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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. its says a lot about a character's moveset when they have literally no grab game but they're still among if not the best character in the game. Thankfully he doesn't make me salty so I don't care that much
  2. Second or thirding that we won't know what's good without actually playing stuff. That being said, i'm going on holidays tomorrow and won't be around for a good while.
  3. nah man ebola kills at the edges at like 75, Charizard needs like 95% and rage to kill off a BF platform Zard is more likely to have rage though I guess. Fly kinda blows as a kill option, people fall out of it really easily. Bair is hilarious when it sweetspots though
  4. how could you forget ebola back throw batter zard is fun, but he sucks his grabs are good and his jab is great, but other than that he's pretty bad. with enough rage you can cheese heavies/fastfallers with bthrow flareblitz and kill them at like 10% though, it's hilarious.
  5. falcon is way more deep than roy imo, he has some insane relevant footstool and jablock stuff, although it could just be the fact that nobody cares about roy, but I can't see him having anything as complicated. Falcon is also way more safe, you're generalizing them both a lot. Falcon's infinately better at edgeguarding too. https://clips.twitch.tv/smashstudios/UgliestWormBrokeBack there's no way roy can do that off a sheik fsmash (lol) punish It's like saying villager and link are similar because they both zone with projectiles and are slow (movement wise)
  6. Swordmaster Midia in FE11 can have over 100 avoid, doesn't mean it's going to happen (wrt to marisa comparison) FE4 is pretty dodgetank friendly too, if you get enemies down to 0 hit, they won't even attack you! Best tanking. But in all seriousness, the GBA games.
  7. I guess. I was thinking gameplay wise. THEY BOTH CANT KILL THOSE RED PIKMIN
  8. don't think falcon and roy are similar at all. Falcon is very combo heavy and explosive, while Roy is, uh, a character with a strong fsmash. The comparison ends after comparing their speed.
  9. I honestly think he has potential to do something better than he has so far, but I don't think his players have optimized him yet. ZeRo's a great player, but it says a lot when he enters an all falcon tournament and totally decimates everyone there (including Fatality). Recovery is an issue though. https://youtu.be/eqnT6EKhKXg?t=39m25s ZeRo and fatailty (along with the rest of the tournament) for those interested
  10. I'm pretty sure Fsmash is safe on shield, and Usmash isn't terrible, but dsmash is one of the worst in the game and all his smashes are incredibly punishable if they whiff. They're not his overlying issue though. If they fixed his dtilt so all the hits actually landed (it's very fast) it'd help, along with maybe some armour on his side b so he could go through some weak projectiles like an uncharged arrow or peanut instead of being knocked out of it by anything would help too. And some grab follow ups. His Bthrow does solid damage, but he has 0 followups out of throws in addition to an awful grab.
  11. Fair and Bair have pretty great range. I forgot about nair though, it's pretty balls. SideB is easy to read, and it starts like 90% of his combos, it's one of his biggest issue other than a garbage grab game and bad jab.
  12. a lot of his moves just don't work or have bad hitboxes (especially dtilt and jab) and he has a bad grab and loses really hard to shield. His projectiles are way too slow to be useful (unless you have time to set up a mechakoopa). He has some heavy duty combos but are really telegraphed. His aerials are decent I guess. Roy Koopa best koopa
  13. Eltshan doesn't attack Lachesis. Ardan/Tiltyu and Ardan/Briggid. If I can't vote for both do Beowulf/Briggid instead.
  14. Bowser's kind of weird. He's pretty fast for a heavy (even his airspeed isn't terrible like most heavies) and some decent moves, his jab is very good and he has stuff like a command grab, and a fantastic grab with decent follow ups at low/mid %'s, but he's juggled super easily and he doesn't have the best options in the air. Not to mention two great tools in bowsercide and his uthrow kill confirm were taken away from him for some reason. His recovery is very punishable too.
  15. as someone who plays a lot of golf and video games, it's easy to look at golf and just say "lol, they just swing and club and hit a ball", it really isn't the case. While I admit it's more mentally draining than physically draining (if you're in shape anyway) if you're playing at a tournament, you still need to maintain a consistently high level of balance when hitting the ball and there are other things just like walking up hills if you don't have a cart, hauling your bag around for 4+ hours, and there are other factors you have to take into account like weather (intense heat, wind and rain all make things a lot tougher). If you wanna look at the pros, sure they have caddies to carry their bags for them, but they still do a lot of core training off the course, Not discounting video games (or a specific one like melee) but there really isn't much of a comparison beyond the mental aspect. I'm sure most e-sports injuries are due to people not taking proper care of themselves and doing exercises to prevent said injuries too. There's no comparison to any sport on a physical level.
  16. I declare myself the winner since noone's played in almost a month.
  17. tbh the metaknight jumped into her combos more than once and didn't look like he knew how to DI them properly. I don't think she's trash but she's definately not a (major) tournament threat like she was before.
  18. I find the map easier if I don't use the dragon veins, although that might just be me. Anyway, most of the tougher promoted enemies can attack from two range, and you can bait them by putting Takumi at the edge of their movement range without putting him in danger (in particular he can take out the Malig Knight down south on turn 1) which makes the map a lot easier, and the Kinshi Knight up north can be dealt with similarly. The unpromoted enemies shouldn't pose as much of a problem. If you're having lots off issues, you can pretty much have Reina handle the entire bottom half of the map pretty easily, but this eats up a lot of exp.
  19. Just remembered this and wanted to run through conquest again, the old save file is long gone. My initial strat of COUNTER RYOMA and shove probably wasn't worth losing a bunch of turns early on to 1-2 range corrins, and apparently Ryoma won't even attack you if you wait in range anyway, so it nullified the whole plan anyway. Did +def/-lck ninja Prologue - 2/2 Yep. It's weird how Takumi sometimes spawns to the right of Corrin or below him/her. Chapter 1 - 4/6 turns beat up Xander. Got a decent level, no speed though. Chapter 2 - 3/9 turns WAR AND I GO WAY BACK (went up the right side) Chapter 3 - 5/14 turns This chapter is pretty dumb, ths boss is an asshat. I wish Gunter came with an Axe instead of a Lance. Chapter 4 - 6/20 turns Forced the boss to suicide on Ryoma on turn 5 Ep, after Rinkah tanked the strength seal. Chapter 5 - 4/24 turns Need Ryoma to do enough damage and not die so he can nuke a mage on NPC Phase 4. Chapter 6 - 2/26 turns Same strat as last time around. Chapter 7 - 9/35 turns For some reason, this was way easier than last time. Maybe i'm just more competant at the game, idk. Chapter 8 - 6/41 turns Could have 5 turned if Jakob dodged Kilma, but I wasn't going to rig that. He tonic'd up and more or less solo'd the map with Ninja Corrin pairup (Corrin has beyond awful strength, at least Ninja gives move on pairup). Did this map first because Corrin did 3 damage to the faceless in Mozu's map, and I need, uh poison strike. Chapter Mozu - 6/48 turns I'm pretty sure this is the only time Poison strike will ever save turns Jacob went left and killed ORKO'd a bunch of faceless, and then with the help of poison strike, Corrin killed the boss on turn 4 Player phase while Jakob started heading south. She paired up with him and they finished the deed down south. Effie solo'd the right side of the map. Chapter 9 - 7/55 turns Got Rescue with Azura's chest key. Jakob is a lot better this time around so things are a bit easier. totally broke, probably will sell Fimbulvetr. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL CORRIN NINJA 12.54 24 09 05 17 19 07 15 06 D SHURIKEN JAKOB BUTLER ??/12.56 25 13 07 20 14 13 11 09 C SHURIKEN D STAFF EFFIE KNIGHT 11.89 23 17 00 10 08 14 17 05 C LANCE NYX DARK MAGE 11.11 21 01 14 05 13 04 04 09 C TOME Chapter 10 - 11/66 turns Niles and Selena were freebies. Nyx solo'd the right side with the occasional vulnerary, and everyone else just hung out around the middle, Corrin still failed to get strength. She's like Kaze but instead of Res she has Defence. I think i'll do Dwyer's paralogue now for some exp and another unit.
  20. yeah even though i hate bayonetta, i'd rather have seen her be untouched and got some buffs on some losers like ddd and shulk.
  21. thats literally the least of ddd's worries, he has hitboxes that just don't work (dtilt, usmash) no aerial mobility (why did it get nerfed last patch) and no kill options that aren't ridiculously slow. Regardless I'm guessing this is probably the last patch. They probably only touched bayonetta since she came out so recently.
  22. Imo Lunatic Birthright is still easier than Hard Conquest. I didn't really notice a difference in Birthright Lunatic and Birthright Hard until Camilla's last chapter onwards. Honestly I don't find the gap between conquest hard and lunatic to be that huge either, but maybe it's just because i've got used to the mechanics a little more.
  23. and sharlow is hilarious i'm like 90% sure fury won't attack Levin (although her squad will, but you might as well kill them for more exp anyway) Chapter 2 really isn't that bad (gameplay wise), it's pretty obvious where you're always going to have to go next, just leave you non mounts by Nodion so you don't have to move them. People really don't get FE4's not actually that bad on unmounted units since the warp staff is so easily accessible and there is occasional backtracking that follows a clear route so you can at least set them up to do something, unlike other games where they just permanently fall behind.
  24. Leaf definately wants a better weapon than the Hero Axe.
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