wyvern to trigger the reinforcements on the same turn, killing it with flame shuriken. Flame Shuriken Jakob crippled Scarlet, Corrin finishing her on turn 5, while Selena got the other goon. Selena + Corrin mopped up the reinforcement wyverns, Selena ORKO'd with steel, while Jakob took two turns to kill the outlaw loser. On the other side, Arthur with pocket Effie charged south, and prayed that Takumi didn't critblick him on turn 1, Peri/Percy (and Effie before being danced) took out two of the thwomps up there. Arthur and Percy beat up Takumi, Percy and Peri finished the last thwomp that attacked Azura, and then they handled two of the cav squad, with Effie luring the beastkiller guy in with a built up dual gauge. Peri with eventual Pocket Percy got the blessed lance then killed the cavalier reinforcements, Effie got the arms scroll, Arthur the dosh, and Azura got the Master seal. Leo acquired! I'm glad he's prepremoted i'm kinda low on money. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NINJA 17.36 33 13 04 15 19 10 16 08 C SHURIKEN (D SWORD D DRAGONSTONE) JAKOB BUTLER ??/16.88 29 13 09 23 17 19 10 16 B SHURIKEN C STAFF ARTHUR CAVALIER 17.84 31 18 00 16 13 06 15 11 C LANCE D SWORD (D AXE) EFFIE GREAT KNIGHT 14/02.18 30 21 00 11 10 13 20 09 B LANCE E SWORD E AXE SELENA MERCENARY 16.90 29 15 03 15 20 10 15 10 C SWORD PERCY WYVERN RIDER 14.33 25 17 00 14 12 17 19 05 D AXE PERI CAVALIER 13.79 27 16 00 10 14 11 11 12 C LANCE D SWORD CHAPTER 14 - 2/83 TURNS Heart Seal'd Selena to Sky Knight. She enabled Leo to get entrapped (after several resets) to kill the boss after using magic/speed tonics. Arthur got a level up top, Peri levelled killing a goon to protect Azura. CHAPTER 15 - 3/86 TURNS I knew that one random kill Azura got in Chapter 10 was worth it! Also Percy's Paralogue Heart Sealed Azura to Sky Knight, then promoted her to Falcon Knight. Carried Corrin to the boss and Corrin did the deed over the course of two turns. Missed the spirit dust, but such is life. Hilariously Azura comes back as a level 21 songstress when heart sealed back, WORTH IT. Free 11 levels, maybe i'll actually get her level 25 skill. Oh yeah, also promoted Corrin since they needed extra movement and stats to kill the boss.
  21. ENDING AURA'S CAREER WAS WORTH IT now he's not allowed to beat me with flaco anymore amiritehere's game 1 and Nintendo Highlightstm of game 2
  22. I got the snes earthbound cart at a garage sale for 5 bucks honestly I haven't played it very much but whenever I eventually sell it it'll pay off
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