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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Man, its great when generics contribute more to a run than a lot of your playable units
  2. I like watching melee more but i'm too terrible at it to enjoy playing it more than smash 4
  3. Yeah, it's .smc. I got it wrong too many times in my initial post and confused myself, haha.
  4. I'm not 100% sure (i've had no trouble editing unit in the past), but the problem could be the rom you have. Try to see if you can find the .srm version of the rom. I'm not sure what you've edited, but some of the other numbers look kinda weird. EDIT: typo, you have the .sfc, try to find the .srm.
  5. 1, Yeah, timeframes rooled. This tournament has had little to no problems. 2. I think Halberd could be a counterpick. I like the stage personally 3. I like G@W Hammer because it's like a lagtest as well 4. PMU would be pretty funny, as would customs. 5. Da Rules are cool. Disagree on Elie wrt to Dreamland, if we ban a dlc stage, we'd have to ban DLC characters. Dreamland is just a bigger battlefield anyway. 6. After the other tournament is done? I forget when it's scheduled to be finished.
  6. Elie and I were gonna play tomorrow, but I likely have some last minute company coming so I'll be unable to play then. Is it ok we play Sunday (if Elie can)?
  7. first four of my duels are here: refa and I have been playing ROCK ROCK ROCK for half an hour yet, noone is bending
  8. defeated Jedi 2-0, I'm gonna upload all my replays thus far now
  9. beat carmine 2-0, the first game was hilarious, there were 20 turns of thousand eyes restrict getting walled by the almighty mystic tomato I've saved all my replays, i'll upload them later once i find out how they work
  10. Yeah, I don't really get it either tbh, i've always joined the games. What's your username? Try hosting (make sure to set the banlist to N/A and the game mode to set) and i'll find you on the AMERICAN server alternatively we could raid ip chat and figure things out there
  11. terra beat me 2-0 I can play if you want Carmine, my username is BANDITKEITH, i've hosted a game with the password: 2
  12. those are correct (except limited cards, you only get one) also horacebot uses rush recklessly as soon as he draws it, even if its on an enemy monster
  13. lost to SRC horribly thanks to drawing every single non 4 star monster in my deck consecutively and getting beat down by SLATE WARRIOR 2-0. I uh, saved the replays too but I don't know how they work really.
  14. my deck is the BEST and i'm ready to beat you all down with hungry burger i'm free in the evenings MST, just post here or PM me when you wanna DUEL i'm using https://www.ygopro.co/ that as a means to duel since dueling network is lame or something EDIT: Hopefully Terrador doesn't take my SUPER LAME cards i used as filler
  15. i tested my deck earlier, and with the program I was using you can fight your own deck, Horacebot used Magic Jammer on its own upstart goblin to discard Jinzo to monster Reborn Jinzo to sacrifice it for hungry burger I approved of it so much
  16. tbh the only one i was legitimately salty about was mystic plasma zone, it would have made my deck soooo good, i could have beat everyone down with 1900 attack tomatoes i didn't expect to get judgement and senju was more of a joke to make burger easier
  17. I'm still trying to block out the mental anguish I felt from when you took cyber jar
  18. Nah, CR, Jedi, and whoever picked first (i already forget) still have to pick, then you get to. I'm pretty sure CR FORGOT though, it's been a few days.
  19. he can theoretically have... 35 str berserker + 6 statboosters + 2 tonic + 8 rallies + 5 axefaire + 6 A Assassin!Flavia support + 1 A Axes + 12 Brave Axe + 5MT Forge does 16 damage a hit. Plus you can dance and stuff. This is all theoretical though. Brave bow is probably better anyway since Pavise won't proc at all. I'm guessing Robin will get Rally Spectrum so he'd double as a GK anyway, that's probably your best bet.
  20. berserker basilio with the same boosts (the tear and energy drops) totally trucks him with a brave axe. He almost ORKO's without Dual strikes. Alternatively he can also brave bow him as a warrior for less damage (he loses axefaire and 1 strength) but ignores pavise. You can even reclass him to Great Knight and fish for Luna procs off of 30 base skill. The more important part is that Basilio actually can use the stat boosters in other chapters unlike Chrom.
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