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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. NO stoopid ass sama Hinata Silver Katana da sniper. edit: holy shit nohr gets killers and braves? the fuck
  2. Lifetaker works with Magical weapons. Its only proc skills (and crits)
  3. Magic can activate skills, just not E ranks or Nosferatu, can't they? They definately can enemy Hayato has Luna. EDIT misread
  4. Well, i'll use him for sure and we'll see what happens from there. Can I have all our rules in one post, i've lost track, lol.
  5. Ryoma also counters everything. He also gains +4 strength on his cap, so all his weapons have +4 MT. He also has good mods.
  6. Both routes have strong weapons, Nohr has killers. I'm all for including both route weapons.
  7. Forges are banned aren't they? Uh, I guess we'll try without any weapon bans. You do realize Rajinto is only one less might than Omega Yato, with 1-2 range right?
  8. I assume so, only he and I have offered to host. Are any skills banned? I don't wanna face a team full of renewal and Amaterasu
  9. Yeah, I don't imagine fighting Ryoma would be very fun for you. I'll make a team here and send it off before I sleep. Anything worth 0g banned for now. They'll probably be unbanned later but this just simplifies things. Wait, are any skills banned?
  10. Follow up attack speed means you get +5 speed when attacking. The enemy gets +5 speed when attacking you. But a likely scenerio is you just flat out kill someone then you maybe die in return. Can we ban all weapons worth 0g? The prfs are OP and the other weapons are hard to keep track of. No forging right?
  11. I personally think you should be able to use any weapon regardless of route, although there are really strong weapons on both routes. There's also stuff like getting like, some Nohr weapons in Hoshido, and vice versa. I think all 0g weapons should be banned (for now) though. Some of the S rank weapons (especially the bow...) are ridiculous.
  12. I'm here to criticize, you should remove the useless LA skills like lunge. I'd make a Broshido team to be your opponent, Nintails. Uh, what are the restrictions?
  13. I'm down with banning Amateresu, it's stupid. the even/odd turn ones are just worse renewals if you count each players move as 1 turn. Dragonstones kinda suck, so, that one should be ok, and is in kids meta (which is going to be ridiculous regardless). Reina's is fine, it's just a crappy lifetaker. Renewal might need a ban? I dunno. Just tested, Vantage does indeed activate at 50% HP. No idea on skill activation order. I'd imagine old skills are still the same order (my xander with Sol and Luna definately activated Sol a lot more) Rend heaven I imagine would be down with Vengeance since it has a higher proc rate (that's what awakening was sorted by) and Dragon Fang would be between Aether/Astra and Sol/Luna.. I'd guess the order is Lethality > Astra > Dragonfang > Sol > Luna > Rend Heaven/Vengeance (they have the same proc rate now) Voice of peace, Maelific aura and mistfourtune could be treated as if teams were facing each other, directly next to each other? So the enemies across from Azura/Arthur/magic dude and each enemy on either side would be affected? so like 12345 67A89 if A was unit with said skill 234 would be affected Fearsome blow should do nothing, Hana won't be next to any enemies. Savage Blow and Pyrotechnics should be self explanatory, each enemy on either side of the one attacked takes damage. if there's a dead dude (marked by X) it doesn't hit the next unit over, since there's a space in the formation. 123X4 56S78 So the abilities would only affect enemies 2 and 3. Also quint I posted all the hit/avo formulas further up the page. S ranks give extra bonuses.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=61231
  15. It's also pretty clear that this game doesn't use the old 2RN system (unlikely that it's 1RN either) so I don't know how we'd go about calculating hits for now either.
  16. based fewod http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe14/formulas.htm Do multiple Inspirations stack?
  17. There's stuff like weapon rank bonuses and even weapon triangle bonuses based on weapon rank that people (I assume) don't know yet. It's a bit early to try this I guess? You'd think someone would have figured it out somewhere by now, but I can't find it.
  18. I didn't agree on how they worked in the first place, and demoiselle again affected more than adjacent allies.
  19. Elise's skill is not like Hex though. Hex only provided bonuses for the user. I still think it would be cool if ordering your team actually mattered, but meh. I know crit evade is definately different, 2 points of luck provides 1 point of crit evade.
  20. I think it should be different. Elise's only affects adjacent allies, and Anathema had a 3 tile radius. Also how should we treat stuff like WE'VE GOT TROUBLE'S personal skill? Do they do nothing, or do the bonuses exist if Corn is alive for the purpose of link arena? Do allies adjacent to Kaze have a chance of being saved by Miraculous save? I think it would add some more depth to the meta personally but it also complicates things a bit. also can we capture enemies with orochi and use them against the enemy
  21. Sol isn't even a very good skill, I don't see how it's a problem. Hitting people is a lot easier too. Plus you can do EVIL NINJA POISON DAMAGE even if you miss, and stack it with more evil poison damage to do like -60% HP without even hitting someone. Only matters in kids meta though. I'm a sucker for link arena even though I said I wouldn't be interested in hosting I can do a game if people wanted. I just uh, don't actually know the calculations for this game. How are aura's like Elise's treated? Does this mean it matters what order your units are in and only adjacent allies get her aura? Also interested in making a hilariously bad team, if there are any takers.
  22. Why not crit with Fiora then just hit with Marcus? Would be easier to rig Marcus's level that way too.
  23. I can see why it's kind of annoying for people who like grinding for skills and care about postgame content, but for someone who would rather just play the story chapters, I think the seal system as a whole is a godsend. Being able to change from promoted class to promoted class regardless of level is a godsend.
  24. I see. Do you ever intentionally avoid gaining HP/Def/Res for AI manipulation? Or is it just not needed when pretty much everyone has good offence?
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