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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. greninja is part of the "IM GOING FOR THE SUICIDE DAIR CREW" when I random them and I regret nothing. He has some really cool footstool stuff and he's pretty fun to watch though. I wish he was more common, I think he's a pretty good character.
  2. I'll be gone all day saturday and most of Sunday this weekend, but other than that i'll be around. you're playing clarinets.
  3. % wise I think they actually do the same damage, but DDD's Fsmash kills sooner because its harder to kill off the top.
  4. stealing aura's format kind of also almost ragequit posting this becasue I deleted it when it was 80% done by accident I started playing Ganon in Brawl because he sucked and I was better than my friends and they'd ragequit if I played people I was actually good at, but when smash 4 came out, I took a liking to him. I also like EVIL characters by default too, which helped too. ganon is super fun but he sucks:
  5. it's when you get stuck under dreamland when trying to recover the stage bottom somewhat resembles a pineapple.
  6. I can't really play fox myself, but I really enjoy watching Larry Lurr play him. Fox is just so fast and has some really neat killsetups (and some super lame ones like fair -> footstool offstage) and I think he's a top 5 character, and he can only go up imo. Lots of super safe moves (especially bair).
  7. they're also usually among the first to promote in ranked runs since combat units aren't deployed every map, and they get to spam barrier/torch etc staves. Otherwise I can't see them promoting early.
  8. its come full circle EDIT: fyi euklyd googled that, i only searched "greek guy with huge wang"
  9. conquest lunatic is a pretty good challenge. I don't really know what to compare it with though, it's a different kind of difficulty compared to other games. It's definately harder than stuff like HHM though.
  10. Honestly just play FE5 after FE4, it feels weird bouncing back and forth between games, especially since you have to stop at a weird point in fe4 to continute the story. FE5 is kind of like a gaiden chapter of FE4 anyway (plotwise).
  11. Reptor is a totally fine boss, you actually get loads of units that can tank a hit and fight him pretty well if you actually use them (Briggid, Holyn, Jamka, Levin, Noish, Sigurd Titlyu etc), so if he great shields you like a dick you should have a bunch of options (Tiltyu is hilarious if you get her into wrath range beforehand because she'll just oneshot him). He's a big boy with a big weapon, it'd be a letdown if he ran at you with Elthunder or some dumb shit. The only dumb part is hauling their butts through the desert. He's actually a total joke though because he has shitty res and you can just silence or sleep him.
  12. tbh I was just sad you couldn't capture the 15HP berserker and 0 defence generals :(
  13. What do you think of ROB as a character?
  14. Screw the rules I have green hair the tournament starts today, played Raven
  15. duck hunt sucks i hate him why is he in smash rip wolf really though I know nothing about the character other than he's randomly placing well in japan right now and his animation for running off an edge is hilarious
  16. Part 3 of esam's list. I forgot about Robin, he seems kinda high IMO. Was kind of expecting falcon in this video too. oh ZeRo put his out too comments to come EDIT: Yoshi at 15 whaaaaaaat. DK and Luigi feel kind of high too imo.
  17. i mean his moves intentionally look silly for a reason but it's more that I have a negative vocabulary
  18. The only castles you have to capture in Chapter 6 are the upper right and lower left one.
  19. Literally it's only use is to pull it out against an opponent that shields too much to break their shield.
  20. donggggg He's one of my favourite video game characters so as a result i've played him a lot in smash. His pink alt is hilarious and he has one of if not the best taunt in the game. He has heavy problems, but they aren't as bad as other heavies since his air speed is actually very good. If his nair was a bit faster framewise he'd have a way to break up combos too (aside from Upb which does work, but is a bad idea against some characters). His tilts rule, as does bair and uair, and fair is hilarious if you actually get a spike with it. His specials honestly kind of suck outside of dong punch (which is crazy with rage), but they have their uses (and are really threatening to shields). Actually on second thought, upB can be hilarious because it can do a TON of damage if you hit with everything. His recovery actually isn't too bad if you're ok at timing the startup on spinning kong, and he can go super deep since it's horizontal distance is hilarious, but he dies to footstools which is depressing. I kind of wish he had a walljump, he's a fucking monkey. I honestly don't think he uses rage as well as some other heavies, his tilts bar utilt don't kill, and his smashes are slow and have kind of wonky hitboxes. Bthrow is cool with rage, but ding dong with enough rage just isn't happening if it isn't at a very specific %, in which case he gets a hilarious kill at 40% or something. My wishlist to make him more solid is a slightly faster nair, and spinning kong had the landing lag properties of the wind variation of the move.
  21. I will be extremely RUSTY but can definately be available for the 10th-13th
  22. What's the best way to handle projectiles with a slower character? I know it's inherently a weakness of said characters, but is the real only option walking and (power)shielding? Also, what's the best way to approach a projectile user hiding under something like a battlefield platform? I've had issues with getting lamed out by characters just hiding and throwing needles/metal blades/arrows and what not there a lot. For characters that struggle to land, is going to ledge a valid landing option?
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