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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Yeah, Michalis living in the first place after FE1/11 was pretty weird, and then him just randomly dying after giving you starlight was pretty weird anyway, I think it's cool they included him. I'm more dubious about characters like Leidan, Belf, Malice. Dice etc who are just like YEAH WE'RE HERE TOO.
  2. Myrrh doesn't double them (her reaching 10 speed by that point is never going to happen) and she can only attack one of them on player phase 3. Saleh's needed for the other peak bandits, and needs to be rescue dropped by Syrene/Innes, leaving Knoll and Rennac to fight the other remaning bandits (which shouldn't be too bad, Rennac doubles) I guess you could rig a crit with Myrrh but her nerfed dragonstone doesn't have much crit.
  3. It's ok, you might have forced me to taunt in neutral in the second two games because I had little excuse to and this way I'm still in the lead for tournament taunts
  4. Batter beat me 2-1, dong can't projectiles, gg's! Sent ALL the replays to Jedi, although they weren't pretty
  5. NO MOLDORM IS EVIL I've done up to chapter 3, here's chapter 1 and the rest of the videos are in the ensuing playlist. https://youtu.be/1iFyOS-qer0?list=PLHhXqU1iGb03pPm0IKUAazTREYDzyVyvC Prologue - 1/1 turn Chapter 1 - 3/4 turns Chapter 2 - 4/8 turns Chapter 3 - 3/11 turns.
  6. SHIN SO BAD I'm available to play tonight if you're around, my timezone's MST, i'm good to go most weeknights around 7-8.
  7. my goal isn't winning, it's having the most taunts is the true victory for me i mean no ill will with them DK's taunt is just hilarious
  8. oh god not ice's zss so scary :( the backslash kill in the first game by carmine was the best
  9. yeah, i'd be ok with just a buffed grab. At least he can sometimes get a read out of downthrow or a free 13% of fthrow.
  10. I more mean if he had extra grab range or just a better grab in general so he could like actually grab people with something other than flame choke
  11. ganondorfs grab is literally the worst thing ever for no reason he doesn't even get anything that good off it it makes me mad
  12. you can burn 0 rn's in the prologue and get a 1 turn, the game just sets it up for you. Worth it?
  13. I've already made it farther than Shin will, I won 2-0, gg's to Power Master! I was a chump and forgot to save the game 2 replay, I two stocked his Mario with THE DORF
  14. Pretty sure you can kill the dark mage without killing the fighter on an enemy phase? I forget what fighters move on the map. Regardless i'm planning on doing videos for this run so i'll show it then since I don't have Forde or Tana. And yeah you're right, you can 5 turn. I thought Forde spawned in Kyle's spot and Tana couldn't drop without getting killed by an archer until I actually looked at the map. But yeah, Orson penalties exist.
  15. You can 7 turn with just Amelia and Kyle, they're pretty much the exact same as Ephraim and Orson. AFAIK you can only 6 turn with Tana, so it really only saves one turn, and you get no experience on Amelia or Tana. It's a tradeoff.
  16. she actually doesn't save that many turns, the archers around the water make things difficult for her, and Amelia can't get just dropped over and solo either without getting blocked off. I'm pretty suire Tana isn't free in 5x in vanilla RR so I don't see why she should be free here. Also I made Flux tomes buyable early for whoever drafted Knoll, check Ide Armoury!
  17. Joshua's really good imo, just 6 move. Vanessa and Ross
  18. yes. but that rarely happens in playthroughs anymore, especially earlygame. I understand that earlygame requires a lot of rng manipulation to complete quickly since everyones stats are low, but the level of some stuff is just crazy.
  19. there's a fine line between figuring out something that involves landing multiple sub 50% hits and low %'s crits and discovering new strategies, I remember his first thread was bettering my old FE8 run by one turn by critkilling bandits on montains with base Vanessa in FE8. Is that really strategy?. I've kinda given up on LTC play lately because its more or less coming down to "if it's physically possible it's being done" rather than "as reliably as possible within reason" I can't really comment on said FE10 run though, the only thing I know about FE10 is it sucks Fiona's a chump.
  20. oh my god this is my new favourite timekiller thank you so much euk the world will forever know my machop now
  21. Syrene can use the Rapier when she promotes to Eirika Lord (or if you early promote her to Falcoknight I guess). It's just given in an event and i'm too lazy to remove it.
  22. Yeah, Sages have incredibly bad promotion gains in everywhere but defence, and Saleh's magic/skill growths are pretty low, so he retains a lot of stats. He actually still needs a couple speed procs to double reliably, Ewan is roughly just as good. Syrene is hilarious because she has 13 HP and 6 speed as a pegasus knight. She's really not that bad though, her prf is really good early game.
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