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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 3 VS Effie @Tomahawk attacks Ryoma @Dual Katana! 37 damage, 65% hit, 0% crit (67) (71. 78) Effie misses! Nintales' turn. NINTALES QUINTESSENCE HANA 45/45 CORRIN 50/50 RYOMA 13/55 FELICIA 50/50 CAMILLA 60/60 ELISE 45/45 LUZ 60/60 ARTHUR 00/70 SETSUNA 55/55 EFFIE 70/70
  2. TURN 2 Setsuna's AMATERASU heals Ryoma for 11 HP (15/55) VS 24 damage, 100% hit, 34% crit (15) YOU DIE, NOW! Ryoma's ASTRA activates! (41) crit Arthur takes 12 damage! (58/70) (35) Arthur takes 12 damage! (46/70) (30) Arthur takes 36 damage! (10/70) (44) Arthur falls! Quint's turn. NINTALES QUINTESSENCE HANA 45/45 CORRIN 50/50 RYOMA 15/55 FELICIA 50/50 CAMILLA 60/60 ELISE 45/45 LUZ 60/60 ARTHUR 00/70 SETSUNA 55/55 EFFIE 70/70
  3. Oh, hang on Ryoma should have SOME damage fsr I thought armoured blow was -15 instead of -10. Maybe because it's a level 15 skill. Regardless he still missed and nothing changed.
  4. TURN 1 VS Arthur @Dual Club attacks Ryoma @Rajinto! 41 damage, 86% hit, 43% crit (3) FOR JUSTIIIIIICE! Arthur's LUNA activates! (69, 75, 54) Ryoma takes 53 damage! (2/55) Ryoma counters! 3 damage, 48% hit, 29% crit (66) (64, 99) Ryoma misses! Nintales' turn. NINTALES QUINTESSENCE HANA 45/45 CORRIN 50/50 RYOMA 02/55 FELICIA 50/50 CAMILLA 60/60 ELISE 45/45 LUZ 60/60 ARTHUR 70/70 SETSUNA 55/55 EFFIE 70/70
  5. All non kid units legal, Killers, 0g non royal weapons (sans Omega Yato) and Brave banned. TEAM NINTALES vs TEAM QUINTESSENCE! NAME CLASS HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRT CRIT EVADE HANA ONMYOJI 45 26 33 32 34 26 22 32 61 64 14 13 RYOMA SWORDMASTER 55 31 28 34 36 34 25 29 68 81 25 17 CAMILLA WYVERN LORD 60 34 24 34 30 26 36 26 64 58 15 13 LUZ SPEAR MASTER 60 36 22 37 31 29 32 28 70 61 26 24 SETSUNA SNIPER 55 31 25 36 36 29 30 27 78 68 26 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CORRIN SORCERER 50 24 38 26 31 23 29 35 55 58 21 16 FELICIA MAID 50 26 33 33 34 32 28 30 65 67 14 16 ELISE STRATEGIST 45 24 36 26 32 34 22 33 56 65 11 17 ARTHUR BERSERKER 70 41 25 35 33 22 28 24 63 60 35 06 EFFIE GENERAL 70 41 25 31 26 32 39 29 62 55 12 16 Quintessence is first to act!
  6. You don't have any potraits of Arthur in the resource thread, you MONSTER
  7. http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe14/formulas.htm everything is there. (skill-4)/2
  8. Er, that's what I meant to say, I just worded it poorly. It has to be one range though, so having bows+heartseeker is useless unless it's a one range bow.
  9. Carmine picks Harpie's Feather Duster and Solemn Judgement
  10. espinosa wants it to affect the whole team (which I don't agree with) but Jakob/Felicia/Gunter/Corn don't do anything since there aren't any supports. Elise and Camilla apparently affect the whole team, along with Demoiselle and Gentilhomme. Stuff like Heartseeker only works if that unit initiates combat though.
  11. If supports were introduced, Nohrian trust would definately be banned anyway. Also remember that for the purpose of this match, no partner/friendship seals are assumed.
  12. Nohrian trust does nothing since there are no supports (yet, I think they should be implemented later, the bonuses anyway, not dual strikes) i am host
  13. if you have any entrap/freeze staff left it ruins the whole formation too.
  14. I like the idea of lumping seals/skill procs/etc all together as opposed to alphabetical. Having names on both sides would be nice, yeah.
  15. It'd be better if you could highlight characters, it gets tougher to read the farther right you move. Demoiselle and Genilhomme are lumped together right?
  16. Uh, sure. Go nuts with statues Corn and Jakob went left right away and ORKO'd everything (str/spd tonic), allowing Silas/Elise/Arthur to run away that way. Seperated Corn/Jakob when they returned to the middle, Effie tanked the pairedup speed seal dude, and Jakob shuriken'd him allowing Effie to finish, and Corn ORKO'd the other one. Effie EP'd two dudes left up top on turn 8 and finished on turn 9 (she got strength at some point in the chapter so she 2hko'd the leftover dudes up top, and Corn ORKO'd the dude near the boss and then killed the boss over the course of two turns with Jakob's help. The middle is kind of fuzzy but it involved Jakob not getting attacked and Corn not getting speed seal'd while doing most of the EP stuff.
  17. yeah, i mean, there are enough cards i've no problems
  18. Go ahead! I'm not a huge fan of the game so I wasn't going to regardless.
  19. It's SRC's turn I hope he steals it from you now. IT WAS MAGICIAN OF FAITH STEAL IT STEAL IT STEAL IT
  20. NO I WANTED CYBER JAR AND RAIGEKI Well if I can't have fun neither can you guys I take Jinzo.
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