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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. It was just the practice Katana boost. Charlotte has 65 + 60 (125 hit) versus Ryoma's 70 + 15 WTA (85 avoid) for 40 avoid. I used S swords in my initial calculation which is why I did the move in the first place. Darting blow doesn't give avoid.
  2. Nope. You forgot to add the 5 speed from the practice Katana on Ryoma's avoid, it actually gives +5 speed, not just 5 follow up attack speed, so it gives avoid. Man Swordmaster Ryoma is a lot better, I failed to take mods into account when I made him an MoA.
  3. I'm very confused about those hitrates. Namely Charlottes, i'm getting 35 hit. @Nintales there are skills that increase attack speed on player phase.
  4. -4 MT - 10 hit Wasn't on the list, so I rolled with it. I don't think as many skills need to be banned in this meta, except life or death and DLC stuff. Counter might not even be that bad since it doesn't work on player phase.
  5. Taken like a true thwomp. Ryoma Practice Katana's Charlotte.
  6. dammit there's so much stuff to keep track of, i was like SHE WONT LOSE ANYTHING BECAUSE THE SHURIKENS MISSED
  7. TURN 7 Selena's AMATERASU heals Maize by 13 (43/65) VS Selena @Silver Sword attacks Kaze @Dual Shuriken! Kaze's VANTAGE activates! 3 damage, 0% hit (lol), w/e crit (78) Kaze misses! Selena retaliates! 23 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (73) Kaze takes 23 damage! (2/55) Kaze attacks again and misses. Jedi's turn. Kaze doesn't magically take more damage because he has an S rank in shurikens! Selena only gets the A rank bonus twice, so 1+1 damage instead of 2+2. The chart works like this: If you're facing someone with an S rank weapon and you have, say B rank and WTA, you get the B rank bonus for attacking, and when attacked, they lose the B ranke bonus when defending. If you have E swords you don't magically gain 20 hit and 2 damage for attacking someone with S Axes! JEDI CARMINE KAZE 02/55 MAIZE 43/65 (-5 res) HINOKA 60/60 (-2 str/skl) SILAS RIP SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 (-2 str/skl) RYOMA DEAD LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  8. TURN 6 VS Hinoka @Silver Naginata attacks Silas @Crescent Bow! 29 damage, 63 hit, 9% crit (10) Hinoka's REND HEAVEN activates! CLEAR THE WAY! (68, 17, 58) Silas falls, like the chump he his. Hinoka's str/skill are reduced by 2. Carmine's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE 25/55 MAIZE 30/65 (-5 res) HINOKA 60/60 (-2 str/skl) SILAS RIP SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA DEAD LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  9. Forgot Silas's Aegis. Fixing that then Jedi can choose a potentially different move. I'm gonna take a break and watch hockey. It's all fixed now.
  10. TURN 5 Selena's AMATERASU heals Maize by 13 HP (30/65) VS Silas @Crescent Bow attacks Kaze @ Dual Shuriken! 9x2 damage, 67% hit, 0% crit (54) (61, 38) Kaze takes 9 damage! (46/55) (2) ONE OF SILAS'S CRIT QUOTES! Silas activates LUNA! (77, 42) Kaze takes 21 damage! (25/55) Kaze counters! 7 damage, 74% hit, 12 crit (54) (32, 92, 19) (59) Silas takes 7 damage! (48/55) Kaze doubles! (4) THE PAIN WILL PASS! Kaze's ASTRA activates! (2, 42, 84) (23) Silas's AEGIS activates! Silas takes 1 damage! (47/55) (79, 26, 98) (19) Silas's AEGIS activates! Silas takes 1 damage! (46/55) (7, 68, 55) (59) Silas takes 3 damage! (43/55) (59, 16, 6) (67) Silas takes 9 damage! (34/55) (58, 59, 1) (64) Silas takes 9 damage! (25/55) Silas's Strength is halved, along with his strength/magic being reduced by 2, and defence and resistance by 4. I forgot to mention last round, Maize's res is reduced by 6 by Hayato's RESISTANCE SEAL JEDI CARMINE KAZE 25/55 MAIZE 30/65 (-1 str/skl, -6 res) HINOKA 60/60 SILAS 25/55 (str -17, mag -2, def/res -4) SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA DEAD LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  11. TURN 4? VS Hayato @Calamity Gate attacks Maize @Silver Lance! 12 damage, 100% hit, 21% crit (72) (87) crit Maize takes 12 damage! (17/65) Maize counters! 9 damage, 41% hit, 0% crit (50) (76) (22, 91) Miss! Carmine's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE 55/55 MAIZE 17/65 (-1 str/skl) HINOKA 60/60 SILAS 55/55 SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA DEAD LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  12. Yeah, Axe Splitter had 3 MT. Ryoma just does a lot of damage, + Hinoka Aura.
  13. TURN 3 VS Maize @Silver Lance attacks Ryoma @Axe Splitter! Ryoma's VANTAGE activates! 13 damage, 84% hit, 8% crit (22) Ryoma's ASTRA activates! YOU DIE, NOW! (98, 71) Ryoma misses! (14, 24, 52) Maize takes 6 damage! (59/65) (49, 41, 6) Maize takes 18 damage! (41/65) (41, 51, 46) Maize takes 6 damage! (35/65) (25, 20, 80) Maize takes 6 damage! (29/65) Maize counters! 28 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (35) Maize's DRAGON FANG activates! CREAM OF THE CROP! Ryoma falls. Jedi's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE 55/55 MAIZE 29/65 (-2 str/skl) HINOKA 60/60 SILAS 55/55 SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA DEAD LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  14. TURN 2 VS Ryoma @Axe Splitter attacks Beruka @Killer Axe! 40 damage, 69% hit, 18% crit (87) (52, 12, 25) Beruka takes 40 damage! (30/70) Beruka counters! 31 damage, 56% hit, 43% crit (22, 25, 52) Ryoma takes 31 damage! (24/55) Ryoma doubles! 40 damage, 69% hit, 18% crit (64) (10, 34, 30) Beruka falls! Carmine's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE 55/55 MAIZE 65/65 HINOKA 60/60 SILAS 55/55 SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA 24/55 LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA RIP
  15. TURN 1 VS Beruka @Killer Axe attacks Setsuna @Dual Yumi! 33 damage, 75% hit, 46% crit (75, 64, 32) TIME TO PLAY! What a balanced weapon. Setsuna falls. Jedi's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE 55/55 MAIZE 65/65 HINOKA 60/60 SILAS 55/55 SETSUNA DEAD SELENA 60/60 RYOMA 55/55 LASLOW 55/55 HAYATO 60/60 BERUKA 70/70 Everything should be up in the OP now too.
  16. jedi has banned weapons no S ranks please fix I had to go get da pizza too. I haven't even started eating yet. enough of the stats are there to make a move in the OP now
  17. i'm in a rush to FETCH PIZZA so i'll make this prettier when I get back. TEAM JEDI vs TEAM CARMINE SWORD Carmine's Corn is female. I'm too lazy to post stats for now because I don't have time to calc hit/avo/crit so I'll just leave it here for now (76) Carmine goes first! But not before I eat my pizza. UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT C.AVO MASTER NINJA!KAZE 55 25 25 37 38 26 25 35 73 75 21 18 SPEAR MASTER!HINOKA 60 35 24 32 33 29 29 30 62 64 24 24 SNIPER!SETSUNA 55 31 25 36 36 29 30 29 78 68 26 14 SWORDMASTER!RYOMA 55 31 28 34 36 34 25 29 68 81 25 17 ONICHAN!HAYATO 60 34 29 24 32 25 35 30 48 60 10 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASARA!MAIZE 65 30 29 32 35 34 30 32 65 69 14 17 BOW KNIGHT!SILAS 55 30 25 34 33 29 27 31 65 64 15 14 HERO!SELENA 60 31 25 34 34 31 31 27 66 66 15 15 MASTER NINJA!LASLOW 55 28 25 37 34 29 25 33 75 70 21 19 BERSERKER!BERUKA 70 39 25 34 31 25 29 24 63 59 35 07
  18. hilarious any attack that brings him below 50% is countered by triple threat, be it from half HP, or when he's already below 50% HP. Camilla takes 13 damage. Yeah, like resolve.
  19. also triple threat should activate, despite the wording in the skill description, it activates when Hinata is knocked below 50% HP.
  20. I'm getting 2-6 more damage dealt, depending on Charlotte's skills. I think you forgot weapon triangle personally (you get + 20 hit and 2 damage with wta and S rank) edit: you definately forgot weapon triangle since he should have 100 hit.
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