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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. That simplifies things. Yeah, he's still decent for the first half of the game as a butler, but as a Pally/GK he's on a whole other level. He's like FE7 Marcus with no weapon ranks, but good growths and an insane exp gain.
  2. I thought about forcing Male Corrin, but I dunno what people think about that. Strategist Felicia is decent but has like 2? base defence and isn't on the same level. I think i'm gonna put a conquest draft up once I finish the last few chapters of the birthright one.
  3. I might do it later today. Still trying to will myself to finish revelation despite how awful it is. If anyone else wants to play Nintales they probably can, Jedi's taken a realllly long time to make a team.
  4. Snipers get the +40 hit skill too, and there's a bow with 120 hit. If i hadn't used Joke!Ass Sama I probably would have used Setsuna.
  5. oh man, i just assumed you were running heartseeker. thanks for never proc'ing astra all game, you chump. Between him and Ryoma I was 0/11 :( GG!
  6. Batter and I just used IP chat on site here last tournament, it worked alright if people aren't into skype/pms are too slow. Are we getting a bracket on the 18th or in the next couple of days?
  7. i vote you save all your boosters for G O L D S Q A D I Z A N A
  8. /in i'm pretty busy around easter but most people will be anyway so I shouldn't hold things up. We should figure out a way to determine the first stage of a set though other than just figure it out. For someone who doesn't go to tournaments IRL, I don't really know a solution, how is it usually done? EDIT: Oh, NNID: WAKKAWAKKAWAKKA
  9. Yeah, that's a good point. Banning Jakob from reclassing (at least until a certain chapter anyway) is in order for Birthright at least, he invalidates most of the early draftees. Corrin probably restricted to unmounted classes only.
  10. Shura doesn't have any seals or anything. Can't see him being particularly threatening with his passive.
  11. Braves are stupid, stick them on Corrin and you instantly kill someone with the right build. Wary Fighter might need a ban if we ban killers and braves though, thwomps are pretty tough to crack otherwise. We can probably phase in 0g weapons, offence isn't a problem in fates, Braves/Killers are just (potential) instagibs.
  12. deadlines are nice and all but from what I understood it was more the issue that the players just didn't contact each other for a week or so. It's ultimately up to the players to get their games done, especially in an online tournament environment. not saying deadlines should be layed out (they should) but don't bother join if you're going to be unable to play or meet any deadlines in the first place. Tournament size isn't an issue if people don't have to wait two weeks to play a match. ban bayonetta
  13. Nah, throw everyone in there for now. If someone ends up being supremely broken we can sort that out later. Flora has mediocre mods and pretty good skills, but I doubt she's bannable
  14. I hope it was obvoius when I said it, but when I said all characters, I meant all characters excluding kids.
  15. It's not like Shurikens or daggers though. In addition to reducing more stats, you don't even have to hit them with a weapon or anything. Using your example of Sniper!Corn, they could attack someone, face no counter, be attacked without countering, and by turn 2 you'd have the enemy team crippled. You can use stuff like Shurikenbreaker and WTA to avoid Shurikens, and they're extremely weak with WTD.
  16. The only other skill that isn't currently banned that might need to get banned is draconic hex. What do people think? ORKO's are hard to come by and -4 to all stats is devestating.
  17. I personally think you guys should try a match with all characters avaliable, with banned Killer weapons (and Great Club) and banned Braves. Or at least allow one character each with 3 class sets. I can host if you want.
  18. the math checks out Hinoka dies and Carmine Sword wins!
  19. Just tested with Ragnorok, you get the debuff when you miss with that, I assume Silver Weapons are the same. I think anyone can deny that Killers should be banned. Braves are pretty strong too after debuffs and the like.
  20. TURN 16? VS Hinoka @Silver Naginata attacks Laslow @Silver Dagger! 37 damage, 94% hit, 10% crit (85) (46, 9, 94) Laslow falls. Carmine's turn. JEDI CARMINE KAZE DEAD MAIZE 53/65 (-3 res) HINOKA 31/60 (-2 str/skl-3 spd/def/res) SILAS RIP SETSUNA DEAD SELENA RIP RYOMA DEAD LASLOW RIP HAYATO DEAD BERUKA RIP
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