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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Oh yeah, woops, I was initially going to take Forde and I must have forgot to put him back on the list. I'll take Lute
  2. i think fe6rr is just broken any way you slice it
  3. it also has 13 weight so Lute loses 4 speed if she uses it as a Sage, and 2 speed if she uses it as a mageknight. Her speed is already suspect in the first place too.
  4. for what it's worth a 20/1 Artur has roughly the same bases as Saleh but has a lower staff Rank (if he's a sage) or has a lower magic cap if he's a bishop with equal staff rank. I doubt Artur would be 20/1 by his join chapter either, and Saleh pretty much has exclusive use to Excalibur, since even if you use Lute, it lowers her speed to thwomp levels, and lol Ewan.
  5. Yeah. if you want to since he's a huge chump
  6. oh yeah, for future opponents, i'll be unavliable from Wednesday till probably Sunday.
  7. I guess Garcia can fill in for Chapter 4 if Seth drops him, didn't think about that (although I dunno who would kill the north zombies then) If you're recruiting everybody I don't see why you wouldn't have two warpers. Even some awful dude like Moulder would probably be enough, and Saleh instantly makes it since he has many turns waiting for Cormag in Chapter 13 with the barrier staff. In Chapter 2 unless Eirika has 11 speed (it's pretty unlikely she even has two levels let alone two speed procs) Franz is needed to rescue Seth down after he kills them so he can kill the boss on the turn 4 enemy phase. Tethys gives (potentially) your best unit two actions which is really cool, but she does have issues keeping up in some chapters and while she's enabling good units to take two actions, at the end of the day, its still not Tethys that's performing these actions; I don't think it's really fair to credit her for doing something like boosting Cormag ahead so he can go kill 12 enemies on an enemy phase instead of 6 or something (and he'd potentially kill said enemies later on anyway without any real drawback). She's really not that great in rout chapters aside from chapter 18 either, since they're so enemy phase centric.
  8. Oh, are the leftover units just banned? I didn't read the rules.
  9. Franz probably collectively saves more turns then Tethys (who doesn't save a turn in chapters 17/19/20 anyway), he exists and saves a turn in the chapters 2 and 4 rout maps, might save a turn in chapter 3 (not sure on this one) visits the villages for the guiding ring in chapter 5 (which potentially saves many turns longterm) saves a turn in chapter 6, and I could go on forever, and this is all before the existance of Tethys. This isn't pure LTC either, so stuff like her saving a turn in Chapter 13 by having Saleh survive like 10 enemies and kill the boss probably isn't assumed (actually you have to wait for Cormag for the purposes of the list so she actually does absolutely nothing). By extension Franz is probably a higher level than 10/1 or whatever and doesn't have to immediately promote (he can promote at level 13-15 or something after Chapter 9 or something for a much better midgame). Seth is god yes, but he can't be everywhere at once in rout maps, and someone often needs to clear his path so he can move farther ahead, and Franz has the third best offence on your team (next to Joshua and Seth) in addition to the third best mobility until someone like... Gerik/Cormag show up. He's really a lot better imo. Tethys just is really underwhelming for a GBA dancer. She doesn't have the avalibility of Lalum/Elphin (or Ninils) and doesn't have any other cool things like Filla's Might or Ninis' Grace.
  10. ha, I am the best mod, the drafting google docs mod noone shall steal my title although that's twice you've beaten me by like a turn or 2, all the rage I probably could have killed medeus faster if I killed the priestess's but I felt bad wanted to give Sheema the bosskill updated everything, but the reverse recruitment draft actually never finished drafting their worthless units so I only posted the units they actually picked.
  11. if you just move Knoll 3 spaces left and use Luna on the first dude, he critblicks him and then critblicks the other guy on the enemy phase. The boss doubles him though, so that's up to fate.
  12. Best: Vanessa > Franz > Cormag Worst: Ewan < Marisa < Rennac i seriously can't believe everyone seems to think Tethys is better than Franz/Eph Cormag or even someone like Saleh. She's around for less than half of the chapters and in a lot of the lategame chapters she just watches as the chapters are skipped by Warp/Flight. But like (assuming Eirika route since she comes earlier) she does nothing of note in her join chapter, is pretty good in Chapter 11, totally mediocre in chapter 12, very mediocre in 13, pretty good in 14, very mediocre in 15 and 16, does next to nothing in 17, is very useful in 18, and does next to nothing for the rest of the game. Compare that to someone like Franz who comes and is very strong from chapter 1 onwards (except the lategame warpskips) and Cormag, who joins right before a bunch of flier friendly maps with totally ridiculous stats and very good growths. I just don't see it. Cormag has roughly the same avalibility as Tethys, and almost immediately becomes your strongest unit (even better than Seth) within a few chapters, and is probably the best lategame bosskiller thanks to high durability/str/spd and has Pierce to boot. As for the worst units, they all suck and I drew Rennac out of a hat of awful units, at least L'Arachel can use torch in a few maps and at the end of the day she's really not much worse than someone like Natasha. Rennac is a totally useless utility unit with bad offence and durability.
  13. LOL I kind of wish I had done something like that to troll, but I can't claim to have done that. EDIT: Looks like it's like that in the patch linked in the thread too, hilarious
  14. the stage is set now all shin needs to do is lose next round to advance to the true finals
  15. Amelia also here's a patch with Ephraim's promo items and Eirika promo items actually existing before chapter 16 https://www.sendspace.com/file/knvjfd I'm pretty sure Knoll and Kyle can still promote to Ephraim/Eirika Lords if you promote them at the event, but Kyle loses a point of movement so it might not be worth it for him. I think Knoll can still hilariously use dark magic and staves, so it might be cool for him.
  16. Just tested Ephraim at least, it appears that he doesn't promote with any crest, so i'll fix that and upload a new patch shortly. Should he be a knight crest or hero crest? also picking order EDIT: Since it's easier I'm just going to make some chests contain promotion items instead. The Chapter 11 Eirika Restore Staff is now a Solar Brace (Ephraim's promo item) and the boss of Chapter 12 Ephraim drops one as well. Eirika comes with her own promotion item since she shows up so late anyway.
  17. I'll check the promotion items shortly, I just need to load a save where I have the crests, then if I need to change anything I'll upload a new patch. I actually recall Seth's stats being wrong in the old patch too, so I'll check that as well.
  18. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Knoll/Kyle, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use. 3. Syrene is banned from all use. 4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests. 3. Map shopping is allowed. 4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. 2. Syrene has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter. Teams: eclipse: Cormag, Rennac, Ephraim, Innes, Moulder, Vanessa, Eirika Skellow: Duessel, Gerik, L'Arachel, Ross, Dozla, Franz, Gilliam Horace: Amelia, Saleh, Natasha, Lute, Marisa, Garcia, Seth Icemario: Ewan, Tana, Forde, Artur, Neimi, Joshua, Colm ignore the horrible unit list i copied it right from this google doc if you want to look at who replaces who: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUsdfjXfdIlkCydWr9FmuKSFJLU3xkHf2wU1u-3bHJc/edit#gid=0 Also the patch:https://www.sendspace.com/file/knvjfd Something to note is Knoll sucks dick early so it might be a good idea to free Syrene for a couple of chapters, but it really devalues early picks like Rennac and Duessel. I also honestly forget if the patched altered Ephraim's and Eirika's promotion items, if they didn't, I can make a fix patch that gives them a promo item in their starting inventory or make them promote with a knight's crest or hero crest or something.
  19. another close on in game three no spoilerinos: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-291084696
  20. Yeah, that's definately the case too, I think people just included it because they weren't sure.
  21. i honestly have no idea, I recall it being random in FE3, but I don't know when it's generated.
  22. Why do you consider Colm and Moulder to be good units? Colm is obseleted by chest keys very quickly and Moulder sucks at gaining exp himself (even when not playing super fast) I have other qualms (like Saleh being 8 spots lower than Duessel, wut) but I'm seriously confused by Colm and Moulder. EDIT: Perhaps it might be a better idea to wait to discuss this when it's relevant since it's not that relevant to this day at hand, I dunno.
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