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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. It's definately possible without Paragon mode. I'm pretty sure dondon could have done it on 0% but it would involve rigging a bunch of staff misses which is just tedious and time consuming.
  2. CHAPTER 26 - 15/120 TURNS killed enemies and got 26x for speedwings for dorcas Erk hit almost A staves, Hammerne'd Torch once. CHAPTER 26X - free/120 TURNS uh, maxed people's levels. Eliwood got Ninian C Support. Gave boots to Dorcas because he can rescue Eliwood. CHAPTER 27 - 7/128 TURNS Made the Wyverns chase Eliwood across the map because he sucked too much to kill them on his own. Erk got Warp and Dorcas killed everything. I'm glad I got the brave bow, Brave Bow Dorcas killed Linus a turn earlier than he would have otherwise. CHAPTER 28 - 3/131 TURNS Erk rescued Eliwood, got danced, then warped him. Warped him again on turn 2 (had just enough range to get him up to Georg's area and then Eliwood prayed he wouldn't die, before seizing the tile on turn 3. CHAPTER 29 - 11/142 TURNS 'trained" Eliwood. CHAPTER 29X - 5/147 TURNS Bought a few weapons and arena'd Eliwood. CHAPTER 30 - 6/153 TURNS Unfourtunately Dorcas nor Eliwood can cross rivers, so got held up by a bunch of thwomps for a turn. Dorcas brave bow'd Limstella. CHAPTER FINAL PART 1 - 5/158 TURNS Probably could have done in one turn less if Eliwood was a real unit. Dorcas put in work with the brave bow + filla's might. CHAPTER FINAL PART 2 - 1/159 TURNS Go athos go I had a godawful Eliwood but you guys let me have dorcas and erk so it didn't end up mattering. Jerme map or not Dorcas is definately better than Serra or some random later joiner like Hawkeye. Eliwood finished with less than 20 in every non luck stat at level 20/15, screw you eliwood
  3. CHAPTER 24 - 11/98 TURNS Got Erk enough exp to go to Kenneth's map. Killed Vaida. Eliwood got Hammerne. CHAPTER 25 - 7/105 TURNS Dorcas carried Eliwood to victory. He also hit D bows, so he can use the longbow, maybe that will do something. Erk hit D staves.
  4. Yeah, Holyn/Lachesis can get Odo/Hezul on her kids but it's both minor so it affects nothing, i'll try loading a save and just see if he still has A Swords with just Major Baldo. Definately didn't change anything regarding Holy Blood (except Dain's growth rates so I could make Alec have it while still retaining his initial growth rates).
  5. if you're scared of going to jerme's map, just kill off dorcas and bartre in 13x, they'll count as 0exp
  6. CHAPTER 11 - 7/7 TURNS My Eliwood got a chump level and couldn't double the boss. Dorcas got the dragonshield and used it. CHAPTER 12 - 7/14 TURNS Eliwood got two one stat levels, and couldn't kill anything. Dorkass got speed, hype! CHAPTER 13 - 8/23 TURNS even with the energy ring, Eliwood did chump damage and couldn't outvulnerary the boss, so dorcas had to help out after getting the village. CHAPTER 13X 7/30 TURNS ELIWOOD WHY At least Dorcas is ok. CHAPTER 14 - 8/38 TURNS Dorcas was pretty great here, even if he didn't double. It was better than Eliwood, who also didn't double. Got Erk on turn 2, and he also failed to proc speed. Eliwood bought some fire tomes. CHAPTER 15 - 7/45 TURNS Eliwood finally got some good levels. Dorcas dropped him across the mountains on turn 2, and he ran to the boss, Erk got the village and self improved. Merlinus died. Bought some stuff with lyn's group. CHAPTER 16 - 10/55 TURNS gg people trying to make it to 16x, the chump squad suicides on turn 10 EP. Dorcas ferried Eliwood ahead at one point that might have saved a turn. He orko'd the boss with the hammer. Erk got the two south chests. CHAPTER 16X - 3/58 TURNS Dorcas man moded through the pirates and talked to Fargus. Got the Devil Axe and Canas to sell his stuff. CHAPTER 17 - 3/61 TURNS Dorcas wrecked some dank mages CHAPTER 18 - 5/66 TURNS Erk smashed snags for Dorcas to kill Uhai. Erk got the Torch staff. Recruited Fiora for her stuff. CHAPTER 18X - 6/72 TURNS Dorcas had no hope of doubling the boss so took an extra turn. Erk got the goddess Icon. CHAPTER 19 - 5/77 TURNS Dorcas ran to the boss and killed him. Erk made sure the Silver bow jerk didn't kill Lyn and Hector. CHAPTER 20 - 2/79 TURNS Erk got a Thunder crit on the boss. We take those. CHAPTER 21 - 2/81 TURNS Erk killed Eubans. CHAPTER 22 - 3/84 TURNS Erk and Pent killed most of the map. Eliwood recruited Hawkeye. Got Filla's Might. CHAPTER 23 - 3/87 TURNS Erk and Dorcas killed Lloyd. Pegasus Knights bought some weapons. aaaaaaaand Vaida's chapter sucks so time to stop for a while.
  7. He had Major Baldo (and Minor Hezul) though. Should have * rank. Talked to Shin about it, he thinks Baldo as a whole might be special since there's normally no other way to get major Baldo aside from Sigurd and Celice.
  8. Yeah, I made all the changes before the prologue, bar changing Julia's Relive because I forgot about it. I'll play around and see if it's character or weapon related. Arthur got Holsety, so nothing is solved there. I'm still stumped why Skasahar only has A swords though.
  9. i'm gonna take this opportunity to say full disclosure baldrick I thought your username was "tricky dick" until right now someone snipe so he has to pick a loser like
  10. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to hacking, I'd have no idea where to find anything within the rom that isn't already documented. I've encountered another strange problem, despite changing Delmud (replacing Tinny) to a Free Knight, he instead appears as a Thunder Mage (with free knight stats, including 8 movement and a horseslayer weakness). EDIT: turns out changing Linda's class to Free Knight fixed the problem, weird.
  11. im guessing people who wanted to play would have joined after two days, but that's just me
  12. fe2 - booey, so bad fe4 - hannibal fe5 - the lance bro without sword rank fe6 - wendy fe7 - nino fe8 - amelia fe9 - sothe fe11 - macellan fe12 - maria, totally counts fe13 - pothead conquest - benny birthright - hayato revelation - odin
  13. welp all my saves and states are gone dunno if i have the motivation to restart EDIT: CRISIS AVERTED turns out the save funciton is completely broken somehow though. okay just spent 10 minutes trying to get cecilia to pick up the boots ragequit
  14. Yeah, the kid had major Hezul, but couldn't use swords. I probably should have done a pairing where it worked.... Rergardless thanks for the help. Lex's event doesn't work if you change his iron axe to another weapon, If I have any other issues i'll post them when I actually play to gen 2. Nobody's figured out Celice's holy blood yet either, have they?
  15. In the scenerio I posted above (making Eltshan's Mistoltin droppable) it was not inherited, but at the same time, the kid it was to be passed to didn't use swords, so perhaps that had something to do with it (or the fact that it was a weapon drop that didn't exist in vanilla FE4) but theoretically it should have worked. I expected it to work like Holsety and Valkyrie and be inherited (even if it wasn't useable). I honestly haven't played till gen 2 yet so I don't know if the changing of a regular weapon to a holy one will be inherited yet, but I doubt it will happen. Also out of curiosity, what triggers Lex's Hero Axe event? I know its triggered by having his Iron Axe in his inventory in vanilla, but when changed to a different weapon, it was no longer triggered. Does it just has to be any Iron Axe? EDIT: I think I get what you're saying wrt to the hero sword event example. It's not inherited like Holsety/Valkyrie because the weapon that was previously in that slot (hero sword or w/e) normally wouldn't be inherited as a hero sword passing to say, a mage.
  16. OK yeah, turns out I asked preemptively without testing. Say I replaced say, Ayra's Hero Sword with Balmung, how would one go about making it inheritable? Or any non-holy weapon event being replaced by a holy weapon. I've made Eltshan's Mistoltin droppable and the past and it was uninheritable.
  17. i probably have the best characters, but I have no idea how to play toon link and am absolutely hopeless at bayonetta
  18. CHAPTER 12X 5/91 TURNS WHY Thankfully Allen has C Swords and he had an axereaver, so he fell to the wyrmslayer. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL SUPPORT ROY DANK MAGE 16.44 38 06 11 08 10 09 06 B DANK C ALLEN MARCUS HERO ??/06.50 25 11 16 18 09 16 12 S SWORD B AXE ALLEN WYVERN LORD 16/08.45 49 19 18 17 08 17 06 S LANCE C SWORD C ROY SUE FALCOKNIGHT 16/01.18 33 12 18 22 12 07 07 A LANCE E SWORD GEESE TROUBADOUR 15.86 31 06 07 06 17 05 19 B STAFF GONZALES CAVALIER 10.64 36 08 08 10 05 11 09 C LANCE E SWORD KLEIN PALADIN ??/03.01 36 14 13 17 19 15 10 A AXE C SWORD D LANCE Raigh has 34 base hp, WORTH IT CHAPTER 13 - 5/96 TURNS My team was really good here, and Flaer was a swordmaster with 23 strength and skill, but 13 speed and 22 hp, so he got orko'd by Allen pretty easily. Miledy is like normal with 3 less speed and luck more or less.
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