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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. true story mained doctor mario because when he backthrows he goes YEEEHAWWW and it sounds totally ridiculous. Literally the only reason. uhhh, pichu for worst/least played or whatever you wanna call it what a stupid character
  2. Cecil was also significantly better than Luke and Rody in FE3 for what it's worth, she had a really high weapon level there (silvers at base) and she's like the only character in the entire game that actually got nerfed (why?) by 1 strength and 2 defence (and weapon rank), while Luke and Rody got buffed very heavily. I don't see the problem in giving her like +2 HP/+1str/+1 def on base, along with D Lances (or C Swords), even with these changes her HP/Def growths are still lame compared to Luke's. Her offence and durability are just too shitty to be useful, especially compared to Catria/Palla.
  3. Yeah, I think that's probably the best course of action, unpaired Tiltyu sounds like the best unit ever. The current teams would be: Zasplach - Hannibal, Johan, Johalva, Claude, Ayra, Skasahar, Lakche Yojimbo - Sharlow, Badney, Rodelbad, Holyn, Tristan DietCocaine - Asaello, Amid, Dimna, Shanan, Horace - Daisy, Jamka, Linda, Midir. with the remaining units looking like this:
  4. wait, how come there are three units left and only two picks? EDIT: Zasplach didn't give Yojimbo a unit after I gave out Claude and Ayra, should we rewind all the way back or just give him two decent moms?
  5. its ok, you can do the equally awesome Holyn/Aideen. Remaining dudes: Cuan, Ethlin, Lachesis, Sylvia, Fury, Tiltyu, Aless. ninja'd
  6. FE7 RR is also really broken because you get three a load of fliers really fast, but Vaida and Farina comes slightly earlier than Heath and Fiora (and Fiora honestly kinda sucks) but the games themselves aren't balanced at all.
  7. Oh yeah it is my turn by bad. Noish and Dew. Gotta give out all the dudes I don't need, even if they're not the worst dudes remaining.
  8. i actually think my team in the last soyo is better, having all these units is pretty overkill depends on my last two units I guess, at least i'll have fathers other than Ardan
  9. Cuan's still available, he should still be highlighted
  10. Claude and Ayra. They make the best pairing I hear.
  11. Nah, it's just the chapter with a bunch of dragons, axedudes, and magic jerks. http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe3/guia/capfinal1.htm
  12. found shadow dragon at walmart for 5 bucks WORTH IT
  13. I think more likely candidates are just Marth for Mercurius and Jeorge for Parthia. Kashim has worse movement indoors and you need to get your other 6 move units that recruit the sisters as far ahead as possible (especially Merric, since Elice is right at the back, it's also more incentive to train him so he can contribute in the maps prior to this one since he'll need a pretty far ahead deployment slot to reach Elice on time. You get a totally ridiculous amount of money so buying statboosters (if they're even needed) for Jeorge isn't an issue.
  14. have team loser Johan and Johalva If that's not allowed, replace Johan with Dimna
  15. Fighters had a higher class base in Shadow Dragon, so he had 9 speed as a fighter there, but it's technically higher here since he can go pirate to make use of the absolute speed base.
  16. Ok, i'll rephrase my statement a bit, Cord using hand axes sucks. Cord definately isn't supposed to be a powerhouse or anything I think he's fine with what you've done. Getting him C axes is pretty impossible by chapter 6 if you're reclassing him to hunter half of the time though, but that's what Bord and Barst are for anyway.
  17. Hand axes suck though. I guess it lets him use steel axes for more power, it's better than nothing I guess. But he's not likely to stay in an axe using class for very long anyway so it's mostly a moot point, I'm not gonna lie I have no idea what his growths are and i'm too lazy to look them up but he's probably a half decent berserker I guess.
  18. Draug has avalibility and Lance Rank on Cord's mostly worthless Axe rank, so making him not awful statistically wouldn't be bad. Although I will say having D axes is pretty much the same as having E axes.
  19. Yeah, I wasn't implying increasing Gordin's growths was the way to go (except maybe HP, it's pretty lame) but we both agree with the notion of Gordin not being a (good) longterm unit. I think these changes are better (although Gordin should definately keep his +1 speed, he'd be pretty shittastic without it) but gaining more strength too makes him remarkably similar to Ryan for a very long time.
  20. I think the reason Gordin got so much was was the introduction of the Prologue, he pretty handily destroyed Ryan in FE3. Warren has one more point of HP/Skill/Luck according to your buffs too (you only gave him +1 instead of +2). You could make Warren more of a glass cannon than he already is, or giving Gordin some actual growths/bases durability wise. I agree with your line of thinking about Warren, IS tried to make him not useless this time around, but at the same time, Gordin's technically a seasoned veteran of the first war, story wise it doesn't make much sense that he's immediately outclassed by some random mercenary. Giving Gordin a longbow would lead to some interesting things in the prologue, but I don't think it'd make him worth using over Athena. I guess it isn't fair to just dismiss him from use though, you're right.
  21. I don't really agree with the approach of making every unit into the same unit but I guess it's what you have to do to make people boarderline useable in H3. But I mean, Gordin and Warren don't have some overlap, they have more or less the exact same bases and Warren gets 1 stat better every 10/20 levels (since his growths are 5-10% better everywhere), in exchange for one chapter of useablilty (lets be real Gordin doens't exist in the prologue when you could have Athena).
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