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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. to be fair, most characters die to a bowser fsmash at 45%. He actually has a potentailly ridiculous combo game, and is a lot better with the last patch, but he still has some weird issues with hitboxes (like all moves involving his tail just phase through opponents in some parts of the animation) and is big and light, which sucks. that's a lot of damage
  2. I only leave them in in Awakening because I like the cut-in's Otherwise they make me rage because they take too long, so I turn them off. Although I will say there is a feel for when you have a unit that may or may not survive and actually seeing them dodge/get killed by the attacks is a lot more exciting/rage inducing than watching them with animations off.
  3. Oh sure, gg's! I did notice that after getting hit by attacks and throws you tended to always try to attack back, and it made some situations easier than they could have been. Maybe try changing things up a bit?
  4. I guess it's all down to personal preference, I play with Ice Sage probably more than anyone and barely pull a 15% winrate, but I definately feel I improve every time I play him. I don't really get demoralized at all though, in general.
  5. i'm ready in like, 5 minutes, i'm just gonna eat lunch quickly. I put a room up, you can join whenever.
  6. I'd prefer Wii U, i'd need to update my 3ds I sent a friend request to the NNID you have in the tourney thread if that one's correct
  7. I actually think playing CPU's (too much at least) can be detrimental, as you can see their patterns pretty easily, and they hardly ever vary from them. If it's your only option, I guess it's better than nothing, but i'd much rather play against real people. If anyone wants to play now, I can actually play, I don't think i've posted here before, my NNID is WAKKAWAKKAWAKKA
  8. going sage probably only saves one turn (chapter 20) whereas mageknight will definately save more over the course of the run. Eph route spawns you in a different spot in the desert, and I have Vanessa to ferry someone up to kill Caellach, so the desert isn't an issue.
  9. She's gone after chapter 8 (the draft is Ephraim mode only) so there's little point. She can also "promote" twice (promote her to falco/wyvern knight then she can promote to Eirika Lord for more stats as a tradeoff for one less move and lack of flight) to make up for her bad stats.
  10. ^ Chapter 6. Again, refer to playlist to see what I did in other chapters. CHAPTER 4 - 4/15 TURNS CHAPTER 5 - 4/19 TURNS CHAPTER 5X - 7/26 TURNS CHAPTER 6 - 2/28 TURNS CHAPTER 7 - 3/31 TURNS
  11. One playthrough, the game keeps your top 10 best records. Note that it's not actually 2000 kills, you get bonus points for getting multiple enemies with one charge shot.
  12. i'm actually pretty terrible at most video games other than Fire Emblem. Star Fox 64, and Sonic Generations. I was top 10 in 4 of the classic stages for a few months on the release of generations, and i've broken 2000 kills on SF64,
  13. I'm pretty sure he just meant when reporting the scores, so he can update the bracket.
  14. I could be remembering incorrectly but I think he was put in brawl really late, so it's possible he was kind of rushed. Some of his moves got changed for smash 4, right? Not sure if they were refrences to anything though.
  15. https://smash.gg/tournament/genesis-3/brackets/10619/2620/11876 PKL (ET S@nt) finished second in his pool, and is moving on to day 2, only losing to Dabuz!
  16. my pm's are broken and not working for some reason, I can play matches pretty much whenever this weekend dreadfighter, aside from Saturday/Sunday mornings.
  17. yeah, sanic is one of the only characters in the game I have no grasp on playing whatsoever, I just can't make him work I hate playing against him though. Thank god they nerfed his backthrow though, that shit was stupid. I don't think i've seen anyone actually try to time someone out with smash 4 sonic.
  18. so cheesy, so delicious, it was so good, I couldn't resist it EDIT: Obligatory curse you shin!
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