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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. I do like Raven's idea of "pools" but I think random seeding within the pools would be a mistake though, if 4 out of the top say, 10 players were in one pool things would get kinda silly. Regardless I like the current format anyway. I don't think we needed to add Halberd as a stage though.
  2. I don't know if i'm in the minority here, but I actually think Birthright might be the most balanced game in the series. Hayato, Setsuna, and Mozu are the only real total stinkers (even then Setsuna and Hayato are somewhat salvageable... probably I've not used Hayato) and everyone else is pretty competant. People often cite Ryoma as being super OP but in reality he just overkills everything your other strong units like Kaze/Saizo/Corrin/Jakob etc kill anyway, and have been around longer. Conquest has more bad units (Nyx, Benny, Charlotte, even Laslow, Odin and Peri aren't that fantastic) and Camilla is just totally ridiculous. Voted FE4 for least balanced, I love the game and technically you can use everyone, but the game is so mount dominated it just leaves other units (even units that are good statistically like Jamka and Holyn) behind for most of the map, and most of the mounts in the game are strong enough to kill enemies anyway.
  3. i don't really get your gripe about bosses in gen2 (aside from maybe Chapter 7 Blume, if you don't earlypromote Celice he oneshots pretty much everyone). Ishtor has less than a 10% shot at activating continue (although I don't think it should work on siege tomes). Areone is one of the cooler bosses in the FE series imo (if only you actually had to defeat him instead of running past him), and while Alvis can be kind of a slog because of great shield, I think it's good with the narrative of the story (it'd be pretty anticlimactic if Celice could just goon him with the hero sword like the last 50 bosses). Julius/Ishtar in Chapter 10 is also really cool. Your units become so strong so quickly great shield doesn't even really matter in any fight aside from Alvis and the first Blume maybe (unless you fed Celice in which case he sucks). Celice also gives +20 hit to everyone, and most of the time you'll have two mounts that give another +10 each (you missed out on Laylea and the Hezul kids which kinda blows) and most of the strong bosskilling weapons (Killer Bow, Hero Sword, Mistoltin) are very accurate anyway.
  4. it was Mr. R playing Link, not a Link. He got 2-0'd very convincingly and switched back to sheik for the remainder of the set. Looks like he's looking for Rosa counterpicks but it didn't work out.
  5. I didn't mean to single you out, many people (myself included, I don't intend on stopping when we reach mario or sanic or anyone else I don't enjoy fighting) have expressed discontent on several characters, I was more reffering to what Jedi was saying, because it was stupid, you can't ask for opinions then say "don't do it". I don't care who people play, I was just saying "I think link is boring to play and play against", other people might have dissed link players with their posts but it really isn't that bad aside from like comet's post. i totally said pivot ftilt was good not entirely facetious
  6. don't know if you're talking about euklyd (i'm just assuming here because I know he's a link main) but literally not any different than any post regarding link here not trying to just single him out I just know he's a link main and definately isn't the only one who has "said screw this character I don't know anything". You asked for people's opinions, and they gave them, and now we're not allowed to give an opinion because we don't like the character? If said user doesn't feel like posting because other people don't like Link I don't really know what to say but threatening to boot people out of tournaments for expressing their opinon (you literally say "Opinions from other players and his mains" in your post) is pretty laughable.
  7. he put a space after them all, just hit backspace and they'll work
  8. boring character with boring playstyle, even though he's not particularly good he's just not fun to play against pivot ftilt is really good though
  9. if all random wins plz no palutena's temple or 75m they're like unplayable in 1v1 (especially if you like rando little mac on 75m or something, you just auto lose regardless of skill level) i mean its supposed to be a fun tournament but that just isn't fun
  10. Kirby's recovery really isn't very good. He has lots of jumps sure, but he's surprisingly easy to edgeguard. I don't actually play him enough to know anything about hit though, other than how annoying dtilt is.
  11. to be honest fe7 has a lot of pacing issues and pretty dull maps overall, I can the points there. The defence chapters are terrible.
  12. Dedede could never do that. The video is misleading, it's easy to DI out of Dedede's jab. Also I forgot to post this earlier to illustrate my earlier points: THere's a part 1 but I find part 2 says everything that part 1 does anyway.
  13. jedi you didn't post the real image I played DDD a lot in the 3ds days, and he's been nerfed quite a bit since then because gordo was a new move and people didn't realize you could hit them back or something, so in addition to his gordo being nerfed to shit, other moves like fair (minor nerf) and dthrow (huge nerf) got hit as well as the gordo, and in a recent patch (I forget if it was 1.1.4 or 1.1.5) his already worst-in-the-game airspeed got nerfed even more. I think he's the only character in the game that has recieved only nerfs and no buffs, and he was very mediocre at best to begin with, and i've totally dropped him now since he's just frustrating to play against a large majority of the cast.
  14. As a rule of thumb he'll pretty much always be decent at worst if you pass him down the pursuit ring (or just pair him with someone that has pursuit). I'd say Noish is his best dad provided he gets the pursuit ring, critical is a hilarious skill and Delmud's promoted class has a huge skill cap (and promotion gain) to take advantage of it. Beowulf, Fin and Alec are pretty good too, as is Levin, but he's better used elsewhere. Just avoid Claude and Holyn for dads, they don't work for him at all.
  15. puff sucks in a game where shields are strong, she has limited options against them, and isn't a ground based character to make use of hers in the first place. Another issue is whenever she trades (ie: very often) it's never in her favour since she's so light.
  16. It really is terrible. Survival is bad but i'll let it slide since it should be included, Funds is extremely flawed and misleading, Combat is probably impossible to fail, and Tactics is extremely lenient. Experience is probably the only mildly challenging rank. Not to mention the Hector mode chapter 0 requirement bugs and you can cheese the whole ranking system by arena abusing for like 40 turns in four fanged offence.
  17. voted for customs just so i can use windy kong does this mean i'm declared the winner of the other tournament? If so WORTH IT
  18. ike's fair is pretty broken everything really has been said already though. His recovery can fuck him sometimes.
  19. She's a good filler unit, her staff rank is really good. She's pretty bad at fighting though, her speed is ass. Staffbot/10.
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