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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Master axes are terrible, they have 55 hit and are only accessible lategame where enemy leadership stars are very real. Master weapons in general are pretty bad. Killers are good but very rare. Steel axes have similar hit problems to Master axes.
  2. Obviously the Pugi and Brave axe are very good, but beyond that they're pretty awful.
  3. I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about Thracia gates and how bullshit they are. Looking forward to chapter 3.
  4. i'm no expert but i'm guessing people were just bad and lightning kick is honestly ridiculously strong and not that hard to hit (before all the movement options were discovered anyway) EDIT: TAKE THAT JEDI I guess she was like Bowser in 3ds when people thought he was good for some reason.
  5. I mean, i'm one person (not even in the tournament anymore). I think it might be a good idea to hear other people's idea's, but i'm sure they'll agree with me because i'm always right.
  6. I think the more likely scenerio is HOW THE HECK TO I PLAY THIS CHARACTER other characters are getting patched too, and the way they play might be changed (like bowser getting his kill throw combo last patch or something), so I don't see an issue with letting the newcomers in.
  7. if you're banning the characters ban the stage (for this tournament) imo they don't need to be banned, I doubt anyone will play them anyway.
  8. Her HP growth's actually 60%, so it's not that unlikely. I'm too lazy to do the math but it's more like ~7.5% since her holy blood also boosts strength, skill and luck. Someone like Fury or Sylvia however... In the first generation, if you don't have major Holy Blood, you don't have good growths (with a few exceptions)
  9. i honestly think she took the joke character title from pichu and ran with it, forgot to add that to what little I said earlier at least (s)he's funny
  10. http://serenesforest.net/shadow-dragon/miscellaneous/online-shop doubt you could hack the shop into the game, you could hack items you need into someones inventory and then buy a bunch of iron weapons in the pre chapter shop that equaled the value bought in the online shop
  11. I just looked into it, and I actually can't figure out what's wrong, all the classes should be promoting regularly, so i'm not actually sure what's up. Maybe for the sake of the draft, just make her unable to promote until Ephraim normally would via the story event.
  12. Sorry I was a bit late, neighbor couldn't get into their driveway so I went out and helped shovel snow.
  13. for glory has potential to be not that awful really, the biggest gripe I have with it is only one stage, I wish it roted through stuff like at least battlefield and smashville. The best player i've every played against was on for glory (and i've played against some pretty good people here on site, including PKL), It's not hard to leave and find someone new if they're not a challenge/too good/not fun to play with. It's really quite nice the feature exists for those who don't have others to play with.
  14. That's..... Interesting, but I think I know the problem, I was messing around with making Syrene and Amelia unpromoteable and must have forgotten to change a couple things back. I could put out a fix patch when I get off work.
  15. GG's, games were fun! I'm done in about 10 minutes myself anyhow. EDIT: went out like a buster there I need another game to redeem myself
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