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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Enjoy Hannibal.. EDIT: Can we for instance, give someone Ayra (and as a result Skasahar and Lakche) and then proceed to give them Roddelbad and Badney? I forget what the last SOYO did. EDITEDIT: Looked it up, the last SOYO prevented you from giving both a gen 2 kid and their sub to the same person unless it was the only other option, which seems reasonable enough.
  2. just pm her or something and give her a day (if you haven't already)
  3. prepare yourself for THE HITMAN OF CONNAUGHT
  4. just confirmed that setting Ninils' level to 7 in nightmare without playing Lyn mode doesn't grant you access to 19xx, also updated the logs.
  5. Or just have Lalum or Elphin free and the other banned? Part of the draw of FE6rr is double dancers though so it takes away from that. I'll try to see what hacking Nils's level to 7 does WRT 19xx sometime soon, if it works it might be fun to just have a patch that does that so we can get an extra chapter in that actually matters (and it has some reasonably tough enemies too, IIRC the wyverns there are stronger than the Chapter 21 ones.)
  6. Yeah you'd have to patch the patch i made on a clean rom, not overtop of the old one, and just load your save, otherwise it might do crazy things.
  7. oh god thank god i got back in time for this IN
  8. Just buy one whip for palla. You get one in chapter 7 for Catria anyway. Depending on if you're in a hurry to promote Linda or not, a bishop ring might be useful because you want to promote Yumina on time for chapter stupid ass desert slog, and there's only one ring until chapter 14.
  9. Apparently Saleh can still use axes. Why i'd actually want to is beyond me though (and I won't) CHAPTER 9 - 9/56 TURNS danced Saleh ahead on turn 1, and Amelia on turn 2, and they did their thing, Saleh healing her when possible to build staff rank. Amelia got both villages so I got another robe. Forde's bases are also wrong (he has way too much speed, I think he got swapped to a Female cav or the creator forgot to swap Tana's base speed for Forde or something) so he's better than he should be! CHAPTER 10 - 4/60 TURNS Tethys danced Saleh ahead on turn 1 so he could clear out some enemies and open the door with the unlock staff, Amelia rescued Knoll on turn 2 and got danced and dropped him ahead. A path was cleared by Saleh for Amelia to kill the boss and Knoll to seize by turn 4. Marisa protected Tethys. Also Lute has 2 con, fml CHAPTER 11 - 4/64 TURNS Saleh went south and trucked stuff down there, while Amelia went east with Natasha and a freshly promoted Knoll (to summoner). I also promoted Lute to sage so she could spam torch here. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL KNOLL 15/01.44 29 17 17 14 06 04 14 A DARK E STAVES SALEH 10/05.88 38 23 17 16 10 15 18 S ANIMA C STAVES MARISA 14.20 30 10 16 16 15 08 06 A SWORD AMELIA 14/03.24 37 13 17 21 18 13 13 A LANCE C SWORD NATASHA ??/02.40 29 13 12 14 14 06 18 B STAVES C LIGHT LUTE 10/03.27 24 15 11 13 13 08 13 A ANIMA D STAVES D LIGHT GARCIA ??/01.00 44 19 10 10 09 11 05 A AXE D BOW CHAPTER 12 - 8/72 TURNS stoopid spider Saleh spammed barrier a bit and hit B Staves. CHAPTER 13 - 2/74 TURNS Didn't have a flier to kill the thwomp for the one turn. Got some staffwork in though as a result, Lute hit C Staves. CHAPTER 14 - 8/82 TURNS Carlyle wasn't ORKO'd by Saleh or Amelia (well Saleh could have got a lame thunder crit but that's lame) so I needed an extra turn. Lute got the energy ring chest and dragonspear, while Garcia got the Hammerne. CHAPTER 15 - 4/86 TURNS Marisa + Natasha took out Caellach and his goons, Amelia and Garcia killed enemies in the top right part of the map, Saleh killed everything else more or less. On turn 1 Saleh was rescued by Amelia, and one of Knoll's summons took Saleh (for those wondering Summons can't rescue units, but they can take units that are already rescued) and the summon was danced by Tethys, and suicided into a fighter down south, so Saleh popped out and killed everything there. Saleh and Natasha both hit A Staves. CHAPTER 16 - 2/88 TURNS Promoted Kyle to Paladin, apparently when you promote him again he gets the great lord promo bonuses regardless, so I thought Siegmund access was better than 1 move and worse stats. Warped Amelia to the bossroom, was salty that she didn't kill Orson then I looked at her stats and she had 13 strength, fuck you Amelia. Warped Knoll a turn later. Could have 1 turned if Amelia didn't blow. At least Lute got to use barrier 3 times. Promoted Knoll to Great Lord too, and his S Dark rank reverted to B. At least he can use Sieglinde! CHAPTER 17 - 1/89 TURNS Got Seth. Natasha warped Saleh to Lyon and he Excalibur'd him. CHAPTER 18 - 5/94 TURNS Warped people everywhere to kill stuff. Seth got oneshotted by shadowshot without pure water/barrier, lol. CHAPTER 19 - 1/95 TURNS Warped Kyle to the boss and he killed him. CHAPTER 20 - 2/97 TURNS Lute didn't hit A Staves and even if she did she wouldn't have enough magic for the 1 turn. Talk about disappointment. Saleh warped Knoll and Kyle on turn 2, and Kyle (who ate both energy rings so he could kill Lyon) killed Morva. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 1/98 TURNS Rescued Kyle ahead with Natasha, then warped him with Saleh. He attacked Lyon on turn 1 PP for 40/75 damage, then finished him on the enemy phase. Saleh Physic'd him to full health between attacks with the help of Tethys. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/99 TURNS uhh, I killed the Demon King, but the game didn't end. RIP Myrrh your sacrifice won't be forgotten. EDIT: It ended when I hit end turn. Weird. UNIT ANALYSIS
  10. I dunno if they're be much demand for a fates link arena since there's that multiplayer mode that looks pretty decent (I think? I'm trying to avoid as much stuff as possible)
  11. For the purpose of this list, Cormag is getting recruited (and is better than Tana so she'll still probably promote late) so i'd actually argue that she's better on Ephraim rout since there are more flier friendly maps even with a chapter less of avalibility.
  12. He has to hit 3 61's in a row on the brigands (or two hits and two crits which is way less likely). not dodge, my bad. In a more understandable format he has to: Dodge one of two 76's while hitting a 53 on turn 2 EP, then on turn 3 player phase, he has to hit a 61 while dodging a 68, and on turn 3 enemy phase he has to dodge two 68's and hit two 61's critting on the second one.
  13. Guy can probably just walk down and kill the cavs with the KE, he's the best at killing the Pirates too anyway. Erk needs to crit the second bandit who attacks from a forest tile at 61 hit and 8 crit, and needs to dodge at least one of two 76's, then 3 68's in a row all while hitting a 53, and 3 61's. Sounds like a lot of RNG abuse to me.
  14. Hmm, for whatever reason the Brigand that spawns on turn 2 moves before the brigand does on turn 1 for me, (and the inital brigand is blocking the south square he needs to move to), and to be quite honest it makes very little sense that the AI is behaving that way, since the second brigand's AI should always move before the first's. Regardless Erk would need to crit the myrmidon, a cavalier, and 2 brigands at bad to mediocre hitrates (while somehow surviving). You could theoretically have Lowen pass Hector or someone to Marcus on turn 3 and have Marcus move north to kill the Brigands (assuming they move in the correct order) while Hector/whoever kills the cavaliers (Marcus would have to kill the nomad prior to this unless you rig a handaxe crit which is something you're not above).
  15. killing this bandit is impossible by turn 3
  16. I haven't posted there in years since becoming an sf elitist but I do vaguely recognize the name!
  17. I didn't find it particularly bad. They only have like 40-50 hit anyway, and dragonkillers/Excalibur owned them pretty hard. The last few chapters would have been easier with the Silence staff.
  18. this is what i'm doing, feel free to steal since it's dumb and sets knoll up with a decent level for the next chapter CHAPTER 1 - 5/8 TURNS Knoll killed the closest bandit on turn 1 player + enemy phase, then sat on the fort and Vulneraried, dodging the attack from the fighter. He moved to the forest and attacked the other fighter, and then had to dodge 3 50's on the enemy phase (or he could have dodged a 70 later but thats more unlikely) and killed a solider and the two fighters he'd attacked previously. He orko'd the boss on turn 4, and seized on turn 5. Syrene played with the pacifist's soldier's AI so he never blocked Knoll. CHAPTER 2 - 5/13 TURNS Cormag dumped Saleh across on turn 2, and Knoll recruited him. Syrene rescued NPC!Dozla after he killed the archer, and dropped him in range of the mountain fighters on turn 4, and he killed them on the enemy phase. Saleh and Knoll tag teamed the south half, and Saleh was OHKO'd until a timely defence proc made him able to kill the boss by attacking him on the player phase and surviving the enemy phase with 1hp and finishing him. Knoll still has 0 luck. CHAPTER 3 - 6/19 TURNS wow, Knoll gained luck. Saleh and Knoll broke the wall, then Saleh killed the bandit on turn 2. Syrene and Cormag rescuedropped Marisa down so she could help Knoll break the wall, and was positioned so that she killed the Thief with the Shamisir on the enemy phase (I nicked her items so they wouldn't get stolen, and the handaxe guy attacked Knoll since he has awful defence and luck) allowing her to kill the archer and clear a way for Knoll to "charge" ahead, while Saleh finished the handaxe guy, then cleared the Steel axe guy out of Knoll's way the next turn. Knoll hilariously oneshotted the Merc with flux, which made things a lot easier, but he left the boss with 1 HP between a player phase + enemy phase attack, so Marisa secured the bosskill while Saleh picked on the chest key dude. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL KNOLL 06.70 21 14 09 08 01 01 07 C DARK SALEH -07.70 17 10 13 07 03 03 07 E ANIMA MARISA 03.69 21 07 10 12 08 04 03 C SWORDS Wow, Marisa has a better sword rank than she does in Vanilla. CHAPTER 4 - 4/23 TURNS Wow, forgot Tethys came so early. Gave her goddess Icon to Knoll. Saleh promoted mid chapter (he has a special promo item since trainees are hardcoded) to mage, and he's pretty ridiculous, if a bit lacking in HP. Knoll went to the boss area after breaking the snag on turn 1 for Marisa to handle the south enemies. Syrene triggered the reinforcements on turn 1, and Saleh killed them. CHAPTER 5 - 4/27 TURNS Could have 3 turned, but I think the Guiding ring is more important. Got Amelia, a much needed mount. Tethys danced Innes ahead to recruit her on turn 2, she brutally murders most of my team. Well mainly Knoll. CHAPTER 5X - 7/34 TURNS Orson and Kyle ran to the throne, couldn't figure out a way to do it faster. CHAPTER 6 - 3/37 TURNS Amelia got danced turn 1 and dropped Saleh ahead with her, and they killed everything more or less, then Amelia killer lanced the boss. Knoll ate a secret book, Amelia the dracoshield. UNIT LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL KNOLL 12.22 24 16 14 10 04 02 11 B DARK SALEH 06.70 22 16 16 13 06 08 13 C ANIMA MARISA 06.68 24 08 11 12 09 05 03 C SWORDS AMELIA 06.95 26 08 12 13 12 08 09 C LANCE D SWORD CHAPTER 7 - 6/43 TURNS Amelia rescued Knoll to victory since he can't waterwalk. Saleh hit level 10 and promoted to Mageknight. CHAPTER 8 - 4/47 TURNS Saleh got danced ahead and opened the door with all the thwomps and killed them all on turn 1, and Amelia passed him Knoll on turn 2. They combined for the bosskill with the Armourslayer and... Thunder tome? Marisa opened the Angelic Robe chest. I'll stop for now as I contemplate what route to take.
  19. Best: Franz > Cormag > Saleh Worst: Marisa < Rennac < L'Arachel too lazy to justify anything I didn't in my last post, Saleh owns and L'Arachel sucks
  20. it's all about rigging lethality on brendan with 8 strength matthew in final
  21. I had forgotten about the Fell Contract, and IIRC the only other time to get them is Limstella's Chapter? Yeah that makes sense now, no need to ban it. There's also a really good statbooster in 19xx but noone complains about that one
  22. Yeah I think the only reason I took three turns was I wanted the sheema gradivus bosskill but it wasn't worth it. I think Yumina and her rescue staff might be hax, but I dunno if Refa will actually finish. It probably saves enough turns in the stupid desert chapter slog to warrent being free or banned.
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